The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 20 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: TUESDAY. JUNE 15. 1920. Good Propositions Here Today Are Indexed and Arranged in A-B-C Order AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Autos for Hire -Garages to Let 16 Insurance 21 I'rofessional Service 27 Help Wanted- -Women Help -Wanted at once, drat-class Help Wanted -Men TEAMSTER-First-class Help also I good OFFICE POSITION, permanent, wanted 32. Wanted--Men 33 33 Wanted -Men 33 Situations Wanted -Men 37 wagon for "Park's AUTO INSURANCE.

accident and Are in- PUBLIC stenographer. Miss Patterson. or 5, 16 and yeara old inspecting or in over, bind- for ber, BARBER- wages $23 and halt over $30; half bar- JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN Labor with barn man. single, reference farm. required.

Hill by man of experience returning to the ATLAS aponsible DELIVER parties. Williams, 16 also foreign drafts. H. D. Marsh, quality work.

Room 625, Third National folding, collating Walnut 3033. also 4 or 6 sewing girls. The Uni- day off; close 4 nights a week at 6. Fri- American Massachusetts Bosch license. Magneto Apply Bright- Top Farm, Station 35, Suffield, Conn.

city, steady and reliable, Box 716, Union ad floor. 420 Main St. Phone Ride. R. 5928.

ory: versal Binder Library Supply day at 8, Saturday at 9.30, Popular Barber wood. Masa. TINSMITHS and Stein Metal Office. "HEVROLET bahy grand for hire for all INSURE YOUR Specialist. AUTOMOBILE IL (V.

with Mc- the VIOLET LIGHT vibratory massage, sooth- Room 107. Myrick seventh noor Shop, 25 Fenn Pittsfield, Mass. KITCHEN MAN wanted. Apply Chef, at 54 Taylor St. POSITION by a young man of 20 who has occasions.

461 Main St. River Auto Kenzie. 177 Insurance Oak Grove Ave. R. 5193-M.

ing and restful. especially circulation. good for Mrs. GIRLS, 16 years old or over for work in BARBER-First-class, wanted, good pay. the Hotel Kimball.

TINSMITHS, class, wanted at once, had good high school education. Box 669, DICKINSON ST -To let. Space. pri- I Bragg. all Conley, vousness.

25 Harrison rheumatism, Ave. River 4025. bindery, Ask for Mr. Dunker, Universal 41 Main Holyoke, Mags. KITCHEN MAN.

Apply in at steady work year round. W. E. Don- Union Office. Areproof garage.

Tel. W. INSURANCE of Insurance, min fire, automobile. life. are available to the Library Cinder and Supply Room BARBER--John Maffey, 1054 Chicopee Monson State Hospital, Palmer, person Mags.

nelly, 17 Bridge Chicopee Falls. WANTED--Young married man wants TOURING car fur hire for all oc- health And Accident. 426 Main lit. R. 289-J.

man desiring immediate attention, courte- 797, 7th Myrick Building. Spring- Willimansett. Tel. TOOLMAKER-Experienced on jigs and steady job; hare chauffeur's license and forms MANY OFFERINGS casiona; private parties A specialty. Frank Goldthwalte.

ous treatment, sanitary surroundings. held, Mass, BARBER-Wanted. Hammond 12-Chair Walnut LABORERS 466 Wanted between 60 12-1 and laborers. 5 to 7. fixtures.

Apply Labor American prefer trucking, but am not afraid or 13. Martel. Tel. Walnut 3354. General to Trivolers Ina.

374 plearant environment and articles useful GIRLS wanted, several girls to All vacan- Barber Shop, Harrison. R. 3178. Bosch Magneto Drightwood, Mass. any kind of work; best of references 7- all Main St.

Tel. Ager. River 3800. in his tollet, for shaving. we have a cies in our various departments, good pay, WANTED 765 North LABORERS for foundry work, steady TOOLMAKERS and machinists wanted.

furnished. Arthur L. Bengaton, 42 Olerates. owner drives. K.

M. PROTECT the future of your family with 12-chair barber shop, and our prices are short hours, day BARBER shop; $30 week and commission. work, good WAgeS, New England Hampden Tool 238 Dwight St. ander work. Scott's Laundry, at Steel West Springfield.

FOR Alexander St. trust Af. Rickley, certificate, Kinney old Penn Insurance Mutual Agency. Life. as cure follows: 50c; is haircut there any 25c, shave doubt as 15c.

to mani- the 333 GIRLS over 16 for factory work. A Ameri- BARBER--Steady job. LABORERS wanted at Springfeld Render- TRIMMER3 (experienced) and cushion FINANCIAL Bridge Street. union Caztings East Longmeadow. Masa.

the hour, 387 Main St. Tel. Wal. 710. value of a good haircut at or shave reasonable when can Saw Mfg.

67 Boylston St. Apply 381 St. ing plant, employment. Brightwood, Inquire Maas; Supt. good Neld makers Harners' open 55 touring Dwight St.

Dwight bodies. SpringFOR HIRE, niac carpetent touring. by driver White It 19 efficiently done for glasses and silver: 2 women BENCH CABINET MAKERS, several wages, steady Business Opportunities 38 day or trip: very Tel. 22 price Try the "Hammond." 19 Harrison GIRLS, work, good WARPS, Miller LINOTYPE machinist. day work.

L. L. VEGETABLE GARDENER who can take Star Worthington St. Millinery -Dressmaking Ave. Phone River 317R.

for kitchen work. Highland Hotel, wanted, steady Tel. care of a greenhouse. Apply in person BARBERSHOP-For sale, two-chair; reaW. ADAMS-NASH TRIMMING CO--Hem- GIRLS Experienced operators on Fortune Northampton, Mass.

430. Hughes, Iolyoke Transcript, Holyoke at Monson State Hospital, Palmer, Masa. son for selling 111 health. Write Box GARAGE to rent, new and drive. stitching, buttons covered promptly.

Full. Repairing 28 ekiving machines: ateady work, 216 good pay. BELLBOY (colored) wanted. Apply New LINOTYPE Spring- WASHMAN wanted. Apply Supt.

of Union Branch Office, Holyoke. ar Neat end of bridge. er 317 Main, Room 318. W. 3369.

BABY CARRIAGE went retired; quick Now England Leather Goods, Worth- Haynes Hotel. Neld Union Composing Room. laundry, Hotel Kimball. BARBER SHOP-Two-chair barbershop; Toon: 6 autos. Central R.

Etate AFTERNOON AND EVENING GOWNS service. Ventric 348 Bay, R. 1075-1. St. BELLBOY- Wanted.

Hotel Hawkins, 420 LINOTYPE operator, steady position, days. Big reason for selling 111 health. Write Box 484 Main it. Tol. River 4124.

designed and made. For interview l'hone -For repairs of GIRLS wanted for general laundry, work. Main City. Telegram Publishing Holyoke, Mass. WASH MAN wanted for nights.

The 60, Union Branch Office, Holyoke, GARAGE for cars. E.tst Wal. 777-W. FREE COLD 10 STORAGE- $10.00, summer Apply Supt. of Laundry, Kimball.

BELLBOYS--Wanted, boys, colored. must MACHINISTS, toolmakers, grinders and Fireproof Garage, 11 Cross St. BAKERY AND GROCERY in Forest Parit vord St. DRESSMAKING An expert in her line furs rates, amounting Western over Company, 22-301 GIRLS--Factory work, day and piece have references, local auto screw machine operators: good WANTED-2 good magazine canvassers; Service section, reasonable rent, owner leaving WAGON- would like AL few more customers, sew- Stockbridge Springfeld, MA AH, work: conditions. Apply Conn.

330x 777, Union WARPS and working conditions. The Fat- call after 4 Room p. m. 411, 168 Periodical Bridge, Pub. city.

Call 283 Orange St. For METZ hir PANEL ible DELIVERY par'its in own home by appointment. Valley Free Employment Bureau, 11 nir Bearing Now Britain. Conn. Bureau, ing your FURNACES cleaned and repaired; cleaned BELLBOYS wanted; experience.

Apply BAKERY OUTFIT in Easthampton, ready 15 l'ark 24 M. 3.. 160 Belmont Apt. 6. $1.76.

Brown. 32 Shattuck St. Court House Place. llotel Worthy, MAN wanted for soda fountain; expe- WALDER-First class acetylene. Cave for business, price reasonable, good for HEMATITCHING and picot edging, 10c per GIRLS wanted, over 14 years of Age.

