Rough Draft Timeline - Anonymous - Turning - 쿠유 (2024)

Chapter Text

Second Timeline/Current Storyline 0

0, The Year Yuder Joins the Cavalry

Four days before Yuder’s regression, Gakane arrives in the capital from the southern region of Ulan (Chapter 2 has Gakane say that he had arrived a week before his first conversation with Yuder so 7-3=4).

The Beginning of Turning/The First Day of Yuder’s Regression:

Instead of being beheaded 11 years into the future, Yuder (20, mentally 31) wakes up in the Giant’s Sleep and finds himself back to the first day he had arrived in the capital (Chapter 1). Although Yuder doesn’t know the reason behind his regression, he decides to use the chance to find out the real reason for the calamities that would happen a few years later into the future (Chapter 2).

Realizing that he needs position and power, which he couldn’t get in the other countries which wouldn’t treat their Awakeners better for years, and that the people he needed for help in the future were in the Orr Empire, Yuder decides to stay and join the Cavalry again (Chapter 2). He begins to organize the information he remembered of the future and make plans in his inn room (Chapter 2).

Three days after regressing, Yuder finally leaves his inn room (Chapter 2). Gakane Bolunwald, also a guest at the inn, invites him to breakfast (Chapter 2). Yuder decides to accept this time and learn more about Gakane (Chapter 2). After the conversation, Gakane offers to guide Yuder to the Blue Crown to register for the Cavalry test and Yuder accepts (Chapter 3).

Yuder and Gakane get in the registration line for the Cavalry test behind Kanna (Chapter 3). Kanna asks them about the registration details and Yuder asks her about her ability. Upon finding out about her ability to read the past, Yuder gives Kanna advice for how to successfully apply for registration (Chapter 4).

Two days later, Gakane takes the Cavalry test and passes (Chapter 5 says Gakane takes the test the day before Yuder). He doesn’t return to the inn (Chapter 5).

One day later, Yuder packs his belongings, leaves the inn, and takes the Cavalry test on the last day that the tests are held (Chapter 5 says that the tests are held over three days and Yuder’s test is on the last). When Yuder’s number (Yuder is candidate 423) is called, Yuder sees Kishiar among the five examiners in the examination room (Chapter 5). Yuder demonstrates his ability and passes (Chapter 6).

The number of Awakeners who pass the first ever recruitment after the establishment of the Cavalry is 330 (Chapter 6). After the last test, the Imperial Knights get the successful Awakeners to stand at attention. Hinn and Finn insult them, encouraging the more intimidated Cavalry members to regain their confidence when standing before the Imperial Knights (Chapter 6). Kishiar la Orr introduces himself as Commander and delivers his inaugural address to the newly recruited Cavalry members (Chapter 7). The Cavalry members temporarily reside on the Imperial Knights’ premises until the proper construction of the Cavalry’s exclusive building is completed (Chapter 7). Yuder lives in room 36 on the third floor of the building with Gakane, Juan, and Kurga (Chapter 7).

The following few weeks after passing the Cavalry test, Yuder and the Cavalry members undergo intense physical training, train and develop their individual abilities, and study letters simultaneously, moving according to the training schedule with a do-or-die attitude (Chapter 7). Gakane becomes popular within the Cavalry for his good looks and sociability (Chapter 8).

One month after joining the Cavalry, the Cavalry members move from their temporary lodging to the new building made specifically for them (Chapter 8). Since their new residence is better than those of the Imperial Knights, the animosity the Imperial Knights has towards the Cavalry increases.

The harsh training with constantly changing methods continues (Chapter 8). Although he would leave immediately after training, Kishiar trains with the Cavalry to test their limits and complete the establishment of the organizational structure (Chapter 8).

Three months after joining the Cavalry, Kishiar gathers the Cavalry members together and announces that there will be three divisions within the Cavalry and the Cavalry members are given a week to choose the one that they wish to be in (Chapter 8). Within three days, most Cavalry members decide their divisions (Chapter 8). Wanting to avoid becoming Deputy Commander and wanting to see Kishiar more, Yuder decides to be a part of the Shin Division (Chapter 8).

Sometime within this week, Finn and Hinn chooses to be in Sul to develop their teleportation ability (Chapter 21).

Six days after the announcement, Kanna reports her division selection with Jodie to Kishiar (Chapter 9 says Yuder only has until tomorrow to decide). Kishiar asks about Yuder’s selection, causing Kanna to meet with Yuder to ask the same question (Chapter 9). After asking, Kanna finds out that Yuder doesn’t care about what kind of language she uses, and they begin to use informal language with each other (Chapter 9).

The next day, Kanna spreads news that Yuder doesn’t care, and many Cavalry members begin using informal language and talking more with Yuder (Chapter 9). After dinner, Yuder meets Kishiar for the first time alone (Chapter 9). In their conversation, Yuder confirms that he knows about the Divine Sword, reports his intention to join the Shin Division, denies interest in a Deputy Commander position, and confirms that Kishiar had not intended to hand the Commander position to anyone from the start (Chapter 11).

The next morning, Kishiar announces a one-month grace period, during which members could live their lives and make any necessary adjustments. He also announces that Cavalry members would receive equivalent treatment to Imperial Knights, be granted a last name if they hadn’t already had one, belong directly to the Imperial Palace, receive a monthly salary equivalent to that of a third-class official, and be granted the right to reside anywhere within the Orr Empire and use any state-operated facility without having to pay a fee (Chapter 12). Kishiar also announces that the members could now choose to commute from home and that members who chose to remain in the barracks could each receive a room of their own for up to five years, after which they would need to find and buy their own house in the capital (Chapter 12).

On the same day, after breakfast, the Cavalry members begin to use Training Ground No. 1, the Imperial Knights’ pride and the only training ground shielded by Archmage Est’s protective magic, instead of the rookie training ground in the corner of the premises (Chapter 12, Chapter 15). Kiolle de Diarca interferes with the Cavalry and challenges Yuder to a duel, but he is quickly humiliated by Yuder (Chapter 14). Kishiar appears to relay the Imperial Knights Commander Theo’s agreement to let the Cavalry use the training grounds and the Imperial Knights leave, allowing the Cavalry to begin their first training session there (Chapter 15). This incident causes many Cavalry members to begin trusting Kishiar and Yuder and to begin freely interacting with each other, increasing a sense of camaraderie within the group (Chapter 19, Chapter 20). After training ends, Kishiar calls Yuder to come to his room at night (Chapter 15). Yuder meets Nathan Zuckerman, who had just finished handling the Duke’s matters at Peletta Castle in Kishiar’s stead, for the ‘first time’ (Chapter 11, Chapter 15). Yuder smells perfume that is popular among noblewomen on Kishiar (Chapter 16). In their conversation, Yuder reveals his confidence in handling problems with nobles like Kiolle, ensures that the Cavalry would succeed in the future, and hears honest words from Kishiar that changes Yuder’s impression of him (Chapter 17). Meanwhile, Emperor Keilusa la Orr sends Kishiar a message that he wants Kishiar to go retrieve the Red Stone as soon as the Cavalry induction ceremony is over (Chapter 18). Kishiar decides to take Yuder with him (Chapter 18).

Two days later, an induction ceremony, a conferment ceremony to bestow last names is held for the Cavalry in front of their living quarters (Chapter 18). Since Emperor Keilusa is absent due to health reasons, Kishiar makes the announcements for him to the Cavalry members (Chapter 18). Kanna receives the last name ‘Wand’ (Chapter 18). Yuder receives the last name ‘Ail’ (Chapter 19). After the ceremony ends, Gakane invites Yuder to the celebration party held at The Black Whale (Chapter 19). When Yuder accepts the invitation, Gakane hugs Yuder in relief. It is the first time in a long time since Yuder has been embraced by someone (Chapter 19). Yuder leaves the Imperial Knights’ grounds for the first time since joining the Cavalry (Chapter 19). During the party, Yuder talks with Ever (Chapter 20).

The next day, Kishiar gathers the Cavalry together in the morning and announces the Cavalry’s first mission (Chapter 21). Yuder Ail, Kanna Wand, Gakane Bolunwald, Hinn Eldore, and Finn Eldore leave the capital with Kishiar and five Peletta Knights on Misty Wind Horses soon after to retrieve the Red Stone (Chapter 21, Chapter 23).

Two days later, Kishiar, five Cavalry members, and five Peletta knights reach the Airic region of the Rik Mountains wherein the Red Stone had fallen (Chapter 24). At the Imperial Army base set up at the foot of the mountain, Southern Army General Count Gino Bordelli greets them and gives them a situation report (Chapter 24). The Cavalry members sign a confidentiality agreement and follow Sunz to their lodging to rest (Chapter 26). When Yuder realizes that Sunz is the leader of the unit that establishes the special unit that killed him in the future, Yuder considers killing him, but instead decides to connect with him to understand the movements of Awakeners in the army (Chapter 27). Yuder is introduced to Emon, and he teaches them how to develop their abilities (Chapter 30).

The next day, Kishiar, General Gino, five Cavalry members, and five Peletta knights depart at dawn to the Red Stone landing site (Chapter 26). After two hours, they take a short break wherein Gakane and Yuder talk about home (Chapter 31). Yuder also reports to Kishiar the high ratio of Awakeners in the soldiers there (Chapter 32). While the Peletta Knights retreat because of the Red Stone’s energy, the Cavalry approaches it (Chapter 34). When Gakane uses his ability to try touching it, the Red Stone reacts and pierces Yuder’s hand before Yuder protects them with a barrier (Chapter 35, Chapter 36). After the Eldore siblings attempt to move the Red Stone with their ability, the group returns to their living quarters to rest (Chapter 35). After Yuder experiments with a way to move the Red Stone outside the inn, he meets Kishiar who is taking a night stroll (Chapter 36). Kishiar offers the Shin Deputy Commander position to Yuder (Chapter 37). After Yuder refuses, Kishiar proposes to sleep together (Chapter 37). After Yuder refuses that too, Yuder mentions potential second gender issues to consider and put into law and they rest (Chapter 38). [A group of mercenaries that have been hiding in wait at the edge of Rik Mountains receive a letter to steal the Red Stone (Chapter 42).]

The next day, the group returns to the Red Stone landing site (Chapter 38). Yuder tries to use his power on the stone, but fails, making him suspect that the stone is from another world (Chapter 38). After Kishiar uses a shovel to dig the Red Stone out, the group heads back (Chapter 39). Yuder helps place the retrieved Red Stone in Kishiar’s lodgings (Chapter 39). Kishiar makes tea and they talk about how the Red Stone had weakened; the energy within is not infinite (Chapter 40). Just as Yuder is about to return to his lodgings, thirteen mercenaries appear and Yuder kills eight, leaves five alive for interrogation (Chapter 40, Chapter 41). Although Kishiar removes one of the oaths, another oath causes the mercenaries to self-destruct during the interrogation (Chapter 42, Chapter 43). As they prepare to leave, Kishiar notices and tries to heal Yuder’s hand (Chapter 44). They also talk and Yuder accepts the Cavalry Assistant position (Chapter 44). While General Gino leads a search on the mountains, the Cavalry and Peletta Knights immediately leave with the Red Stone for the capital late at the night (Chapter 44).

The next day, by the time day broke, the Cavalry have already traveled far from the Rik Mountains (Chapter 45). During a water break, Kanna uses her ability on the mercenaries’ items (Chapter 45). During the return journey, Yuder asks each member individually if they had sustained any injuries (Chapter 47).

Some days later, most likely not more than two days since the journey from the capital to Airic had only taken them three days in total and they ride non-stop this time, Duke Diarca and Katchian talk after Duke Diarca notices signs of the Red Stone retrieval mission being successful (Chapter 45). Kishiar and the group arrive in the capital and the Cavalry rest while Kishiar discusses with Nathan (Chapter 46). Shortly after resting, Yuder gets a nightmare of the day he had killed Kishiar and wakes up realizing that his memories may be incomplete (Chapter 46).

The next day, thirty minutes before time for breakfast, Nathan knocks on Yuder’s door (Chapter 47). During the breakfast he has alone with Kishiar, Kishiar tells Yuder to be honest with him through food and gives him a pair of gloves (Chapter 47). When the other Cavalry members gather, Kishiar has them immediately accompany him to the Imperial Palace (Chapter 47). Before they enter the Imperial Palace, Yuder asks Kishiar to delay handing over the Red Stone (Chapter 49). On their way to Emperor Keilusa, they encounter Katchian la Orr (Chapter 50). In the meeting with Emperor Keilusa, Emperor Keilusa grants each of the five Cavalry members the title of ‘Knight’ and ten high grade magic stones, and also establishes a training ground for the Cavalry (Chapter 51). Kishiar request more time to investigate the Red Stone as his own reward and Emperor Keilusa gives him one month (Chapter 51, Chapter 52). While Kishiar has a private conversation with Emperor Keilusa, Nathan brings them to the Black Pigeon to take care of administrative matters (Chapter 52). Kanna makes an excuse to sit outside and Yuder stays with her (Chapter 53). Count Hank Gallon sees Kanna and tries to take her away, but Yuder forces him to retreat (Chapter 54). After Thais Yulman, who was passing by and watching for fun, warns Yuder about the Count, Kishiar appears and takes them to a quiet place to talk (Chapter 55). Kishiar makes Kanna the Jung Deputy Commander as ‘punishment’ for trying to leave the Cavalry, indirectly telling her that she didn’t lie about her background because Count Gallon wasn’t her family (Chapter 56). Kanna shares her past with the others in the carriage while they wait for Kishiar to return with the Red Stone he had briefly left with Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 57).

The next day, Kishiar appoints Ever Beck as the Shin Deputy Commander, Steiber Rendley as the Sul Deputy Commander, Kanna Wand as the Jung Deputy Commander, and Yuder Ail as the Cavalry assistant in front of the Cavalry (Chapter 57). In the afternoon, Count Gallon and dozens of his soldiers arrive in front of the Cavalry barracks, but they are beaten and sent off by Yuder, Gakane, and the Eldore siblings within one hour (Chapter 57). The incident increases the Cavalry’s fame among nobles and the Empire (Chapter 57). [Kishiar presents the Red Stone to Emperor Keilusa, but Emperor Keilusa lacks faith in the Red Stone’s ability to heal his vessel (Chapter 60).] [The Emperor and Empress meet and talk about Kishiar, the Red Stone, and the Emperor’s health (Chapter 57).]

Upon driving out Count Gallon from the Cavalry barracks (either the same day or next day), Kishiar announces a week-long vacation, officially to celebrate their first mission success, but in reality to keep the Red Stone hidden (Chapter 58). Most Cavalry members leave the barracks immediately to settle things back home or relay news of their admission to family (Chapter 58). Yuder approaches Kanna to propose training together during the holiday and Gakane, who overhears, joins (Chapter 58). [Jimmy sends a letter to his parents and his parents asks him to stay in the capital at the house of his father’s friend for the vacation because the shop is busy (Chapter 89).]

The next day, Yuder begins to train Kanna and Gakane (Chapter 58). Kishiar watches the first session out of interest and leaves midway (Chapter 58). After training, Yuder is called to go to Kishiar’s office and Kishiar checks on Yuder’s hand and heals him (Chapter 61). Kishiar gives Yuder a gem from the Divine Sword and tells Yuder to come to him for treatment when the range of the mark goes beyond his elbow (Chapter 62). The next five days, Yuder trains Kanna and Gakane without a moment’s rest (Chapter 62).

Five days later, on the sixth day of training, Kanna has succeeded in selectively reading only the information she wants and in reading objects from a distance (Chapter 62). Ever returns from her hometown early and informs them of two people going about the Imperial Knights grounds, asking about the Cavalry (Chapter 62). While Thais Yulman and Alik Pelgin try to find the Cavalry building, they encounter Kiolle and some Imperial Knights who try to arrest them (Chapter 63). Yuder, Gakane, Kanna, and Ever finds them, Kiolle tries to slap Yuder but misses, trips, and faints because of Yuder’s wind, and Yuder guides the mages to the lounge (Chapter 64). After discussing alone with Kishiar and deciding on what to do with the mages, Kishiar wipes Yuder’s face with a handkerchief before they head down to the lounge (Chapter 64). Thais and Alik sign an oath with Kishiar in exchange for an opportunity to research the Red Stone (Chapter 64). [Devran arrives in Hartan and his father tells him that Lord Hartan has ordered Dermilla to marry a man from the neighboring village and intends to imprison Dermilla in the castle until her wedding day (Chapter 83). Devran goes to Hartan Castle to negotiate with the Lord and he is only able to return home safely with Dermilla thanks to Lady Zupiel (Chapter 83). Devran decides to take his family to the capital, but the same night, the Lord summons him. When Devran enters Hartan Castle, however, a fire suddenly breaks out (Chapter 70, Chapter 83). By the time it is extinguished (half a day), half the village, including Hartan Castle, is gone and the previous Lord Hartan, his eldest daughter Lady Zupiel, and her husband Sir Ryel are dead (Chapter 70, Chapter 71, Chapter 83). Devran is arrested as a suspect and locked up in prison by the villagers (Chapter 70). Devran’s family disappears soon afterwards (Chapter 71).] [Meanwhile, Duke Diarca sends his youngest son to the East to train and cool his head because of all the trouble and humiliation Kiolle was causing to the family (Chapter 72).]

The next day, the last day of the week-long vacation, Yuder visits the Guardian of Luma’s Seven Walls, Enon, and requests information on Kishiar and the previous Dukes who shared his title (Chapter 66). Enon agrees to help Yuder just once, telling him that it’d take at least three days to collect and verify the information (Chapter 66). [Zakail, the youngest son of Lord Hartan, returns from his business in the neighboring village and declares Devran guilty (Chapter 83). After beating him to near death, Devran is buried alive near the Rock of Death by the people from the Apeto family (Chapter 83, Chapter 90). When he wakes up, he finds himself as one of the Warden’s captives (Chapter 83). Meanwhile, Zakail drags out the funeral preparation time to divert the recently arrived Zachlis’s attention from the Apeto family’s movements (Chapter 73, Chapter 90).]

The next day, Yuder makes a new training plan. He was originally going to start implementing his new training plan this day, but a few members of the Cavalry had not returned yet despite the end of their vacation so Yuder decides to postpone the new training schedule for a day (Chapter 67). [Kiolle and his Imperial Knight companions pass through the bandit’s path for their internal knightly training (Chapter 70).]

The next day, one of the non-returnees still hasn’t sent any news to the Cavalry (Chapter 67). After asking Devran’s roommates, Kishiar sends a message to the lord of Hartan and dispatches Yuder to investigate the circ*mstances of Devran Hartude (Chapter 67). Kishiar also instructs Nathan to investigate all possible leads for information, including the spies they have in the area (Chapter 72). After some discussion with Kishiar, including that of second gender manifestations and related regulations that Kishiar wanted Yuder to check once he had returned, Yuder leaves immediately with Gakane and Jimmy (Chapter 68). On their journey to Hartan, Yuder asks Gakane to keep an eye on Jimmy because of reports of how the boy is showing symptoms of second gender manifestation (Chapter 68). After passing through some villages and switching horses occasionally, the three encounter bandits and Nahan, who tells them more about Devran’s situation (Chapter 70). Yuder accepts Nahan’s proposal to cooperate (Chapter 71). Meanwhile, Kishiar receives two reports, one of the situation in Hartan and one of ten Imperial Knights training at Mount Clayman near Hartan, from his spies (Chapter 72). [It is the last day of the funeral for the previous Hartan Lord and his daughter and son-in-law (Chapter 73). The funeral continues late into the night (Chapter 74). After the funeral, Zachlis, Zakail’s older brother, leaves urgently because of a fake emergency letter secretly given to him by Zakail, the older brother saying that he’ll be back in a few days (Chapter 75, Chapter 92).] Yuder, Gakane, Jimmy, and Nahan enter the village and go to visit the Lord (Chapter 73). They are placed in a dark storage room to wait (Chapter 73). [Sometime this day, Kishiar personally moves the Red Stone into the Cavalry building’s basem*nt to facilitate the mages’ investigations (Chapter 76). The energy is so strong that as soon as Thais and Alik arrive in the basem*nt, they first have to create a seven-layer barrier with dozens of precious stones to weaken the Red Stone energy to the current level (Chapter 112). Thais and Alik bring two sleeping bags into the basem*nt and begin to set up camp and live there (Chapter 112).]

The next morning, when the sun has fully risen, still no one calls for them and Yuder tries turning the door only to realize that it is locked and there is no intent on meeting with them (Chapter 74). After sending a message to Kishiar through messenger bird, the group breaks down the door and enters into Lord Zakail Hartan’s bedroom to directly request a meeting with him (Chapter 74). Zakail has the servants make them breakfast in the reception room while he makes himself presentable (Chapter 75). After the Cavalry makes Zakail uncomfortable, Gakane and Jimmy even feeding Yuder directly with the food on their forks, Yuder asks Zakail about Devran (Chapter 75). Zakail tells them that Devran is dead, having taken his own life the day before (Chapter 75). After Zakail gives them permission to investigate, the Cavalry members are led to a proper guest room to rest (Chapter 76). Meanwhile, Kishiar receives Yuder’s report via messenger pigeon (Chapter 76). While the Cavalry members try to get information from the villagers, Yuder notices that Jimmy has a fever and sends him back to Hartan Castle with Gakane (Chapter 77). Yuder then interrogates one of the guards of the location of Devran’s house and of where they buried dead convicts (Chapter 77). At Devran’s house, Yuder finds a brooch with a portrait of Devran’s sister and the former Lord Hartan’s eldest son inside (Chapter 78). At the Rock of Death wherein convicts are buried, Yuder and Nahan finds a leaf-covered pit with blood (Chapter 78). They follow traces of people and hide to overhear someone report to a man called the Warden (Chapter 79). From the conversation, Yuder learns that Zakail Hartan betrayed Diarca and joined hands with Apeto, then killed the previous lord and his sister for the lordship (Chapter 79). As the Warden is about to leave the clearing, his subordinate detects someone in the vicinity and calls them out (Chapter 79). It is Kiolle and another Imperial Knight named Paviel Han (Chapter 79). Kiolle and Paviel fight the Warden’s eight subordinates, but are overwhelmed (Chapter 80). Paviel betrays Kiolle and tries to surrender (Chapter 80). After getting Paviel to share how much they had overheard, the Warden has Paviel killed and Kiolle captured (Chapter 81). Yuder and Nahan follow them to their base, take out two subordinates, and enter the cave with their appearances as disguise (Chapter 81). After knocking out and taking the keys from the prison guards, Yuder releases Devran and the other twelve prisoners (Chapter 82, Chapter 83, Chapter 84). The prisoners escape after Yuder gets more information out of them (Chapter 85). After making Kiolle see reality, Yuder also leaves the prison for a while to find a way to bind Kiolle to his oath of doing anything if Yuder saved him (Chapter ). Meanwhile, Gakane and Jimmy see Devran’s fire signal and make it in time to stop Zakail from attacking Devran and the released prisoners (Chapter 90). They return to Hartan Castle and find out that Zachlis has returned after finding out from a colleague that the letter is probably a mistake (Chapter 91, Chapter 92). Zachlis and Dermilla reunite, Zachlis learns of what had happened, and Zachlis passes judgment on Zakail (Chapter 92). Gakane writes a letter to Kishiar (Chapter 92). Meanwhile, Yuder attacks the Warden and his men with Nahan (Chapter 93). After Nahan tortures them, Yuder interrogates the Warden, who is named Alban, and learns of the Awakener kidnappings and research conducted by the Apeto family (Chapter 94). Yuder temporarily leaves to make Kiolle sign an oath (Chapter 94). After Yuder frees Kiolle, Nahan appears, telling Yuder that an ‘unfortunate accident’ happened to the enemies Yuder had told him to guard (Chapter 95). As they leave, Yuder realizes that Kiolle is under an illusion and that Nahan wants to kill Kiolle (Chapter 95). Yuder defends Kiolle, Nahan uses an illusion that draws from Yuder’s memory of Kishiar in the first timeline, and Yuder cuts his arm deeply to get rid of the illusion (Chapter 96). Yuder uses overwhelming fire, Nahan and the monster-befriending Awakener boy escapes via underground monster worm, Gakane and the others rush to make sure Yuder is okay (Chapter 98). Yuder orders Kiolle to leave and gets his left arm treated at Hartan Castle while he confirms Zachlis’s willingness to support the Cavalry and double-cross the Diarca Duchy, (Chapter 99). Although Yuder planned to hide his Red Stone injury, he forgets to lock the door and Gakane and Devran see it (Chapter 99). Meanwhile, Jimmy’s fever worsens (Chapter 99). [Sometime this day, Kanna is sent to the Cavalry building’s basem*nt to build familiarity with the mages and assist in their research (Chapter 103).] [Contact between the Apeto family and their Eastern base near Hartran is lost with the Warden’s death (Chapter 114).] [After Kiolle returns, because of the accident that occurred there, the oversight for sending Imperial Knights to places on ‘training pretexts’ becomes strict (Chapter 218).]

