Content Patcher - Walk to the Desert Redux - Updates (2024)

Content Patcher - Walk to the Desert Redux - Updates (1)

  • AuthorAeywoo
  • Creation dateJul 6, 2021


OverviewUpdates (11)HistoryDiscussion

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.3.3

  • Apr 19, 2024

New Update for Walk to the Desert Redux

Minor Changes and Fixes - Walk to the Desert Redux 1.3.3

This update changes some previously overlooked issues and adds better internationalisation (i18n) support.

  • Added multiple translation files for the following languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and Turkish.
  • Fixed the Ghost Berry plant giving ridiculous quantities when collected with an Iridium Hoe, this was caused by the `"HarvestMaxIncreasePerFarmingLevel"` value being set to `25`, it is now set to `0`.
  • Added a map warp for the Desert Festival, you will now be able to freely walk between the maps whilst the event is going on.
  • Added some road sign overlay tilesheets for better internationalisation (i18n) support, if you have the Spanish, Portuguese or Turkish language enabled you will see the sign pointing to Downtown Zuzu will have localised text.
  • Fixed support for Ylgnik's update to Garden Village until my continuation of the mod is released, some missing warps with misnamed map names were my fault.
  • Removed two bushes from the Backwoods map that were erroneously left in that could block off the area to lead your Tractor or Horse into to get to the Forest Road.
  • Updated mod dependencies details to require more precise versions of each mods and to require a specific version of the game (1.6.4).
  • Updated all road tilesheets as some of the road signs for the internationalisation (i18n) support needed changing for better consistency across languages.
  • Some of the recolour mods have not been officially updated as of yet, so I have added two unofficial mod updates for two recolor mods to each of their respective when conditions, this will be changed in the future when the mod authors hopefully update their recolor mods.

Important Stardew Valley Changes
The Bus is now functioning correctly, players no longer collide with world geometry or warps during the bus's animation, this has been fixed after the bug was reported three times on Nexus Mods, thanks for reporting this issue.

Update Credits

  • FENGSHUO0113 for the Chinese Translation!
  • ArazRed for the Spanish Translation!
  • mitekano23 for the Japanese Translation!
  • Kiyugamods for the Portuguese Translation!
  • halifemuhsin for the Turkish Translation!

Main Download

Other Downloads (Mirrors)

Please report any bugs you experience in #bugs and please place any suggestions in #suggestions

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.3.2

  • Apr 7, 2024
  • Updated list of dependencies to only require: Content Patcher & Farm Type Manager.
  • Removed deprecated dependencies: Custom NPC Exclusions, Custom NPC Fixes, Extra Map Layers, JsonAssets, Mail Framework, Producer Framework, Shop Tile Framework and Spacecore. These were removed as Content Patcher replaced them in almost every way.
  • Updated inter-mod compatibility patches and warps for Downtown Zuzu, Ridgeside Village, Stardew Valley Expanded and Garden Village.
  • Removed support for Tego's Stardew Expanded and Fostoria until they are updated to SDV 1.6.
  • Removed the "Ghostly Wine" as SDV already adds Jelly and Wine Artisinary items for any existing fruit items in-game, I cannot replace the textures easily at this time so they are currently colour coded with the Ghost Berry.
  • Updated map properties for all map files to define default warp locations in the event something breaks you will be warped to a pre-defined location.
  • Fixed the Eerie Plant Seeds not costing anything pre-WTDR 1.3.2, currently they cost 120 coins, they will each cost one Slime Cheese once the Garden Village mod is incorporated within WTDR in Version 1.3.3 or any version up to 1.3.9.
  • Added a new map string for the Ghost Town map for one specific building, I'm sure you'll find it.
  • Added automatic item migration through Content Patcher that will convert any of your pre-existing SDV 1.5.6 WTDR JsonAssets items to SDV 1.6 WTDR CP items.
  • Updated all map names, each map now starts with `Tarniyar.CP.WalkToDesert_`, any maps that have two words are separated with underscores (`_`), Example: `WindingRoad` or `Custom_WTDR_WindingRoad` is now `Tarniyar.CP.WalkToDesert_Winding_Road`.
  • Fixed PickledPete's schedule where he could not return to his "home" which is `Tarniyar.CP.WalkToDesert_Pete_Hidden`, this is because I forgot to add a map warp for the last fifteen or so versions that I've been continuing this mod for, NPCs are weird man idk what to tell you.
  • Updated PickledPete's last schedule timing so it can actually be seen before you fall asleep where you were standing.
  • Updated all map strings to be more coherent and to feel less out-of-place.
  • Removed most map patches in favour or manually edits via content.json, this includes edits to the Tunnel map to add two tiles to the `Back` layer of the map as this was preventing some custom warps to the Forest Road from working.
  • For now, Garden Village support still requires the Content Patcher Version by Ylgnik:, this will either change in WTDR Version 1.3.3 or any version up to 1.3.9.
  • Added Internationalisation support! You can now easily translate the mod via the i18n folder with default.json, copy this file and name it for the language your translating: e.g. `ja.json` and send it to me!