Na- Hotel Victoria, rienvel. 319 Main St. Welding and Manufacturing Co. chance. William Randall, call at sard: your work given expert attention by FURNITURE and cabinet work and tional Library Binding Room 72S.

BELLBOY MIAN wanted to make wagon deliveries for WOOD WORKERS, both bench and ma- ampton Commercial College, between repair- wanted. Apply all It N. ing done dt the mort reasonable prices. Bide. Use Broadway elevator State 9..

OVERLAND by inl or hour: an Mochino experienced 31 Harrison operator. Ave. J. A. Linhares, 56 Harrison Ave.

W. 1195, GIRLS for stringing, 13 or 16 yeary of age. BLACKSMITH. 1, frat class, wanted At Box 668, I'nion Office. eral Drat -class men.

A. G. Spalding for hire, White Sewing Myrtek local wholesale cracker company. Write chine work; good opportunity for sey- and 4 o'clock. rity 19-9.

3 SEWING- and plain sewing, FURNITURE REPAIRED, Duckworth Chain 41 Mill St. wages, a steady Wason work. M1g. Apply MAN to wash cans in milk room 6 days, Chicopee, Masa, $5000 will buy the best proposition town. BAKERY, about 6 miles from Springfeld: shirts, at home.

R. 2988-1. holstering ands cabinet work. pianos re- Wanted two good girls Employment rood salurv to start. Mason's Dairy, 112 WOOD PATTERN MAKERS, steady posi- know of.

eatablished 30 years, not worked for 1 Li 2- also finished, furniture made to order: work shampoo parlor, steady work. Box Brightwood. Florence St tion for first -class man, highest wages. to death; owner has inade his fortune Co. r.

1 Trucking. Storage 23 called for and delivered; estimates cheer- for 154, Union Offce. BOX STRIPPER Exverienced girls to Box 1, Union Office. here and 1s retiring: A Wonderful barAN CAM nire. anger Velie, fully office xiven.

244 Pine Springfield St Call Furniture Walnut 3206 SCHOOL GIRl--For housework strip boxes, P. P. Kellogg Div. 21 Cypress. MAN to work 569 on grocery Worthington St.

WOODWORKERS, muchine hands, bench gain at the price, can buy the real Moving. Repair counter. MurTol A y. 761 East- ALLEN BRAD express, of children. Phone Wal, 214-W.

BOY- Wanted. Apply Springfeld Wall Gough Bros, hands, finishers an varnish room, packers, estate or not A3 you desire. Call Mass. HIGH Ruston, New York ant local: dally serV tor prompt service. And care Paint 24 Fort St.

MAN to answer telephone, night or day Handy Lunch- Realty Exchange, Spud's Largest Agency. hour: 104 no 100 largo, none too small. GA8 RANGES cleaned and HIGH SCHOOL GIRL. living in the vicinity Paper and work, cripple preferred. Inquire 87 upholsterer.

Apply to 1. L. Bigelow 356 Main. Wal. 888.

River 1.1. River and coal ranges and bot waier heating Pleasant light housework. family BOY, high school, to work in Mr. mailing Tool. Bridge city.

('hair and Heywood Tabie and Liberty Sty. BUSINESS MAN wanted to market a dew, CheneyTRUCKING move any. connecting. 43 Dorn gas 3t. piping Tel.

and Wal sobbing. 1738-w. W. A. of 2, with baby: few hours each dary.

room Union Office. afternoons, Apply to MAN for delivery truck. Murdough WOODSMEN and men to cut pulp by cord very essential household article and inGAR AGH day mmodated: thing anywhere at reasonable prices: alao Carr, Tel. River 5259-J. 569 Worthington St.

good wakes, ship every vest about $500 in the manufacturing and AUTO 11 reD 154 trunks to and from depot. R. 8497. GENERAL JOBBING and repairing. River HIGH SCHOOL, GIRL.

16 years or over. BOY wanted over 16 to work in atore. motor trucks and to assist in Vermont State. company advances fame. Rox 156.

Union Office. 13 36 Maynard after 6 p. It. housework or care for 0. Chocolate Shop, 200 Wilbraham MAN to drive day from 60 Main 1800.

HGBEE THEODORE- Moving and heavy: 1173-R. to do light of dav, during sum- in office. Martin. Room 610, 23 Besse PI. fares and fees.

CLUB HOUSE -Or remi-business propertrorking by the hour. day or job: un haul KEY FITTING: saws filed, bells repaired. dren, whole or part Write 10 Box 645, Union Rd. that speaks French to drive A Ford WOOD CHOPPERS wanted. cordwood.

Ap- 1y. well located for frat-clans two and Want n- Automobiles 17 haul 100. short. Phone Theodury River Tel. AV.

3310; prompt 27 service. Carew At. Luding- mer Office. vacation. BOY wanted, to 18 to learn 21, to business.

work in M. hard. A. MAN delivery truck: Inan that speaks French ply 336 Elm West Springfeld. Tel.

three -room apartment, will receive or fine transients in' 4. pOSITIVA. 4- LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. HOUSEKEEPER for small family, Cohen Hardware Story, 159 Main St. to solicit orders on French.

grocery Apply team: Associa- R. 4454-R. come: this property will increase at Higher, Sackett Place. ton. "Your Locksmith." ware store, Ineat properly handled a 11 bring sour AND FLAT trucks for rent by the Nelson.

W. S. R. 6491-R. Aned and.

reliable, elderlv WOmAN pre- nor tor production work. one who has cutter who speaks Square. Chic- WOODSMEN- $2.75 and $3.00 per least $1000 per year: terms to suit buyauto DUMP Hampden Transportation Remillard, ferred, sunny guest bedroom offered. manual training preferred. tion de Market day and board; men to cut pulpwood er.

Norris- Howard State 115 for 100 day or Walnut week. 1910 River 3075. LAWN MOWERS resharpened and repaired Phone River 7404-J. had course in Employment Milton opec, Mass. by cord.

$3.00 for man. stock. Interna- Wal. 440-441: members of the United ma'. Hart- EXPRESS WORK and light trucking.

Tel. 011 short experts. notice: weldinz and Welding brazing done and HOUSEKEEPER wanted, reliable girl Apply Bradley. at 74 Park St. MAN to drive automobile Box and Union work tional Employment Office, 80 Jain St.

Realty Roard. Walnut W'in Egan, 140 Maynard. by Brazing 10-12 Willow St. River 2435, nA housekeeper. Call R.

7067. BOY about 16 or 17 to work in office. around country place. YOUNG MAN wanted, strong, to learn CONFECTIONERY store doing good bualford AU- long GIRL--American or Swed- chance for advancement. P.

Office. trade; steady work and gocd pay. Ad- Nong: must sell account illness; make AUTOMA but old FURNITURE PACKING- Local 16 and LAWN MOWERS repaired and HOUSEWORK to shore, $15.00. excellent 1428. or elderly.

for nearby dress Box 606. Union Office. me an offer. 774 Soutn Main St. Shapiro.

sell 65 distance Meekins. moving. Packard Wheat. J. F.

put machine in the ropair pink of work done: if vou ish, PhonA R. 3075. 80 National farni, used to driving team and job YOUNG MAN with general technical edu- CONFECTIONERY, ice-cream parlor, doe parte auto vans: years condition, 11 kinds of willing to wages 0. Box light 1. with BOY wanted, 14 yearA or over.

farm nork; Do milking: permanent Tel 5248-P. Lawless. 33 Lowell St. River bring the work call River 7510. V'elory HOUSEWORK--Girl for general work; Library Bindery Myrick and good home.

Box 766, Unton Off. c. would An 1476-W, cation. plenty of sales experience, push ing excellent business nOR'. CANe PARTS--New bank- RE MOVING and trucking: my Machine 90 Andrew st.

must be willing to go to shore for sum- Broadway elevator. MAN with experience to operate power like and gond connection financial A 4 partner circ*mstances, or otherwise tunity: leaving will country; salt at this A is a sacrifce aplendid if taken oppor- at acht and parte biter are the est: try mne bel ORIENTAL RUGS repaired ty native Ave. mer. Phone R. 4088.

BOY wanted; no experience necessary. bailing press. I'. P. Kellugg Co, in some businesa.

Address Box once, 5271 Main city. R. 8664. for and 3 f1 Cadillaca, Knut. Pack- d.