{After the Hartan Incident, the bandits in the area disappear, creating an opportunity for development (Chapter 598). Zachlis, who goes from being a provisional lord to a new lord, takes advantage of the opportunity by investing a lot into road construction (Chapter 598). Because there is plenty of space and potential for construction and development, in the future, the establishment of the Eastern Cavalry Branch progresses faster than the North and South (Chapter 598).

Meanwhile, Dermilla takes up all the duties and responsibilities expected of a Lord’s wife and becomes recognized as Lady Zachlis to those in Hartan Castle (Chapter 599).

At some point in time, Lord Zachlis writes a letter to Kishiar about his difficulties and Kishiar gives Lord Zachlis guidance on how to deal with regional resistance, address the village’s decline, and other administrative issues (Chapter 599). Kishiar sends engineers from the capital to teach Zachlis the optimal road routes and construction methods utilizing Hartan’s rugged mountain geography and coaches him on how to deal with bureaucrats (Chapter 599).}

The next day, at dawn, the third day of this mission, the Cavalry members quickly leave for the capital (Chapter 99). When they arrive, they are immediately guided through the security checkpoint to Kishiar who had been waiting for them (Chapter 100). Kishiar brings Yuder to his room to heal him and helps Yuder undress (Chapter 101). While Kishiar heals Yuder with many purification stones and holy water Nathan had bought in the morning, they discuss the events that had happened (Chapter 102). Despite the pain that makes even Nathan openly admire Yuder for his perseverance, Yuder doesn’t faint until after the treatment when he stands to leave the room (Chapter 105). Yuder wakes up at night after a dream of his Commander candidate days (Chapter 106). As Yuder sneaks out, he finds Kishiar writing letters in his study (Chapter 106). After asking if there was anything he could do to help, Kishiar assigns Yuder to sort his letters for him for the first time (Chapter 106). Yuder reads and shows Kishiar his invitation to participate in the official commemoration event for the harvest season, more specifically the note at the bottom of the letter mentioning an additional schedule following the Cavalry parade on the 26th that was being added into the list of harvest season events (Chapter 106, Chapter 107). [One of the courtiers of Crown Prince Katchian is seen meddling in the Harvest Festival arrangements at the Imperial Palace; they have been meddling for a few days now (Chapter 111).] [One of the letters that Yuder places at the top of the pile he sorted is a request that rudely requests for an Awakener to work for them for free to subjugate the monsters appearing in the West (Chapter 214). Since monsters do not normally appear during this season, Kishiar orders a few Peletta Knights to survey the area, verifies the truth of the letter’s contents, and sends more knights to stay and observe the lord despite needing more personnel in the capital to prepare for the busy Harvest Festival (Chapter 214, Chapter 215). After finding out that the lord is extremely immoral, Kishiar has the lord anonymously reported and handed over for trial (Chapter 215).]

The next day, as Yuder eats breakfast with Kanna and Gakane, one of the Cavalry members excitedly announce that a messenger from the Imperial Palace came to invite the entire Cavalry to attend a party at the Imperial Palace during the Harvest Festival (Chapter 107). Yuder leaves shortly after, buys a lemon from the market, and visits Enon (Chapter 107). In exchange for the information on Kishiar and the royal family, Yuder shares with Enon how he knew him and how he had traveled from the future to protect Kishiar and prevent certain events from happening (Chapter 108). After reading the information, Yuder leaves a spare Cavalry uniform button for Enon to use in case Enon ever wants to find him (Chapter 110). Before Yuder leaves, Enon tells Yuder that he is more unstable than before and gives him a red string as a charm to always carry around (Chapter 110). When Yuder returns, Yuder finds a message to come to the Commander’s quarters on his bedroom table (Chapter 110). Yuder goes and Kishiar shares with him the cakes and other food gifts Kishiar had received from nobles as tradition for Harvest Festival (Chapter 110). Kishiar tells Yuder of the other invitation requests he has received for the Cavalry and asks Yuder of what he should do, to which Yuder answers that Kishiar had already made his own decision (Chapter 111). Since the culprit wants to humiliate the Cavalry and smear their name across the entire continent, it is better to bite the bait and take advantage of the opportunities given to them instead of refusing and retreating (Chapter 111). As such, Kishiar tells Yuder of how they will reduce overall training by half from today and separate people for participation in each event (Chapter 111). Kishiar also hands over an approval letter with his seal to Yuder so that Yuder could have authority over the Cavalry’s training (Chapter 111). As the meeting ends, Ever enters and reports how Jimmy’s second gender manifestation has just begun and they have isolated him in a room and given him an herbal juice with a fever-reducing effect (Chapter 111). After the meeting with Kishiar, Yuder goes to the basem*nt to hear about the progress of the Red Stone investigation (Chapter 112). Thais tells Yuder of his plan to separate the energy from the Red Stone using a medium to transfer the energy and contain it (Chapter 113). Thais tells Yuder that he needs a piece of an ancient dragon's heart, the dust of an ancient fairy, and top-grade Eucalractium to make the medium; Yuder affirms that he will ask Kishiar for the materials and more magic stones for them (Chapter 114).

Jimmy’s second gender manifestation into an Alpha lasts for three days (Chapter 116).

In the days leading up to the Harvest Festival, the Cavalry half trains, half prepares and practices for the events that they are to participate in for the Harvest Festival (Chapter 111, Chapter 116). The Cavalry members practice for the Grand Parade (Chapter 117 says this happens a few days before the real Grand Parade). Yuder also trains them all to handle various situations that may occur during the festival because of their enemies (Chapter 120). Yuder is so busy that he can’t get proper sleep (Chapter 116).

Meanwhile, during this time, the Apeto family tries to investigate what happened to their Eastern base. When contact with the base is lost, Lenore shand Apeto sends nearby subordinates to investigate, but only to learn that the Warden’s oath was broken, meaning secrets of their research has been leaked, the base has been cleaned and emptied out, and a gigantic column of fire had suddenly risen and disappeared around the time contact with the base was lost (Chapter 114). These facts all prevent Lenore from identifying to whom the secrets were leaked though he still tries to learn more about what had happened at the base (Chapter 114).

While this is happening, the former escort of Revlin shand Apeto, the youngest of Duke Apeto’s children, who had Awakened, Dandenion, is confined within the Apeto main house (Chapter 115). Whenever Dandenion regains consciousness, he makes a ruckus, wanting to see Revlin, but is immediately drugged to silence (Chapter 115). After hearing him scream again, Lenore shand Apeto has Dandenion starved for a week and threatens to send him to the dungeon for his Uncle Beltrail’s use in research if he doesn’t learn to keep quiet (Chapter 115). Lenore also tells the servants to not allow Revlin to approach Dandenion (Chapter 115).

The Harvest Festival happens in September (Postype).

The day before the Grand Parade, Kishiar gives the Cavalry members who had requested personal weapons their new weapons (Chapter 116). Jimmy gets a new sword and Ever receives customized sky blue combat gloves made out of special monster skin (Chapter 116, Chapter 133). Later, Kishiar personally bestows a new sword made of Eucalractium to Yuder (Chapter 116). Kishiar asks Yuder to place the red gemstone from the Divine Sword that Kishiar had given Yuder before into the groove he had the blacksmith make in the sheath (Chapter 116).

The morning of the first day of the Harvest Festival, Yuder ties the red string Enon had given to him to the sword handle before leaving for the Grand Parade (Chapter 117).

The first event of the Harvest Festival held in the capital is the Grand Parade, a massive procession of the Orr Empire’s famous people circling the entire capital (Chapter 116). Directly before the event, Kishiar talks with the Imperial Knight Commander and Head Court Mage (Chapter 117). Kishiar returns and calls for Yuder to stand with him in the front of the Cavalry (Chapter 117). As Yuder approaches through the crowd of Cavalry members, his uniform’s coat becomes slightly undone (Chapter 117). Despite being in public, before Yuder can fix it, Kishiar personally adjusts his coat and even brushes off some dust, making people murmur in surprise that an Imperial family member and Duke is doing so (Chapter 117). Nathan leads a white horse to Kishiar and takes Kishiar’s left side while Yuder stands on Kishiar’s right (Chapter 117). The Cavalry stands at the very end of the parade procession (Chapter 117). Just before it is their turn to walk, Yuder smiles and calms the nervous Cavalry members with a few words (Chapter 117). The mood lightens and Kishiar also encourages them to move forward with pride (Chapter 117). They set off. As previously planned, a Sul Division member with a wind ability wraps the members’ legs in wind throughout the parade to calm nervous Cavalry members’ fear of falling and messing up (Chapter 116).

During the Grand Parade, during the march of the Fifth Wall and near the balcony where Duke Diarca and Crown Prince Katchian are watching, several masked assailants suddenly appear and take several bystanders hostage (Chapter 118). They block Kishiar and the Cavalry’s path, and it is revealed that they were Awakeners who failed the Cavalry test and stayed in the capital when they accuse Kishiar of things that Yuder notes are false (Chapter 118). The sight of Awakeners taking civilians hostage and the accusations against Kishiar make the crowds temporarily doubt and dislike Awakeners and Kishiar, but Kishiar personally deals with them with his ability and reminds the crowds that it is not the Pearl Tower’s fault when countless people who fail to be chosen as mages fall onto a dark path (Chapter 119). Similarly, the Cavalry is not at blame and Kishiar created the Cavalry to protect innocents from individuals like the masked assailants (Chapter 119). Kishiar orders their arrest, but just as the Imperial Troops approach the fainted assailants, Yuder realizes that they were going to explode, warns everyone, forms a barrier of wind around the exploding bodies, and swiftly buries everything, even the debris under the earth (Chapter 119). The awed crowds cheer and praise Kishiar and the Cavalry (Chapter 119). As they march to Victory Square, the final destination of the procession, Kishiar worries over Yuder’s hand (Chapter 119).

Meanwhile, Duke Diarca apologizes to Katchian for having not prepared enough (Chapter 120). As Duke Diarca explains his next plans to hinder the Cavalry and ruin their and Kishiar’s reputation during the festival, Katchian suggests investigating Yuder who had made a deep impression on him from that earlier display of power (Chapter 120). Duke Diarca superficially acknowledges Yuder, but does not take Katchian’s words seriously and thus conducts no investigation (Chapter 158).

Rumors of Duke Peletta Kishiar having created the Cavalry out of boredom among the nobles disappear (Chapter 120). The tale of Duke Peletta personally protecting the common people from harm and forming the Cavalry to protect the innocent spread among everyone and are widely discussed for days (Chapter 120). The positively received Cavalry members become confident and though there are many suspicious incidents targeting them during various events throughout the capital, the situations never escalate because of how Yuder had trained them late into the night the days before to handle the situations (Chapter 120).

Throughout the Harvest Festival, Yuder attends more events than anyone else in Kishiar’s stead when Kishiar often had to step out due to Imperial Family engagements (Chapter 124). Yuder would appear out of nowhere like a ghost whenever an accident was about to happen and salvage the situation, thereby earning an unprecedented level of trust and faith among the Cavalry (Chapter 124).

The day before the largest open worship event of the Sun God, the Eldore siblings nearly start a fight with some knights (Chapter 120).

The day of the Grand Worship, the largest open worship of the Sun God, presided over by the Pope himself, the Cavalry are assigned to maintain the security of the Orr Cathedral, the main site for the grand worship ceremony (Chapter 120, Chapter 208). Since Kishiar has to attend the worship as an Imperial family member, Yuder takes command of the Cavalry (Chapter 120). Right before the ceremony, some Imperial Knights insult the Cavalry and Kanna memorizes their faces to take revenge after the festival (Chapter 120). Also before the ceremony, Kishiar openly looks for Yuder in the crowds and smiles at him (Chapter 121). Yuder pretends to not notice but Kishiar defiantly waves his hand, making the crowds of excited common believers around Yuder cheer even more loudly at the handsome Duke’s attention (Chapter 121). Kanna convinces reluctant Yuder to greet Kishiar back (Chapter 121). Soon, the worship begins with twelve senior priests reciting prayers of blessing and Holy Pope Mclaren III joins in prayer (Chapter 121). After the ceremony ends, Revlin secretly approaches Yuder and offers to share information on Devran’s kidnapping and the research the Apeto family is conducting to eliminate the Blood of Blessing in exchange for being able to meet Kishiar and have Dandenion saved (Chapter 121, Chapter 122). After Yuder relays the information to Kishiar in his office, Kishiar goes with Yuder to the Apeto house under a disguise as errand boys for the Shuden Trading Company (Chapter 123). Before Kishiar hears Revlin’s situation, Kishiar asks about how Revlin became healthy (Chapter 124). After receiving his confirmation on how Awakening can positively affect one’s inherent health and hearing Revlin’s story, Kishiar formally agrees to work with Revlin and they begin to briefly make a plan (Chapter 124, Chapter 125). Before they leave, Kishiar requests several pieces of information from Revlin (Chapter 125). Revlin compiles all the information overnight (Chapter 125).

The next day, Yuder switches his schedule with one of his subordinates so that he can attend the Sharing of the Sacred Flame ceremony; he also reassigns other Cavalry event personnel (Chapter 125). Yuder goes to Kishiar’s office and watches him read a letter from Revlin with all the information he had requested (Chapter 125). Kishiar makes Yuder sit for tea and feeds him five pieces of cream cake while explaining what kind of play they would be acting the next day (Chapter 126). After Kishiar explains his plan to save all the Awakener captives, Yuder sincerely tells Kishair how remarkable he thinks Kishiar is (Chapter 126). Then, after Kishiar asks Yuder to be careful about overusing his abilities and scoffs when Yuder says it’s alright to get hurt if he can get treatment, Yuder tells him that he is lucky compared to many people in the world because at least he can return and be healed by Kishiar (Chapter 126). By the time Kishiar finishes explaining the rest of the plan, Yuder finishes his cake (Chapter 127). As Yuder leaves, Nathan enters and gives Kishiar some reports concerning soldiers awakening in the Imperial Army, the status of Peletta Duchy, and the actions of his Peletta Knights across the continent (Chapter 127). Kishiar and Nathan discuss establishing a dedicated medical system for the Cavalry (Chapter 127). Nathan begins to scout for doctors and priests as well as begins the construction of a medical room on the first floor of the building (Chapter 127). [Elder Priest Beltrail increases the number of participants for the Sharing of the Sacred Flame Ceremony by letting Revlin join, making his subordinate priests unhappy (Chapter 127).]

The next day, the Sharing of the Sacred Flame event is held in front of the Imperial Palace (Chapter 124). Only a select few devout followers can participate in this ceremony wherein flowers carefully cultivated in the shrine throughout the year are fairly distributed to everyone by the hands of young nobles (Chapter 124). At the beginning of the ceremony, while the priests help the noble children into ceremonial robes, Lusan helps a tense Revlin relax by imbuing him with divine power (Chapter 128). During the ceremony, a noise bomb goes off, causing most people to fall and cover their ears (Chapter 128). When Lusan is about to fall, Yuder happens to help Lusan up and Yuder asks him where the Elder Priest in charge of the participants’ safety was (Chapter 128). Revlin uses his ability and Yuder follows his instructions to break the mana stone inside the offering box (Chapter 128). The piercing noise stops and Kishiar arrives from the nearby Hill of Abundance, where he had been talking to foreign emissaries, to handle the situation and get people treated (Chapter 129). When asked if he wanted a reward for helping, Revlin asks to join the Cavalry (Chapter 130). Beltrail appears, tries to suppress the incident and the fact that Revlin is an Awakener, and has Revlin taken home when Revlin tries to defy (Chapter 131). After Beltrail and Kishiar talk, Lusan thanks Yuder for helping him earlier and heals a small wound on Yuder’s neck with his full power (Chapter 131). Kishiar is impressed and after hearing Lusan’s situation, he later helps Lusan get ordained as a priest behind the scenes and sends a request to the temple for a permanent priest (Chapter 131).

Meanwhile, people begin to gossip about the dispute between the Apeto and Peletta ducal houses (Chapter 131). Duke Apeto officially denies that Revlin is an Awakener and claims that ordinary people can’t join the Cavalry, but Kishiar uses his authority as Cavalry Commander to publicly transmit a request for a meeting and check on Revlin’s safety at home, citing the rumors of suspected confinement and abuse spreading throughout the capital (Chapter 131). Finally, Emperor Keilusa intervenes and orders them to resolve the situation according to the law (Chapter 131). Unable to withstand the unfavorable public opinion and unable to convince Revlin to change his mind about joining the Cavalry, Duke Apeto allows Kishiar to visit Revlin (Chapter 131).

The day before Beltrail meets with Lenore, three of the Awakener test subjects enter into their mating period, causing Beltrail to realize that Awakeners in heat exert an involuntary influence on Awakeners who haven’t manifested their second gender yet (Chapter 132). Nahan, disguised as a servant, hands Beltrail a letter that is supposedly from a foreign emissary interested in Beltrail’s research (Chapter 134).

The day before Kishiar visits Revlin, Beltrail writes a letter indicating his desire to arrange a meeting with the emissary (Chapter 135). Later, Beltrail asks Lenore for help to move all the test subjects elsewhere (Chapter 132). At night, Kishiar gathers the seven Cavalry members he plans to take with him on the official visit and explains the mission details (Chapter 133).

The next day, in the morning, as the Apeto servants take the test subjects through the food supply tunnel to the western forest in the morning, Beltrail receives a letter saying that the emissary looks forward to meeting him that day to discuss the details of his research (Chapter 132). Meanwhile, Kishiar arrives at the Apeto main house with Yuder, Kanna, Ever, Jimmy, Gakane, Hinn, Finn, and Nathan for an official visit (Chapter 133). As they are made to wait alone for over an hour, the Cavalry members chat, eat many snacks, and the Eldore siblings even carelessly break many items while playing (Chapter 133). When it is time, they all start moving (Chapter 133). When Yuder infiltrates the secret tunnel however, he finds many dead bodies, Beltrail howling in pain, and Nahan who had infiltrated the estate disguised as a servant (Chapter 134). Yuder saves Beltrail and tosses him out of Nahan’s reach, and he fights and defeats Gayle and Doyle of the Star of Nagran to secure the alpha Awakener captives/test subjects in heat (Chapter 137). Yuder ultimately fails to secure the omega Awakener test subjects, Nahan, and Hosanna, however, because of Hosanna’s teleportation ability (Chapter 138). Meanwhile, Kishiar rescues Revlin and deals with Duke Apeto, Ever saves Dandenion, and Gakane collects evidence of the Apeto’s inhumane research (Chapter 138). As a result, the entire Apeto family cancels all their scheduled festival activities (Chapter 138). Though Yuder doesn’t realize it, Yuder begins to show symptoms of second gender manifestation towards the end of the mission (Chapter 138). Within a day, Duke Apeto claims that Beltrail alone committed all the deeds and the Sun God Temple expels Beltrail from his position as Elder Priest (Chapter 139). Lenore is confined and under house arrest by order of Duke Apeto (Chapter 148).

The next day, everyone begins to gossip about yesterday’s events (Chapter 138). Enon listens to the newest rumors as he buys lemons from a shopkeeper he knows well (Chapter 139). The shopkeeper informs him of how Kishiar was looking for a physician and pharmacist, and Enon decides to go to the Giant’s Sleep inn to meet the Peletta Knights that have been conducting the job interviews all day there and apply (Chapter 139). Meanwhile, Kishiar treats Yuder’s hand in his office with a smile that is at first chilly but then soft (Chapter 139). Then Kishiar and Yuder talk about the Star of Nagran, the Awakener test subjects that they have freed, and the expansion of the Cavalry (Chapter 140). Yuder tells Kishiar that he doesn’t think anything Kishiar does is reckless when Kishiar asks and Kishiar comments how he sometimes thinks Yuder is a tempting demon who came to tempt him (Chapter 140). Kishiar continues to tell Yuder that he plans to use the Awakeners in Hartan, including the two Apeto-hired mercenary Awakeners who had escaped but were reported to be found by Lord Hartan that morning, to bring down the Apeto family (Chapter 140). When Yuder questions if Kishiar had always planned to overthrow the Apeto family, Kishiar answers that he had always planned to target not only the Apeto family, but also every noble family and ‘parasite’ of the Orr Empire (Chapter 140). Nathan returns with cake, tea, and sandwiches (Chapter 141). As Yuder eats his cake, Nathan gives Kishiar a letter that just arrived (Chapter 141). It is from Aishes shand Apeto who wants to overthrow his father and become Duke immediately (Chapter 141). Aishes wants to cooperate on the condition that they hide the mentions of Blood of Blessing in Beltrail’s research papers (Chapter 141). After the meeting with Kishiar, Yuder wants to go check on the mages, but his body feels so heavy that he decides to rest instead (Chapter 142). Yuder sleeps after checking many times that he is not having a second gender manifestation soon (Chapter 142). Yuder dreams of a memory he had tried to suppress for a long time only to repeatedly fail; it is a nightmare of the incident during his first second gender manifestation (Chapter 142).

The next day, Yuder’s tailored suit for the Special Award Ceremony arrives (Chapter 141). At breakfast, Yuder eats only three pieces of bread instead of his usual ten, making Kanna ask if he was feeling well as she hands out everyone’s formal attire (Chapter 142). Yuder tries on his suit, making many stunned by how well it suits him (Chapter 143). After finishing his formal attire fitting, Yuder goes straight down to the basem*nt; Yuder finds out that the mages had finished making a 24 layered defense line of many wards (Chapter 143). Thais informs Yuder of how, of the three medium materials that arrived a few days ago, dragon’s heart worked best in the tests, making Yuder agree to request Kishiar for more dragon’s heart (Chapter 143). Thais also asks Yuder if he can look at the Apeto’s Awakener research, offering his own recently conducted research on the correlation between magic and the power of the Red Stone in return (Chapter 144). Before Yuder leaves, Yuder asks Alik if anyone is willing to sell magic tools useful for defense and Alik gives Yuder his single-use defense tools for free (Chapter 144). At night, Yuder visits Gayle and Doyle for the first time with Kanna (Chapter 144). They interrogate Gayle and Doyle, learning more things about the Star of Nagran and the village base in the West (Chapter 145). Kanna tells Yuder of how her ability has developed to the point where she can read people (Chapter 145). [Meanwhile, Lenore receives a small note from Crown Prince Katchian informing him of Aishes’s letter to the Cavalry; Lenore begins to realize his precarious situation and writes back his cooperation with ‘the real mastermind behind the letter’ Duke Diarca (Chapter 148).]

The next day, in the morning, a second letter from Katchian arrives, asking Lenore to show his faith by handing over his response directly to him at the party (Chapter 148). Lenore returns a replica of the letter, keeps the original, and writes down the series of events that had befallen him on the back of the original letter and signs it in preparations for the possible event that Katchian and Duke Diarca don’t keep their promise (Chapter 148). Alik wanders around to set up traps and defensive circles (Chapter 145). Yuder notices and asks him about it and Alik says that Thais ordered him to do it to protect the basem*nt and Cavalry building while they were gone for the party (Chapter 145). At night, Emperor Keilusa, upon receiving his wife Faria’s request, sends a letter to Kishiar requesting a family meal after the Special Award Ceremony (Chapter 147). Meanwhile, Crown Prince Katchian’s servant smuggles in Dudureli mushroom for the Crown Prince (Chapter 202).

