Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



1 1.0

Richard Alba, "The Great Demographic Illusion" : CSPAN2 : June 20, 2021 3:00am-4:32am EDT

Jun 20, 2021 06/21



Richard Alba, professor of sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, argued that the majority-minority narrative about demographics in the United States ignores the rising population of young Americans who are racially mixed. This virtual event was hosted by the American Enterprise Institute. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute
Topics: richard, richard alba, carlin, the nation, ancestry, donald trump, gop, obama
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Republican Senators Discuss Border Security : CSPAN2 : October 21, 2021 3:00am-6:04am EDT

Oct 21, 2021 10/21



Sen. Ron Johnson joined by Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) held a roundtable discussion on border security with former Trump administration border and immigration officials, two sheriffs, a mother who lost her daughter to a fentanyl overdose and another mother whose son died in a vehicle accident with an undocumented immigrant. For a little over three hours, the group criticized President Biden's border policies. Some of them also called for Homeland Security Secretary...
Topics: mexico, biden, scott, trump, portman, florida, fbi, massachusetts, san diego, dominic, mr. morgan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 17, 2021 3:06pm-3:38pm EDT

Aug 17, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, new york city, jefferson, capitol city, virginia, newburgh, new york, philadelphia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Republican Nat'l Lawyers Assn. Holds Policy Conference : CSPAN2 : September 27, 2021 11:30pm-12:37am EDT

Sep 28, 2021 09/21



Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) delivered remarks at the Republican National Lawyers Association National Policy Conference in Arlington, Virginia. Topics included Afghanistan withdrawal, election security and the 2022 midterm elections. Sponsor: Republican National Lawyers Association
Topics: afghanistan, biden, rodney davis, washington, china, illinois, d.c., pelosi, nancy pelosi, bernie...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Republican Nat'l Lawyers Assn. Holds Policy Conference : CSPAN2 : September 24, 2021 8:59am-10:08am EDT

Sep 24, 2021 09/21



[LIVE] The Republican National Lawyers Association holds their 2021 National Policy Conference in Arlington, Virginia. Sponsor: Republican National Lawyers Association
Topics: afghanistan, biden, china, joe biden, nancy pelosi, trump, donald trump, pelosi, illinois, rodney,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Reel America "The Voyage of the Mayflower II" - 1957 : CSPAN2 : November 25, 2021 8:34am-8:46am EST

Nov 25, 2021 11/21



This Castle Films newsreel documents the 1957 Atlantic crossing of the Mayflower II, a replica of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. Sponsor: Castle Films
Topics: england, plymouth, victor davis hanson, nixon, white house, mary
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Rep. Madeleine Dean D-PA and Harry Cunnane, "Under Our Roof" : CSPAN2 : March 8, 2021 6:55am-8:01am EST

Mar 8, 2021 03/21



Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA) and her son Harry Cunnane discussed his drug addiction and recovery. This virtual program was hosted by Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC. Sponsor: Politics and Prose Bookstore
Topics: harry, pennsylvania, philadelphia, shawn, patrick flynn, patrick
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : March 13, 2021 6:20pm-6:51pm EST

Mar 13, 2021 03/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, philadelphia, new york, virginia, hamilton, robert watson, newburgh,...
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Ross Douthat, "The Decadent Society" : CSPAN2 : April 24, 2021 11:55am-1:01pm EDT

Apr 24, 2021 04/21



New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, who argues in his book "The Decadent Society" that the United States is in a state of malaise, talked about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected his outlook. This virtual event was hosted by the Manhattan Institute. Sponsor: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Topics: ross, cdc, china, israel, europe, virginia, southeast asia
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Rep. Grace Meng Discussion on Anti-Asian Racism : CSPAN2 : June 25, 2021 6:25am-7:23am EDT