('all River 4001-31. perts. Piligan Bros. 66 Harrison HOUSEWORK- good neat girl to do G. G.

Candy East Court St. 31 Cypress St. 748. Union office. A I models; FURNITURE STORED--One thousand ROOFS- All kinds of roofs and gutters re- cooking and kitchen work: good Mo- milling hack saw.

wanted to work in drug grocery. CONFECTIONERY, variety, old wanted: highest prices private rooms, auto moving. packing for paired or painted. John McCormick, 16 34 Federal St. BOY to work in Datery shop.

MAN, experienced, 67 Boylston St. YOUNG Sunter's, 85 rostaurants and stores every plain Apply for of kind; chtman Auto Exchange, 321 shipment. Ray State Storage Ware- Patton St. Tel. liver 6419 or Wal.

421-W. pay. Apply hican Bakery. American Saw Mfg. cent.

store, Road. liours, Apply ing propositions only. 264 Nestor fain Realty raid Tel. Charter 4256. Hartford 385 Liberty St.

River 223. girl for gen- work in stock room. MECHANICS, tradesmen, 95 per Open "Largest In New England." house about June UPHOLSTERING work done ty competent eral work, willing to KO to shore for ROY--Wanted Kreage, 332 to Main St. of the men in your line are from YOUNG MAN to work in drug store; one 318. Tel.

River 4462. 1. var or '14. will LOAD fur Providence June 17: also gen- workmen, carpets cleaned old carpeta. summer.

Tel, Walnut 2610. in week to year away front the with experience. Sadler's Drug Store, 530 GARAGE- -Wanted, to ren: 10. 10 15-car York repaired: t-. Ford route, Taylor.

14 2.114 for trucking: everything insured in tram- new rugs Oriental made Rug from your 119 Liberty St. LAUNDRESS assistant. Apply in person BOY about 16 or chance 17 for years to advancement. work house: I haye opportunity whereby Main St. garage, suitable for Automobila repair is Macs eral United at Monson State Hospital, Palmer, MASA.

office, excellent you can raime abova this position, $100 YOUNG MAN to work nights from 7 to 12, shop: central location. Address Box 778. A sit. Call Baker. River 0076-K.

Est. 1905. Phone River 4409. P. O.

Box 1428. por weck guaranteed to those possessFORDS wanted. 466 any and and Tons- hauling distance the moving. hour, day call kinds, tor rambler. workt P.

Hotel Rridgway. BOY for errands and helping around of- Ing common sense and coat you desire to anything YOUNG MAN to assist with window trim- GASOLEND ACCESSORIES atore doing model: cash pald. J. general Arst LINEN ROOM woman. Apply in person, build in restaurant.

Waldorf System, 309 Main. Union Office. 11. 0.1 trucking reasonable, Anderson Re class. guaranteed: Main St.

River 7096. fice. Apply Room 33. Phoenix Bldg. themselves: it won't call 311 Main ming; fine chance to learn the business fine business, cash or terms, or trade for FORD SEDAN 1 1.

lat. modal ad 0 290 or wArli; prices St. Tol. Walnut 3087. H.

Rice, 133 No, MAID- Competent reliable woman or girl HOY OR YOUNG MAN of neat appear- to investigate. Phone or at good WAgeR, l'oole Dry Goods car. 582 Belmont Ave. in Fond con lition 1. A.

Garneau. Ronson. 173 WATCHES- Cleaned $1, mainsprings who is a rood plain cook, small family, ance to live with his employer: inust fur- suita 502. Wal. 2340.

Bridge St. Store. GENTLEMAN or lady to take an Interest Colioge St LOCAL AND LONG distant hauling: "try guaranteed. Deane, 40 Dwight. every convenience, wages $10, Mrs.

$12. W. T. no nigh references. Mr.

Maillard, East Long- MEAT CUTTER wanted, speak French YOUNG MAN to work as assistant in to the extent of $1000 in a a fast growing RE PAY Or wrecked ault us for River service." 1254 King or R. 4654-W. 60 Orange Cleansing and Dyeing 29 Parker. washing, 65 references Columbus required. Northampton.

meadow. And Engush. Solon's Cash Chicopee Market, 175. moving picture operating room, Bijou business. Write particulars and referGenden Morgan St.

St. TI. 820. BOY who has had at least 1 year in high Maple Chicopee Falls. Theater.

ences. 1f any, to Box 590, Union Office. Walnut 1300. LONG DISTANCE also HEGY'S Cleaning and Dyeing reilable. Spring- work around hus- school, 88 assistant book store; a MEN wanted for mill work: no YOUNG MAN--Reliable, for general work GROCERIES.

meat and provision store on Works, Tel. experilookh.g for the highest prices 26 to New Roston: Fork Motor service daily. Exprese. F. A.

Brown, 349 Arid largest store. and 135 hest, State always St. River 7525. pital MAID and to do nurses' general home. Weason Maternity good opportunity R.

for A Huntting boy willing Room to ence necessary. Springfield Waste 282 on stock and repairs; excellent chance to North St. F. J. Sherman, 109 for your 614 or wrecked auto, call us 2020.

Residence work. The H. YOU are Worthington St. Walnut WHEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned Hospital, corner High and Myrtle Sta. 906, Myrick seventh Noor.

DEN to in lunchroom. Apply begin to learn Main the jewelry business, True ton, R. 1047 or 1262-1. Morgan St. Walnut 2005.

phone Walnut 1084-W. call at Sund. Cleaning and MAIN, competent, for general housework, Main St. 408 St. GROCERY for sale and house, miles ROY an makes of used pleasure 2771.

Bros. Express, local and Dyeing dyed 74 Harrison Ave. R. 1014, no laundry work. 254 Central St.

R. BOY WANTED. 16 years St. of age or over, your chance, 3 clean -cut ag. YOUNG MAN, mechanically Inclined, to from Springfleld, gOod location, on And commercial cars.

26 Easer St. W. and long dist: trucking: our price wit 7463-M. J. Fraser.

37 Taylor gressive men with sense (nough to. take work on monotype casting machine. line, new stock; part cash, balaure To horse aril outfit and please 3 Rd, R. 5031-WV. BOYS over 16 for factory work.

Ameri- an advantAge of an opportunity paying perience on this machine not necessary. terms. Owner. Box Onion Ofice. harness, tre A EOD.

blanket, MOVING- -Are you going to move? Local EMPLOYMENT MAID-(Second) or River general 1033, housework CATI Saw Mfg. 67 Boylaton St. $100 per week: don't fail to investigate F. A. Bassette 53 Ifillman St.

GROCERY, cigars, variety, stationery WANTED storm blanket. in fair A A Call GI 03 and long distance trucking; "our price AND ORDER cook wanted Tor BUNDLE BOY- -Must be over 16 years. thia, Room 502, 317 Main warehouse. YOUNG MAN wanted for shipping, coun- store, dry goods store. Golon, Main.

girl 'to go to shore. St. truck. Ford preferred. Sullivan.

(Fal. 2000. Wal. 2994. Help Wanted--Women 32 MEAT American lunchroom, centrally located; Nesse-Carpenter Co.

MEN for work in cold storage 343 ter salesman and goneral work: references GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET Gurner St. after 111. MOVING local and lung distance; prices good pay. Box 700. Union CARPENTERS wanted on long job at Eastern States Refrigerating required.

Inquire Manager, 319 Dwight. tunity to buy a grocery and meat market, Dort Touring or re: reasonable, E. Spencer, 13 James St. ALTERATION. WOMAN to do nne work short office.

hours, Three Rivers, Masa. housework and con- Bridge St. YOUNG MAN about 18. who is not afraid store doing A cash business In the best body. WANTED- Steven P.

(1, 130x 791, Phone Wal. 2160, gowns. Apply at the Em- crete forms. Apply at office of Flynt MEN -Four wanted for cutting to work, to learn the hardware busi- section on the Hill; must nell. owner Collinevilia, Conn.

MOVING--Are you going to move? Local ployment Office. Main Floor, rear, before MOTHER'S HELPER wanted, Tel. River Building and Construction Three ment. Wright-Ditson-Victor 88 Birnie ness; must have references. O.