The next day, on the Day of Blessing, the Special Award Ceremony wraps up the Harvest Festival season as the last event (Chapter 141). In the morning, Yuder and Kishiar admire each other’s appearance, and Kishiar shows Yuder how to tie a belt properly by personally re-tying Yuder’s (Chapter 146). Kishiar gives Yuder new gloves, not knowing that the white gloves were very similar to the ones he wore on the day he died in the past (Chapter 146). Nathan arrives to report that the 30 Peletta Knights and Thais were ready to guard the building (Chapter 147). Kishiar, Alik, and the entire Cavalry board the carriages to the Imperial Palace (Chapter 147). On the way, Kishiar asks Alik to share their research (Chapter 147). Meanwhile, Lenore leaves the Apeto estate against the orders of his father to go to the party (Chapter 148). Lenore gives the original letter sent to him by Katchian to a servant before entering the Palace (Chapter 148). As Lenore tries to look for Katchian, bumping into a noblewoman and Yuder along the way, he begins to feel intense thirst and takes a goblet from a waiter (Chapter 149). Lenore vomits black blood and dies (Chapter 150). Kishiar listens to the testimony of the waiter, tests the other glasses he had with an enchanted silver spoon, and asks who the glasses were for after finding that they’ve been poisoned (Chapter 150). The waiter tells them that he was ordered to give the poisoned glasses to Katchian (Chapter 150). Katchian takes the opportunity to strengthen his image among the nobles and foreign envoys and knock down Kishiar’s, leading the servants to take care of Lenore’s corpse and arrest the waiter (Chapter 150). On behalf of the absent Emperor Keilusa, Empress Rosa Faria dismisses the attendees, ordering the Special Award Ceremony to be held on another day (Chapter 150). Although the event is canceled, many people stay for conversation on the first floor (Chapter 151). Kishiar gives Yuder an hour to find evidence (Chapter 151). After having Kanna read a shard of the poisoned glass and finding out that the waiter really had planned to poison Lenore, Yuder goes to the restroom for a ‘break’ and interrogates Kiolle, who happened to be walking out (Chapter 152). Yuder confirms that Katchian did this without Duke Diarca’s knowledge (Chapter 152). When some soldiers run over upon hearing Kiolle’s loud voice, Yuder pretends that they were doing improper things together (Chapter 152). Yuder leaves, Kiolle follows out of suspicion, and before Yuder can knock out Kiolle, they overhear the conversation of Katchian’s servants who had took care of Lenore’s body and killed the waiter (Chapter 152). Yuder knocks out the servants with a button and forces Kiolle to follow him and help (Chapter 153). Kiolle tries to recruit Yuder into the Diarca family, but Yuder tells Kiolle that the one he chose is Kishiar and that won’t ever change (Chapter 153). Yuder finds Lenore’s corpse in an underground liquor cellar and examines it to find the distinctive glow emitted by the thirst-inducing poison on Lenore’s skin, an identification badge, and a letter (Chapter 153, Chapter 154). Yuder secretly takes the letter (Chapter 154). As Yuder and Kiolle leave for the next destination Yuder wanted to check, Yuder’s second gender manifestation begins (Chapter 154). They happen to hide behind the Armor Knight of Deluma Palace when soldiers approach and then retreat when the Armor Knight moves (Chapter 155). Yuder decides to hide in a nearby cleaning supply room and he asks Kiolle to reenter the hall, pretending that he was lost, to tell Kishiar that his manifestation has occurred but also not to come (Chapter 155). Meanwhile, Gakane walks in the garden after having been subtly insulted by countless nobles and propositioned by bolder ones who find him handsome (Chapter 156). Gakane runs into Lenore’s servant, obtains the letter meant for Revlin, and sends the servant to hide in the Cavalry carriage (Chapter 156). As Gakane re-enters the hall, he sees Kiolle also entering in and Kishiar’s smile fading away for the first time (Chapter 156). Kishiar releases his alpha energy, making those who had manifested their second gender unable to breathe properly, for a moment before withdrawing it again (Chapter 157). Kishiar approaches Kiolle and Kiolle informs him about what happened to Yuder, making Kishiar vanish towards the terrace after thanking him (Chapter 157). Katchian orders his servants to follow him (Chapter 158). Meanwhile, Gakane catches up with Kishiar (Chapter 158). Kishiar orders Gakane to send the letter directly to his office and ask a Deputy Commander to oversee the Cavalry’s return on his behalf (Chapter 158). Meanwhile, Yuder is reminded of his time in prison before he loses consciousness again (Chapter 159). Yuder later wakes up to the feeling of someone approaching him from far away, sensing Kishiar’s presence through the walls, and he uses the magic defense tool just as Kishiar opens the door (Chapter 159). Although Yuder fears that everything will repeat itself, he realizes from Kishiar’s restraint that it’s different and allows Kishiar to approach him and carry him out (Chapter 160). Kishiar tells Yuder the story of his second gender manifestation (Chapter 160). Katchian’s servants catch up, but Kishiar fools them into thinking that he had a rendezvous with his lover (Chapter 161). Kishiar brings Yuder to the Eternal Palace wherein Kishiar had spent his princehood, takes the letter Yuder gives to him, and has one of Emperor Keilusa’s servants deliver it to the Crown Prince’s servants (Chapter 161, Chapter 163). Kishiar returns to the hall, talks with Empress Rosa Faria, and confirms Katchian’s plan from his reaction to having received the letter (Chapter 162). Katchian tries to frame Kishiar as the one who had invited Lenore to the hall with the letter and calls for an in-depth investigation into Lenore’s murder (Chapter 163). After having a talk with the Empress, Kishiar leaves to return to Yuder (Chapter 164). Meanwhile, Yuder has a dream of the past (Chapter 164). While Yuder is asleep, Yuder’s temperature and scent escalates because of the overlapping heat and he does not respond to touch (Chapter 168). Kishiar’s servants tries to give him fever reducers and painkillers three times, but the medicine has no effect; Yuder continues to suffer and a strange luring scent felt even by the ordinary servants is emitted from Yuder’s entire body (Chapter 168, Chapter 613, Chapter 614). When Kishiar returns, the servants report Yuder’s condition to him (Chapter 614). Kishiar explains that it is Yuder’s second gender manifestation, making the servants wonder if Kishiar’s was just as painful, but Kishiar reassures them and says that Yuder’s just seems more intense than others (Chapter 614). When the servants ask why Kishiar continues to stand outside, come in and rest, Kishiar tells them that he will stay where he is (Chapter 614). Kishiar wants to help them take care of Yuder, but it takes him everything to restrain himself (Chapter 614). Kishiar stands nearby, observing every detail and enduring Yuder’s scent and his own impulses (Chapter 614). Around dawn, the servants bring in ice, but the ice melts and Yuder’s fever continues (Chapter 614).

The next day, at the break of dawn, Kishiar asks if they have any Ponesa in storage (Chapter 614). When the servants say no, Kishiar goes to scale the palace greenhouse walls and break through the strong protection magic to fetch Ponesa himself (Chapter 614). When Kishiar returns, the servants make Yuder consume ground Fonesa powder, something difficult to obtain because of strict regulations enforced by Imperial law (Chapter 168, Chapter 614). [Meanwhile, Thais sees some Sitanium when Alik brings out an extra defense tool and Sitanium from his bag before going to the party, and Thais places it into the pot out of boredom (Chapter 178). The Sitanium glues the two powerful other ingredients together, melts and melds, and forms a black gemstone (Chapter 178).] Later, Yuder wakes up (Chapter 164). This day officially marks the start of the first trial with the Apeto Ducal House (Chapter 164). It also has been exactly a day and a half after Yuder is placed in the Eternal Palace (Chapter 165). Yuder wakes up with his energy almost stabilized; the manifestation has ended (Chapter 165). It is only a few hours since Yuder’s high fever has subsided (Chapter 165). When Yuder remembers how Kishiar had restrained himself for him and nothing happened this manifestation, Yuder feels as if an old thorn has finally been pulled out and he can face Kishiar with a clear mind, without any regrets (Chapter 165). Yuder and Kishiar talk and Kishiar reveals how he had given the letter Yuder gave him back to Katchian to understand the intentions of Katchian more accurately (Chapter 166). Kishiar also gives Yuder the letter Gakane gave him to read (Chapter 167). When Yuder asks why he didn’t present it at today’s trial, Kishiar tells him of his plan to reveal the second letter after suspicions about him peaks, Katchian makes his move, and he figures out the identity of the fine powder on the letter (Chapter 167). Yuder tells him about the poison (Chapter 167). Kishiar asks about Yuder’s encounter with Kiolle, even mentioning the rumor going around that the two entangled, and Yuder confirms nothing happened (Chapter 167). Kishiar mentions how he is glad that Yuder has recovered after such a severe manifestation and heat (Chapter 168). Kishiar orders Yuder to rest, even to take another three days to rest when he returns to the Cavalry (Chapter 168). Kishiar promises to reward Yuder and leaves before Yuder could tell him that he didn’t need one (Chapter 168). [Before the trial, the Awakeners and Devran’s family from Hartan arrive and stay in the mansion that Kishiar provides as a safehouse for them (Chapter 200).]

The next day, at Lenore shand Apeto’s funeral, Aishes gives Kishiar permission to open the coffin and examine Lenore’s body (Chapter 168, Chapter 169). Devran lights a fire, causing traces of the Dudureli mushroom poison to be revealed, and Revlin reveals from the letter he received that it is the Crown Prince who invited Lenore to the party (Chapter 170). Aishes reads the letter and cancels the funeral, ordering the servants to bring Lenore’s body to the Apeto estate (Chapter 171). Aishes rebukes Revlin for not bringing the letter to them first, but Revlin renounces his connection to the Apeto family, declaring that he is an official Cavalry member with no intention of going back (Chapter 171). Meanwhile, after the funeral, Kiolle overhears Baron Durmand report to Duke Diarca what has happened at the funeral (Chapter 172). Meanwhile, Yuder, feeling uncomfortable with resting for so long and staying in his room all the time, but also having been ordered to wait until Kishiar returned to leave the palace, walks through the imperial gardens (Chapter 173). During his walk, Yuder meets Ejain Afnan Nelarn, the second prince of Nelarn (Chapter 173). After talking to Ejain, Yuder returns and gains permission to return to the Cavalry from Kishiar who had arrived earlier and had been waiting for him (Chapter 174). Kishiar orders him to also make a stop at the medical division and sincerely experience and provide feedback as the first member to use it (Chapter 174). Before they return to the Cavalry, Kishiar orders Yuder to take off his glove so he can heal his hand (Chapter 174). Yuder feels as if he was undressing in front of Kishiar when he takes off the glove and feels a tingling sensation when he places his hand in Kishiar’s, making him want to withdraw his hand but Kishiar traps it and asks if Yuder is afraid (Chapter 175). Yuder isn’t, they conclude that it may be related to his manifestation, and Kishiar heals Yuder’s hand (Chapter 175). The tremendous pain that used to accompany healing is reduced to a mere tickle, making Yuder conclude that the manifestation did change something (Chapter 175). Kishiar mentions how he is naturally drawn to Yuder, but even if Yuder wants to remain as before, Kishiar will always treat him as his most cherished and beloved assistant (Chapter 175). Kishiar playfully comments how he has been lavishing Yuder with praise and it’s customary for Yuder to return the favor (Chapter 175). Just as the carriage reaches the Cavalry, Yuder says that he often thinks that Kishiar is very handsome and Kishiar questions Yuder many times if there was really nothing else commendable about him (Chapter 175). As they enter the building, Yuder tells Kishiar that he does have other merits, like the fact that he is the only one who could command him (Chapter 175). Yuder goes to the medical division and is shocked to see both Enon and Lusan there (Chapter 176). Meanwhile, Thais finishes all his preparations for transferring the Red Stone into another medium (Chapter 177). Meanwhile, Katchian locks himself in his room, continuously trying to figure out how Kishiar knew about the poison, how everything failed (Chapter 205).

The next day, many Cavalry members, who hear of his return and him being in the medical division after his ‘secret mission’, rush over to visit (Chapter 176). After the Cavalry leaves because it’s time for training, Kanna enters and tells Yuder of Ever and her progress with Gayle and Doyle (Chapter 176). Kanna also tells Yuder of their training results and invites Yuder to train with them, which Yuder accepts, having wanted to modify the training schedule and teach the Cavalry things (Chapter 177). After Kanna leaves, Enon gives Yuder medicine and asks what Yuder is hiding because his energy wavers a lot (Chapter 177). At night, Kanna and Yuder go to the basemetn and Thais introduces them to a black gemstone made by mixing the heart of an ancient dragon, fairy dust, and a synthetic material called Sitanium (Chapter 178). As Alik finishes making the last batch of gemstones, Kishiar and Nathan arrive (Chapter 178). Kishiar is concerned for Yuder, but Yuder insists on standing in front to protect them, citing a strategy game as his reason (Chapter 178). Yuder uncovers the box with the Red Stone, Alik and Thais activate the magic circles, and they transfer the Red Stone’s energy into the prepared mediums (Chapter 179). They succeed about halfway through, but Alik makes a mistake out of exhaustion, falls unconscious, and knocks over the rest of the mediums (Chapter 179). The energies destabilize and the Red Stone energy spreads outwards (Chapter 179). Thais tries to control the energy but fails, Yuder uses a barrier but realizes that the imminent explosion would kill them all, and the red energy in his hand shines, giving him a feeling that he could use it to connect with the Red Stone’s energy (Chapter 179). Kishiar takes Alik’s place in controlling the energy with magic while Thais resumes sealing the Red Stone’s energy in the gemstones (Chapter 180). Yuder confirms that the energy and stone are completely separated with an experimental prod with his ability, and Kanna uses her own ability on the Red Stone (Chapter 180). Kanna faints, Kishiar holds the Red Stone and concludes that it is because of her ability, and Kishiar undresses Yuder to check if the spot on his hand had spread to his shoulders (Chapter 180). Yuder tells Kishiar that he doesn’t feel pain, even when he over-used his ability (Chapter 180). Kishiar orders them all to go to the medical division for treatment while he takes care of the things in the basem*nt (Chapter 180). Enon and Yuder discuss about the Red Stone, mark on Yuder’s hand, and his relationship with Kishiar (Chapter 181). Lusan tries to heal the mark, but it fails (Chapter 181). Nathan returns from where he had gone back down to check on Kishiar in the basem*nt (Chapter 181). Nathan delivers Beltrail’s research papers on the interactions between alpha and omega to Yuder (Chapter 182). Nathan confirms that Kishiar could use magic and also that he is wary of Yuder and his power, fearing that he may be an enemy of Kishiar (Chapter 182). Yuder tells Nathan to not trust him and keep observing him (Chapter 182). Nathan tells Yuder that he doesn’t understand him, but will repay Yuder someday for saving his life (Chapter 182). After the end of the experiment, Kishiar sends a letter to Emperor Keilusa to finalize the one month period they have been given (Chapter 186). Along with the letter, Kishiar has Nathan send half of the medium containing the energy of the Red Stone to the Sun Palace, advising Emperor Keilusa to keep it close to his body (Chapter 188).

The next day, in the morning, Emperor Keilusa affirms his promise to give Kishiar all priority in future Red Stone research in a letter (Chapter 186). Meanwhile, Thais wakes up and circles around Yuder excitedly (Chapter 182). Alik wakes up feeling different and worries about his magic changing because of the new separate energy he feels inside of him (Chapter 182). Yuder realizes Alik has awakened the ability to summon water and helps him use it (Chapter 182). As Alik experiments with his new ability for an hour, Thais finally speaks up about his new hypothesis regarding how the closer one is exposed to the Red Stone’s power, the higher the probability is of turning into an Awakener, citing how his friend living far north shared how the Northern island nation Kham only had one Awakener so far and the nearby nations are also known to have few Awakeners in comparison to the Orr Empire’s many (Chapter 183). As Thais leaves the medical division to ask Kishiar for more information regarding the Awakener soldiers in Airic, Alik explains what he knows of Luma’s magic revolution to Yuder (Chapter 183). Yuder tries to ask Enon about Luma, but Enon tells him that they aren’t close in this timeline, making Yuder apologize for overstepping (Chapter 184). Yuder reads Beltrail’s research papers (Chapter 184). Yuder goes to Kishiar’s office to find Thais outside, Nathan having told him to come back later because Kishiar hadn’t woken up yet (Chapter 184). Yuder plans to leave, not wanting to disturb Kishiar’s rest, but at the moment he is about to, Nathan opens the door and asks Yuder to enter (Chapter 184). Yuder enters Kishiar’s bedroom; Kishiar informs him how using magic makes him more exhausted than aura and divine power, gives him more detail on his vessel, and informs Yuder on the reason why the Red Stone retrieval mission and experiment was so important to him and Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 185, Chapter 186). Kishiar eases Yuder’s worry about Kanna who still hasn’t woken up yet and also compliments Yuder for protecting everyone (Chapter 186). When Yuder is at a loss of words, Kishiar unconsciously ruffles Yuder’s hair and then stares at his hand, saying that he’s developed a disease where he unknowingly wants to touch more when he sees someone who’s usually alert show an unexpected response (Chapter 186). Yuder informs Kishiar about Thais; Kishiar rises up to meet Thais and asks Yuder to help him bring over his clothes (Chapter 187). As Yuder helps, he asks if it’s alright to not assist Kishiar dress, averting his eyes when Kishiar says it’s alright to stare at his body (Chapter 187). After Kishiar listens to Thais excitedly ramble about his thoughts, Kishiar reminds Thais that mutual trust and caution is important and he has been considering entrusting the research to someone whose greed and excitement wouldn’t get ahead of their reason and potentially endanger them all (Chapter 187). Thais immediately asks for forgiveness and promises to not mistake his priorities again (Chapter 187). Kishiar tells him that the research location will change, a new oath must be written, and new personnel might be added; and Thais accepts and quickly leaves (Chapter 187). Kishiar gives Yuder the authority to appoint five subordinates directly under his command as reward for resting for three days (Chapter 187). After Yuder leaves, Kishiar tells Nathan how he becomes more certain each day that he must make Yuder entirely his (Chapter 188). After receiving a letter from Keilusa, Kishiar retires to rest again (Chapter 188). Upon returning to the medical division, Yuder learns that Kanna is awake (Chapter 188). Kanna tells Yuder that she felt as if she was ‘bounced off’ from the stone as if she was trying to see something not permitted to a human (Chapter 188). Before leaving with Kanna, Yuder tells Enon to come by his room later; he’ll talk about what happened in the basem*nt (Chapter 189). When Yuder adds that he has lemons, Enon agrees (Chapter 189). As they leave, Kanna tells Yuder of how Enon knew her ability and told her to learn to control it, otherwise her body would deteriorate, and she asks Yuder if they should investigate because no one should know about her ability to read people except Yuder and Kishiar (Chapter 189). Yuder tells Kanna that he knows Enon, that Enon even helped him before, making Kanna trust Enon immediately (Chapter 189). When Yuder returns to his room, he finds Kishiar’s second gift on his bed: his ceremonial suit from the Special Award Ceremony, a fist-sized medium carrying the energy of the Red Stone, and little candies from The Candy Store of New Bellaria (Chapter 189). At night, Yuder tells Enon most of what he can and Enon infers that the Red Stone energy behaved like a poison that his body was trying to assimilate (Chapter 190). After the manifestation, Yuder succeeded in absorbing the power to some extent and became a living medium, able to use the Red Stone’s power (Chapter 190). As Enon leaves, Yuder gives him two lemons and offers to answer any questions Enon has next time (Chapter 190). After Enon’s leave, Yuder spends nearly all night formulating a training schedule for the Cavalry (Chapter 191).

The next day, as soon as Yuder finishes meditating, Yuder goes out to the training ground (Chapter 190). Yuder notes that he can clearly feel that Gakane is different now, and Gakane laughs and advises Yuder to stay away from alphas who exude a strong scent right before their heat (Chapter 190). Afterwards, Yuder places two revised training schedules on a nearby wall; one is a basic individual training schedule and one is a schedule for groups of ten with similar or complementary abilities, regardless of their divisions (Chapter 191). The training schedule even mentions an exam that is to be supervised by the Deputy Commanders once a month to ensure Cavalry members develop their abilities with diligence and make assessments for promotion (Chapter 191). Excited to become stronger, all the Cavalry members welcome the new schedule (Chapter 191). They also ask Yuder questions after writing class and Yuder takes the time to recommend a training method suitable for each person’s skill development, even skipping dinner to give training advice to everyone gathered around him (Chapter 191). Having been busy with Deputy Commander duties, Ever arrives late and asks Yuder for advice (Chapter 191). Instead, Yuder encourages her to continue as she is and also asks Ever for advice on how to use her power (Chapter 191). After Yuder tells them to go ahead, Yuder cleans up the recreation room (Chapter 191). Kishiar enters and lightly scolds Yuder for not resting and then takes Yuder outside for dinner (Chapter 191). They drink beer and eat at a tavern that Kishiar frequents with friends, subordinates, informants, or subjects of observation (Chapter 192). Yuder notes that the past Kishiar who would not answer anything and push Yuder away is different from the current Kishiar who would answer any questions asked (Chapter 192). Kishiar shares how he finds peaceful conversations fun to listen to because it reassures him that someone still thinks that the Empire ruled by Emperor Keilusa is good and that the path they have chosen is right (Chapter 193). While walking around, Kishiar brings Yuder to the Emperor’s Sword Mark and reminiscences the past as well as declares his need for Yuder (Chapter 194). After some contemplation, Kishiar decides to challenge the Emperor’s Sword Mark after wrapping up the Apeto Family’s trial (Chapter 194). They return after walking along the entire wall (Chapter 194). Kishiar ruffles Yuder’s hair again (Chapter 194).

The next day, Sunz and Emon from the Red Stone Retrieval mission visit Yuder at the Cavalry before heading back to their original post (Chapter 194). Despite being just low-ranked provincial soldiers, the Southern Army officers had appointed them as temporary peacekeepers for the Harvest Festival because of their ability (Chapter 195). Sunz shares how they’ve been recognized; thanks to General Gino and the influence of Kishiar and the Cavalry, their situation is changing for the better, their salaries has increased, and they may even finally have a chance for promotion (Chapter 195). Yuder gives them a tour through the training grounds, allowing them to see the Cavalry’s first day of newly revised training which happened to be today (Chapter 195). As Sunz and Emon leaves, they happen to meet Kishiar who also encourages them (Chapter 196). Kishiar, happy with Yuder’s agreement with him to build connections with the Southern Army soldiers, reaches out to ruffle Yuder’s hair again, but Yuder quickly dodges (Chapter 196). Yuder notices two boxes in Nathan’s hands and Kishiar asks him to follow him to the office (Chapter 196). After asking about the Cavalry’s training, Kishiar opens a box to reveal the mushrooms used in Lenore’s murder, telling Yuder of how the Peletta Knights and informants have succeeded in tracking down where the Crown Prince got the poison (Chapter 196). Yuder is relieved that Kishiar would be able to strongly clear his name (Chapter 197). Kishiar opens the second box to reveal medicine he obtained from the Court Mage Office, sharing with Yuder that he used to take the medicine every three months to forcibly discharge his energy before it completely overflows and shatters his vessel; after awakening, this is the second time he needed to take the medicine (Chapter 197). Due to Kishiar’s trust in telling him this, Yuder resolves to not put up even a shallow wall between them (Chapter 197). Upon connecting all the information, Yuder realizes that there is a problem with the Imperial bloodline (Chapter 198). Kishiar tells Yuder the history of the Imperial family and Dukes with the surname of ‘la Orr’ and the lightens the conversation with playful banter through which he forces Yuder to say he thinks him handsome (Chapter 198). Kishiar asks about his relationship with Enon and Yuder tells him of his encounter with Enon in his previous life (Chapter 199). Kishiar also asks for Yuder’s thoughts of his interest in him (Chapter 199). Yuder tries to leave quickly after feeling an intense attraction to Kishiar when their bare hands are touching and later when Kishiar slowly traps him against the door, but succumbs to his thoughts and the two kiss (Chapter 199, Chapter 200).