Jun 25, 2021 06/21



The American Constitutional Society hosted a virtual conversation on the rise of anti-Asian racism and violence in the country. Joining the discussion were Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY), California Supreme Court Judge Goodwin Liu, and Connecticut Attorney General William Tong. They discussed the rise of anti-Asian racism during the pandemic and how it came to be, the use of Japanese internment camps during World War II, recognizing casual racism in everyday life, and how to combat racist ideologies...
Topics: bannai, california, connecticut, atlanta, hartford, new york city, new york, manzanar, lawrie, san...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 18, 2021 7:44am-8:16am EDT

Aug 18, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, hamilton, new york, virginia, newburgh, new york city, capital city,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 17, 2021 5:29pm-6:00pm EDT

Aug 17, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, hamilton, new york, new york city, virginia, philadelphia, robert watson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 17, 2021 10:15pm-10:47pm EDT

Aug 18, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, virginia, philadelphia, new york city, watson, hamilton
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Ronald White, "Lincoln in Private" : CSPAN2 : August 24, 2021 7:31pm-8:59pm EDT

Aug 24, 2021 08/21



Lincoln scholar Ronald White examined the private thoughts of America's 16th President through his personal notes. This was a virtual program hosted by the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago. Sponsor: Abraham Lincoln Book Shop
Topics: lincoln, lincoln, kentucky, illinois, lincoln, stephens, herndon, zachary taylor, daniel, brown,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Reaction to Opening of Senate Impeachment Trial : CSPAN2 : January 25, 2021 8:08pm-8:42pm EST

Jan 26, 2021 01/21



[LIVE] Reaction to opening of U.S. Senate impeachment trial and the reading of the Article of Impeachment on the Senate floor.
Topics: trump, donald john trump, mcconnell, donald trump, chuck schumer, patrick leahy, butch bowers, john...
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Russian President Vladimir Putin Addresses World Economic Forum : CSPAN2 : January 27, 2021 10:44pm-11:29pm EST

Jan 28, 2021 01/21



Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a virtual summit of the World Economic Forum, a meeting that brings together global leaders and political and business executives to discuss the priorities and challenges of the day. President Putin had not addressed the summit in a decade and his remarks comes at a time where several Western nations are considering sanctions over the arrest and detention of opposition leader, Alexei Navalny. In his remarks, he talked about the state of international...
Topics: russia, europe, china, benjamin netanyahu
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Robert Kaplan, "The Good American" : CSPAN2 : March 1, 2021 7:01am-8:01am EST

Mar 1, 2021 03/21



Author and journalist Robert Kaplan explored the life of Bob Gersony, a freelance contractor for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and how his reports from war zones impacted U.S. foreign policy over his forty-year career. This was a virtual event hosted by the Carnegie Council in New York City. Sponsor: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Topics: washington, vietnam, mozambique, iraq, bosnia, cia, reagan, bob, ethiopia, ecuador, biden, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Rick Perlstein, "Reaganland" : CSPAN2 : September 26, 2021 1:57pm-2:44pm EDT

Sep 26, 2021 09/21



Historian Rick Perlstein discussed his book "Reaganland" that looks at conservatism in modern American politics. This event was part of Chicago's Printers Row Lit Fest. Sponsor: Printers Row Lit Fest
Topics: jimmy carter, reagan, carter, goldwater, barry goldwater, ronald reagan, richard nixon, obama,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Rep. John Katko Discusses Homeland Security : CSPAN2 : March 23, 2021 9:16am-10:01am EDT

Mar 23, 2021 03/21



House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member John Katko (R-NY) spoke about the evolution of the Homeland Security Department with Woodrow Wilson Center President Emerita and former Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA). Rep. Katko talked about the role the Homeland Security Department plays in protecting the U.S. border, fighting terrorism, and securing the U.S. against cyber threats. He also called for a 9/11-style commission to examine the events surrounding the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol....
Topics: china, mexico, biden, wilson, new york, white house, intel, california, john katko, jane harman,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Sep 28, 2021 09/21



Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC) spoke about the importance of including expanded Medicaid coverage in the budget reconciliation bill. The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights President Wade Henderson joined the conversation to discuss how organizing and activism can help push Medicaid expansion. The Center for American Progress hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: Center for American Progress
Topics: washington, adrian, texas, patrick, south carolina, georgia, wade henderson, clyburn, naacp,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Rep. Joaquin Castro Discusses U.S. Global Engagement : CSPAN2 : October 18, 2021 11:02pm-11:48pm EDT