C. Al- leaves to the sea. Address Dox and long distance: piano moving. Sam 10.30 a. m.

Forbes Wallace. 4494-J. 26 Jefferson Ave. Rivers, Mage.

derman, 227-229 Worthington Spring- 127, Union Office. BUSINESS SERVICE office St. 79 Sharon River 8181-R near or Main, R. ASSISTANT years BOOKKEEPER- good experience. One who Car- has AUgUst.

MOTHER'S Sirs. HELPER Leg Bloom, wanted A for July and R. CABINET furniture MAKER work: wanted. steady experienced work, good on MEN wanted for general 67 factory Boyiston work. St.

Meld, Mass. GROCERY STOKE $300 for sale, doing cash 70 Patton had several repair American Saw Nf4. YOUNG MAN, Tong, willing. honest, 16 business, over weekly; rent cheap: Business Services Offered 18 MOVING Trip weekly to TRUCKING New York. -Long die- lisle Hardware MAKERS on 326 power Main sewing Sit.

ma- NURSE 1674-W. MAID- Reliable colored woman to pay. Main See St. Mr. Winn, the ladley 430 MIDDLE-AGED MAN wanted exeprience: with steady au- to learn 18 the years business, old, 88 one clerk living in with store, par- to leaving location town.

first clasa; Tel. Holyoke reason for 950-J. sling. STATE AUDIT tance. local furniture and piano mov- chines: AWNING experience on awning work not care for young child and K0 away for CANVASSER, Italian.

for city directory, work; tomobile Rood stockroom P. O. Box 1395, city. ents in city or close by, pleasing and GROCERY. cigars and confectionery systems.

Instruction. M. FulACCOUNTANTS. BAY audits, 203. Carr P.

Ing Gorham "the boss Proctor. 13 108 always North- on necessary. Ford Mfg. 08 Broadway. summer.

River 3713. for office. Apply Room 301, 25 Harrison Ave. MILLWRIGHT HELPERS with some good agreeable wages tor manners a and beginner: good at recommen- figures, er store for aale city. at See O.

reasonable Milot, 42 price: Spruce. your BATH MAID. Apply in person to the Ho- OFFICE WORK -Wanted, girl CANVASSERS --2 or 3 experienced up-to- perience. Apply Labor American leaving bookkeeping amnton Ave. Phone pianos.

tel Bridgway. C. A. Wright. 473 Stato St.

date house-to-house canvasser who know Bosch Magneto Brightwood. Mass. dations honesty. Apply required at 88 once to in person character to And 110- HOSPITAL- Up-to-date fully River Third Nat'l. Rank Ride.

Wal. 2790. distance hauling. "Get 1634. my rates" cern: BILLING state experience salary expect- ger.

W. Woolworth 323 Main St. town: all work in State of the MILKERS and Phone teamsters Holyoke $60 177-M. mer Foot 139 State St. city.

price will trade. W. 0. Root, 25 atpin M. B.

sod man MOVING furniture, express and CLERK for manufacturing con- PIANIST wanted at once. Apply Mana- a good proposition: must be able to leave month. roont private hospital with garage, ete. England Audit 14 Pynchon St. Tel.

Iiver Box 672. Union Office. P'ORTERS for day and night work. Ap- best of reference asked. also must be Able Metcalf Farm, YOUNG MAN- Wanted, young man in of- Harrison Ave.

River 7336-M. certified public puntants. 961. 962. engineers.

PETELLE EXPRESS moving. Thone local-long BOOKKEEPER wanted; double-entry and ply at the Employment Office, Main 10 mign letter of credit. Box 663, Union NIGHT MAN wanted at the nt fice of manufacturing preferred. plant, but not knowledge OSSen- LUNCH ROOM--In the heart of the city. Walnut Pd.

Main ot. Ga5-31 St. Tel. River 1091; furniture-plano all goods in- typist; light work and good pay; state Floor. rear, before 10.30 a.

m. Forbes OnicA. TARP, 640 Main St. stenography chances for advancement. Box doing Ane business.

long lease; the price Wellington distance, by motor trucks: tri-weekly trips experience and salary expect- Wallace. CAPABLE RELIABLE single mAn and NIGHT MAN wanted at the Sanford St. tial; good la right. Nestor Realty 264 Main Gerald A. Torrence, P.

A. (res. sured while in transit; ed, nationality Box 13, Union Office. AT 699 Union St. for maids, couple for general farm.

furnished house, Garage. 34 Sanford St. 671. Union Office, Room 318. Tel.

River 4462. 293 Bridgo coloring, to EXPRESS CO-9 Cypress HOUSEKEEPER, working. for refined also women for day work. Wal. 1746-12.

Mass. board 2 men. Wm. Underwood, Mt. Tom, OFFICE Bookstore wants ply YOUNG Mr.

MAN Perkins, to work Highland in stock Paint room. and Wall MANUFACTURING PLANT NEW St. Tot. Wal. 23410.

REGISTER ELECTRIC auto SPRINGFIELD to New Tork twice a Week family of 4 in Westfeld: good cook and RULING MACHINE FEEDER -Gond sal- an office boy. age 14-16: no dead ones Paper 140-State St. 24 tables and machines suitable for umbrass beds, trimmings and Plating we KO Springfeld with an empty 2-ton neat worker: good wages to right party. and opportunity right party. See Dir.

CASTERS and buffers on casket hardware, need apply. See Roger Johnson. derwear, waists or dresses, light, trimming Springfield R. 6666. from wit give very low rates on ('al! Walnut 3380.

ary Lieson, 73 Taylor St. River 3235. good working conditions and steady work. OFFICE BOT--Wanted. Apply to Mr.

Y. M. C. A. EMP.

cl. cl. engi- loft, on Stearns Square, low rent. Ir and Machine Works, 17 "aylor thing truck: going in that direction at any time -Competent and experi- experienced. to The Harley 151 Dwight R.

4660. Peterson. Union Office. neer; several 1st or 2d $25: husky firemen: driver quire Sparrow S'nith, 303 Four EXTERMINATE your property A. of All Til.

W. 2117-TV. Res. W. 2117-R.

enced, one capable taking entire take charge of -Wanted, candy department, $16.00 CHAUFFEUR place you free. Spring- OPPORTUNITY- Wanted, neat appearing on packers, motor over truck, 20 $23; timekceper, mic. New York, N. Y. kinda of Insects.

Amer. Ext. EXPREMS-We have charge of books: no aut of town need start, state experience Auto School, 25 Harrison Ave. nien AN canvassers on advertising who can work as lineman for PARTNER with a few hundred dollars sell, Holyoke 2404-W. Springfold R.

4005. Vins SPRINGFIELD leaving here for Detroit. apply. Frank Bros. Paper 27 lamp per and week references.

to Box 465, Union Office. CHAUFFEUR for truck and inside man. work, young good chance for advancement and firm; power man etation; repairman on lights. mo- to instal and run small service CLEANING -Crescent Carpet Ton between now and the first of July: it you den St. 73 Fairfield Hol- 50 Howard St.

steady work. Apply by letter giving tel. tora, in hotel, $70 bd. and and repair shop in connection wIth an Harrison Ave. River 3196.

that city SECOND MAID. Box 768. Union Office. ice-cream parlor and general store. en CARPET ining kon Care of.

have anything coming or from Wal. 2117-R: or middle aged yoke. Tel. Holyok 1166. CHAUFFEUR a Jon enrol free.

Pyn- number if any. II. W. boiler room helper. 8 $12-35; 0X3 A State road.

doing A good business 56 HOt CLEANING. work done re. son- for rates call Cyuregs W.el. St. Ron 43 Church St.

lady, widower's home, own boss, duties SHOE SALESLADIES; experienced, want- chon Auto School, 74 Pynchon st. PAINTERS (2), also 1 blacksmith, acetylene welder: Incal tech-high $18; student. black- en- wIth motorists: be works washed. etc 7106-W. Domenico Ofire 7 light.

Box 7. Union Office. ed. See Mr. West, Cu.

CHEF; sec*nt. Apply Hotel Monat, 6 Fitch, 18 Liberty St. gineering Arm, Fide line for you. Box 037. L'nion or273 Still STORAGE SPACE -In Jarge barn on DOOKKEEPER-A girl of mature expert- Johnson's Bookatore.

Mocher Holyoke. Mass. Tel. 339. PAINTERS wanted.