The next day, Devran mentions Yuder’s chapped lips and asks if he is alright (Chapter 200). After breakfast, Yuder goes to a different training grounds, not wanting to run into Kishiar, but he finds Kishiar sparring against all of the Shin Division members at once (Chapter 201). Kishiar defeats them, Yuder expresses his concern about his vessel but Kishiar tells him that it’s better to use up the power before his cycle, and Yuder notices some Imperial Knights who don’t give Kishiar a greeting and pettily remembers their attitudes (Chapter 201). Nathan appears to inform them of Aishes’s arrival and Aishes informs them of the investigation behind Lenore’s murder and events leading up to the current enmity between the Apeto and Diarca (Chapter 202). Kishiar gifts Aishes the poisonous mushroom in celebration of their meeting (Chapter 202). Aishes returns the favor by giving Kishiar a letter regarding the proposed research stamped with his father’s seal of approval (Chapter 203). Aishes asks about Beltrail’s research papers and leaves after Kishiar tells him that he sent them to the court (Chapter 203). After Aishes leaves to bribe the court to let him see the papers, Kishiar reveals to Yuder that he has doctored them, erasing the details that have too much potential for misuse (Chapter 204). After hearing Yuder’s sincere praise, Kishiar asks Yuder to come closer and Yuder kneels before Kishiar (Chapter 204). Kishiar kisses Yuder lightly twice (Chapter 204). Meanwhile, Katchian looks at his reflection in a mirror that had once been given to him by Duke Diarca (Chapter 204). Having a headache, Katchian drinks Ponegri tea, a tea made from Ponesa which contains potent narcotic, pain-relieving, mood-enhancing compounds (Chapter 205). While Katchian considers how things became like this, even his anger and fight with Duke Diarca before he started his plan, Duke Diarca discusses the Crown Prince and his plans with Baron Durmand (Chapter 206). Duke Diarca sends a secret letter to Emperor Keilusa, saying that he would like to help in some small way in the trial, and he has one of the Seven Grand Judges act in Kishiar’s favor despite Emperor Keilusa rejecting the help (Chapter 210). Meanwhile, Yuder and Kishiar tell Revlin, Dandenion, and Lenore’s servant Pip that they didn’t have to testify if they didn’t want to, but this encourages the three to do so (Chapter 208).

Two days later, the disrupted trial, the second trial, of the Apeto family resumes (Chapter 196). Yuder stands with the Deputy Commanders behind the high seats on the right side of the Grand Imperial Courtroom where the imperial family sits (Chapter 206). The trial begins with the Apeto family’s defense; starting with Duke Apeto’s representative, Beltrail, and then back to the representative (Chapter 207). During the intermission, Yuder follows Kishiar to the waiting room and Kishiar delivers a speech to encourage the witnesses gathered (Chapter 208). Intermission ends and Revlin, Dandenion, and Pip testify first (Chapter 208). [Sitting in the courtroom, Pruelle van Tain listens to everything and feels hope for his situation; he decides there to join the Cavalry and begins to make his own plans to protect his siblings and bring the downfall of his own ducal family (Chapter 344). During one of the breaks in the trial, Pruelle also sees Ever catching people trying to harm the witnesses and throwing them onto the courtroom floor (Chapter 374). Since then, it is Pruelle’s dream to stand with Ever someday (Chapter 374).] After them, Kishiar calls on the victims from Hartan, Lord Zachlis, and arrested criminals to be the next witnesses (Chapter 209). In the short break that follows, the Seven Grand Judges decide by majority vote to read the research papers, including the part related to the Blood of Blessing that the Apeto House tries to hide (Chapter 210). After Beltrail’s writings are read, Kishiar presents the letter signed by Duke Apeto as the final proof of their involvement, ending the trial in the Apeto family’s defeat (Chapter 210). The Apeto family receives an astronomical fine and confiscation of about one-third of their official assets (Chapter 211). Many involved parties are sentenced to exile or imprisonment (Chapter 211). Having not been a well-liked family, many people in the Apeto House also begin to speak out, testifying against the Apeto Family’s crimes (Chapter 211). Similarly, Beltrail is stripped of his entire fortune and is sentenced to 15 years in the prison Regien Tower, where most noble criminals are incarcerated (Chapter 212). As this is happening, an assassin sent by Duke Apeto infiltrates the Bright Palace and wounds Katchian’s face with a poison-coated dagger (Chapter 211, Chapter 217). Duke Apeto collapses from illness and all his power is transferred to his only remaining successor, Aishes who proceeds to rid his faction of traitors (Chapter 211). [As soon as the trial ends, several Peletta Knights help Pip leave the Empire with his family (Chapter 209). Meanwhile, the other witnesses return home in the middle of the night (Chapter 212).] Before his cycle, Kishiar explains to everyone about it so that they do not worry about his disappearance (Chapter 211).

The next day, Kishiar’s cycle begins and as Yuder helps Kishiar with papers in his office while Kishiar rests, Nathan provides him with many cookies of various hues smeared with jam on Kishiar’s orders (Chapter 211).

The next day, Nathan provides him with five slices of cakes on Kishiar’s orders (Chapter 211). Yuder and Kishiar meet very briefly (Chapter 212).

The next day marks the third day of Kishiar’s cycle wherein Kishiar forcibly discharges the overflowing energy within him (Chapter 211). As Yuder sorts letters in Kishiar’s office, Nathan sets a cup of tea and a mountainous assortment of chocolates beside Yuder (Chapter 211). Kishiar finally enters the office and as he looks through his pile of papers, he reads a report that someone (likely Aishes) recently poisoned Beltrail’s food such that it was likely that he would die within the day (Chapter 212). Kishiar asks about Yuder’s day and then if Yuder can stay longer despite having finished work (Chapter 212). Kishiar asks about Yuder’s morning training with Ever, his visits with the mages and later the medical division, his monitoring of the Deputy Commanders’ training, and investigation of the two Star of Nagran Awakeners (Chapter 213). Yuder wonders why Kishiar knows his routine better than he does while answering when Kishiar asks why he is asking for more work in addition to what he does now, that he doesn’t mind more tasks even now (Chapter 213). Kishiar tells Yuder that he can stay if he wants even without having more work (Chapter 213). Yuder asks if he can help with anything, especially because the cycle is apparently lasting longer than usual, and Kishiar asks if he can touch Yuder (Chapter 213). Yuder gives him permission to touch a lot of places as long as it doesn’t cross inappropriate boundaries, but Kishiar restrains himself because he doesn’t think he can stop if he starts (Chapter 213). Yuder sees Kishiar laugh sweetly for the first time (Chapter 213). As Nathan returns with tea and Yuder returns to work, Yuder reads a monster subjugation request letter from Imperial Knights Commander Theorado van Tain and an escort mission request from Second Prince Ejain (Chapter 214). After Kishiar reads them, he decides to deal with both requests at once (Chapter 214). Meanwhile, Nahan and Hosanna sneak into Regien Tower as disguised priests and kill Beltrail with a more painful death (Chapter 215). Nahan and Hosanna teleport out just as the real priests appear and they head to an old house in the Sixth Wall to meet with one of the Sage’s subordinates and then Baron Durmand who had heard about them from a friend from Apeto and wants them to heal a chronic headache he has which magic ring tools cannot cure (Chapter 216). Nahan uses his illusion to find out the reason Baron Durmand is looking for them (Chapter 217). Under the illusion, Baron Durmand confesses that the Crown Prince has been seeing red scars and smashing mirrors despite the scars on his face healing completely (Chapter 217). Meanwhile, Yuder oversees the preparations for the Cavalry’s mission to the West, implementing Kishiar’s instructions after Kishiar decides how to divide and mobilize the Cavalry for it (Chapter 220).

Three days after Kishiar announces his plan to deploy the Cavalry to accomplish both tasks at once, Kishiar’s cycle is not finished yet, Ever asks if they really are going to be dispatched to the West during their morning training together (Chapter 217, Chapter 218). As they talk, Ever mentions that Kishiar said he was jealous of their one-on-one sessions in a letter to Yuder’s bewilderment (Chapter 218). Meanwhile, Duke Tain learns from Imperial Knight Commander Theorado, Duke Tain’s cousin, that Kishiar sent a reply saying that he wouldn’t help him, but he would dispatch the Cavalry to deal with the monster situation separately (Chapter 219). Duke Tain asks Theorado if he can borrow some Imperial Knights to deal with the monsters because most of his knights have been sent to protect a large number of goods Duke Tain has sent through a newly developed sea trade route (Chapter 219). Duke Tain asks Theorado to personally ask Kishiar to leave the Imperial Knight’s territory and Theorado mentions that Kishiar might not be well enough to visit since he hasn’t left the grounds since his visit to the Court Mage Office (Chapter 219). Realizing that Kishiar might not personally appear for the mission if his condition is so bad, Duke Tain asks Theorado to send a letter urging the Cavalry to be sent to the West as soon as possible (Chapter 219).

Some time later, Yuder receives both responses to the letters Kishiar had sent in reply to Duke Tain and Prince Ejain (Chapter 219). Yuder heads to Kishiar’s bedroom to inform him of the urgent situation, but hesitates to knock on the door and disturb him from his rest (Chapter 219). At that moment he is about to knock, Kanna knocks and Yuder heads back to the office to attend to her (Chapter 219). Kanna informs Yuder that she managed to locate the three Star of Nagran’s bases, one within the Great Sarain Forest, one near the Southern Desert, and one in the Rik Mountains, from Gayle and Doyle who were helping with the dishes that morning (Chapter 219). Not long after, Nathan returns to the office and Yuder gives him the letters and relays Kanna’s report for him to tell Kishiar (Chapter 220). Yuder is about to leave, but he notices Nathan holding a familiar box and asks why Kishiar needed the potion again (Chapter 220). Nathan shares that Kishiar’s heat might coincide with the end of the cycle so Nathan requested and brought another dosage just in case (Chapter 220). Upon hearing that Kishiar is near his heat, Yuder decides to not be near Kishiar for a while because he is an omega and tells Nathan that it would be better if they corresponded with letters (Chapter 220). Yuder leaves and checks on the mages who are researching ways to harness the Red Stone’s energy within the medium and changes caused in the human body by that energy (Chapter 220). Thais once again mentions his desire to research Yuder, but once again gives up because Kishiar had not permitted it before, citing unproven safety (Chapter 220). When Alik returns, the mages show Yuder their new discovery of how the medium can absorb an Awakener’s power and amplify it (Chapter 221). Thais writes Yuder a letter of introduction to his ‘friend’ Micalin Punt, the Head of the Western Mage Union (Chapter 221). Yuder dreams of the time he first discovered that his ability doesn’t work against monsters and wakes up in the middle of the night (Chapter 223). Wondering about his irregular dreams of the past, Yuder decides to see if Enon is still awake to ask (Chapter 223). However, as he heads out, Yuder finds Kishiar leaning against the corridor wall (Chapter 223). Yuder says that he was going to see if Enon was awake; Kishiar asks why not talk to the person awake in front of him instead (Chapter 223). Yuder asks Kishiar why he is in front of his room without knocking on the door and Kishiar confesses that he doesn’t really know, making Yuder worried that he might be sleepwalking (Chapter 223). Yuder invites him in and makes tea for him, using his ability (Chapter 223). Kishiar mentions that he was waiting for Yuder to open his door this morning and then was disappointed to not only feel him leave but also hear Nathan tell him to only correspond with letters for a while (Chapter 223). Just as Yuder is about to avert his eyes at Kishiar opening up about his feelings, Yuder notices a freshly healed mark on Kishiar’s arm and tries to interrogate Kishiar as calmly as possible (Chapter 224). Kishiar tells him that drawing blood is the most effective way to drain out all his energy and, after Yuder realizes, that Kishiar did it, wanting to see him (Chapter 224). Kishiar shares with Yuder that the easiest way to identify a broken imperial family member is by their inability to control their energy; the energy leaks out and hurts those around them (Chapter 225). Kishiar shares with Yuder his fear of hurting those he touch, but Yuder reaches out to touch Kishiar and tells him that he trusts him (Chapter 225). Kishiar kisses the hand on his cheek and holds Yuder’s hand until sunrise (Chapter 225). Just as Kishiar rises to leave, Kishiar collapses and falls asleep (Chapter 225). Since it is dawn of a new day now, Yuder moves Kishiar to his bed instead of risk being seen by others moving Kishiar to his own room (Chapter 225).

The next day, at dawn, after moving Kishiar into his own bed, Yuder sits in the chair besides him and notices Kishiar’s energy also ‘falling asleep’ (Chapter 226). Yuder places his hand on Kishiar’s stomach to discern the flow of Kishiar’s Awakener energy, but Kishiar’s energy repels him (Chapter 226). Yuder tries again and as he clasps the energy tightly, Yuder begins to see each of Kishiar’s energy like a moving painting (Chapter 226). Yuder focuses on the Awakener energy, using all his strength to grasp and move it so that a clear pathway is created for the energy to flow (Chapter 227). Removing one tangled knot of energy causes the spots to spread to below the chest (Chapter 227). Yuder tries using his abilities afterwards but realizes that his power has been amplified by the Red Stone energy within him, his control over his abilities is gone, and the spots have faded (Chapter 227). Yuder releases the foreign energy inside of him and gets rid of the spots by lighting a fire with the energy before falling into a deep sleep (Chapter 228). Later, Kishiar wakes up to find Yuder sleeping by his bed (Chapter 228). Kishiar lifts Yuder up bridal style and tucks him under his overcoat and blanket (Chapter 228). Kishiar leaves with Nathan to check on his condition; the Head Court Mage and Emperor Keilusa’s personal physician both confirm that Kishiar’s cycle has passed (Chapter 228, Chapter 233). When Yuder wakes up, Yuder folds the overcoat and goes to the Commander’s office to check on Kishiar (Chapter 228). Before he reaches the office, Yuder meets Sul Deputy Commander Steiber Rendley who tells him of Kishiar’s departure and of an incident happening in the training grounds (Chapter 228). Yuder agrees to help with the situation and Yuder leads the Sul Division members in to find Phieny Moffle’s lost item despite the Imperial Knights’ threats and hostility (Chapter 229, Chapter 230). Kiolle enters the training grounds late, makes the Imperial Knights do the hardest basic training drill for their insolence towards him, and allows the Cavalry time to find the lost item (Chapter 230, Chapter 231). When Phieny returns with her broken item, Yuder remembers this and gives Kiolle a chance (Chapter 231). Kiolle chooses not to interfere and Yuder beats up all 23 Imperial Knights so thoroughly that they no longer have the spirit to react to the Cavalry members laughing at them (Chapter 231, Chapter 232). The Imperial Knights confess who destroyed Phieny’s pouch, Phieny shoots invisible arrows at him in revenge, and they all return to the Cavalry (Chapter 233). Kanna greets Yuder, informing him that Kishiar decided to leave with the first detachment to the West (Chapter 233). Yuder goes to Kishiar’s office to confirm his health, and Kishiar tells Yuder how his energy has calmed down and even the early symptoms of his upcoming heat has completely subsided (Chapter 233). Worried that he might have accidentally touched something that was functioning normally in his attempt to deal with the tangled energy mass, Yuder confesses that he manipulated Kishiar’s energy while he was asleep (Chapter 234). Kishiar asks to check for spots on Yuder’s hand, taking Yuder’s gloved hand and pulling off the glove with his fingers (Chapter 234). Kishiar confesses that it’s surprising to see how much Yuder worries for him and frustrating to see how much Yuder doesn’t care for himself no matter how much he says; Kishiar feels anxious and at a loss of words (Chapter 234). Yuder asks if Kishiar’s angry for his heat disappearing and Kishiar asks how he can be mad at someone who acts for his sake; Kishiar just worries (Chapter 234). Kishiar reminds Yuder of the way Yuder was worried about him when he saw Kishiar’s self-inflicted wound, making Yuder understand and promise to not try it again until they know more about the energy manipulation phenomenon (Chapter 234). After agreeing, Yuder asks when Kishiar would let go of his hand (Chapter 234). Kishiar asks if Yuder’s permission to touch approved parts of him was just a throwaway comment as he strokes Yuder’s hand (Chapter 234). Yuder says no, but Kishiar senses his discomfort and lets go anyways (Chapter 234). As Yuder leaves, Kishiar kisses him with even deeper emotions than yearning and hunger (Chapter 235). After the kiss, Kishiar informs Yuder that he received a report that Prince Ejain has arrived in the West ahead of schedule so the first Cavalry expedition would leave tomorrow (Chapter 235). Kishiar also lets Yuder know that Emperor Keilusa was going to announce Kishiar as the owner of the Divine Sword (Chapter 235). Later in the day, Yuder asks Enon if he could go, but doesn’t force him to go when Enon doesn’t want to (Chapter 235).

The next day, the first Cavalry expedition to the West (Kishiar, Nathan, Yuder, Kanna, Gakane, Emun Philang, Hinn, Finn, and Lusan) departs from the capital on Misty Wind Horses at dawn (Chapter 235). It is Lusan’s first time riding a horse (Chapter 235). Meanwhile, Emperor Keilusa announces Kishiar as the owner of the Divine Sword (Chapter 235). After the announcement, many people begin to challenge the First Emperor’s Sword Mark, causing headaches for the capital’s security forces who had to clean up the broken wooden swords around the wall (Chapter 467).

Two days later, the Cavalry expedition reaches the boundary of the West (Chapter 235). As they head to the agreed upon meeting location, they find monsters attacking a group of people along the way (Chapter 236). Yuder saves Melbon and Melbon reports how they had encountered assassins along the way (Chapter 236). According to Melbon, after dealing with the assassins, monsters had started appearing to attack them (Chapter 236). After recognizing the unrecorded underground monster, Yuder shakes up the ground to expose the monster’s hidden body and the Eldore siblings kill it (Chapter 237). Yuder brings Prince Ejain to get healed by Lusan (Chapter 237). Since Prince Ejain’s entourage lost their horses and carriage, everyone shares a horse with Ejain sharing Yuder’s, having switched places with Melbon (Chapter 237). Yuder gives Ejain permission to call him Yuder (Chapter 238). As soon as Nathan completes his inspection of the assassins and scene, Yuder erases all traces of the battle by burying it deep underground (Chapter 238). After going through security check at the gate rather quickly because of the heavy rain, they arrive at a lowkey, rundown mansion that the Peletta Knights had prepared in advance as a safe house (Chapter 239). Nathan asks Yuder to accompany Kishiar since he has business with the Peletta Knights and Yuder agrees (Chapter 239). Before Nathan leaves to secure horses and a wagon with the Peletta Knights, he asks how Yuder knew about the monster and Yuder shares that the monster is something he encountered before joining the Cavalry (Chapter 239, Chapter 247). Yuder goes to Kishiar to find him looking at a map of the West (Chapter 240). As Kishiar and Yuder walk to dinner, Kishiar plucks a silver strand of hair left by Ejain as they were traveling from Yuder’s head (Chapter 240). Kishiar also asks Yuder how he felt about Ejain, telling him that the escort mission is also to assess Prince Ejain’s character and if he would keep the promise he made with Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 240). After dinner with everyone, Kishiar and Ejain discuss the route Ejain wants to take to return home (Chapter 241). Ejain shares how his brothers already blocked off the other routes and intend to use any means to ensure that Ejain does not return to Nelarn before the King passes away so there is no choice but to go through the Great Sarain Forest (Chapter 241). Since they encountered assassins anyways, however, there must be an information leak on Ejain’s side (Chapter 241). Ejain confesses that he has no idea who it is; he wants to believe in all the servants he personally handpicked (Chapter 241). Kishiar offers another way and Ejain gives permission, ordering his servants to hand over the tokens they brought from the Nelarn Palace to Kanna (Chapter 241). Kanna finds out that the first attendant Jenn betrayed Ejain for the position of administrator of Musetti and because of old gambling debts and the other two have also passed on Ejain’s information to others before (Chapter 242). Faity confesses that it was because he thought the path Ejain took was wrong before committing suicide via poison (Chapter 242). Melbon confesses that he was once a spy for Durban before he decided to devote himself to Ejain (Chapter 243, Chapter 244). Ejain decides to judge the two remaining servants after their return and Kishiar has the Cavalry lock them in one of the empty rooms (Chapter 244). While Ejain and Kishiar talk and the Cavalry decide guard shifts for the traitors, Yuder talks with Kanna, who is worried about the possibility of traitors in the Cavalry in the future, and assures her that she doesn’t need to worry about that; Yuder will take care of it if there are ever any traitors (Chapter 245). [One of the priests in the last town before the Great Sarain Forest leaves because the situation is too dire (Chapter 249). In the afternoon, while monitoring the changes in magic power distribution in the Magic Spring Ruins, Skelly, a mage, sees a crack in the air (Chapter 262). Skelly reports it to Micalin, but it is dismissed because it is common for tired mages to see things (Chapter 262).]

The next day, near dawn, Yuder’s guard shift begins (Chapter 245). Ejain wakes and Yuder escorts the troubled prince outside, repelling the rain with his ability (Chapter 246). Ejain asks Yuder how he should handle someone who stood in his way because of different beliefs (Chapter 246). Yuder shares how he has decided to believe in whichever path and choice the person he serves makes (Chapter 246). When Ejain asks if they serve Kishiar because of his power, Yuder realizes that letting Ejain be the same as he was in the first timeline isn’t ideal so he asks Ejain to observe how the Cavalry serve Kishiar (Chapter 246). [Meanwhile, at dawn, the Western Mage Union’s base is breached by monsters (Chapter 260).] After dawn breaks, Nathan takes over the guard shift and asks Yuder to accompany Kishiar again (Chapter 246). Kishiar gives Yuder another piece of candy, makes Yuder eat it, and ruffles Yuder’s hair (Chapter 246). Kishiar praises Yuder for bringing Ejain back inside (Chapter 246). When they leave, the Peletta Knights ride behind Ejain and the Cavalry with the servants in the wagon (Chapter 247). Meanwhile, Baron Wilhem receives Duke Tain’s letter about the Cavalry, complains about Duke Tain’s investments which add more uncompensated work to them, hears the announcement about the Divine Sword which he dismisses, and tries to pit the mages against the Cavalry with misinformation (Chapter 248). Micalin Punt, who secretly accesses the incorrect information spread by Baron Willhem, gets angry and heads straight for the Great Sarain Forest (Chapter 248). When Ejain, Kishiar, and the Cavalry make it to the last town before the Great Sarain Forest, they encounter mages; Lusan heals the seriously injured one and they are led to the mages’ temporary facility for resupply at the edge of the forest (Chapter 249, Chapter 250). Lorna Beit informs them of the situation: the history of the relationship between the mages and Baron Willhem who made them cull monsters in his stead for years and how in the morning, monsters began to appear in the Western Mage Union’s fortified base (Chapter 250). Lorna offers to take them to their base within the forest (Chapter 250). As she leaves to give them some time to think about it, Yuder asks her quietly for the name of their leader and smiles (Chapter 251). After deciding what to do next, they are about to reveal their identity but they overhear the mages talking negatively about the Cavalry and decide to figure out the situation first (Chapter 251, Chapter 252). To prevent further misunderstanding, Yuder reveals that they are the Cavalry and gives them Thais’s letter of recommendation (Chapter 253). Meanwhile, just as Nathan’s group finds Kishiar’s note to follow slowly, the backup team hurriedly catches up to them, reporting that skilled individuals broke into their safehouse, dug up the body of the dead servant, and escaped (Chapter 254). When Nathan asks, Melbon infers that the assassins might have come from Aeril and that the hairband Faity gave to Ejain might have the same trackable scent (Chapter 254). Yuder checks up on both Kishiar and Ejain (Chapter 255). The mages find a crack and a monster called Maraedon appears through it (Chapter 256). Kishiar uses his Divine Sword and sword aura in public for the first time (Chapter 256). The crack also disappears (Chapter 257). As they get closer to the base, more monsters appear and Yuder hinders the monsters, leaving the finishing blows to the Eldore siblings (Chapter 257, Chapter 258). Yuder admits his weakness to monsters to Kishiar when Kishiar points it out (Chapter 258). Kishiar wipes away the blood on Yuder’s scratched cheek, ordering him to not get hurt anymore (Chapter 259). As they move into a formation with monster-hunting Kishiar, tree-cutting Yuder, and guide Lorna in the front to reach the base faster, they notice that the spell used to find the base is gone (Chapter 259). Meanwhile, the Western Mage Union base/research site is being attacked by numerous monsters (Chapter 259). Kishiar and the Cavalry rescue them (Chapter 260). As Micalin leads the Cavalry in for further discussion, particularly on the misunderstanding, Lusan heals the injured (Chapter 260). Yuder gives Micalin Thais’s letter (Chapter 260). Micalin agrees to cooperate with the Cavalry and shakes hands with Yuder (Chapter 261). Yuder and Micalin talk with a mage who had witnessed a crack before the monsters attacked their base (Chapter 262). After talking with Skelly, Micalin orders his mages to interview the other mages that had once reported seeing illusions in the ruins; they soon find out that cracks have been appearing since over a month ago and this coincides with the significant changes observed with magic power distribution at the ruins (Chapter 262). While Micalin takes care of some things, Yuder talks with Kishiar and Kishiar informs Yuder that he is leaving Yuder at the base with Lusan to maintain their relationship with the mages (Chapter 263, Chapter 264). After informing Micalin, Yuder meets with Ejain who tells him that he had learned many things from watching him and asks to be Yuder’s friend (Chapter 264, Chapter 265). Yuder agrees, the Cavalry finishes preparations, Kishiar gives three candies to Yuder (Chapter 265). Before Kishiar leaves, Yuder tells him that if he returns even slightly injured, he will never listen to such an order again (Chapter 265). Once his companions leave, Yuder begins to help the mages repair the buildings (Chapter 265). At night, Lorna and some mages invite Yuder to have dinner with them; over dinner, they ask Yuder questions about Awakeners and his ability, leading to other mages opening up and asking their own questions (Chapter 266). Lorna invites him to the Magic Spring Ruins the next day, Lusan continues to heal people, Yuder tries to fall asleep as he thinks about his comrades (Chapter 266). Meanwhile, Kishiar heals an injured messenger bird and tells Ejain, who is watching instead of sleeping, that assassins are tracking them through his hair tie (Chapter 267). Before Ejain throws it away, Kishiar stops him and advises him that he can’t keep discarding things to live nor does he have to because the assassins that will retrace their steps will run into Yuder (Chapter 267). Because of the presence of pursuers, Kishiar has the Cavalry awaken to continue their rushed journey (Chapter 267). Meanwhile, many mages are so curious about Awakeners and Yuder that they are unable to sleep properly at night (Chapter 268).