Oct 19, 2021 10/21



Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) discussed U.S. global engagement at the Atlantic Council. He talked about ways the U.S. can rebuild its diplomatic capacity. He also discussed the Open Translation and Analysis Center Authorization Act, a piece of bipartisan legislation that would establish a federally funded research center for translating and analyzing documents from the People's Republic of China and other countries of strategic interest. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, google, texas, atlantic, russia, europe
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" Speech : CSPAN2 : October 31, 2021 6:49am-8:01am EDT

Oct 31, 2021 10/21



President Reagan implored the Soviets in a June 12, 1987, Berlin speech to "Tear down this wall." The Hoover Institution and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute hosted a look back at the evolution of that speech and its importance more than three decades later. Speakers included speech author Peter Robinson and Jamie Fly, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty president. Sponsor: Hoover Institution at Stanford University
Topics: reagan, berlin, germany, gorbachev, jamie, ronald reagan, china, europe, mcmaster, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Rep. Joaquin Castro Discusses U.S. Global Engagement : CSPAN2 : October 19, 2021 3:59am-4:45am EDT

Oct 19, 2021 10/21



Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) discussed U.S. global engagement at the Atlantic Council. He talked about ways the U.S. can rebuild its diplomatic capacity. He also discussed the Open Translation and Analysis Center Authorization Act, a piece of bipartisan legislation that would establish a federally funded research center for translating and analyzing documents from the People's Republic of China and other countries of strategic interest. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, castro, jonathan, aude, russia, latin america, google, europe, pentagon, biden
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : March 14, 2021 9:25am-10:01am EDT

Mar 14, 2021 03/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, new york city, hamilton, virginia, philadelphia, new york, robert watson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 17, 2021 12:42pm-1:12pm EDT

Aug 17, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, new york city, hamilton, new york, newburgh, virginia, philadelphia, robert...
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, "Not A Nation of Immigrants" : CSPAN2 : September 19, 2021 8:01am-9:11am EDT

Sep 19, 2021 09/21



Historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz argued that America is not a nation founded by and for immigrants, but rather is a product of settler colonialism and slavery. City Lights Books in San Francisco, hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: City Lights Bookstore
Topics: mexico, san francisco, china, columbus, miller, amazon, roxanne dunbar-ortiz, peter, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Rick Perlstein, "Reaganland" : CSPAN2 : September 27, 2021 1:58am-2:45am EDT

Sep 27, 2021 09/21



Historian Rick Perlstein discussed his book "Reaganland" that looks at conservatism in modern American politics. This event was part of Chicago's Printers Row Lit Fest. Sponsor: Printers Row Lit Fest
Topics: jimmy carter, reagan, carter, goldwater, barry goldwater, ronald reagan, richard nixon, obama,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Rep. Joaquin Castro Discusses U.S. Global Engagement : CSPAN2 : October 20, 2021 6:14am-7:00am EDT

Oct 20, 2021 10/21



Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) discussed U.S. global engagement at the Atlantic Council. He talked about ways the U.S. can rebuild its diplomatic capacity. He also discussed the Open Translation and Analysis Center Authorization Act, a piece of bipartisan legislation that would establish a federally funded research center for translating and analyzing documents from the People's Republic of China and other countries of strategic interest. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, castro, jonathan, aude, russia, latin america, google, europe, pentagon, biden
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Republican Senators Discuss Border Security : CSPAN2 : October 22, 2021 12:02pm-3:06pm EDT

Oct 22, 2021 10/21



Sen. Ron Johnson joined by Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) held a roundtable discussion on border security with former Trump administration border and immigration officials, two sheriffs, a mother who lost her daughter to a fentanyl overdose and another mother whose son died in a vehicle accident with an undocumented immigrant. For a little over three hours, the group criticized President Biden's border policies. Some of them also called for Homeland Security Secretary...
Topics: mexico, biden, scott, trump, massachusetts, mayorkas, portman, fbi, florida, guatemala, mr. morgan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Rebecca Donner, "All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days" : CSPAN2 : December 31, 2021 4:30pm-5:36pm EST