Charles, W. Earle, 20 smith, 850 millers, radial fire. Him: White, will rent reasonable. call R. 431.

ence in double-entry for a permanent DO- Apply to STENOGRAPHER Roger Johnson. CLERK--Stock and cost clerk, familiar Harrison Ave. Tel. 3004. drill.

boring mill grindere, hands. lathe, screw and ROOMING HOUSES. central, 13, 19. 20. at mach, PUBLIC ork: charges TRUCKING wanted; work fur one-ton Rition with A large organization! this Weagon Maternity Hos- with plumbing and heating materials.

J. PAINTERS wanted. Walker 79 rooms. steam heat. furnished.

Brownalso multigraphing. Al St. truck: go anywhere: try yur price. Call city: state age, experience. salary desired TWO MAIDS for High and Myrtio Sta, J.

Cotter 24 Dwight Place. R. 586. Central St. Phone River 1407.

LIST YOUR NAME with us for any kind 94 Elliot, R. 1707-R. reasonable. 145 State Itiver 5471-J. 1141 general information.

Dox 656. Union pital, corner CLERK for butter and tea store. 511 Labor of A position, International' Emp, Office, ROOMING HOUSE. PURLIC stenographer. TRUCKING for 34-ton combination dump.

Office. WAIST FINISHER wanted, experienced. l'UNCH AND DIEMAKERS. Apply Bright- 80 Main St. furnished.

rooms; location. Mattooa Ane work, Ronni Third National River BOOKKEEPER for meat market. Apply 98 Mass. Ave. R.

1010. Main St. And rican Bosch A JOB IS WAITING for you: we're ship- River 669-M. price reasorRide. W.

Howe, at once to Rox 693. Unton Office. WANTED experienced stayers on Knowl- CLERK wanted, experienced meat and wood, Mass, ping every day: WO have just what you PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER dictaphone TRUCKING 237 -Light Quincy St River 1908-J. thoroughly experienced in ton No. T.

Powers Paper Brightwood, truck. grocery clerk. Brown one and who Bridge, can 304 Belmont TRESS OPERATOR We operator. one any want: kind come of in position. And liat your International name Emp.

for for cash. Walnut 557-W. and work. Smith drive Ford require ROOMING HOUSE. well furnished, cheap (' operating, Herne.

Room 324. 30 Nat. Bldr. W. 1361.

TRUCKING AND MOVING at very low double experience and and stenography. salary expected, MT AR, Victoria Res- Ave. A who can set up both light heavy Office. 80 Main St. statute Cooley Johnson, Write, Arst-class punch press stating WAITRESS wanted.

Apply wanted. Broadway Trint, be of mature years And Good STATIONERY AND 139. VARIETY Union Office. STORERATS. MICE, roaches and rates: I attend to everything persopally, I'carlee, Box 58S, Union Office.

taurant. 146 State St. 133 COMPOSITOR Bridge St. P'hone Wal. 2256.

dier: should considerable experience. AD- $60 PER WEEK do get more than old stand. Box 1-rbugs. rid from your 4915. 47.

Box 787. Phona carefully W. Ani CASHIERS wanted for our lunchrooms in WAITRESS- End Lunch, 78 Main have in had person at Employment Office, Gil- brains? Do yru prefer you to earn? "swing pen" STORE--Grocery, cigars and confectionery this, what HAve Phone River I'. city. Apply Phoenix Lunch, 309 Main.

St. COMPOSITOR-Wanted on job work, ply bert Barker. AL $30 per week to "swinging a pick' at good business, must sell on acWINDOW CLEANING TRUCKING AND EXPRESS--All kinds of CHAMBERMAID. Apply in person to the WAITRESS At the Monson State union shop, good working conditions. To one who can $00? I don't want either type, but I do count of illneas.

W. before 9 m. export AM, Workmen. out town. Tel.

light work done reasonabie. Standard Hotel Bridgway. pital, Paimer. Mass. Apply In person.

The Stetson Electric Print, Greennold. SALES is MANAGER offered an opportunity second wAnt A mar with ambition, willing to STORE--Millinery and ladies' furnishing Auto rvice. Herbert Moure. f'rop. Service Garage.

Walnut 452. CHAMBERMAIDS and bathmaids wanted Apply Fandajis Res. COOK--Man wanted: position open for as. results with a young but growing AR- work, and to this man 1 can show a large store, well established, reason for Blue and White UNFEDA TRUCKING CO- -Local and once. See the Housekeeper.

Hotel WAITRESS 277 wanted. Main city. Ristant conk at the Northampton State to none, having unlimited territory and Income and good future. Box 469, Union ing illness. Inquire Rogers Spencer, long distance hauline; furniture and 178 1 Worthy.

taurant, Kong 'Restaurant, 66 Hospital. Apply to Dr. John A. Houston, practically no competition. Box 781.

Office. Thompsonville, Conn. Tel. or 770. At sociation.

Building -Contracting 19 ADO moving. Tel. R. 4030. Office The Capitol, 251 Main WAITRESS--Hong Northampton.

t'nion Office. 1 GOOD experienced carpenter for jobbing TIMBER LOT- -Million and half feet. ends ali trouble Main St. upstairs. Main St.

experienced. AD- COOK' wanted at once. Riverside Inn, SALESMAN to connect permanently with business. T. B.

Gilbert, 221 East Court spruce; another one with million and CHAMBERMAIDFall particulars of Rates 66 WE FURNISH dump trucks and platform WAITRESSES wanted. Court Chester, Mass. prefer local man: City. over fett standing old growth white pins Crystal Ave. Tel.

1125-W tracks for long or short time contracts. experienced, wanted at ply Bartlett' Restaurant, COUNTER MAN for night work, able to largo must be sales well educated, good Appearance ARE YOU CAPABLE of Ming an impor- and hemlock; both loading points on 28 East organization; BRONO MOLFETTA, contractor. Taylor Frothingham, 125 Liberty St. one at the Cooley Hotel. Apply St.

Greenwich take charge: good wages to right man; and recommended, M. E. Winyall, liatel tunt position where personality and in- ton cash. French. Maine: 374 price Main on St.

application, garAgeR any kind work: WE WILL MOVE anything anywhere. CHAMBERMAIDS and bathmaids. WAITRESSES wanted. Apply slate experionce. Pox 691, Union Office.

Worthy. tegrity are more essential than expertIng sidewalks, digging lare. for light trucka for trunks. heavy and Hotel Kimball. Hotel to Mr.

Dunn. COUNTER MEN and short order cooks SALESMAN to sell real estate, lots: large ence: we havo an opening for two men I WILL FAT you a high cash price for delivery on jab. 50 Cambridgo St. long-distance hauling a specialty: also CLERK- Neat appearing young lady for -Wanted. Pekin Restau- and porters for night work.

6 nights: we commission, good clean cut high class and hate the makings of A big man, your store, merchandise, stock or firTe'. Walnut 10.4. one truck with dump body fountain. Apply Manager. Riker- rant.

16 Fort St. pay A bonus to all employes. Waldorf proposition: opportunity to make $500 placing no limit on your earning power. 3..8 tures, any size. M.

Young. 770 Sumper and r- pairing kaoling sand, brick, etc. Call up Belmont River Jaynes, 377 Main St. WAITRESSES- $6 week, 8 hours System, 309 Main St. month or more.

Call between 9 and 10 Call Fuller for Bide. an interview at 10 a. Ave. Phone Walnut 823. ant d.

T. 1. Paver Wellman Cheney. CLEANING -Housework for a few hours day, 1 day off week. 75 Essex St.

R. 70 Vermont St. IF YOU WANT to sell your buni2eHy for 447 repatrin Ave, each day by reliable person. Tel. River WAITRESSES wanted at once.

Apply Lunch COUNTER 329 MAN Main for St. day work. Ideal SALESMA self-respecting salesman want WHAT a WILL $10,000 YOU joh, few men are -Most willing men of any clients reason to at whom all we we have a large list wanted. CARPENTERING River 8164-M or Walnut :388 2274 forenoons. 539' Bain St.

ambition 1s beyond his present can sell it to; conJobbing. r. Sumnor Ave COMPTOMETER OPERATORS in demand WAITRESSES- man or P'otter CUTTER Knitting on 902 Sonth Main St. p.ace, might find more congenial pm- time for what he gets is A cheat. most of all Paints--Painting--Papering 21 wanted underwear.

Apply hose to pay for one, a man unwilling to pay mult ding us first 109 for sure Worthington results. St. Jab 3283. Radtian. re decorating specialized on by T.