The next day, at dawn, Yuder visits the overworking Lusan and they eat breakfast together (Chapter 268). Afterwards, Yuder follows Lorna and two other mages to the Magic Spring Ruins (Chapter 269). Yuder overhears the rumors that the Tain family are creating a route to smuggle rare items and conduct human trafficking for the Southern illegal fighting arenas (Chapter 269). When there are signs of a massive monster heading to the Magic Spring Ruins, the other two mages retreat to report back to base while Yuder accompanies Lorna to the ruins and feels the Magic Spring (Chapter 270). Yuder spends the rest of the day helping mages (Chapter 271). Yuder skips dinner, Lusan continues to work and sleep by the side of the injured, Yuder dreams of Pethuamet (Chapter 271). [Meanwhile, ten assassins follow the trail of Ejain’s scent, become a group of five after an unexpected encounter with a monster, and infiltrate Yuder’s room, waiting for him to fall asleep (Chapter 273).] Yuder wakes up to a sword pointed at his throat (Chapter 273). Yuder deals with the five assassins, uses water to prevent them from committing suicide, and interrogates all the information out of them (Chapter 273). Although Yuder knows that Nathan’s group is following after Kishiar’s, Yuder longs to go after Kishiar too, but he stays and eats one candy to soothe his nerves (Chapter 273).

The next day, Yuder asks Micalin for a holding place for the five assassins (Chapter 274). Yuder asks Micalin about the magic circle he has seen in his dream and copied onto a sheet of paper, learns about the Western Mage Union’s magic amplification circle, and learns about monsters that can absorb magic circles (Chapter 274). Meanwhile, after staying up all night to follow a trade route, Kishiar and the rest of the group approach the meeting place, but find less than ten of the twenty subordinates that should have been there (Chapter 275). The Cavalry and traitors fight, but some of the traitors escape (Chapter 276). Ejain resolves to kill the captured traitors himself and Awakens when one of the traitors nearly kills him with a hidden dagger (Chapter 276). The Cavalry chase after the remaining traitors that have escaped and find them taken care of by the Awakeners in the Star of Nagran village base (286). When a misunderstanding is about to arise while they are in the village, Kishiar forcibly creates a situation for conversation, clears up their identity and purpose for being in the forest, and the Star of Nagran Awakeners calm down, believing Kishiar and the Cavalry to be mercenary Awakeners hired by the Western Mage Union rather than Lord Tainu’s men (Chapter 288). Kishiar and Nathan’s groups reunite and depart ways with Ejain who decides to temporarily stay longer at the original meeting location for the sake of his wounded subordinates (Chapter 288, Chapter 289). Meanwhile, as they fix a control circle and return to the Magic Spring, Yuder and Lorna encounter a small Pethuamet (Chapter 278). After the Pethuamet swallows a magic stone fragment, Yuder kills it and pockets its tongue (Chapter 278). After Lorna reports to Micalin, Yuder stays behind to ask Micalin to deactivate the magic amplification circles (Chapter 278). Micalin refuses, but before he leaves, Yuder brings up his conjecture that the amplification circle may be directly correlated with the emergence of cracks and monster anomalies in the forest (Chapter 279). [Yuder’s last words cause Micalin to take Lorna and a few other mages to inspect the Magic Spring Ruins himself (Chapter 281). They encounter Pethuamet and ‘kill it’, but Pethuamet absorbs the attacks, inflates, and begins to rapidly absorb more materials and magic power from the circle (Chapter 281). When Pethuamet attracts other monsters with its call, the mages retreat with Lorna who has been injured in the battle (Chapter 281).] On his way out of Micalin’s office, Yuder runs into Lusan and after feeling warm that he isn’t alone, Yuder consults with Lusan in their room, telling Lusan everything that has happened (Chapter 280). Lusan agrees with Yuder and asks if there is anything he can help with; Yuder asks Lusan to ask about the mages’ research (Chapter 280). Lusan is about to heal Yuder’s hand when a mage comes in, asking Lusan to help heal Lorna who got hit by Pethuamet’s venomous tail (Chapter 281). Yuder extracts the poisoned blood, Lusan heals Lorna, the mages use a detoxification spell, and Micalin explains the story (Chapter 281). Yuder creates a plan and gives the tongue from the Pethuamet he killed earlier to Micalin (Chapter 281). Micalin orders some mages to help him extract information from the tongue and disable the circle (Chapter 282). Yuder heads out with some mages to lure the Pethuamet away from base to a high location, but while rushing to the monster, they encounter Awakeners already attacking Pethuamet (Chapter 282). Yuder stops them, asks them to help the mages deal with the other monsters, and attacks Pethuamet and lures the enraged monster along the path that the mages had set for him (Chapter 283). Yuder gets hit and drops his sword when he gets distracted by his eardrum bursting from Pethuamet’s roars (Chapter 284). An Awakener helps him find his sword while Yuder continues leading Pethuamet to the highest hill (Chapter 284). At the highest hill, Yuder causes an earthquake to collapse the entire hill and create a large pit filled with earthen spears to impale the Pethuamet (Chapter 284). Yuder cuts off the pinned Pethuamet’s tongue, the body fluids soak Yuder as he makes sure that it’s dead, and Kishiar catches him just as Yuder faints (Chapter 284). Yuder wakes up shortly after and talks to Kishiar before blacking out again (Chapter 285). [Just before this, Kishiar and the Cavalry hurry to the base after seeing many Pethuamets and monster corpses (Chapter 289). Lusan explains the situation, Kishiar orders the Cavalry members to standby and gather more information, and leaves after telling Lusan to reserve his strength (Chapter 289, Chapter 290). When Kishiar brings back Yuder, the Cavalry think that he is dead (Chapter 290).] [Meanwhile, also just before Yuder defeats the monster, Micalin and the mages work upstairs on finding a way to separate the absorbed magic power from the tongue (Chapter 293). When they get news that Yuder is almost done luring the monster, Micalin orders the dismantling of the amplification and protection circles in advance (Chapter 293). When some mages find a small Pethuamet near the Magic Spring ruins however, greed consumes them and they capture several small Pethuamets for future research, feed them parts of the amplification circle’s magic stones, and don’t dismantle their magic circles as is their mission, feeling it unjust to end their research despite the dangerous situation (Chapter 293). When they return to base however, Kanna, who has been going through the mages’ reports meticulously finds out that the mages that should have helped Yuder didn’t (Chapter 293). Since Kishiar has not yet returned at this point, the Cavalry confiscates the hidden monsters and isolate the involved mages and the mages who were sympathetic to these mages (Chapter 294). Many more mages, including Micalin, help the Cavalry so there isn’t much quarrel despite this (Chapter 294). When Kishiar brings Yuder back to base, Kishiar stays with Yuder the entire night long treatment (Chapter 294). It is Kishiar who changes Yuder out of his venom-soaked clothes (Chapter 296). When day breaks and Yuder’s treatment ends, Kishiar finally leaves the room and reveals his identity to the mages (Chapter 294).]

The next day, Kishiar reveals his identity as the Cavalry Commander and asks Micalin to confirm the truth he has heard from Kanna, Lusan, and the Cavalry (Chapter 294). Kishiar commands the guilty mages to defeat the captured Pethuamets as their punishment (Chapter 294). At first, the guilty mages try with confidence, but eventually, they try to escape the monster, even fight against the Cavalry members blocking their escape, but fail (Chapter 294). After the mages surrender, Kishiar personally cuts down the small Pethuamet (Chapter 294). The guilty mages are then expelled from the Western Mage Union and sent back to the Pearl Tower to face proper investigation and cold punishment (Chapter 294). Kishiar orders Peletta Knights stationed near the base to escort the mages and assassins out immediately (Chapter 295). Micalin pledges full cooperation in all future dealings between the Cavalry and Western Mage Union, even offering to step down from his position as Union Leader and cease all research, but Kishiar just commands him to do nothing until Yuder recovers (Chapter 295). Meanwhile, a few hours after the battle with Pethuamet and Lusan’s treatment, Yuder wakes up to a commotion (Chapter 285). Kanna tells Yuder about Ejain’s awakening and most everything that had happened on their side until Yuder defeated Pethuamet (Chapter 286-Chapter 290). Kanna tries to get Yuder to promise to never do something like this alone, even if it was dangerous for others, again and Yuder only promises to try, knowing that he can’t lie with Kanna holding his hand (Chapter 290). Kanna gets Yuder to touch his sword and the string Enon once gave him collapses under his touch (Chapter 290). Lusan arrives, explains Yuder’s situation, and gets Yuder to try using his ability, which he cannot (Chapter 290). When Yuder’s attention is drawn to outside again, Kanna gets him to drink a sedative and Yuder falls asleep (Chapter 290). [Meanwhile,

The next day, Yuder wakes up after dreaming of a time when Kishiar snuck into his bedroom at night to find Kishiar besides him (Chapter 291). Since it feels like nighttime, Yuder asks if Kishiar should go to sleep and immediately apologizes after Kishiar dryly asks if Yuder is worrying about him now (Chapter 291). Kishiar shares how he used to want to be a hero when he was young, but he had never thought of what the people around a hero felt; Kishiar wonders how he could have ever praised Yuder for things that had himself in danger or allowed such things to happen before (Chapter 292). Yuder realizes that Kishiar, both the Kishiar from the previous life that has always came to look for him and now, were sincere and Yuder feels so much regret and pain that loses consciousness again (Chapter 292, Chapter 293). Yuder’s fever becomes so severe that he experiences drastic temperature changes (Chapter 293).

The next day, in the morning, Kishiar thinks that Yuder’s unchanged and severe condition is not an issue of divine power or method of treatment or even Yuder’s weakness to monsters, but something else and Kishiar meets with the Western Mage Union mages to ask them to resume the task of finding a way to neutralize the traces of magic in Pethuamet and now Yuder (Chapter 293, Chapter 298). When Yuder regains consciousness, Gakane is by his side; Gakane tells Yuder how they are taking turns looking after him while he helps Yuder drink water (Chapter 293). Lusan uses herbs to treat Yuder again because the divine power isn’t working well; the venom spreads back after a while (Chapter 293). Yuder finds his condition odd and Lusan tells Yuder that Kishiar thought the same and is in a meeting now (Chapter 293). Lusan also tells Yuder what happened the day he first woke up (Chapter 295). Gakane shares that Kishiar called for the second dispatch team to come, half to Tainu and half to the Western Mage Union base, and that Kishiar handed over the monster subjugation tasks that were originally supposed to be led by Yuder to Gakane (Chapter 295). Yuder encourages Gakane (Chapter 295). The Eldore siblings come in for their shift; under Gakane’s persistence, Yuder tells him what he was going to say before the Eldore siblings came in and the Eldore siblings say that they want to be appointed as Yuder’s aides too (Chapter 296). As Yuder tries to see with his eyes when the bandages around them are temporarily taken off, Yuder remembers the last piece of candy in his pocket and asks about his clothes (Chapter 296). Yuder learns that Kishiar changed his clothes when he was unconscious (Chapter 296). Yuder wakes up from a nightmare to Kishiar holding his hand still so that he doesn’t tear off his own bandages (Chapter 296). Yuder tries to hold a cup to drink, but has no strength and drops it; Kishiar, having expected this, uses this as a reason why he should feed Yuder (Chapter 296). Kishiar carries Yuder out of bed and feeds Yuder soup with a spoon while sitting Yuder on his lap (Chapter 296). As Yuder thinks about his feelings, Yuder realizes that his dreams of the past are not mere dreams and there are many gaps within him, familiar yet strange fragments of memory and emotion (Chapter 297). Kishiar shares the results from the Peletta Knights covertly investigating the Star of Nagran village outpost and how they would need to investigate the Tain Duchy for illegal trading because the rumors of them setting up a trading hub in the Great Sarain Forest is true (Chapter 297). Yuder asks about Kishiar’s meeting with the mages and Kishiar shares how he thinks that Yuder absorbed two powers, venom and amplification, just as he had once absorbed Kishiar’s energy (Chapter 297). Yuder feels bad about giving Kishiar more work, but Kishiar admits it’s harder to endure now than when his vessel was gradually breaking every hour and if Yuder doesn’t get better, he doesn’t know what he’ll end up doing (Chapter 298). The two embrace each other (Chapter 299). Kishiar shares how he found Yuder that night when he fought Pethuamet; he had followed an invisible thread from which Yuder’s scent wafted (Chapter 299). Kishiar asks if Yuder is afraid of not being able to see; Yuder replies that he is not, but he regrets not being able to see Kishiar’s expression (Chapter 299). Kishiar helps Yuder trace his face until Yuder is touching Kishiar’s face entirely of his own strength and volition (Chapter 300). Yuder kisses Kishiar, initiating the kiss for the first time (Chapter 300). Kishiar stays with Yuder until Yuder falls asleep and then returns to finding a way to remove the traces of the amplification circle with the mages, telling Yuder that he is planning to reveal his power as a mage so that others wouldn’t take him or the Cavalry lightly again (Chapter 300).

The next three days, Yuder wakes up in a state where he has not dreamed at all (Chapter 301). He spends the longest time doing absolutely nothing he has ever had throughout his two lifetimes, spending most of his time sleeping and when awake, sharing conversations with his comrades who take turns guarding him (Chapter 301). Yuder also shares his weaknesses and limitations with them (Chapter 301). When Emun finds it impressive that he found a way to work around his weakness of monsters, Yuder admits that it isn’t his idea and gives them the impression that he had a mentor before joining the Cavalry who died (Chapter 301). Yuder thinks of past memories as he sits by an open window; Kishiar comes in and closes it, using magic to warm the heat-retaining grain pouch on his stomach and wrapping Yuder with a blanket (Chapter 302). Kishiar excuses his use of magic for Yuder’s convenience by saying that he needs to practice with small spells in preparation for removing the amplification circle (Chapter 302). Yuder informs Kishiar that he told the Cavalry members of his weakness and limitations; Yuder adds that he also can’t use his power on items made by monster byproducts to Kishiar (Chapter 302).

Meanwhile, Duke Tain hears rumors of how an Awakener caused an earthquake in the Great Sarain Forest, monster anomalies ceased afterwards, and numerous Sun God Priests in the West have detected a massive divine power moving within the forest (Chapter 302). Then the Cavalry announces official news of how the first Cavalry dispatch team, including Divine Sword owner Kishiar, is already in the West and the second dispatch team is coming soon (Chapter 302). Frustrated that Theorado, Kishiar, and Baron Willhem are ignoring him, Duke Tain goes gambling (Chapter 303). Meanwhile, Emperor Keilusa hears a report from the spy he has on Duke Tain and comments on Katchian, Duke Diarca, and Duke Herne (Chapter 303). Emperor Keilusa reads another letter report from Kishiar concerning the second dispatch team and wonders who Yuder Ail is because Kishiar has never shown such haste for even Nathan and the Peletta Knights he raised himself (Chapter 303). Meanwhile, Gayle and Doyle meet Nahan and Hosanna in front of the Imperial Knights’ grounds (Chapter 304). Gayle refuses to leave, Nahan tells the brothers that the Cavalry discovered their western base, and Nahan gives them time to rethink their decision and leaves (Chapter 304).

Kanna tells Yuder that the mages found a way to heal Yuder and Kishiar ordered Gakane, Hinn, and Finn to investigate and inspect the Magic Spring Ruins in preparation for the magic (Chapter 305). Kishiar informs him about the amplification circle removal plan (Chapter 305). Kishiar suggests to carry him for a public stroll as a reward (Chapter 305). Yuder refuses, unsettled by the thought of causing unnecessary rumors (Chapter 306). Kishiar apologizes, realizing Yuder was upset, but tells Yuder that he doesn’t find being with him even slightly disgraceful (Chapter 306). Kishiar also tells Yuder that the opposite is more likely, that people would criticize Kishiar for blocking a promising young talent’s path (Chapter 306). Kishiar reminds Yuder that Yuder once said that he could forever remain Kishiar’s assistant if that was what Kishiar wished, but Kishiar wishes for more for his heart has already been taken and Kishiar would wait for his answer no matter how long it would take (Chapter 306). Yuder feels his heart warm at the proposal, but also pain (Chapter 306). Yuder relents that Kishiar can carry him at night (Chapter 306). Kishiar sneaks into Yuder’s room through the window and brings Yuder to the top of a tree to enjoy the new moon (Chapter 307). Kishiar describes the Great Sarain Forest and the sea near Peletta to Yuder and asks Yuder to come to Peletta one day; Yuder remembers how Kishiar had once asked the same in his first timeline trainee days and tells him he will go see the sea there even if his eyes don’t recover (Chapter 308). Kishiar is happy, but tells Yuder to leave out the ‘eyes don’t recover’ part because Kishiar would make sure Yuder’s eyes are cured (Chapter 308). Yuder is reminded of how Kishiar said he wanted to be a hero when he was young and resolves to make sure that Kishiar becomes one (Chapter 308). When Yuder asks, curious after having felt it once, Kishiar shares that his ability is to push or pull power towards him (Chapter 308). Kishiar also shares that the night Kishiar went to find Yuder who had gone to kill Pethuamet, Kishiar had noticed the flow of power he used was different; at that moment, he desperately wanted to pull something towards him (Chapter 308). Kishiar brings Yuder back to the room to rest, but Yuder can’t fall asleep, making Kishiar give him the candy that Yuder thought he had lost (Chapter 308). When Kishiar learns that Yuder was planning to eat it before going out to find him if Kishiar hadn’t returned in three days, Kishiar kisses Yuder’s forehead and then lips softly, asking him to sleep well (Chapter 308).

The next day, Yuder wakes up and eats the candy still in his hand (Chapter 309). The Red Stone medium falls out of a pocket when Lusan moves his old clothes and Yuder puts it into his uniform cloak (Chapter 309). Lusan gives Yuder more pain-relieving herbs (Chapter 309). Lorna drops by with Kishiar’s permission and apologizes for not heeding Yuder’s warning before the incident (Chapter 309). Gakane shares that he doesn’t like mages, but Lorna worked really hard to find a way to cure Yuder, even forsaking her health and sleep (Chapter 309). Afterwards, Hinn and Finn teleport Yuder to the Magic Spring Ruins; and Kishiar catches him (Chapter 309). After Emun and Kanna support Yuder to the center, Kishiar and the mages activate the magic formations and succeed (Chapter 310). Yuder’s black spots disappear and when he unties the bandage around his eyes, Yuder is able to see Kishiar smiling with his good eye (Chapter 311). An earthquake emerges and Yuder, using the Red Stone medium because his own ability has not yet recovered, forcibly calms the earth (Chapter 311). Once they return to base, Yuder gets a group hug from everyone (Chapter 311). After a while, Kishiar asks them to let go so he can assess Yuder’s condition and the Cavalry members want to refuse and scold Yuder with a hug even more, but retreat when Kishiar says that he wants to join in and scold Yuder with a hug then too (Chapter 312). Lusan examines Yuder, finding the venom rapidly disappearing and Yuder’s body temperature normalizing (Chapter 312). Lusan applies divine power and the black spots finally stop reappearing (Chapter 312). After his treatment, Yuder asks Lusan to examine Kishiar discreetly in his room later (Chapter 312). In his room, Yuder contemplates the Red Stone energy in his hand and the medium and the Magic Spring Ruins (Chapter 312). Kishiar visits through the window, asks if Yuder is alright, and takes the empty medium (Chapter 313). After they discuss more things, Yuder forces Kishiar to sleep, leading him and pushing him onto the bed and tucking him in with a blanket (Chapter 313). Yuder offers to hold his hand when Kishiar says that he can’t sleep and Kishiar gives up on behaving and pulls Yuder to sleep with him (Chapter 313). Kishiar falls asleep while holding Yuder tight (Chapter 313). Yuder intends to stay awake to later wake Kishiar up, but he too falls asleep (Chapter 313). [Meanwhile, the Cavalry members take turns keeping watch over the Magic Spring Ruins throughout the night (Chapter 314). Kishiar, who later inspects the area, has a long conversation with Micalin and Micalin announces that their research objectives have changed from trapping and amplifying the Magic Spring energy to monitoring the slow leakage of magic from the Ruins and examining the monsters appearing in the forest (Chapter 314).]

The next day, in the morning, the Star of Nagran village ‘disappears’ and the Peletta Knights begin to investigate and track all the village members down (Chapter 314). Meanwhile, the Knights of Tainu enter the forest to check on their trade base and are killed by Ershi (Chapter 315). When Yuder wakes up, Yuder finds an origami flower folded from the candy wrapper he left out on the pillow next to him (Chapter 314). Although Yuder finds the folded candy wrapper flower and promise to give a real flower to him later embarrassing, Yuder stores the paper flower in the deepest part of his bag where no one else can find it (Chapter 314). Kishiar orders Gakane to take command of the search operation with the second dispatch team and half the Cavalry leaves to search the abandoned village (Chapter 315). Kishiar leads Yuder, Emun, and Lusan to check on Duke Tain’s illicit trade bases and finds three Tainu Knights’ corpses on their way to the fourth outpost (Chapter 315). At the fourth outpost, Yuder senses something off and saves Kishiar from Nahan’s hidden lethal attack (Chapter 316). Nahan is surprised by Kishiar’s face, causing Yuder to realize that Nahan had seen the illusion he has placed him under last time (Chapter 316). Nahan uses his ability on Lusan when Lusan rebukes him for killing the Tainu Knights, Kishiar attacks and goes after Nahan and Ershi who flee, and Yuder chases after them to find Kishiar standing still after inflicting an injury so deep that Nahan’s arm almost got amputated (Chapter 316, Chapter 355). Kishiar confesses that he saw Yuder in the illusion Nahan used on him and asks Yuder what he saw in the past; Yuder lies and says he doesn’t remember (Chapter 317). They return after waking Lusan up, Kishiar informs Micalin about Nahan, and Kanna returns and reports how Nahan moved all the Awakeners out of the village (Chapter 317). Kishiar has Lusan and Emun take Kanna to do a search at the Tain Family outposts (Chapter 318). At sunset, all the Peletta Knights and Cavalry members, including the second dispatch team, arrives (Chapter 318). After being initially saddened that Yuder had not yet fully recovered, Yuder’s skin still discolored and left eye left blind, Jimmy begins to ask Yuder about the rumors (Chapter 318). Kanna shows the second dispatch team the dissected Pethuamet corpse in the Magic Tool Materials Storage (Chapter 319). Lorna is drawn out by the noise and apologize to Kanna who sees her, saying that she wanted to see the small Pethuamet one last time before it’s discarded (Chapter 319). Kanna explains that they kept the pure Pethuamet Lorna found for research and were going to dispose of it now that they succeeded with the magic trace removal (Chapter 319). They find out that the Pethuamet thinks of Yuder as kin because of the venom he absorbed (Chapter 319). Yuder suggests that they keep the Pethuamet after considering that researching it might solve the problem of Kishiar’s vessel among other things (Chapter 320). Later, Yuder sees Enon and as Enon talks with Yuder, Enon gives Lusan, who is resting after Nahan’s illusion, medicine and makes him rest (Chapter 320). Yuder tells Enon about the string; Enon tells him that it was an amulet that absorbed and dispersed any shock that shakes the holder’s power and soul, meaning Yuder almost died (Chapter 320). Enon gives Yuder another string (Chapter 321). Enon tells him that the Magic Spring Ruins seems to have been formed artificially, making him seem like an aged elder to Yuder for the first time (Chapter 321).