Dec 31, 2021 12/21



Rebecca Donner told the story of American Mildred Harnack who led an underground resistance group in Germany during World War II. This was a virtual event hosted by the Free Library of Philadelphia. Sponsor: Free Library of Philadelphia
Topics: germany, berlin, mildred, hitler, mildred harnack, rebecca, rebecca donner, stalin, gestapo, arvid,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Richard Thaler, "Nudge" : CSPAN2 : May 22, 2021 12:01pm-1:02pm EDT

May 22, 2021 05/21



Nobel Prize in Economics winner Richard Thaler looked at the way decisions were made during the COVID-19 pandemic. This virtual event was hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City. Sponsor: Council on Foreign Relations
Topics: chicago, richard thaler, thaler, trump, laura, thaller, obama, biden, johnson, peter, eduardo
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Russian President Vladimir Putin Addresses World Economic Forum : CSPAN2 : January 28, 2021 3:57am-4:42am EST

Jan 28, 2021 01/21



Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a virtual summit of the World Economic Forum, a meeting that brings together global leaders and political and business executives to discuss the priorities and challenges of the day. President Putin had not addressed the summit in a decade and his remarks comes at a time where several Western nations are considering sanctions over the arrest and detention of opposition leader, Alexei Navalny. In his remarks, he talked about the state of international...
Topics: russia, europe, biden, klaus
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein, "System Error" : CSPAN2 : November 23, 2021 9:03pm-10:35pm EST

Nov 24, 2021 11/21



Stanford University's Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society, engineering professor Mehran Sahami, and political science professor Jeremy Weinstein discussed how Big Tech's focus on optimization and efficiency has affected moral values. This virtual event was provided by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sponsor: Computer History Museum
Topics: stanford, stanford, jeremy, silicon valley, rob reich, jeremy weinstein, google, europe,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" Speech : CSPAN2 : November 28, 2021 5:25am-6:36am EST

Nov 28, 2021 11/21



President Reagan implored the Soviets in a June 12, 1987, Berlin speech to "Tear down this wall." The Hoover Institution and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute hosted a look back at the evolution of that speech and its importance more than three decades later. Speakers included speech author Peter Robinson and Jamie Fly, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty president. Sponsor: Hoover Institution at Stanford University
Topics: berlin, reagan, jamie, germany, ronald reagan, china, europe, ragan, gorbachev, russia, peter,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Rep. Seth Moulton and Michele Flournoy Discuss U.S. Defense : CSPAN2 : July 26, 2021 10:15am-11:05am EDT

Jul 26, 2021 07/21



Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), former Under Secretary for Defense Policy Michele Flournoy, and Jay Dryer, the Defense Department's Strategic Command Operations director, joined a virtual conversation hosted by the Hudson Institute on transforming U.S. defense capabilities. Among the topics discussed were competition with China, retiring legacy systems in order to free up funding for future technologies, the importance of cyber and how software will win the war of the future, and investment in...
Topics: china, michelle, navy, dod, taiwan, massachusetts, michele flournoy, darpa, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Robert Strauss, "John Marshall" : CSPAN2 : June 5, 2021 3:11am-4:12am EDT

Jun 5, 2021 06/21



Journalist Robert Strauss recalled the life and impact of America's fourth Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, john marshall, marshall, philadelphia, virginia, jefferson, richmond, buchanan, james...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Ronald White, "Lincoln in Private" : CSPAN2 : August 24, 2021 11:01pm-12:30am EDT

Aug 25, 2021 08/21



Lincoln scholar Ronald White examined the private thoughts of America's 16th President through his personal notes. This was a virtual program hosted by the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago. Sponsor: Abraham Lincoln Book Shop
Topics: lincoln, lincoln, kentucky, lincoln, illinois, springfield, stephens, zachary taylor, robert,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Ronald White, "Lincoln in Private" : CSPAN2 : August 25, 2021 6:03am-7:30am EDT