J. Gran- 10 learn to become export: good pay, 3 meals hra. a day: week pay for car women. CYLINDER PRESS FEEDER with expe- doulle his Income: we require a man of he cheate with life himself; you can up the rol- BUST PRICES paid for stores of every PAINTING paperhanging and we need several high- fare ployment with us, and at tho same make no bar- R. CONTRA Pr INTERIOR 3 removed.

grading Stil- Co. 059 Eastern Ave. W. 3386-J. class girls tuition small.

Felt and return: 48 Holyoke, Masa. rienco in color printing, Box. 065, Union clean character, who would appreciate unless you put for A description, general mdse, and fxtures. 1. Tge 466 positions furnished: 318 Main St.

The Orient Restaurant, Oftice. life's job with fast growing concern, lateral, what would you give J. R. Finn. Main Si.

Wal. 820. liken but PAINTING AND PAPER Tarrant Mfg Tel. 2490. with 000 we have the job, are yva the Reinforced Concrate, any on your work.

W. S. Plumb, COUNTER GIRT. lunch room, $12 week: WAITRESSES wanted. Apply liotel Nono- wanted.

Apply Steward, far where above industry average would earnings. be rewarded Address Box man? 10x 782, Union Office. KEEP Furniture IN Store MIND 11 you Kimball's want the Secondhand ruction: build- Alden St. 6014-1. experienced preferred.

Box 680, Union tuck, Holyoke, Mass, Hotel Kimball. 648, Union Office. CHEF and 2d, hotel, near city; 6 2d ON TRA TOP monument- PAINTING. papering and metal collings: C. DRIVER, experienced.

retail route. 6 days, cooks: 2 order cooks: 3 counter men, eat cash prices for your secondhand Main he Ernest F. WOMAN to port and Apply Hustling, neat-appearing niture or business equipment. 41-51 Til River special prices this month. Max Miller, LOOK and spoond girl: competent.

Mra. Manager, Modern Wet Warh good pay, Homers Creamery, 302 Locust St. SALESMEN salesmen with No. 1 reference days and nights; porter for department st. Walnut 2178.

Eastern Ave. River 7731-W. Albert Stelger, 26 Ridgewood Ter. R. LAundry, 10 Boyleton city.

Tel. R. CLERK. 2 or 3 yeurs' experience: real estate office on com- store city: order cook, restaurant, 6 days; I HIMNEYS cleaned 1 repaired: you painters and in- 4629. or ASSistant.

Palace Pharmacy. to work for must old-established own automobile, Box bellhoy: house anan: k. man, Kellogg's, fer WILL. small TRADE central income busir. Eng DRUG have craf: sult us; fin roots terior decorators.

Highland Paint and wanted at once. Riverside Inn, wanted store work evenings. ELEVATOR BOY wanted. Apply Cooley 669, mission I'nion basis; Office. 14 Vernon.

Tel. R. 1260. 584, Union Office. manufacturing painted 1 A Walnut Richard- 2624-M.

Wall TAPERHANGING, Paper 140 paining, State St. at River reasonable 3103. ('hester, Mags. the lox Woman 676, Union for, Office. lintel, SALE SALESMEN--Experienced, to call upon Help-Men or Women 34 A BIG OPPORTUNITY to engage in the 1: ur old brick chim- W.

-H, 30 Revere. COOKS-3 for the beach and 2 for WOMAN--Capable for general housework ELDERLY GENTLEMAN as night clerk. Autom.oblic owners in the Interesta of the milk business: 25 miles from Springfe: 1 blanks guaran- prices. C. all country, $70 per month: other 4920.

in very smell family, good summer 261 Main upstairs. (A. Automobile Legal DRIVERS--Automobile drivers, tor men week or in A fine village: Wishes to H. positions. Associasca P.

moloton Ave. Home Decorating 34 Greenwood St. DISHWASHER wanted, $13.50 per 65 week. State ton. Apply to Sirs.

Charles Cantor. Mage, Wallour, Mable elderly man to assist la light farm SALESMEN, 2. by large manufacturing of tween June 8 14. And 9, Apply mornings. Willys Overland, be- In village: will leAsA large up-to-dale ncy River 2809-R or PAPERING AND PAINTING of kinds.

Monarch A Agency, 73 Spring. R. place In very attractive suburb of tion. Write or call at 387 Main City. women, with chauffeur's license, W.

ELDERLY MAN wanted, an honest. re- 25 big milking cows. Svy-quart Tel. River 1863. Apply at once.

Nayasset Club. 106 Gibba Nowton work; good home for right person. Ad- corporation; trip through our factories barn, 4 silos and milking machines. your A on WE MAKE 8 specialty of painting tin St. WOMAN wanted to work 3 days each dress D.

W. Hunter, Enfeld, Mass. and a permanent future with a prosperous BIEN AND WOMEN register at the Conn. own termis if you art quickly. Maynard, 1: h.

and cornices: all work guaranteed. DISHWASHER, good wages, Apply to Apply WeL and growing industry. Call any day this Valley Free Employment Bureau, 11 BOY wanted. Apply the Merry week and see our Mr. O' Brien.

Room 412, Court House Place, R24 W'orthington St. Tel. River RAGES collars: A. H. Richardson, 14 Walnut St.

Tel. steward, Hotel Kimbal, Laundry, rear G1 Taylor St. children P'rint. ERRAND 14 Pynchon St. IF YOU WANT to buy a or 481 painting and DISHWASHER- Woman wanted to wash WOMAN, reliable, to care EXPERIENCED order cook, also several 164 Bridge St.

selling Agents 35 your business get In touch with Walnut 2624-M. for by 1 147-13. WIlY pay the big price for fair price dishes, $13 per week, room and' board. hour. 108 Whittier St, cooks: good wages.

Puritan Lunch, 818 SALESMEN to join crew opportunity for have customerm for both parti's wa i sidewalk thonging. Call Clow, "the Apply Brooknold Inn, Brookfeld, Mass. WOMEN to wASh elver. Apply to the St. River 8892.

hold necessity, splendid making AGENTS -We want representatives every. for the best and quickest A River for office building. atate Stoward At Hotel Kimball. State advancement, average salesmen where. whole or part time work.

large Springfield's Largest Agency, 31. blocks D. ELEVATOR GIRL nages and experience, Box work. Apply in per- FARMERS, 2. and teamsters.

Apply in $40 per week. R. T. Loosemore, 405 commissions. Lincoln Ray Mig.

216 nity Exchange. 366 Main. Tel. 11 no Printing -Stationery 26 color, age, Office. WOMEN for kitchen State Hospital.

Palmer, at Monson State Hospital, Pal- litchco*ck Bldg. For -diet busineas 432. Union Ann at Monson miCT. Mags. the servicea of Worthington St.

nO resentative YOU want in Baltimore- perinanert, r. Washington liable re1 calling cards printed the l'ayne Show preferring good home In I FARMHANDS, general WARES, $60 2 melt of clean character, who have had Situations Wanted -Women 36 ritory; my home 1 in Balt 'more: am Napier. PRINTING Your ant ELDERLY LADY- Wanted, to assist with Mass. SALESMEN -We require Carlisle Midg. turd Main nuar housework, one wAges.

Call 407 Union WOMEN for laundry, helpera. Apply Pal- month E. W. Turner, South Iladley. Mass, some selling experience.

Call 226 Worth- In Springfeld this weak And rAn cal MILTON BRADLEY toys, West Springfeld; (before 10 a. m. mor. person Phono Holyoke 1ngton and ask for Mr. Horn.

work by the day. Tel. R. 1388-J, 7-8 p. m.

for Interview. Box Union Oft rather, than at Monson State Hospital, 177-M. COLORED WOMAN--Competent, wants veilings in the Phone River 930. or Sunday). WOMEN stitchera on power machines, ers.

State Public Employ- SALESMEN-6 2 for Worcester, salary FIRST-CLASS laundry done at home; men one just Ruited for rooming that DA put over novelties: art lithographing. 74 Park St. FARSIIIANDS, married and engie, milk- land salesmen wanted, DO YOU WANT A house? I anv other harp room: the -Large window pontors, 'attrac- EXPERIENCED and wages lunch Piritan counter Lunch, girl, 818 steady Main work, good Potter pay. Century top Mfg. floor.

ment Office. 47 Water St. No leas for And commission paid. Apply 214 Main preforred. Call at 66 Vernon base- frame house in good condition.

good Spriugheld, purpose. 4 vou for can A small coat tively printed, produce surpriring resulta, state hours St. River 8922. 906 FARM HAND wanted, married man Springheld, Room 301, at 9 a. m.

or ment or Tel, W. 1789-12. Lucy J. Harvey. rated Rt the North End: price rust lemA than $10 per 100 the Merry PROOFREADER for job WOMEN- Wanted.

hand sewers work on farm and drive team. 0. C. Me- 1 p. June 9th, HOUSEKEEPER--Elderly woman $1600 down.