The next day, Yuder wakes up at dawn and advises Gakane that surviving and staying safe even if it meant failing the mission is the best outcome (Chapter 321). Micalin tells Yuder that he will never forget the immense favor he owes Yuder and that he would like to use the name ‘Yuder No. 1’ to name the new magic spell after him (Chapter 321). Yuder agrees after Kishiar says it’s best (Chapter 321). Yuder asks about small Pethuamet and Kishiar gestures to a veiled box in the pile of luggage (Chapter 322). Kishiar, Yuder, and half the second dispatch team heads to Tainu by carriage (Chapter 322).

In the carriage ride to Tainu, Kishiar mentions that he would need to portray the rumored ‘lecherous dissolute Duke Peletta’ to everyone, but to do so, he would need to play with strangers which was not only a waste of time but also highly dangerous or have someone acting the role of a lover receiving much attention from Duke Peletta (Chapter 323). Yuder reluctantly agrees, not thinking that he would be the one playing the role (Chapter 323).

The next day, Kishiar assigns everyone’s roles in their pretense and gives Yuder the role as his lover in front of everyone (Chapter 323). When Yuder protests, Kishiar silences him with a perfectly reasonable expression (Chapter 323). Kishiar adds that he would change his mind if anyone else volunteered, but no one does until they arrive at Tainu (Chapter 323).

Meanwhile, Baron Willhem hears many rumors, gets a letter report that the Cavalry found the bodies of the Tainu Knights and were heading towards Tainu, and gets written commands from Duke Tainu concerning the Star of Nagran Awakeners, trading post, and Cavalry (Chapter 322). When Baron Willhem meets Kishiar for the first time and offers his guest house to him and the Cavalry, Baron Willhem thanks god that Kishiar seems to be a fool like the rumors (Chapter 322). Near dinner, Kishiar ignores the servants waiting outside his room to convey the Baron’s request to attend his banquet; instead, Kishiar has tea with Yuder and Yuder consumes most of the many refreshments on the table (Chapter 323). Once Yuder rises from his seat, judging that they made the servants wait enough time, Kishiar clarifies that the ensuing scandal is entirely his responsibility so he’ll bear all the responsibility; Kishiar doesn’t want Yuder to even think about it or accept anything else people may say (Chapter 323). When Yuder absently leaves the room, he finds himself standing by the door for a long time, dumbfounded and losing an old, suppressed, thought to have been gone resentment as he stares at the ground (Chapter 323). [Meanwhile, Baron Willhem gets a report from the servants that Kishiar had called one of his Cavalry members into his room and spent a long time with him in broad daylight; they found the Duke drunk and sheets disheveled (Chapter 324).] Kishiar, Yuder, and the Cavalry attend Baron Willhem’s banquet with the Baron’s family and many nobles (Chapter 324). During the banquet, Kishiar shamelessly offers his drunk wine glass to Yuder (a very secretive and hot act done only in bed), causing Baron Willhem to bring another glass to Yuder (Chapter 324). Baron Willhem asks about the hero who defeated Pethuamet by himself and Kishiar cheerfully introduces Yuder as his cherished assistant, the promising talent in the Cavalry, and hero who defeated the giant monster to the nobles’ disbelief (Chapter 324). Kishiar begins to sing more praises for Yuder as if he had been waiting for the opportunity (Chapter 325). The nobles find Yuder impressive, especially because of how he was able to remain calm throughout Kishiar’s nonsense, a feat no noble could do (Chapter 325). The nobles try asking Yuder questions directly, but before Yuder can open his mouth, Kishiar obstructs them and says that he is the only one who can talk to his assistant; Baron Willhem pities Yuder for having to endure the humiliation of being treated as a toy by a petty, dissipated Duke (Chapter 325). Baron Willhem notices that all the Cavalry and Peletta Knights seem to be pained, shaking their shoulders in agony and probably finding the situation anything but amusing (Chapter 325). Finally, after a long time, Yuder stops Kishiar’s nonsensical praising and asks Kishiar to continue his meal; instead of being angry, Kishiar complies with a lustful look in his eyes and sultry smile (Chapter 325). Baron Willhem takes the opportunity to ask Kishiar if he is really the owner of the Divine Sword (Chapter 325). Coming to a conclusion of what kind of person Kishiar is, Baron Willhem eases up the surveillance on the Cavalry and sends Duke Tain a reassuring letter (Chapter 325). Before Kishiar leaves with Yuder, Kishiar kisses Yuder’s forehead before all the nobles (Chapter 325). Back in their room, Yuder asks if Kishiar is really alright with this arrangement; there is no need to play the role of a dissolute duke so thoroughly (Chapter 326). Kishiar replies that Yuder asks if he’s okay, but Kishiar’s having a lot of fun (Chapter 326). Kishiar adds that he has a personal motive; he’s taking advantage of this opportunity to do everything he wants to do to Yuder in public (Chapter 326). Yuder carefully examines Kishiar’s eyes and feels weak upon realizing that Kishiar really harbored no resentment for the scorn and insults he has to bear (Chapter 326). Kishiar and Yuder drink wine together (Chapter 326). As Yuder brushes the salt-sugar off of Kishiar’s lips with his fingers, Kishiar sucks Yuder’s fingers, Yuder pulls his fingers back and kisses Kishiar, Kishiar kisses back, and Yuder finds himself laying on top of Kishiar on the sofa (Chapter 326). Yuder belatedly realizes that he is aroused when Kishiar points it out and Yuder wonders if something is wrong with him because of his injury, making Kishiar laugh (Chapter 327). When Yuder feels ashamed of being aroused by such a little thing while Kishiar is not, Kishiar confesses that he exerts a considerable amount of strength to stabilize his vessel and suppress his arousals (Chapter 327). Kishiar lets go of his restraint and Yuder asks why he is holding back (Chapter 327). Kishiar confesses that he wanted to walk at the same pace as Yuder and that he finds conversing with Yuder, even if it’s just a single word, more enjoyable than physical desire (Chapter 327). Yuder finally is overwhelmed by intense longing, desire, and desperation, saying that Kishiar is too much (Chapter 327). Kishiar admits that he thinks so too, scheming every day to monopolize Yuder all for himself (Chapter 327). When Kishiar tries to stop Yuder from touching himself and provoking him because Yuder hadn’t fully recovered yet, Yuder tells him not to worry about his unhealed eye because he saw everything he wanted before losing it and that was enough, making Kishiar hug Yuder so tightly he can’t breathe (Chapter 328). Kishiar kisses Yuder and Yuder frees Kishiar’s arousal while thinking that it is the first time he has ever climbed on top, took off clothes, an saw Kishiar’s lustful face so clearly (Chapter 328). Yuder and Kishiar give each other hand jobs against each other and deep kiss (Chapter 328). Kishiar confesses that he’s finally come to realize that Yuder is alive, sharing that he saw Yuder in his Commander uniform in Nahan’s illusion (Chapter 329). Kishiar cleans them up before Yuder can do it himself; Kishiar also cleans Yuder’s fingers (Chapter 329). Kishiar tells Yuder that his scent has gotten stronger; it’s almost the first time someone has told him about his own scent, making him realize anew that he can emit one (Chapter 329). Yuder thinks about his guilt for hiding the secret of his previous life and how he had decided to do everything he could to protect Kishiar and decides to go with the lovers act (Chapter 330). [Meanwhile, in a nearby village, several groups of people wandering aimlessly and without memory of who they were or why they were there, appear in nearby villages, causing unease among the locals (Chapter 334).]

The next day, when his Cavalry colleagues sympathetically (teasingly) ask him how the night with Commander was, Yuder says that it is pleasant, making their suppressed laughter stop and Ever whisper urgently in his ear that it’s better to say nothing (Chapter 330). Lusan quickly calls him over, away from the eavesdropping servants, and Enon bluntly tells Yuder that he might as well just open the window and yell that it is all a setup (Chapter 330). Yuder doesn’t understand what the problem of his behavior is, asking if he seems unsuited for his role (Chapter 330). When Lusan is called by others to do something, Enon quietly asks him why he’s interested in role-playing all of a sudden and Yuder remembers Enon asking if Kishiar is someone important in the future or his lover (Chapter 330). The answer then is no for both, but now… (Chapter 330). Nathan follows Kishiar out of his meeting with Baron Willhem, his effort to conform to the role of the idle Peletta Knight apparent in his deliberately disheveled outfit; Yuder feels deep sympathy for Nathan for the first time (Chapter 331). Kishiar officially gives the Cavalry a week’s rest to freely spend money and have fun in Tainu and unofficially has them search for traces of the Tain Family’s illegal trade (Chapter 331). Kishiar brings Nathan and Yuder to town and spends a lot of money buying things for them (Chapter 331). Kishiar has one of the merchants writing a letter of introduction to the Red Deer Consortium for him (Chapter 331). Once they enter the Red Deer Consortium, Kishiar orders Nathan to ‘get lost’ while finding the restroom and assess the interior structure and personnel (Chapter 332). Although Graham Willhem, Baron Willhem’s younger brother and advisor of the Red Deer Consortium, initially refuses to sell anything to Kishiar because of the firm’s policy, Kishiar kisses Yuder’s forehead, causing Graham to realize who the Duke’s precious person is and wanting them to leave his sight more quickly out of disgust, takes them to the warehouse to help them find what they want (Chapter 332). As they leave, Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan share their findings; and Kishiar and Yuder realize from Nathan’s inability to describe one person that stood out to him that Nahan was there (Chapter 333, Chapter 334). Back at their temporary base (Baron Willhem’s guest house), while Kishiar goes to meet Baron Willhem, Ever reports to Yuder that ten lunatics appeared in a village near Tainu and other similar things have happened in other villages as well; she suggests that these might be the ordinary people driven out from the Star of Nagran’s village base (Chapter 334). Yuder then visits Enon and shares recent events; Enon calls Nahan a Modar type: better to weed out before they become too strong (Chapter 334). Yuder shares that Enon had disappeared in his previous life and Enon realizes that he did die, but not in the way Yuder was thinking of (Chapter 335). Enon shares that he is a created entity, asks how Yuder regressed, shares Luma’s time-reversing magic research obsession, and gives Yuder a potion to stimulate his vitality (Chapter 335). Meanwhile, Baron Willhem increases patrols around Tainu after hearing from Kishiar that they came across Nahan, the one who killed the Knights of Tainu in the forest (Chapter 336). Kishiar takes advantage of the patrols to figure out where Baron Willhem is trying to protect the most by following the areas with the most knights (Chapter 336). Yuder becomes more conscious of Kishiar as Kishiar undresses and Yuder blames Enon’s potion (Chapter 336). Yuder mentions Enon’s interest in studying the small Pethuamet, Kishiar asks about Yuder’s opinion of Enon and expresses his jealousy that he can feel Yuder’s deep faith when Yuder says Enon is like bread, hard but soft on the inside (Chapter 337). As they sleep together in the same bed, Yuder gets a wet dream of the past (Chapter 338).

The next morning, Yuder wakes up (Chapter 339). Because he looks pale, Kishiar tries to check on him, but Yuder avoids his hand, making Kishiar ask if he had a nightmare, comfort him, and cross his arms instead of reaching out to him again (Chapter 339). While Kishiar attends a salon gathering of Western nobles, Yuder feigns exhaustion from an intense night and rests (Chapter 339). Ever drops by to check on him and deliver letters from Gakane, Kanna, and Jimmy (Chapter 339). Gakane shares how monster activity dropped back to normal levels, allowing mercenaries to return to hunt in the area (Chapter 339). Kanna shares her investigation findings and Jimmy recounts his monster-hunting stories, asking to spar with Yuder next time they meet (Chapter 339). Ever asks what they said and Yuder shares that he learned Kanna is making Ever watch over him; Ever playfully confirms, saying that Kanna promised to make her a dress herself as payment (Chapter 339). Baron Willhem takes advantage of Kishiar’s absence to privately meet with Yuder and recruit him to Duke Tain’s side; Yuder informs him that if Duke Tain wishes to contact him, he must speak to the Commander first (Chapter 340). A servant soon interrupts to announce Pruelle van Tain’s arrival at the estate (Chapter 340, Chapter 341). After Baron Wiillhem leaves to deal with Pruelle, Ever returns to check on Yuder and share her mission to visit the Security Management Team, a prison, to check for the missing Star of Nagran ordinary ex-villagers (Chapter 341). After Ever leaves, Yuder visits Enon and tells him that his sexual desires had increased since he took the pill (Chapter 341). Enon interrogates him, telling him that his desire is not because of his medicine, but rather natural human reaction; Enon still gives him aphrodisiac suppressants before making him leave (Chapter 341). When Yuder returns to Kishiar’s room, he finds Pruelle waiting for him to inquire about joining the Cavalry (Chapter 341). Pruelle asks for an audience with Kishiar, wanting the same kind of deal as Revlin to reform the Tain family (Chapter 342). When Kishiar returns, they share their day; among which, Kishiar shares how he had to listen to Petrikun’s Aria, a song tragedy warning of male lovers, five times in a row (Chapter 343). Pruelle returns after dinner, sneaking in as a servant helping with cleaning up (Chapter 343). Pruelle shares his situation, the Tain Ducal Family’s financial disaster situation, and asks again to join the Cavalry (Chapter 345). Kishiar makes Pruelle a temporary Cavalry member like Revlin and promises to protect Pruelle and his siblings, including Nipollen who is a cat shapeshifting Awakener (Chapter 345). Kishiar tells Yuder the history of magic stone stoves (Chapter 346). Kishiar asks Yuder if Yuder will be with him in the future and Yuder nods with conviction “Yes”, making Kishiar pull Yuder to his lap and kiss him (Chapter 346). After the kiss, Yuder asks if Kishiar is still deliberately controlling his arousal and then realizes and asks if Kishiar goes to bed after he sleeps and wakes up early before he wakes up and suppresses his power and arousal, which must be burdensome, is because of him (Chapter 346). Kishiar promises to not suppress himself forcefully once Yuder’s eye heals completely and promises to sleep at the same time starting tonight if it bothers Yuder so much (Chapter 346). That night, they sleep facing each other, Kishiar strokes and plays with Yuder’s hair, Kishiar asks if he had ever slept like this with anyone and Yuder remembers doing this with his grandfather (Chapter 346). Because of his half-recovery and Kishiar caressing his face, Yuder falls asleep first despite trying to make sure Kishiar slept (Chapter 347). [Meanwhile, after meeting with Kishiar and Yuder, Pruelle meets with Baron Willhem to fulfill Kishiar’s request for more information about the secret trade (Chapter 348). [Earlier in the day, Ever brings Finn and Emun to the prison and after giving Kishiar’s note to Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer Phil who had initially refused to believe they were Cavalry, they find the ex-villagers inside (Chapter 349).]

The next day, Yuder wakes up without dreaming at all (Chapter 347). Yuder tries to use his power, but still hasn’t fully recovered yet, making him wonder for a moment if he should gouge the top part of his eye and receive divine power (Chapter 347). When Kishiar asks what Yuder is thinking about, Kishiar tries to make Yuder promise to not have such a terrible thought as gouging out his eye (Chapter 347). At breakfast with Cavalry, Ever shares yesterday’s finding on the amnesiac ex-Star of Nagran ordinary villagers at the prison (Chapter 347). While on a walk, Kishiar and Yuder unknowingly meet Nipollen and coincidentally bring him back to Pruelle (Chapter 348). In their private meeting, Nipollen turns back to human and shares that he can sense power, not just the energy from Awakeners share (Chapter 349). Nathan returns from buying cookies from a popular store in Tainu and informs Kishiar about the movement of Tainu Knights and the locations they now suspect are the warehouses holding items of the secret trade (Chapter 349, Chapter 351). After Nathan withdraws, Kishiar calls for Ever and Ever guides them to the Security Management Team (Chapter 349). Although the Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer tries to look down on the Cavalry, Yuder ‘accidentally’ uses his ability to cause a small earthquake, making the Tainu Knights treat them with respect and fear (Chapter 350). Jeymer allows them to see the mentally unwell ex-villagers and take away the prisoners (Chapter 351). Back at the estate, Kishiar orders the ex-villagers to be washed and taken care of, and then eats cookies with Yuder and Ever (Chapter 351).

The next day, while Nahan leads a faction into the Red Deer Consortium to dig up Duke Tain’s secrets, the moderate faction Awakeners sneak into the Security Management Team prison to find the ordinary ex-villagers (Chapter 352, Chapter 355). An explosion wakes up Yuder and Kishiar (Chapter 352). Messenger birds from the Peletta Knights tell Kishiar that there has been a mysterious intrusion at the Tainu Security Management Team prison and Red Deer Consortium firm (Chapter 352). While Baron Willhem handles the chaos outside, Kishiar and Yuder feign ignorance and rest all day together, playing card games and chatting noisily with Cavalry members in the reception room (Chapter 352). At night, Pruelle comes to dine with them, inform them about recent events, and give them a history book in which he marked possible locations of smuggled people (Chapter 352). [Meanwhile, Nathan secretly inspects the site of the explosion all day and infiltrates the Red Deer Consortium at night to find the second-floor safe shattered with all of its contents gone (Chapter 353).]

The next day, Nathan reports his findings and Kishiar orders him to investigate the places marked by Pruelle and buy chocolate cookies (Chapter 353). Kishiar, Yuder, and the Cavalry play again (Chapter 353). Meanwhile, Lusan and some others help care for the ex-villagers (Chapter 353).

The next day, Kishiar leaves to meet Pruelle and Lusan leads Yuder to the ex-villager, Marty, who had regained consciousness (Chapter 354). Marty tells them more information about the Star of Nagran and what happened on the day Nahan came and relocated the village (Chapter 354). Meanwhile, Nahan is reading the documents he stole when the moderate faction Awakeners confront him for causing trouble in Tainu (Chapter 355). Robel, a moderate faction Awakener and Marty’s lover, gets news that the ex-villagers were taken by the Cavalry and decides to sneak into Baron Willhem’s place to find them (Chapter 355).

For the next few days, Kishiar and the Cavalry continue to ‘play’, Ever and some others continue to secretly investigate and search for the Star of Nagran, Lusan continues to take care of the ex-villagers, and Enon studies the hidden Pethuamet in Nathan’s room whenever Nathan returns to the guesthouse (Chapter 358).

Some days later, Baron Willhem’s servants are accustomed to Kishiar’s debauchery (Chapter 356). Baron Willhem hears a report of Pruelle meeting with Kishiar, of the ongoing investigation for the Awakener culprits, and then of the Red Deer Consortium’s warehouses being destroyed and Graham being injured (Chapter 357). The explosion happens in the warehouse area of Tainu and the culprits take advantage of the knights rushing to handle the situation there to deface the prominent sites throughout Tainu with curses denouncing Duke Tain (Chapter 358). Baron Willhem orders a lockdown, but fails to find anything (Chapter 358). Meanwhile, Baron Willhem orders the Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer to guard Graham (Chapter 361). Sometime today, Nipollen behaves differently with a servant, making Pruelle suspect that the servant is an Awakener in disguise (Chapter 359). Meanwhile, Robel loses contact with his colleagues, making Robel have a bad feeling that his information was leaking to Nahan’s side (Chapter 363).

The next day is Baron Willhem’s 20th anniversary and Baron Willhem’s butler invites Kishiar to the special dinner to be held at night (Chapter 358). At night, Yuder endures being forcibly dressed into formal attire by Kishiar for several hours and attends the anniversary dinner, feeling like a walking pile of jewels (Chapter 358). During dinner, Fayfe and Nellisabel, Baron Willhem’s brother and sister in law, absently wonder if water formed by Awakeners is real and scream when Yuder fills their cup with water (Chapter 359). They leave dinner to change their wet clothes and are killed by Ershi (Chapter 360, Chapter 361). Meanwhile, after dinner, as they walk back, Pruelle asks Yuder and Kishiar to call him Elle (Chapter 359). Pruelle mentions Nipollen’s behavior around a new servant and Yuder offers to investigate the potentially disguised Awakener himself (Chapter 359). Although Kishiar worries, Yuder promises to be gone for only a short while, especially because they both had matters to attend to, and Kishiar gives him permission to go ahead (Chapter 359). Yuder follows Pruelle to his room, Pruelle calls the suspected servant, and Yuder chases after Robel who runs after recognizing Yuder and realizing that Yuder recognized him as the Awakener who had helped him during the Pethuamet incident (Chapter 360). Yuder catches Robel, ties the unconscious man with his tie, and then forcibly wakes him up to interrogate him after seeing Fayfe and Nellisabel’s corpses nearby (Chapter 361). People come in, following the commotion from Yuder’s previous chase, and Yuder and Robel are arrested and isolated in a room (Chapter 361). Although Kishiar, who had rushed over as soon as he heard the news from Pruelle, stops Baron Willhem from sending Yuder to prison immediately and defends Yuder, Yuder interrupts their argument and offers to go to prison for the investigation so that he can see and interrogate Robel before Baron Willhem can kill him off (Chapter 361). Kishiar concedes and sends Yuder for a fair investigation to the Security Management Team, announces the Cavalry’s intent to formally participate in all investigations, leads Yuder out to quickly discuss with him and when the frantically pursuing Baron Willhem reaches them, Kishiar kisses Yuder and sends him off (Chapter 362). In prison, Yuder gets Robel Gemson’s cooperation and gets information (Chapter 364). When Yuder and Robel are called to Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer for interrogation, Ever, Pruelle, Emun, and Finn are also there, Kishiar sending Pruelle to make sure that the Tainu Knights didn’t do anything bad to Yuder (Chapter 364). After the first interrogation, Emun secretly passes a bag sent from Kishiar to Yuder and Yuder finds a bottle of holy water and a red heating stone inside (Chapter 364). Although Yuder is moved, Yuder gives them to Robel (Chapter 365). Yuder tells Robel about Marty and advises to clear up the misunderstanding between them (Chapter 365). Around the time Robel falls asleep, Kishiar sneaks in for a visit and warms Yuder’s cheeks with his hands (Chapter 365). Kishiar also infuses magic into a heating stone, gives Yuder a heat-retaining magic cloak that ‘will become invisible’ to the eyes of those he bribed, and listens to Yuder’s report (Chapter 365, Chapter 366). Kishiar asks what Yuder thinks is Nahan’s goal and after thinking, Yuder concludes that everything was a distraction to divert forces away from the Red Deer Consortium and Graham, who probably had the information Nahan wanted (Chapter 366). Nathan and Kishiar leave to block Nahan (Chapter 366). As Yuder sneaks out of his cell to investigate the prison, he hears a distant scream that sounds like the wind blowing through an improperly closed door during a snowstorm in winter, but it isn’t winter and he is underground (Chapter 367 says it is not yet winter so this event is set after late September (Harvest Festival) but before late December). Yuder finds the Tain Duchy crest on a wall where stairs if there really is a fourth floor should be located, but returns back to his cell because the soldiers’ patrol interval time limit he mentally calculated is almost up (Chapter 367). Meanwhile, Kishiar and the Cavalry find the real murderer and rescue Graham who was nearly abducted by them (Chapter 367-Chapter 369). At some point in time, Kishiar also gets a magic stone stove for his room (Chapter 369). [Meanwhile, Finn is angry after seeing Yuder get put in prison and desires to throw a piece of dog dung he sees nearby at the knight’s feet; he succeeds and it’s the first time Finn is able to use his teleportation ability without Hinn (Chapter 393).]