Aug 25, 2021 08/21



Lincoln scholar Ronald White examined the private thoughts of America's 16th President through his personal notes. This was a virtual program hosted by the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago. Sponsor: Abraham Lincoln Book Shop
Topics: lincoln, lincoln, lincoln, illinois, ron, kentucky, mary, stevens, abraham lincoln, zachary taylor,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Rachel Vogelstein and Meighan Stone, "Awakening - #MeToo and the Global Fight for Women's Rights" : CSPAN2 : August 15, 2021 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

Aug 15, 2021 08/21



Meighan Stone and Rachel Vogelstein spoke about the global impact of the #MeToo movement. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: Politcs and Prose Bookstore
Topics: rachel, meighan, brazil, afghanistan, nigeria, egypt, biden, white house, pakistan, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Ronald White, "Lincoln in Private" : CSPAN2 : August 25, 2021 2:33am-3:59am EDT

Aug 25, 2021 08/21



Lincoln scholar Ronald White examined the private thoughts of America's 16th President through his personal notes. This was a virtual program hosted by the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago. Sponsor: Abraham Lincoln Book Shop
Topics: lincoln, lincoln, lincoln, illinois, ron, kentucky, mary, stevens, abraham lincoln, zachary taylor,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Republican Nat'l Lawyers Assn. Holds Policy Conference : CSPAN2 : September 28, 2021 7:41am-8:48am EDT

Sep 28, 2021 09/21



Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) delivered remarks at the Republican National Lawyers Association National Policy Conference in Arlington, Virginia. Topics included Afghanistan withdrawal, election security and the 2022 midterm elections. Sponsor: Republican National Lawyers Association
Topics: afghanistan, biden, china, illinois, washington, nancy pelosi, joe biden, trump, pelosi, rodney...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein, "System Error" : CSPAN2 : October 31, 2021 6:00pm-7:30pm EDT

Oct 31, 2021 10/21



Stanford University's Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society, engineering professor Mehran Sahami, and political science professor Jeremy Weinstein discussed how Big Tech's focus on optimization and efficiency has affected moral values. This virtual event was provided by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sponsor: Computer History Museum
Topics: stanford, stanford, jeremy, silicon valley, google, united nations, washington, europe, rob, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Roger Martin, "When More Is Not Better" : CSPAN2 : January 10, 2021 10:15am-11:16am EST

Jan 10, 2021 01/21



Author Roger Martin explained why he believes Americans' pursuit of economic efficiency has reduced the size of the middle class. This virtual event provided by the Aspen Institute. Sponsor: Aspen Institute
Topics: roger, new york, amazon, silicon valley, walmart, amazon, google, bernie sanders, costco, david...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : February 27, 2021 6:31pm-7:03pm EST

Feb 27, 2021 02/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, hamilton, new york, new york city, virginia, capitol city, newburgh,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Rep. Ilhan Omar Holds News Conference : CSPAN2 : December 1, 2021 4:05am-4:42am EST

Dec 1, 2021 12/21



Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) and other Muslim House members held a news conference on Islamophobia. Rep. Omar played and then read an expletive-laced voicemail that she received after recent anti-Muslim comments made by some of her Republican colleagues. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: people 's house, detroit, canada, new zealand
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein, "System Error" : CSPAN2 : November 23, 2021 3:04pm-4:37pm EST

Nov 23, 2021 11/21



Stanford University's Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society, engineering professor Mehran Sahami, and political science professor Jeremy Weinstein discussed how Big Tech's focus on optimization and efficiency has affected moral values. This virtual event was provided by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sponsor: Computer History Museum
Topics: stanford, jeremy, silicon valley, stanford, microsoft, google, rob, united nations, europe, d.c.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Rep. Ilhan Omar Holds News Conference : CSPAN2 : November 30, 2021 10:43pm-11:20pm EST