I. Healy Son. to work given frarly: specialize Print, 14 Pynchon St. EXPERIENCED if on noveltios and dolls at our rooms, An- Monson, Mara. Tel.

130. for high-grade Ag companion or Bridge Room 210. moral R. TAS. work.

large Metal PRINTING of every description. Cyrus W. printing plant. good future Office. assured ply at once to N.

S. Day Associates, FACTORY WORK--Wanted, young men house SALESMEN--Two to house work, men good salary to Box 171. Union Springdeld capable. Box 664, Union loom 527. Myrick City.

Office. of Investments. Stocks, Bonds 39 Atwood, "the prompt printer." Cable BOX MAKERS- DO you want work; And boys for steady positions with cond start, advancement. See Room HOUSEKEEPER in small family METAL WINDOWS. akylighta.

cornice opp. the Myrick Eldg. work? We have it; do you want good call WOMEN and see wanted list. for State Public Employ- pay. St.

Apply Art War. 381 Main 10 a. to 2 p. m. appear.

1090 gentlemen, State St. city or country; you LIBERTY through BONDS us by can paying ba $5 purchased down and FANCY A'l tines references. by An :1 r. Ang. 159 Dwight st.

Wal. 2605. PRINTING atationery; and prompt binding. service, books. just prices, wages? We pay them.

United Art Box ment Office, 14 Worthington St River PARM WORK for boy or man with some SALESMEN-5 to work rollable in Springfield. neat experi- HOUSEKEEPER- -Wanted, position littic 09 $2 3 week: at progant prices catalogs, wick and PI.UM 19-21 best quality, F. A. Bassette 53 Hill- 53 Illiman St. 4113.

No fees. preferred, good home with ing Inen hut preferred; housekeeper by woman with child, 2 you ret over safest investment on Worthinkton St. Tel. River 106. (Germona Bldg.) River 725-726.

FARMERET-Wanted. woman for dairy WORKING HOUSEKEEPER in home for experience R. P'utter, ence not necessary, a The 68 Butler 8t. earth: buy A bond Ar two on our PREV man and lawn work: $60 month WASPS, George Ludlow, Mass. permanent position with future, yeare.

Call in person at SPRINGFIELD Contracting building STATIONERY of every description: no room, gorden Somersville, Conn. girls. references required. R. 3529-W.

EN. mp.l.; Taylor 330 Worthington. REFINED American lady wants position pavinent nian. Room 6, 16 Harrison A 'a garages, gelling concrete blonds: succial- what your and board. Af.

Keeney. cook. YOUNG LADY to work in a confectionery FARM TEAMSTER wanted, married or SALESMEN-5 active reliable and neat 88 companion to elderly couple or lady WILT. PAY spot cash or on bonde general contracting. River 7047.

Offiro Supply 71-73 Worthington St. GENERAL HOUSE WORK, plain and fruit store: apply at once. West Side single. lienry Miller, East Longmeadow. men to work in Springfield and at Box 712, Union stocks or moriaces, no waiting al TADDIA CONST.

-lioneral W. A. LIESON 73 Taylor print- no washing: mod.r devices; nhouse can equipped elther with sleep Candy 2:6 Mnin West Springfield. Tel. 16-4.

appearing surrounding towns: experience not ne RELIABLE working housekeeper 16 Harrison Ave. blocks: and machine to rent: 10,100 block4 ing. ruling, binding. all under one root: in or go home nights; liberal wager. G.

YOUNG WOMAN as clerk in store understand and how As- FINISHER wanted and repair man for sary: thia 18 a permanent Call position Tuesday with be- a adults or business woman. Address Money to Loan 10 all labor-saving tow price if taken at books. specializing River 3200. 7. Farkasch, 65 Dickinson St.

to operate typewriter: a permanent posi- furniture. See 31r. Winn, the Hadley tween Room 709, Third Allyn WHITE WOMAN wants emall family LOANS TO EMPLOYES on their honor: in loose leaf and manifold Tel. liver sistant bookkeeper, must future; bonds required. Holyoke, 1132-M.

tion with chance for advancement: ad- Main St. Bank 387 Main St. to bring home, references. Rox no security. no publicity, no P'rofesslozal Service GIRL to help out in lunchroom.

R. 8586. Call dress In own hand writing. stating SAl- FIREMAN on factory boiler. 16-1h.

pres- SALESMEN--Men or women, Masa, cor- 767. wAshing Union Office. no charro for Information, patronage of Heating and l'lumbing BEAUTY PARLOR--Try our Dukes Lunch. MittineRguP. ary expected.

Box 780. I'nion Office. sure. 642 days. Box 707, Union Office.

poration can USA 10 of both; this 1s ladies asked: this company operates under 20 GLENWOOD FURNACES- -Furnace or faded hair. GIRL for errands and helping around A NEAT LADY for store work. Apply 26 FLOOR MAN wanted. Apply The BIg not steady work, but you can make a WANTED, laundry to take home. 288 A.

State license. The New had 1.010 pairs. sheet metal work, blow piping. Vienna treatment for Room gray 303. Carr fice.

Apply Room 33, I'hornix Bldg. Walnut St. Fireproof Garage, 11 Cromm St. year's salary in 8 month. Call nt Room 41A Main Room 309.

plumbing heating. Are Harrison Ave. Tel. Walnut 1696. for summer, room with COOK.

hotel, summer place: night 307 Commercial Trust 264 Main WANTED unfurnished rooms for man, MONEY to Joan on Int And d1 Nit and metal ceilings Ruby Call Hartt. artistic, sanitary And permanent. 25 GIRl part time at the seashore. PASTRY k. girla, alt round FLOOR MEN for garage work, or E.

O' Brien. wife and laby: u.fe will ammint in work, Rov G. Long, 374 Main St. Tri. atalled by D.

G. River Wellman. 447 Belmont ('LAY PACK. special, 75c, clean. Ayeiuf.

Rant. R. private R. hath, hotel waitresses, cook. C.

coun'ry. mald, Kellogg's, 11 Vernon. day. See Mr. St.

Bruco, Norcross-Cameron METAL WORKER--Hampden whale or part time, no cooking or wash- I Walnut 2307. cient service. phone 249-W: prompt tury shade, methods employed In ware hair And hair good. reitable; Tol. R.

1260, Bridge SHEET Cornice Works 173 Liberty City. inK. Dox 681, I'nion office. MONEY for are the: most sanitary, any dressed 73t. plain massage 50c, scalp GIRL for two housework: In family.

Call at 28': GARAGE MAN (experienced) for night SHEET METAL WORKERS (3) wanted. WOMAN with 2 years old child wants structina loans. 20 mortgages nought for 1pt and 241 mortgages and conMETAL nerinanent CEILINGS and artistic covering for that treatment. iolet rAy, for quick, oral Ingersol! work, Grove, city. Help Wanted- -Men 33 work.

363 Worthington 9t. also 1 radiator repairman. The All Metal position at general housework, good cook. CAsh B. Robinann.

25 Harrison Ave old broken down ceiling in your home: careful and courteous attention. call GRINDERS- Brown Sharpe, on produc- Worthington St. bert of references; will go to shore. and MONEY LOAN -Buy bonds or other let us instal one now. E.

G. Wellman. River 981 for appointments, The Parlor GIRL, for clean, pleasant opportunity work, for excellent ad- ADMAN- permanent position. tion work. Appl: Labor American SHIPPING CLERK -Experienced packer come At once.

Florence Perkins, Bridge- rity: I vA terms a r1 eamy payments. Phone R. 249-W. Sanitado, 789 Main Suite 301, Opp. working condition: 472 tinion St.

Apply Springfeld Union composing ronni. Bosch Magneto Brightwood. must be hustler. Duckworth water. Vt.