The next day, Baron Willhem formally asks for Kishiar’s help in capturing those disturbing Tain (Chapter 367). Meanwhile, Yuder eats breakfast with Robel (Chapter 367). Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer tells Yuder that there is no second investigation; Yuder is to be released soon (Chapter 367). Jeymer also shares that the Cavalry found the real culprit the previous night (Chapter 367). When Yuder is released out of the prison, the Cavalry welcomes him back and then charge into the prison to turn it into Cavalry Investigation Headquarters under Kishiar’s order (Chapter 367). Kishiar leads Yuder into a carriage back to the mansion (Chapter 367). Baron Willhem formally thanks Yuder fo his role in saving his brother and formally apologizes to Yuder for the misunderstanding his Tainu Knights must have had for giving him a hard time in the investigation (Chapter 369). Finn secretly makes a retching gesture behind Baron Willhem’s back while Yuder accepts both calmly (Chapter 369). After Yuder and Kishiar share stories, Lusan and Enon check on Yuder (Chapter 369). Yuder tells Lusan about Robel, Lusan leaves to ask Marty if she was fine with meeting him, and Enon pinches Yuder’s obediently offered cheek, scolds him, and comes up with another theory about Yuder’s condition upon hearing that Yuder feels as if his energy is blocked (Chapter 370). Meanwhile, Duke Tain is gambling with a Southerner named Athon in a high-end gambling house in the capital; they discuss about moving goods and hiring Southern mercenaries to send to Tainu (Chapter 370, Chapter 371). Devran overhears a little of the conversation, him and Steiber having been ordered by Kishiar a few days ago to get undercover employment in the gambling house with a fake identity Kishiar had created for them to investigate Duke Tain and the Southerner around him (Chapter 371). Devran tries to follow Athon later, but Athon disappears without a trace after leaving the gambling house (Chapter 372). Meanwhile, Yuder dozes off after a conversation with Enon (Chapter 372). Kishiar wakes him up after finishing his talk with Baron Willhem and shares his plan now that all the pieces fell perfectly in place thanks to Yuder though Yuder feels pained when he sees Kishiar kiss his hand and hears Kishiar’s praise because he doesn’t think he deserve it, especially when he remembers a certain memory paralleling how Kishiar had kissed his hand (Chapter 372, Chapter 374). After making sure Yuder is lying down in bed, Kishiar leaves so Yuder can rest and talks with Nathan (Chapter 373). Nathan informs him that Hellem and Mick Shuden have arrived (Chapter 373). As Nathan contemplates Kishiar’s odd behavior towards Yuder since the incident in the Great Sarain Forest, Kishiar abruptly asks Nathan if he ever disliked receiving praise from him, making Nathan flustered but answer no (Chapter 373). Kishiar tells Nathan to just forget what he said and Nathan complies but wonders more about the mystery that is Yuder (Chapter 373). Meanwhile, Baron Willhem shares with Pruelle that he is planning to host a charity party at the same time as the upcoming auction (Chapter 373). [Sometime today, Emun accidentally eats some spicy Reaper grass during lunch and his tongue and lips remain swollen even to the next day (Chapter 385).]

The next day, Kishiar arranges a meeting between him, Yuder, Pruelle, Ever, and Nathan (Chapter 373). Pruelle informs them about the charity party and how he will be leaving Nipollen with the Cavalry while he persuades certain forces within his family, including his siblings, to join him (Chapter 374). Ever promises to do her best to protect Nipollen and asks Pruelle what she needs to be cautious of before Pruelle leaves; Pruelle’s eyes soften with relief at Ever’s care for his brother (Chapter 374). After Kishiar shares a plan regarding the Divine Sword being verified and Pruelle transforming into Baron Willhem to talk to Graham, Pruelle shares how he had admired Ever since the day he saw her protect the witnesses at Duke Apeto’s trial and it is his dream to stand with Ever one day (Chapter 374). Ever is astonished by the words but informs him that his ability would make him Sul, not Shin (Chapter 374). After hearing from Pruelle that the First Duke Tain was Archmage Luma’s disciple when asking about the fourth floor, Yuder visits Enon (Chapter 374). Yuder also tells Enon that he is coming with him and Kishiar to see the monster experts from Peletta, whom Kishiar introduces as a small business owner and the only mage in the Peletta Knights (Chapter 375). Hellem examines Pethuamet; Mick comes downstairs and introduces himself as the owner of Shuden Trading Company (Chapter 376). Yuder demonstrates how the Pethuamet follows him, Hellem shares her hypotheses, and Mick adds the myth and actual cases of monster by-product objects blocking monster attacks (Chapter 377). Hellem introduces herself as former Head Mage after they decide with Kishiar’s approval to continue researching the Pethuament for Yuder’s treatment (Chapter 377). After they break up into small talk, Yuder asks Mick if he’s an Awakener (Chapter 378). Mick shares his ability to look inside others and how he sees many empty spaces, countless holes, inside Yuder (Chapter 378). When Kishiar and Yuder return to the mansion, leaving Enon behind with the monster experts, Kishiar asks Yuder to summon Lusan for him for the meeting with Baron Willhem and the Western Sun God Temple Priests (Chapter 378). Yuder finds Robel helping Lusan take care of the ex-villagers even though Marty refused to meet him; Robel asks Yuder to take him with him if he finds Nahan, thinking that catching Nahan is his only revenge and atonement toward Marty (Chapter 378). Yuder and Lusan meet up with Kishiar to find Nathan and Micalin there (Chapter 378). Kishiar explains that, wanting to escalate matters to increase his influence if Kishiar is proven lying and provoked by Kishiar, Baron Willhem invites the Western Mage Union Leader Micalin to attend the private Divine Sword verification meeting (Chapter 379). The group goes to the small chapel in the back of the estate for the meeting (Chapter 379). When the priests asks Kishiar to use the Divine Sword to verify it, Kishiar says he can’t because he’s still recovering after having used it excessively in a dangerous situation recently so the priests should verify it using their divine power (Chapter 379). The three priests fail to gather enough divine power to verify the sword so Kishiar asks Lusan to do it instead and scripture appears on the Divine Sword’s blade as it receives Lusan’s divine power (Chapter 380). Baron Willhem admits his defeat; Micalin proclaims to spread news of this miracle he had the honor to witness (Chapter 380). Meanwhile, Pruelle interrogates Graham using Baron Willhem’s form (Chapter 381). At night, Pruelle shares the information he found regarding the illegal trade in Tainu (Chapter 381). Yuder suggests that the prison must be the location of the trafficked people (Chapter 381). When Yuder and Kishiar are alone, Yuder shares how Mick told him that there are many holes in his core (Chapter 383). Though Yuder says that it is alright, Kishiar asks for permission to look into this matter, not thinking that such a thing is good since what Mick sees is the soul (Chapter 383). When Kishiar sees Yuder staring at him, Kishiar tells him that he wants to reward his assistant for speaking honestly; he will come over and if Yuder didn’t like it, he should stand and go call the servants to clear their dinner table (Chapter 383). Yuder doesn’t, reminded of the time of their first kiss against Kishiar’s office’s door, and they share a deep kiss (Chapter 383). The door knocks, Kishiar continues kissing Yuder, Ever asks for permission to enter, Kishiar lingers, not wanting to separate much like Yuder, but Kishiar opens the door and listens to Ever’s report about regarding the hidden floor in the prison (Chapter 384). Ever reports how Jody Sliem, a Cavalry member with the ability to launch various patterns of attacks with his scream, confirms that the sound is akin to that of an Awakener with sound-based abilities similar to his (Chapter 384). After concluding her report, Ever gives Yuder the letters from the other dispatch team sent and asks if Yuder has been eating spicy food because his lips are swollen (Chapter 384). Later, Kishiar asks if Yuder was going to let go of how Kishiar had bitten his lip and Yuder tells him that he wouldn’t get upset over that because it’s something he wanted to do and it didn’t hurt (Chapter 384). Kishiar realizes that honesty really can be the greatest weapon, having felt more pleased by Yuder’s words than any other praise he’s ever received (Chapter 385). Kishiar deeply wishes for Yuder to heal quickly (Chapter 385). [Meanwhile, rumors of everything going on in the West spread in the capital (Chapter 385). Kiolle overhears Duke Diarca discussing the rumors with his close friends in his rose garden (Chapter 385). Kiolle is about to return home when the group spots him and Duke Diarca calls him their way (Chapter 385). Duke Diarca asks Kiolle to ask Imperial Knight Commander Theorado van Tain about his family the next time he talks with him and praises Kiolle, asking him to keep going as a knight as he is now (Chapter 385). As Duke Diarca pats Kiolle on the back and praises him for growing up, Kiolle’s oldest brother, the Diarca heir, ignores Kiolle openly because of his dignity and his third oldest brother, who didn’t receive much attention from Duke Diarca, is jealous and angry (Chapter 386). While Kiolle pretends to not see his brothers’ stares, one of Duke Diarca’s friends ask if Duke Diarca is planning to send the people who cured Baron Durmand’s migraines to the Bright Palace, making Kiolle wonder if Crown Prince Katchian’s illness was so serious that they would resort to superstitions (Chapter 386). As the nobles began to offer introductions to the commoner healers they knew, Kiolle takes the opportunity to leave (Chapter 386). Before Kiolle leaves, Duke Diarca tells Kiolle that he will be placed as Crown Prince Katchian’s guard (Chapter 386).] Meanwhile, Yuder reads the letters Ever delivered to him (Chapter 386). Gakane writes about an incident a few days ago wherein he met a new monster that absorbed magic power and regenerated too quickly in the Great Sarain Forest that has been filled with magic since the opening of the Magic Spring Ruins (Chapter 386). Gakane considered luring the monster by himself, but because he thought of Yuder’s words of how it is best for everyone to be safe, they retreated, discussed, and lured it to an area with less magic (Chapter 386). Gakane gets a long injury in his chest but remains alive (Chapter 386). Gakane continues to write about their discovery of a new magic ore vein in the Magic Spring Ruins (Chapter 386). As soon as Yuder finishes reading Gakane, Kanna, and Jimmy’s letters, Kishiar asks if there is any alarming news in the letters (Chapter 387). Yuder just replies that he is just surprised that Gakane was injured (Chapter 387). Kishiar shares the history and formation of magic stones to Yuder (Chapter 387). [A few hours before, Ever reports that Baron Willhem, who had slipped out of the mansion, makes an appearance at the prison (Chapter 387).] While Baron Willhem is in prison and the patrol guard is relaxed, Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan invade the Red Deer Consortium (Chapter 387). While sneaking in, Yuder feels a tingling sensation in his left eye whenever Kishiar uses magic (Chapter 388). In the secret underground warehouse, Kishiar, Nathan, and Yuder find numerous items (Chapter 388). Kishiar pierces a bag of white powder and tastes it to realize it is Calanesa, an addictive hallucinogenic analgesic (Chapter 388). Kishiar tells Yuder that he brought Yuder, though Yuder isn’t fully recovered yet, because he wants to give Yuder more experience since the Cavalry hasn’t done these kinds of missions yet (Chapter 389). As they scout out the warehouse, Yuder finds the red magic stone of his previous life’s staff (Chapter 389). When they find an exit connecting to a tavern, they sneak out into the tavern and pretend to be customers (Chapter 390). Yuder tries to use his wind ability to eavesdrop on the Southern merchants they see talking to Jacob, the tavern owner, but instead abandons his attempt, calling a waiter over to obscure the sight of the perceptive Southern merchant looking in his direction (Chapter 390, Chapter 406). Yuder downs his liquor when the waiter questions why he is ordering a new one despite having not drunk the one in front of him; Kishiar is amused and interested when Yuder says he doesn’t get drunk when Kishiar asks if he’s alright (Chapter 390). Back in their bedroom, Yuder asks about the plan and Kishiar mischievously asks Yuder to come closer (Chapter 391). Although there is no reason to speak secretly in their private room, Yuder does and is pulled into Kishiar’s lap (Chapter 391). Yuder obediently surrenders, accommodating Kishiar’s wish to talk in this position (Chapter 391). After answering Yuder’s question, Kishiar asks his own (Chapter 392). Yuder shares how ordinary alcohol and poisons do not get him drunk; only alcohol mixed with monster blood does (Chapter 392). [Meanwhile, Ever, Emun, Jody, and Finn secretly trails Baron Willhem in the prison after the baron speaks with Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer (Chapter 392). They witness Baron Willhem disappear with a large bag and reappear empty-handed on the third floor (Chapter 392).]

The next day, Finn reports what happened last night in the prison (Chapter 392). As Finn leaves, Yuder privately appoints him as an aide and asks him to investigate the southern merchants at the tavern (Chapter 393). Finn shares how he had succeeded in using the teleportation ability by himself not long ago (Chapter 393). Finn starts the Cavalry’s Secret Information Team’s first mission after reporting back to Ever (Chapter 393). Yuder visits Enon and asks about the research progress and the best recovery method for an exhausted mage (Chapter 393). Enon asks why Yuder wants to know that before interrupting himself and demanding Yuder to not tell him (Chapter 393). After hearing about the research results so far, Yuder asks if there is a way to speed up the research; Enon is mad, but gives in and gives Yuder a test sample of a medicine he made by processing the Pethuamet’s venom, teaching Yuder how to use it (Chapter 394). Enon also gives Yuder more pills to prepare his body for the toxin removal and a vitality recovery potion for ‘his mage friend’ (Chapter 394). Yuder shares with Enon about the hidden fourth floor and the magic ore vein discovery (Chapter 395). While they rise at Mick’s call for lunch, Enon mentions how he doesn’t like Mick’s stares (Chapter 395). Yuder shares Mick’s ability and Enon curses but overall doesn’t care about it now that he knows what’s going on (Chapter 395). As Enon sees Yuder out the door, Enon asks if it’s true that second gender Awakeners are only attracted to the opposite second gender; he has a complicated expression when Yuder says he thinks it’s generally true (Chapter 395). During the day, the southern merchants make no movements; only going out at night at the same time Baron Willhem ordered his office to be closed to everyone, making Kishiar assume that the southern merchants are absent to meet with Baron Willhem (Chapter 395). At night, Yuder, Kishiar, and Nathan sneak back into the Red Deer Consortium’s underground storeroom at the same time as Ever and Pruelle’s mission to enter the underground prison’s fourth floor (Chapter 395). While Kishiar looks through the magic tools, Yuder gives him the vitality recovery potion from Enon (Chapter 395). Kishiar duplicates, disguises, and stores countless items in the underground warehouse; he also uses tracking magic tools so that they can trace those who buy them at the auction (Chapter 396). Finally, Nathan shows Yuder how to open the Bottles of Infinity, asks Yuder to be careful this time, and they switch out the Calanesa with a ground grain mixed with Alos grass which is good for insomnia and making fertilizer without a rotten smell (Chapter 396). Yuder realizes from Kishiar’s knowledge of Alos grass, something nobles wouldn’t know, that Kishiar didn’t grow up as privileged as he seemed (Chapter 396). Shortly after finishing, Yuder senses a powerful mass of energy rapidly approaching, extinguishes his flame, and the three hide quickly (Chapter 396). The door connecting to the tavern explodes and after the perceptive southern merchant has the other southerners take away the angry tavern owner, the perceptive southern merchant thinks that they are the Star of Nagran and tries to draw them out (Chapter 396, Chapter 397). Since Kishiar used a lot of magic energy and Nathan has the bags of items, Yuder takes the recovery medicine, attacks the southern merchant, and deals with the intense pain Enon warned him about (Chapter 397). In the moment Yuder deals with the medicine’s effects, Nathan clashes with the southern merchant (Chapter 397). Yuder finds Kishiar through their connection and asks Kishiar and Nathan to go ahead, but Kishiar insists that he has no intention of leaving Yuder behind; if they go, they go together (Chapter 397). Yuder feels Kishiar’s desperation and decides to have Nathan leave first (Chapter 398). Kishiar tells him that he should be the one going first, but Yuder tells Kishiar not to worry because he took Enon’s medicine (Chapter 398). They plan, the pain and burning sensation within Yuder increases, sharpening his senses, and Yuder analyzes the opponent’s ability before shaking the earth between Nathan and the southern merchant (Chapter 398). Kishiar has Nathan go ahead first, Kishiar uses martial arts and repelling force to deflect the southern man’s attacks and send him into the bags of Calanesa, and Yuder sends water at the southern merchant and bags of Calanesa, causing the black stain in his eyes to melt away into golden light (Chapter 398). Kishiar grabs Yuder and they run (Chapter 398). After using his earth ability to block the passage, Yuder stops moving and bleeds from his nose, making Kishiar look down at him and take off Yuder’s hood to see his face more clearly (Chapter 399). Yuder sees the golden light in his left eye in his reflected image in Kishiar’s eyes (Chapter 399). Although Yuder tries to tell Kishiar that it’s not as bad as it looks and that Enon’s medicine is a success, blood pools out from his mouth as soon as he tries to say Commander (Chapter 399). The deep scar he sees hidden in Kishiar’s eyes make Yuder desperate to explain, but Kishiar commands him not to speak and urgently carries him out (Chapter 399). As Yuder listens to Kishiar’s heartbeat, holes inside of Yuder open up as if silently screaming that he will regret it, making Yuder wonder what he had done to regret as he faints (Chapter 399, Chapter 401). Yuder dreams of the second to last and last time he saw Kishiar: how Yuder asks him to deny the intent to rebel and how Kishiar still didn’t change his mind, instead sharing last words and dealing with the connection as promised (Chapter 399-Chapter 401). [Meanwhile, Enon and Lusan are dragged out of their sleep in the middle of night to help Yuder (Chapter 403). While Enon and Lusan treat Yuder, Kishiar watches with still and dark eyes, not responding to anyone’s calls (Chapter 403). Although normally Nathan would say something, even Nathan found it uneasy to speak in the atmosphere and just looked at Kishiar with an unknown expression (Chapter 403). Eventually, Enon snaps and tells Kishiar that Yuder is alright so stop looking at Yuder like he’s about to die and deal with the people trying to summon him because a noisy environment is toxic to a patient’s recovery (Chapter 403). As Kishiar leaves, Kishiar orders them to help Yuder rest and to have someone watch over him until he wakes (Chapter 403).] Yuder wakes up and wonders where Kishiar is (Chapter 401). Yuder apologizes to Enon, but shares that he thought it is a situation where he needed to take the medicine, making Enon annoyed because he thought Yuder would say something like that (Chapter 401). Enon explains about the Eye of Magic phenomenon that affected his eye and how the spots have transformed into something resembling veins (Chapter 402). When Yuder experimentally clenches and unclenches his hand, he realizes that it doesn’t hurt (Chapter 402). Enon wants to punch him when he hears that and Yuder considers letting him to calm him down (Chapter 402). Enon wonders what kind of life Yuder has lived before and Yuder replies that Enon knows and it’s not that hard, making Enon even more troubled (Chapter 402). Enon has Yuder experiment using his ability and notes how the magic energy in his eye glows simultaneously with the spots in his hand that wriggle (Chapter 402). Enon explains that the blood Yuder vomited before was purged toxins (Chapter 402). Yuder asks again where is Kishiar (Chapter 402). Lusan returns and starts a prayer of joy upon seeing Yuder awake (Chapter 403). Lusan shares what happened the night before; the herbal tea and medicines they give Yuder makes him fall asleep (Chapter 403). [Meanwhile, Pruelle cuts his palm to open the way to the fourth floor (Chapter 405). Ever gives Pruelle her handkerchief as they go down to find people trapped inside, and give the sound ability Awakener captive inside a fruit intended for tracking (Chapter 404, Chapter 405). Although the underground warehouse Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan were in had been wrecked and many items were broken, the Southern merchants hide the incident such that tavern activity remains normal and Baron Willhem still knows nothing about the intrusion (Chapter 404, Chapter 405). Nathan destroys the Bottles of Infinity with Calanesa inside (Chapter 404). After Pruelle returns to his residence, Pruelle finishes organizing a list of previous and current charity party and secret auction invitees (Chapter 405). Although Pruelle heals his wound with holy water, he keeps the handkerchief Ever tied on his hand there (Chapter 405).]

The next day, at dawn, Yuder wakes up to see Kishiar sitting by him (Chapter 403). Kishiar asks how is his body; Yuder says he’s fine (Chapter 403). Yuder asks if he has slept; Kishiar does not respond (Chapter 403). Yuder steps out of bed and approaches to kneel in front of Kishiar, but Kishiar stops him from bending the knee so Yuder stands in front of Kishiar and apologizes for causing him worry and concern (Chapter 403). Kishiar shares that it hurts him how certain Yuder is to take actions he thinks is acceptable for a greater goal despite what might happen to him (Chapter 403). Kishiar then apologizes for leading them to this result despite having considered all the variables and knowing better than anyone that his assistant had such certainty (Chapter 404). Kishiar realizes that they both would have done the same regardless of how many times the situation repeated because they both were certain, did not doubt that they did the right thing, and would not let pain discourage them from getting what they want no matter how much the pain would repeat itself (Chapter 404). As a result, Kishiar concludes that Yuder shouldn’t apologize or diminish his judgment; Kishiar would deal with his own pain on his own… but Kishiar just wants Yuder to remember his promise to accompany him on his path to the future they wanted forever (Chapter 404). Yuder is stunned to the point of embarrassment by how different this honest Kishiar who reminds him of their promise to walk towards their desired future together is from the Kishiar of that day that doesn’t answer his questions and reminds him of the promise he made to severe the ‘connection’ (Chapter 404). Kishiar tells Yuder that being alive means he can do anything (Chapter 404). Kishiar examines Yuder’s hand and eye and then informs Yuder of matters Kishiar dealt with while Yuder was asleep (Chapter 404). Yuder sees the vitality recovery potion still in Kishiar’s hand and asks Kishiar to drink it, making Yuder feel entirely free from the remnants of the dream of that pained Kishiar (Chapter 404). As soon as morning arrives, Ever rushes to Yuder’s side to report about the hidden fourth floor; Ever congratulates Yuder on healing, surprised to see the black spot in his eye gone (Chapter 405). Kishiar informs Ever of what happened on their side last night (Chapter 405). Pruelle gives Kishiar his compiled information on the charity party and secret auction (Chapter 405). Pruelle asks if he can give back the handkerchief after he returns from the capital, Ever tells him it’s fine if he throws it away, and Pruelle asks how could he throw away the symbol of her compassion and insists that he will surely return it soon (Chapter 405). Before Pruelle returns to the capital at night, Pruelle recommends Marty and other ex-villagers to Baron Willhem as temporary workers for the party (Chapter 406, Chapter 408).