Dec 1, 2021 12/21



Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) and other Muslim House members held a news conference on Islamophobia. Rep. Omar played and then read an expletive-laced voicemail that she received after recent anti-Muslim comments made by some of her Republican colleagues. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: people 's house, detroit, canada, new zealand
Source: Comcast Cable


1 1.0

Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov Discusses U.S.-Russia Relations : CSPAN2 : January 5, 2021 3:25pm-4:25pm EST

Jan 5, 2021 01/21



The Brookings Institution hosted a virtual discussion on U-S.-Russia relations with Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov. Several topics were discussed, including the recent U.S. withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty and the need to continue negotiations on a new START Treaty. They also addressed several areas for cooperation between the two countries under the upcoming Biden administration, such as nuclear arms control and nonproliferation, fighting terrorism, the coronavirus pandemic, and...
Topics: russia, china, washington, allen, frank, angela, geneva, europe, georgia, joe biden, moscow
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Rep. Jayapal Reacts to U.S. Capitol Security Briefing : CSPAN2 : March 8, 2021 7:40pm-7:50pm EST

Mar 9, 2021 03/21



Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) spoke to reporters about the U.S. Capitol security briefing being provided to House members by retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré and other officials from the January 6 task force. She said the task force report recommendations are "thorough" and "make a lot of sense" but stressed the need to have more Capitol staff, police training, technology and threat assessments. Rep. Jayapal was also asked about the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill being...
Topic: white house
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Robert Strauss, "John Marshall" : CSPAN2 : April 10, 2021 8:01am-9:02am EDT

Apr 10, 2021 04/21



Journalist Robert Strauss recalled the life and impact of America's fourth Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, john marshall, marshall, philadelphia, virginia, jefferson, richmond, buchanan, james...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

May 10, 2021 05/21



Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz (FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) spoke at an event in The Villages, Florida. It's the first of what's expected to be a series of what they're calling "America First" rallies around the country. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives | Taylor Greene, M. (R-GA),U.S. House of Representatives | Gaetz, M. (R-FL)
Topics: washington, trump, marjorie, marjorie taylor greene, florida, joe biden, matt, biden, matt gaetz,...
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Randall Kennedy, "Say It Loud" : CSPAN2 : October 3, 2021 8:55pm-10:01pm EDT

Oct 4, 2021 10/21



Harvard Law School professor Randall Kennedy weighed in on social justice issues in America. The Free Library of Philadelphia hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: Free Library of Philadelphia
Topics: thurgood marshall, south carolina, derrick bell, washington, harvard, alexis de tocqueville,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Jul 15, 2021 07/21



Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) spoke about the military's strategic capabilities including missile defense and nuclear deterrence with the Hudson Institute. Rep. Turner is the top Republican on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces. Sponsor: Hudson Institute
Topics: russia, biden, china, turner, navy, ohio, israel, obama, iran
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Reel America "Let's Go America!" - 1936 : CSPAN2 : July 25, 2021 1:49am-2:01am EDT

Jul 25, 2021 07/21



This National Association of Manufacturers film was produced during the Great Depression to promote an optimistic view of the U.S. economy. The film shows dramatized scenes from the so-called "good old days" when Americans toiled for long hours with primitive tools. The 1936 film argues that American creativity, ingenuity and modern machines will make life easier and the future brighter. Sponsor: National Association of Manufacturers
Topics: lyndon b. johnson, johnson, virginia, lbj
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Republican Senators Discuss Border Security : CSPAN2 : October 20, 2021 8:59pm-12:04am EDT

Oct 21, 2021 10/21



Sen. Ron Johnson joined by Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) held a roundtable discussion on border security with former Trump administration border and immigration officials, two sheriffs, a mother who lost her daughter to a fentanyl overdose and another mother whose son died in a vehicle accident with an undocumented immigrant. For a little over three hours, the group criticized President Biden's border policies. Some of them also called for Homeland Security Secretary...
Topics: mexico, biden, scott, trump, portman, massachusetts, florida, fbi, san diego, dominic, mr. morgan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Rep. Joaquin Castro Discusses U.S. Global Engagement : CSPAN2 : October 19, 2021 7:59pm-8:46pm EDT