Ellison. at Cumberland after 7 p. m. HEATERS, furnaces and piping cleaned Portoffive. Dale HARDWARE MAN wanted, experienced.

and marker; 41 st. Situations Wanted- -Men 37 A FEW thousand dollars to 100 24 repaired: don't neglect that grate: HAIR, WARTS and moles removed br GIRL. to learn pamphlet The binding, F. A. $10 Bas- meko goort by producing results.

to sell Morris A. Cohen Hardware Store, SHORT ORDER COOK. Apply 242 Main BOOKKEEPER desires position in Spring- mETICARPS Third Nat'l. lorace Rank Peck to ADVERTISING solicitor wanted who can goods in hardware And paint Chain and don't let your furnace or heater hold the lady erator. guaranteed, eyebrows shaped: 53 lilliman St, dream Box 950, Union Office.

159 Main St. St. field, or vicinity; has had 3 years' painicss and start, quick advancement. store. BIde.

dirt that 18 bound out 0 accuinulate Storm during will not leave scar! accommodated evenings, Ret. la by letter AUDITORS--Traveling, permanent. HARDWARE CLERK. experienced. At SHORT ORDER cook.

Eureka Lunch, experience Ag bank bookkeeper and clerk: Wanted- -To Borrow 11 the winter: get it Installed. now: Small- King Den- working girls appointments made. GIRT, for clerical work: reply tractivo work; state experience and sal- have references. 0). C.

North Main. Phong Tal. 2534. expert typist; 23 years of age and gradpipeless furnaces no extra charge; Women's stating age. education and WARes expact- expected.

Address Box 348, ('nion once; must of Normal College And WANTED borrow 34000 on second ham 20 Dwight R. 336. A step Springteld Electric Needle good chance for working up in ary Office. derman. 327-229 Worthington St.

SINGLE MAN- Teamster or in uate ss Institute, Dox 728. Union office. 6 beT Sati honur. from State St. Shop Phone Walnut 2437.

growing organization. Box 637, Union HELP wanted. Capitol Lunch, 251 Main good wages and board. Tol. 1878-M, Hol- amount paid off HEATING AND PLUMBING- MASSEUSE -Miss F.

M. Dancose. $7 Elliot office. J. AUTOMOBILE S.

Harrington. MECHANICS service wAnted. Ap- city. yoke, work. CARPENTER--Non-union.

C. R. 83 Pearl with St. 712. Union Omice.

Tel. Lloyd River Company. 106. 10-21 by appointment. TREATMENTS Prof.

GIRL wanted. 2 for Apply flat work Scott's ironer, Laundry, good tinn, 369 c'entral Mr. Frost Service HELP wanted in packing St. room. HI.

I. rineering STENOGRAPHER dept. And clerk Street Rail- I CHAUFFEUR of experience in driving Worthington SL Walnut 1121. ply wanted, en- wants F. G.

Prov. (R, Swedish method: Bridge St. Met. Handy wanted at once at the Hotel way Office. 7 No.

Main St. And repairing wants steady position 120 East- with MASSAGE short hours. 45 Hampden INSTRUCTION M. J. -Successor department); high- apinal troubles, hrs.

1 to AUTO REPAIRMEN and chauffeurs may HOUSEMAN private family; references. 10 Wellman ( rheumatism, GIRL to learn cone winding on Universal free cmployment bureau. Kimball. STOCK CLERKS for automobile parts city. Local Instruction Classes 43 Belmont Ave, Temporary Phone R.

249-W. p. m. Swediab machines, steady work. Apply Bay State Laporte Auto School, 91-96 Broadway; HOUSEMAN wanted at once.

Hotel Nonn- dept. Willys- Overland. 153 Chestnut CHAUFFEUR desires truck or AUTOMOBILE BOOKLET sent on grade plumbing, jobbing specialty. 447 Webb, 185 State. P.

4127-M. register at our St. ern MASSEUSE Wanted. catienta. machine.

Thread Works, 15 Mill St. send for booklet. Mass, STRONG BOY, 16 or 17 years of age. for private. 'all after p.

9.3 Gardner. quest, day and evening Instruction on PLUMBING and heating, jobbing A massage, electric 77 and Main vibratory St. WV. GIRL, for office work. B.

R. Choumah BAKER wanted for boy n' plain tuck. work in our shipping dept. Call with best references, 830 Twin Packarda. Laporte Auto School, clalty.

LaFleur Reckwith. 71 Pomona dira. Woodbury. that our 493 State St. nork.

P'hone Arthur M. Hall. River JANITOR, middle-aged man preferred. ings. Remington Typewriter 43 work, qualified by character and 94-94 Broadway St.

Phone Walnut 3232. PHYSICIANS will tell you kid- GIRL for general work about the house. 7357 or Wal. G84-11. Apply Labor American Bosch Mag.

Worthington St. 10 utial AUTOMOBILE repatring arid driving PLUMBING AND HEATING-W. J. Hy- od of treating rheumatism. lumbago, stiffness in Wesson Maternity Hospital, cor.

High and Good pay And gOOd hours At neto, Brightwood. HELPER, Tel. Walnut W. in our hig KATAKE -cylinder land contractors, 153 Dwight St. neck.

bark or joints or kindred ailmento, Myrtle Sta. H. mine d'a 12-0 'hair Barber Shop, 13 JANITOR for anartinent block. to live In wanted At. once.

Apply :20 Arineson Dwight ho own In post- Cadillac cars, and tow drivers class LOW big de. trouble, pains in the bark. EL invariably alexiates pain nad often TO the GIRLS wanted nt once. clean, alcady en- Harrison Ave. P'hone River 3178.

building: call between 1 and m. TEAMSTERS- tion on salarv commission basis. Box mand: position and license. Smith': Auto River 412. Ir; and MAN in ROTAL and Victor heater repairs on 11101 the of Health.

It Sulphur is Vapor A3 Baths, ployment: experience not neccesary. BARBER- Wanted, 127, steady work. G. Taylor Room teamsters, 63 Washburn St. R.

4022-W. I 165, Union Office, Echool, 521 State St. known 306, 143 hand: furnace repairing. Fletcher Restorer for circular. Knickerbouker, 196 Worthington St.

ply 617 Main 8t Stale Dwight 6t. Tel. River 4357 145 State, 6th floor, Send 4 AF 1..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield, MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Why is Springfield so famous? ›

It was the originator of the game of basketball, vulcanized rubber, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It was the hometown of the children's writer Theodor Geisel, a.k.a. Dr.

Who were the first settlers in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

How old is Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

What is the ethnicity of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is Springfield best known for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Originally named Calhoun for U.S. Senator and Vice President John C. Calhoun, it took its current name, derived from nearby Spring Creek, in 1832. Abraham Lincoln moved to Springfield from New Salem on April 15, 1837, and lived there until he became president in 1861.

Why is Springfield known as the Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons. The Queen City garden is a beacon of color and excitement for most of the year.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

Today, the city of Springfield is known worldwide as the birthplace of the sport of basketball. In 1891, James Naismith, a theology graduate, invented the sport of basketball at the YMCA International Training School – now known as Springfield College – to fill-in the gap between the football and baseball seasons.

Who was the first person to live in Massachusetts? ›

Archaeological excavations in Massachusetts reveal that the earliest human beings arrived here more than 10,000 years ago. Archaeologists call these earliest settlers "Paleo-Indians." They are the ancestors of today's Indigenous Persons.

Who were the first families in Massachusetts? ›

Pilgrims and Puritans: 1620–1629

The first settlers in Massachusetts were the Pilgrims who established Plymouth Colony in 1620 and developed friendly relations with the Wampanoag people. This was the second permanent English colony in America following Jamestown Colony.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Communications Director Bill Baker joined with Sheila McElwaine to welcome Mayor Kōkichi Maeda and officials from Takikawa, Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of Springfield and Takikawa becoming sister cities.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

One aspect that makes living in Springfield an appealing choice is its affordability. Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

Historically, the first American place named Springfield was Springfield, Massachusetts, founded in 1636 by William Pynchon. An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex.

What town was Springfield from The Simpsons originally named after? ›

Springfield was named after Springfield, Oregon. The only reason is that when I was a kid, the TV show “Father Knows Best” took place in the town of Springfield, and I was thrilled because I imagined that it was the town next to Portland, my hometown.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

Why are so many towns named Springfield? ›

Most of these towns are named, directly or indirectly, for Springfield, Massachusetts, an important American manufacturing center during the nation's first century.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.