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.3.1 Alpha

  • Sep 11, 2022

Fixed PickledPete not appearing in his shop, this was due to me removing his room warp accidentally, updated warps for SVE support and a few key locations that didn't need converting to MapTile warps, fixed some map tile warp errors where you can walk outside the map in the Tunnel due to a missing tile at coordinate 0,12 and 1,12 (Thanks ConcernedApe), fixed a mapping error on the Forest Road that let you walk directly up from the tunnel opening to escape the map, fixed a tile error on the Winding Road map near the top where a road tile was flipped for no particular reason, no need to dig deeper into it, fixed more mapping errors but this time on the Interchange Map where you could yet again, escape the map near a cliff and finally fixed SVE support, apparently SVE doesn't like MapTile warps, or I just set them up incorrectly, will investigate at a later date and finally, I fixed a texture error on the z_ghostshoptiles.png tilesheet where the black image used for the outside of the map had four pixels of colour in the bottom left corner, they have been removed.

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.3.0

  • Sep 7, 2022

Added proper support for Ridgeside Village's inter-mod compatibility, removed the ability for rain to spawn on the Desert map, fixed layering issues with the Interchange map sign pointing to Zuzu City and updated map strings and warps.

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.3.0 Beta

  • Jul 13, 2022

Fixed warp configuration options, this prevents being teleported back into the Desert when trying to go to the Ghost town, removed map strings for my now cancelled Garden Village Redux mod that was going to be integrated in update 1.3.0, fixed Content Patcher formatting with the SandyEvents.json file, thanks to Epitopus#7528 on my Discord Server for that, this will ensure WtTDR will work with other mods that also modify Sandy's Desert store and other locations that may be added/modified in the future with new events, thanks to AlbertoArts#2558 in my Discord Server for providing better configuration options for the Ghost Berry and Ghostly Wine, making it more cost effective and more rewarding, removed the file from the FTM files, updated the file UpdateKeys in the Content Patcher manifest.json file and updated the dependencies of the mod.

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.3.0 Alpha

  • Jun 17, 2022

Added support for the new Content Patcher Version of Garden Village by Ylgnik. Support for Tarniyar's version of Garden Village has been dropped as it relies on both TMXL Toolkit and PyTK.

  • Content Patcher - Walk to the Desert Redux - Updates (2)



Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.2.9

  • Dec 5, 2021

Several things have been updated, firstly all tilesheets have been updated to include some highway road signs pointing to Downtown Zuzu, courtesy of Harvz, special thanks to João シ for discovering a texture issue with the Starblue version of the Ghost Town tilesheet. All warps going into Walk to the Desert Redux are now LoadMap warps, this prevents the ability for NPC's to wander in aimlessly and going somewhere they shouldn't be going. Minor performance, asset and code enhancements.

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.2.8

  • Oct 9, 2021

Fixed map names for Downtown Zuzu in content.json.

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.2.7

  • Aug 13, 2021

This release only fixes support for Downtown Zuzu since they changed the names of their map files within Content Patcher.

Walk to the Desert Redux - 1.2.6

  • Jul 10, 2021

Fixed map names in JA, STF, FTM Files. Fixed PickledPete NPC, and removed the possibility to get infinite Old Coins if Garden Village is not installed, it now costs 10 Coins, with Garden Village installed it costs 10 Coins and 1 Slime Cheese.

Content Patcher - Walk to the Desert Redux - Updates (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.