Oct 19, 2021 10/21



Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) discussed U.S. global engagement at the Atlantic Council. He talked about ways the U.S. can rebuild its diplomatic capacity. He also discussed the Open Translation and Analysis Center Authorization Act, a piece of bipartisan legislation that would establish a federally funded research center for translating and analyzing documents from the People's Republic of China and other countries of strategic interest. Sponsor: Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Topics: china, russia, google, latin america, texas, atlantic, castro, jon, afghanistan, pentagon, biden
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Sep 28, 2021 09/21



Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC) spoke about the importance of including expanded Medicaid coverage in the budget reconciliation bill. The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights President Wade Henderson joined the conversation to discuss how organizing and activism can help push Medicaid expansion. The Center for American Progress hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: Center for American Progress
Topics: adrian, texas, patrick, south carolina, georgia, wade henderson, clyburn, washington, naacp,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" Speech : CSPAN2 : October 30, 2021 6:50pm-8:01pm EDT

Oct 30, 2021 10/21



President Reagan implored the Soviets in a June 12, 1987, Berlin speech to "Tear down this wall." The Hoover Institution and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute hosted a look back at the evolution of that speech and its importance more than three decades later. Speakers included speech author Peter Robinson and Jamie Fly, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty president. Sponsor: Hoover Institution at Stanford University
Topics: reagan, berlin, germany, gorbachev, ronald reagan, europe, china, hoover, jamie, mcmaster,...
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Oct 2, 2021 10/21



Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC) spoke about the importance of including expanded Medicaid coverage in the budget reconciliation bill. The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights President Wade Henderson joined the conversation to discuss how organizing and activism can help push Medicaid expansion. The Center for American Progress hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: Center for American Progress
Topics: south carolina, texas, washington, clyburn, florida, georgia, alabama, adrian, virginia, arkansas
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein, "System Error" : CSPAN2 : November 1, 2021 6:00am-7:30am EDT

Nov 1, 2021 11/21



Stanford University's Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society, engineering professor Mehran Sahami, and political science professor Jeremy Weinstein discussed how Big Tech's focus on optimization and efficiency has affected moral values. This virtual event was provided by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sponsor: Computer History Museum
Topics: stanford, stanford, jeremy, silicon valley, google, united nations, washington, europe, rob, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein, "System Error" : CSPAN2 : November 28, 2021 4:00pm-5:31pm EST

Nov 28, 2021 11/21



Stanford University's Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society, engineering professor Mehran Sahami, and political science professor Jeremy Weinstein discussed how Big Tech's focus on optimization and efficiency has affected moral values. This virtual event was provided by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sponsor: Computer History Museum
Topics: stanford, stanford, jeremy, silicon valley, microsoft, united nations, google, europe, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Rep. Latta Discusses Republican Broadband Plan : CSPAN2 : May 24, 2021 9:46am-10:10am EDT

May 24, 2021 05/21



[LIVE] Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) discusses the newly released Republican Broadband Plan during the Free State Foundation's annual telecom conference. Sponsor: Free State Foundation
Topics: latta, biden, google, turley, deb colyer
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Rep. Madeleine Dean D-PA and Harry Cunnane, "Under Our Roof" : CSPAN2 : March 20, 2021 9:53am-11:00am EDT

Mar 20, 2021 03/21



Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA) and her son Harry Cunnane discussed his drug addiction and recovery. This virtual program was hosted by Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC. Sponsor: Politics and Prose Bookstore
Topics: harry, philadelphia, pennsylvania, washington, madeleine, madeline, kim
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Robert Strauss, "John Marshall" : CSPAN2 : June 5, 2021 12:07am-1:08am EDT

Jun 5, 2021 06/21



Journalist Robert Strauss recalled the life and impact of America's fourth Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, john marshall, marshall, philadelphia, virginia, jefferson, richmond, buchanan, james...
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Robert Strauss, "John Marshall" : CSPAN2 : June 4, 2021 9:02pm-10:04pm EDT

Jun 5, 2021 06/21



Journalist Robert Strauss recalled the life and impact of America's fourth Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, john marshall, marshall, philadelphia, virginia, jefferson, buchanan, adams, england,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Russell Poldrack, "Hard to Break" : CSPAN2 : June 13, 2021 8:00pm-9:02pm EDT

Jun 14, 2021 06/21



Neuroscientist Russell Poldrack explained what happens in the human brain that makes habits hard to break. This virtual event was hosted by Harvard Book Store in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sponsor: Harvard Book Store
Topics: angela duckworth, russia
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Rep. Madeleine Dean D-PA and Harry Cunnane, "Under Our Roof" : CSPAN2 : February 28, 2021 6:55pm-8:01pm EST

Feb 28, 2021 02/21



Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA) and her son Harry Cunnane discussed his drug addiction and recovery. This virtual program was hosted by Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, DC. Sponsor: Politics and Prose Bookstore
Topics: philadelphia, house, harry, sean
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 18, 2021 12:40am-1:11am EDT

Aug 18, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, hamilton, virginia, philadelphia, new york city, capital city, rome, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 17, 2021 7:50pm-8:21pm EDT

Aug 17, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, new york city, jefferson, capitol city, hamilton, newburgh, philadelphia, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

Robert Watson, "George Washington's Final Battle" : CSPAN2 : August 17, 2021 10:18am-10:49am EDT

Aug 17, 2021 08/21



History professor Robert Watson looked at George Washington's efforts to make Washington, DC, the nation's capital. This was a virtual event hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, jefferson, new york, new york city, hamilton, virginia, newburgh, philadelphia, capital...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, "Not A Nation of Immigrants" : CSPAN2 : September 19, 2021 8:01pm-9:11pm EDT

Sep 20, 2021 09/21



Historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz argued that America is not a nation founded by and for immigrants, but rather is a product of settler colonialism and slavery. City Lights Books in San Francisco, hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: City Lights Bookstore
Topics: mexico, san francisco, china, columbus, miller, amazon, peter, washington, haiti, roxanne, roxanne...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Rebecca Donner, "All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days" : CSPAN2 : September 20, 2021 6:15am-7:22am EDT

Sep 20, 2021 09/21



Rebecca Donner told the story of American Mildred Harnack who led an underground resistance group in Germany during World War II. This was a virtual event hosted by the Free Library of Philadelphia. Sponsor: Free Library of Philadelphia
Topics: mildred, virginia, hitler, gertrude
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Randall Kennedy, "Say It Loud" : CSPAN2 : October 3, 2021 8:55am-10:01am EDT

Oct 3, 2021 10/21



Harvard Law School professor Randall Kennedy weighed in on social justice issues in America. The Free Library of Philadelphia hosted this virtual event. Sponsor: Free Library of Philadelphia
Topics: thurgood marshall, south carolina, derrick bell, harvard, alexis de tocqueville, alabama, randall...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy Weinstein, "System Error" : CSPAN2 : November 29, 2021 4:00am-5:31am EST

Nov 29, 2021 11/21



Stanford University's Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society, engineering professor Mehran Sahami, and political science professor Jeremy Weinstein discussed how Big Tech's focus on optimization and efficiency has affected moral values. This virtual event was provided by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Sponsor: Computer History Museum
Topics: stanford, stanford, jeremy, silicon valley, microsoft, united nations, google, europe, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

Rebecca Donner, "All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days" : CSPAN2 : December 17, 2021 12:51am-2:01am EST

Dec 17, 2021 12/21



Rebecca Donner told the story of American Mildred Harnack who led an underground resistance group in Germany during World War II. This was a virtual event hosted by the Free Library of Philadelphia. Sponsor: Free Library of Philadelphia
Topics: germany, berlin, hitler, rebecca, mildred, rebecca donner, adolf hitler, nazi, gestapo, virginia,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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