A week later, in the morning, the Star of Nagran replaces some of the workers at the auction house (Chapter 414). Similarly, Robel and some other Cavalry members infiltrate the auction house as servants (Chapter 415). Later, numerous carriages begin to line up and enter Tainu and the Willhem Estate (Chapter 405). While half of the Cavalry stay with Ever in the Security Management Team, the rest guard Baron Willhem’s mansion where the charity party is held (Chapter 406). Since attendance is limited to invitees, only Kishiar and the partner he designated, Yuder, attend (Chapter 406). After greeting Baron Willhem who congratulates Yuder for his healed eye, hyena-like nobles surround Kishiar and Yuder, making Yuder admire Kishiar’s talent with words, especially the way Kishiar uses outlandish words among other tactics to strike at nobles, ‘unintentionally’ make a spectacle of them, and then retreat at unexpected moments to reveal their base intentions (Chapter 407). Yuder realizes that it is the first time he has seen Kishiar act this way in a party because before, there is no need for it, but now Kishiar has to affirm all the rumors about him and yet maintain the perception that he was merely a duke (Chapter 407). Since charity fundraising is traditionally hosted by the wives, no one notices as Baron Willhem disappears after merely greeting guests (Chapter 408). When it’s time to dance, Yuder deliberately shows discomfort, playing into the perception that commoners know nothing about dancing, and moves to the food tables to ask the disguised maid, Marty, for Baron Willhem’s whereabouts and if there are any covert infiltration by the Star of Nagran or movements of people to the secret auction (Chapter 408). When Yuder returns just as Kishiar finishes the first dance with Baron Willhem’s wife, Yuder goes to a lounge and Kishiar follows him, kissing him before all the watching nobles just as the door shuts (Chapter 408). Yuder reports Marty’s observations (Chapter 408). After Yuder turns his special cloak inside and out, he leaves out the window to support the Security Management Team Cavalry members (Chapter 409). Kishiar blows him a princess kiss, reminding Yuder that the rumors of how long they play in the private room depend on when he will return (Chapter 409). Finn gives Yuder his sword and informs Yuder of how Kanna arrived in Tainu earlier, but saw a carriage from the Great Sarain Forest and went to follow it (Chapter 409). Finn teleports Yuder out of the estate and Yuder leaves (Chapter 409). [Meanwhile, Pruelle meets Imperial Knight Commander Theorado van Tain and gains his cooperation after hinting about Duke Tain’s soon downfall much like the former Duke Apeto’s and reminding him of Kishiar and Emperor Keilusa’s hidden claws (Chapter 410).] When Yuder arrives at the Security Management Team, Yuder rolls his eyes at Ever, not hiding the laughter in his eyes, at Ever’s words and he hugs Kanna back (Chapter 411). When Yuder agrees with Kanna about making someone who had been rude to her pay, the nearby Cavalry members all smile, agreeing that this is the quality that their Cavalry takes pride in; it is a fitting response for the spirit of the Cavalry, making Yuder frown at the unfamiliar words whose meaning and origin he could not guess (Chapter 411). Then, Emun rushes in, announcing that the smell of the fruit is getting stronger so Baron Willhem must be bringing out the captives, and the mission begins (Chapter 411). [Yuder takes a moment to read the note Finn left in his sheathe concerning the southern merchants he independently investigated; Yuder looks at the symbol drawn and recognizes it as the symbol of the largest tribe in the South (Chapter 414).] When Baron Willhem brings out the 37 captives and Yuder is about to signal the attack, the Star of Nagran attacks first (Chapter 412). Upon misunderstanding that the Star of Nagran Awakeners he met the other day (Kishiar and Yuder) are at the auction house, the perceptive southern merchant decides to leave Baron Willhem to go to the other location, but Yuder finally sends the signal to attack (Chapter 412). The Cavalry save the human trafficking victims (Chapter 412). Yuder stops Ershi from killing Baron Willhem in the middle of the chaos (Chapter 413). Yuder notices that Ershi is going berserk; Ever tells Yuder and Kanna to go ahead to the auction house, Ever will handle Ershi (Chapter 413). Yuder carries Kanna on his back to move faster (Chapter 413). At the auction house, Kanna reads the gate for a moment and they enter the mansion through the secret entrance (Chapter 414). Robel informs them about the seven Star of Nagran Awakeners he found inside (Chapter 415). As Yuder moves to a secret spot in the garden to create walls trapping the auction attendees, he happens to see Apeto family representatives that insulted Kishiar at the trials and escaped judgment and the capital afterwards and Yuder memorizes their carriage (Chapter 415, Chapter 416). Yuder creates an earthquake and the Cavalry announce everyone’s arrest (Chapter 416). Meanwhile, Nahan infiltrates Baron Willhem’s estate with Hosanna and the other Star of Nagran Awakeners to find Graham; he encounters Nathan who Kishiar posted on the third floor to guard Graham and practice fighting against Awakeners (Chapter 417, Chapter 418). Nahan and Hosanna struggle against Nathan; eventually, Nahan orders Hosanna to teleport and kill Graham by himself while Nahan holds Nathan down by sacrificing his abdomen (Chapter 418, Chapter 419). After trapping Nathan in an illusion, Nahan hears Hosanna scream and sees distress signals from his colleagues (Chapter 419). Before he can do anything about them, however, Nathan unleashes his aura (Chapter 419). [Hosanna screams in shock and faints at the sight of transformed Finn in the bed where Graham should be; Finn drugs him with a sleeping potion (Chapter 425).] Meanwhile, Lord Moet knocks on Kishiar’s door, demanding him to take responsibility and deal with the dangerous situation outside (Chapter 419). Kishiar ignores them until he surprisingly hears Baron Koelt defend him, saying that Lord Moet should be the one giving his life for the imperial family not the other way around (Chapter 419). As Nathan’s aura flashes, briefly coloring the night sky, Kishiar receives a letter from Finn that everyone except the Southerners have been captured (Chapter 419, Chapter 420). Kishiar then finally gets out of bed to open the door in a disheveled state (Chapter 419). While taken aback, Lord Moet quickly informs him of the situation and asks him to go take a look (Chapter 419). The other nobles bow their heads in agreement; only Baron Koelt does not and says the opposite (Chapter 419). The nobles argue again and Lord Moet demands that Kishiar orders Yude Al to solve the situation, making Kishiar angry for a moment (Chapter 419). Kishiar regains his composure though and tells Lord Moet that he doesn’t know a Yude Al so he can’t give the order; the person with him is Yuder Ail and Kishiar closes the door (Chapter 420). Lord Moet apologizes and asks if Kishiar can ask Yuder Ail to check the situation outside; Kishiar just walks out of the lounge, asking if it is necessary to ask his assistant when he is able to do it himself (Chapter 420). Everyone tries to stop him because of his inappropriate appearance; they try harder when he removes their blockade and opens the door (Chapter 420). The nobles stare when instead of bandits and a bloody sight, they see the Cavalry and Peletta Knights kneeling down with bound individuals on the ground (Chapter 420). Meanwhile, Ever returns to Yuder’s side after defeating Ershi (Chapter 420). As the Cavalry transport the arrested nobles to the prison, Yuder spots the Apeto trial representatives and has them herded into a garden maze where they get hunted by Cavalry members until they beg to be captured (Chapter 421). Ever and Yuder check on the arrested Star of Nagran Awakeners temporarily placed in the warehouse and listen to Kanna share how Robel got injured protecting Kanna and the list of auction attendees from his former colleagues (Chapter 421). Ever holds Kanna in comfort when she blames herself for letting the southern merchants escape (Chapter 421). Yuder returns to the party, landing into Kishiar’s arms and they embrace, Kishiar touching Yuder to make sure he’s safe, while reporting what went on at their sides (Chapter 422). Kishiar tells Yuder about Baron Koelt and how he suspects Baron Koelt to be one of Pruelle’s secret sources of timely, high quality information; Kishiar tells Yuder how relieved he is that he now knows who to recommend for work in the West after Baron Willhem’s influence wanes (Chapter 423). Meanwhile, Baron Willhem, imprisoned on the third floor of the Security Management Team’s underground dungeon, shouts all night to be released (Chapter 423). [During the charity party skirmish with the Star of Nagran members, Marty awakens the ability to drain energy, causing the Star of Nagran Awakeners to be unable to fight properly (Chapter 440).] [Meanwhile, Nahan and the southern merchants encounter each other as they escape (Chapter 454). Nahan promises not to use his ability against the southern merchants if the southern merchants help him escape (Chapter 454).]

The next day, at dawn, Graham and many auction attendees testify that everything happened on Baron Willhem’s orders (Chapter 424). Meanwhile, Baron Willhem witnesses the Cavalry finally lead the hunted and captured Apeto family representatives into prison (Chapter 423). Later, Baron Willhem is led into the interrogation room to see Kishiar’s genuinely ominous and bright smile (Chapter 423). Baron Willhem tries to pass the blame to Graham, but Kishiar has his men bring Graham in, revealing that his little brother was listening (Chapter 424). Meanwhile, Duke Tain paces his study because he had not received any word from anyone in the West (Chapter 425). Pruelle, Priscilla, Theorado along with over a dozen relatives inform Duke Tain of their investigation results of how Duke Tain lost over half of the family fortune and driven away many capable financial managers among other things (Chapter 425). Steiber, under the orders of Emperor Keilusa and Kishiar, escort Duke Tain to be investigated for colluding with an Awakener from the southern countries to disturb the Empire (Chapter 425). A meeting is held among the Tain Family to make Priscilla van Tain the next heir (Chapter 425). [Before meeting the Star of Nagran members, Yuder nails the knight that maliciously expelled Kanna the other night upside down on the mansion’s gate (Chapter 426). The knight shouts that Kishiar and Yuder spent the entire night in the lounge during the party, causing the rumor to spread (Chapter 426).] While Kishiar interrogates nobles, Yuder examines the laborers brought by the Star of Nagran and southern merchants (Chapter 425). Lusan, Enon, and Yuder examine Hosanna and Yuder asks those guarding Hosanna to tie their wrists together using a rope to prevent him from escaping (Chapter 426). [Meanwhile, the last person Kishiar meets before returning home is Baron Koelt who is fine with governing Tainu when Kishair subtly asks (Chapter 426). Kishiar also orders Baron Koelt to investigate the fourth floor with Ever as soon as the investigation of the nobles ended (Chapter 429).] When they return to their room and meet, Yuder asks for Kishiar’s thoughts on creating regional branches for the Cavalry (Chapter 426). Kishiar mentions how he originally planned to recruit regionally for the first recruitment for the Cavalry but faced much opposition; now, however, they may be able to renegotiate, move up the second round of Cavalry recruitment, and initiate regional enlistment (Chapter 426). Kishiar plans to make the Security Management Team, their temporary headquarters, into their official western Cavalry branch with Tainu Knight Commander Jeymer being dismissed and standing trial for his crimes and with Baron Koelt handling any opposition to the start of the branch (Chapter 426). Before Kishiar can further explain the plan, Kishiar receives a message from the capital that Emperor Keilusa has collapsed (Chapter 426). Kishiar and Yuder drink, finishing a bottle, before Kishiar tells Yuder about how Emperor Keilusa has always been healthier than Kishiar but they think because of the nobles’ trickery, Emperor Keilusa’s health has become as it is now (Chapter 427). Kishiar explains what had happened in the Crown Prince Selection and then his hope that the Red Stone would save Keilusa as it had for him (Chapter 427). Yuder asks how much time they have left and Kishiar answers that according to past precedents, Emperor Keilusa has about less than a month to six months to live (Chapter 428). Yuder offers to try the method he used to untangle Kishiar’s energy and Kishiar allows him only if he experiments it on Kishiar first (Chapter 427). Emun knocks, informing them of Ever’s request for them to come to the prison’s fourth floor immediately (Chapter 429). On the fourth floor, Baron Koelt, Ever, Kanna, Kishiar, and Yuder find the First Duke Tain’s research lab behind another Protection of Blood seal (Chapter 429). Inside the First Duke Tain’s research lab, they find a diary written in Gore script and evidence of monster research (Chapter 430). Kishiar reads aloud a section of the diary under Baron Koelt’s prompting, making Yuder realize that the First Duke Tain also conducted time research (Chapter 430). On the way back, Yuder asks to be dropped off at Enon’s place (Chapter 431). Kishiar mentions how they will not be killing Pethuamet; rather, Hellem wants to continue researching it (Chapter 431). Kanna accompanies Yuder and they are roped into joining Mick, Hellem, and Enon for drinks (Chapter 431, Chapter 432). Hellem shares stories of the day Kishiar, Nathan, and her first arrived in Peletta Castle (Chapter 432). Kanna invites Hellem to the Cavalry Headquarters in the capital; Hellem considers it because Thais is there (Chapter 432). After drinking, Yuder tells Enon about the First Duke Tain’s research lab (Chapter 432). Yuder shares a little about his feelings regarding letting Kishiar find out about his regression; Enon gets frustrated by Yuder’s bad habit of trying to bear everything alone and demands Yuder to call him ‘big brother’ (Chapter 433). Mick and Kanna appear, thinking that the two are fighting (Chapter 434). Mick shows Kanna Pethuamet and suggests to name it Penpen (Chapter 434). As Yuder leaves, leaving drunk Kanna in the care of Hellem, Mick tells Yuder that he has less holes before passing out on Enon’s shoulder (Chapter 434, Chapter 435). Yuder calls Enon ‘big brother’ before returning home to Kishiar who is having a bad dream (Chapter 435). Yuder tries to wake him up, only to hear Kishiar mumble ‘Yudrein’ in his dream (Chapter 435). Kishiar wakes up and Yuder asks if he remembers anything in his dream (Chapter 435). Kishiar does not remember, Yuder calms down using a calming technique previous Kishiar once taught him, and Kishiar shares with Yuder what Emperor Keilusa told him in a letter the Emperor wrote as soon as he woke up: finish work, return at leisure, don’t worry (Chapter 436). [At some point in time, either this day or the next, relatives of the arrested illegal auction attendees try to pressure and bribe Kishiar and the Cavalry into releasing their relatives (Chapter 442). Kishiar, however, sends them all away and posts a large notice in front of Baron Willhem’s estate and the Security Management Team prison that anyone obstructing the investigation will have to clarify their intent in court, causing all of the nobles to instead send their servants to lament their grievances at the gate (Chapter 442).] [At some point in time, this day or the next, Kishiar sends Nathan to borrow a Gore language learning book from Baron Koelt (Chapter 445).] [While Yuder is with Enon, Kishiar reads and transcribes the First Duke Tain’s diary (Chapter 452).] [Starting some time this day, Micalin assists the Cavalry in the aftermath of everything, reaching out to noble contacts to suppress malicious rumors and to subtly aid Baron Koelt (Chapter 452).]

The next day, shortly after dawn, Duke Tain’s secret trade and activities are publicly announced with the Emperor’s approval (Chapter 437). After the news of Duke Tain’s upcoming trial is announced, the Tain Family also announces Priscilla van Tain as successor and grants her the authority to manage family affairs; Pruelle announces his full support (Chapter 437). Wary of the Emperor’s faction growing, Duke Diarca and his faction defends Duke Tain and argues against the trial (Chapter 437). Because of the Cavalry’s feats, latecomers to the study of Awakeners emerge and a foreign minister argues for the creation of a similar organization in their own country (Chapter 437). Immediately upon waking up, Kishiar and Yuder set up the Western Branch; at night, they finalize the members and explain the structure to them (Chapter 437). Kishiar makes Emun the acting head of the Western Branch, tasking him to take care of the Star of Nagran members left behind and the Awakeners struggling in the West (Chapter 437). Afterwards, Kishiar meets with the investigators Emperor Keilusa sent to investigate the secret auction more systematically (Chapter 437). After Yuder leaves Kishiar to talk with Melina and the investigators, Yuder meets Kanna who reads overwhelmingly negative emotion from him (Chapter 439). Yuder later joins Nathan, Robel, and Marty in meeting Kishiar after the investigators leave (Chapter 440). Marty shares her newly awakened ability (Chapter 440). Robel shares information about the Star of Nagran (Chapter 440, Chapter 441). Nathan gives Kishiar a box of cookies and reports the possibility of Nahan and the southern merchants meeting up during their escape from the Cavalry (Chapter 442). Kishiar orders Nathan to give the torn cloth they found to Kanna and to focus the search to the South (Chapter 442). After ordering Nathan to rest and recover from Nahan’s illusion, Kishiar and Yuder return to their room (Chapter 442). On their way, they meet Enon who is waiting for them at the back gate (Chapter 443). Enon indirectly asks what Kishiar thinks of him and Kishiar mentions how Hellem praises Enon as someone who might have surpassed her as one of the most outstanding monster researchers in history, Nathan mentioned that it is Enon’s casual advice and medicine that helped him break through a training barrier, and Mick once reported that he saw traces of time in Enon that one would expect to only see in ancient trees and centenarians (Chapter 443). After the simple verification of identity, Kishiar agrees to send over the First Duke Tain’s diary to Enon, Kishiar and Enon shakes hands, and Enon whispers encouragement to Yuder before leaving (Chapter 443, Chapter 444). Although Yuder has no appetite for dinner, Kishiar feeds Yuder until Yuder’s tension melts and he can taste the food before him (Chapter 444). Kishiar tells Yuder that he is happy that Yuder considers him important enough to worry about (Chapter 444). Yuder asks about Kishiar’s dreams and Kishiar mentions that he once slept so deeply that he had a nightmare around the time when Yuder applied to join the Cavalry (Chapter 444). After confirming from Yuder’s reaction that he is troubled about the word ‘Yudrein’ he mumbled in his sleep, Kishiar opens the box of cookies Nathan gave him to reveal a Gore language book hidden inside (Chapter 445). Then, Kishiar shows Yuder that ‘yud’ means ‘beginning’, ‘re’ is a connector between words, and ‘in’ means ‘end’, making ‘Yudrein’ signifying ‘eternity’ (Chapter 445). Yuder learns the meaning of his name and then, in the resulting warmth, confesses that he has seen the connection Kishiar once saw in the Great Sarain Forest recently and that connection is likely connected to Kishiar’s dream because what Kishiar sees in his dreams are things only Yuder should know about (Chapter 445). Yuder shares that nothing in the world scares him; only Kishiar makes him feel afraid (Chapter 445). Kishiar asks if he can approach and when Yuder nods, Kishiar kisses Yuder (Chapter 445). Kishiar uses his mouth to bite off Yuder’s glove and kiss his fingers (Chapter 446). Kishiar offers to find a way to sever the unseen bond and asks if it would alleviate Yuder’s fear if he swears to not dig any deeper concerning Yuder, but Yuder says that it wouldn’t (Chapter 446). Yuder shares that in the passage that Kishiar read the other day, it is the mention of time that concerned him the most (Chapter 446). When Kishiar tells him that he doesn’t have to speak more and of his responsibility as a listener, Yuder kisses him again (Chapter 446). Kishiar carries him to bed and their energy-like scents feel like they are penetrating each other (Chapter 447). As Kishiar gives them both a hand job, Yuder overlays his hand atop Kishiar’s and freely lets out his sounds (Chapter 447, Chapter 448). As Yuder loses any fear related to sex and only desires to reach Kishiar more deeply and completely, his hand glows red and he sees the energies within Kishiar (Chapter 448). Yuder quickly retreats his hand and remembers that they were initially going to experiment with Kishiar’s vessel and energies (Chapter 448). Kishiar takes a deep breath, but asks if they should clean up before they try the experiment (Chapter 448). For the first time, Yuder enters the bathroom with Kishiar and they bathe together (Chapter 448). They kiss and touch while surrounded by golden soap bubbles (Chapter 449). As Yuder reflects, Yuder adds finding out why he has returned and how to recover his lost memories to his regression priority list of saving Kishiar and preventing the future calamities (Chapter 450). Kishiar lies down on the bed, at first like a corpse would at a funeral, then like how he normally would to sleep (Chapter 450). Yuder focuses on his desire to look deep into the power within Kishiar and the red mark on his hand swells and pulses, releasing a red light (Chapter 450). Yuder feels resistance within Kishiar, but Yuder strains to maintain control and the skin touched by the red light turns transparent until the colorful energies emerge again (Chapter 450). Kishiar scrutinizes his own internal state (Chapter 450). After proving that Yuder can inspect people’s inner energy by will, they stop the experiment (Chapter 450). Yuder and Kishiar speculate that the Awakener energy may share intrinsic properties with other types of energy, enabling it to intermingle with other energies, envelop and change them as it pleases (Chapter 451). As they lie together in bed, Kishiar asks how Yuder feels about returning to the capital as their work in Tainu would conclude after Kishiar meets the left behind Star of Nagran members tomorrow (Chapter 451). They rate their Tainu trip out of 10 (Chapter 451). Kishiar mentions how Ejain once thought Yuder had prophetic abilities; Yuder confirms that he did know that Ejain would awaken but it is not because of his sensitivity to energy as Kishiar had thought (Chapter 451). They sleep (Chapter 451). [Meanwhile, Pruelle rushes to Tainu after the successor changing process concludes (Chapter 452).]

The next day, Kishiar meets with the left behind Star of Nagran members. Although Kishiar gives Enon the First Duke Tain’s diary as promised, Kishiar gives Yuder the translated version of the diary (Chapter 452). [Possibly, this day, maybe 1-2 days earlier, Ershi wakes up, refuses treatment, causes injuries to some Cavalry members, and even nearly fatally stabs Kanna in the neck during an investigation (Chapter 453 mentions that she regains consciousness relatively quickly). Ever subdues Ershi through some unknown method and Kanna reads her with her ability (Chapter 453). Marty makes Ershi more subdued (Chapter 453). At some point in time, Ershi becomes sociable enough to dine with Kishiar (Chapter 453). Despite losing most of her powers in the aftermath of her rampage, however, Ershi still yells and curses Kishiar (Chapter 609). When Ershi asks if she will be executed, Kishiar replies that he will instead give her a chance to see clearly what she resents, who she should be seeking revenge against, and what consequences her actions wrought; after that, they will revisit this conversation (Chapter 453).]

Either the same day or some days later (Chapter 453 has Kanna asking what Yuder did yesterday when she accidentally reads that Kishiar bit off Yuder’s glove, but it could be that she didn’t read the date right (I don’t know how likely this would be after she intentionally trains herself not to repeat the Melbon-wrong-year-of-betrayal mistake). On the other hand, Pruelle manages to make it from the capital to the Cavalry’s departure in time and if this is the same day, that would mean it takes two days for him to travel from the capital to Tainu), the people of Tainu watch as the Cavalry prepare to leave (Chapter 451). Baron Koelt quickly discusses several matters, including the First Duke Tain’s research lab on the fourth floor, with Kishiar (Chapter 451). Micalin also arrives to exchange greetings with them and to request to visit the Cavalry Headquarters when he visits the capital later for research and for the trials related to the West (Chapter 452). Mary and Robel tell Kishiar that they have decided to accept his offer to stay for the sake of the Awakeners in the west and villagers who still haven’t recovered yet (Chapter 452). The recovered villagers give Lusan handmade gifts while sending their thanks and farewells (Chapter 452). Pruelle, who arrives in Tainu just to see the Cavalry prepare to leave, talks with Kanna and Ever who is holding Nipollen (Chapter 452). Before they leave, Yuder checks on Hosanna (Chapter 453). Kanna takes Yuder’s place and as their hands brush each other for a moment while Kanna climbs into the carriage, Kanna accidentally reads what Yuder and Kisair did last night (Chapter 453). While Mick returns to Peletta for his business matters, Enon, Hellem, and Penpen accompany the Cavalry to the capital (Chapter 451). [Meanwhile, Nahan wakes up in a wagon with the southern merchants (Chapter 453). The southern merchants share that they are moving along the Yohum trade route to Charloin (Chapter 454).] [Meanwhile, the Sage and Star of Nagran get the news of their Western Star of Nagran members getting captured (Chapter 455). While people criticize Nahan, the Sage calms everyone down and mentions his connection with Crown Prince Katchian and how the Sage has decided to accept his request to help the Crown Prince (Chapter 455).]

A few days later, the Cavalry members from the Great Sarain Forest join the Cavalry members moving from Tainu to the capital and reunite (Chapter 455). Jimmy spars and loses against Yuder five times (Chapter 456.5). As he tells this story to his carriage mates and adds that he wanted to spar with Kishiar too, but couldn’t, his carriage mates, Finn, Hinn, and Gakane all agree that they would never want to spar with Kishiar because Kishiar wouldn’t end the spar easily, would even watch them after they pass out until they woke up again with a smile (Chapter 456.5). As they agree that sparring with Yuder is better because Yuder is quick to the point, Jimmy asks who would win between Kishiar and Yuder, making them all debate seriously who would win (Chapter 456.5). When they come to no conclusion, Hinn decides to ask everyone within the Cavalry and a pool of bettors begins to form (Chapter 456.5).

Some time later, Emperor Keilusa dresses in full formal robes and steps out of the Second Palace for the first time in a long time (Chapter 456). Emperor Keilusa and Empress Rosa Faria ride in separate twin-like carriages (Chapter 456). As the Emperor’s parade procession passes the boundary between the First Wall and Second Wall, the Head Court Mage greets the Emperor and Empress and falls into step at the head of the procession (Chapter 456). The Imperial Grand General Gerald Mucker and soldiers bow and greet the Emperor and Empress as the procession passes the Second Wall (Chapter 456). As the procession passes the Sixth Wall, Imperial Knight Commander Theorado van Tain and Cavalry Sul Deputy Commander Steiber Rendley greet the Emperor and Empress and also join the procession (Chapter 456). Finally, the procession comes to a halt near the South Gate at the end of the Seventh District to greet Kishiar and the returning Cavalry members with a surprise welcome ceremony (Chapter 456). As Kishiar and the Cavalry approach Emperor Keilusa, Yuder senses Kiolle glaring at him and notices that Kiolle is wearing an emblem marking him as one of Crown Prince Katchian’s escort knights (Chapter 457). Once near, Emperor Keilusa delivers a speech about the Cavalry’s role in the Western Monster Subjugation and incidents in Tainu to the watching citizens and ends with an invitation to a celebration party in the Imperial Palace (Chapter 457). Upon returning to the Cavalry Headquarters, Kishiar announces a week-long vacation and bonus multiple times their monthly salary before heading upstairs (Chapter 457). Although the half of the Cavalry that leaves to drink try to get Yuder to join, Yuder goes to rest (Chapter 457). When Yuder returns to his room and finds his room completely covered in flowers, he runs back out to kiss Kishiar in the Commander’s office, determined to accept all aspects of Kishiar (Chapter 457, Chapter 458, Chapter 473). Yuder tells Kishiar that he would like to use the key Kishiar gave him before and confesses the same way Kishiar had once did to him in the past: that everything about him is Kishiar’s and he’s not sure if there’s a way to recover it anymore (Chapter 458). Kishiar blushes and holds Yuder’s waist tight before saying what he was going to say before Yuder’s confession (Chapter 458). Kishiar shares the brief discreet conversation between him and Emperor Keilusa after the welcome ceremony ended and how Emperor Keilusa ordered Kishiar to take a week-long break too (Chapter 458). Kishiar tells Yuder that he has a slight fever from ‘loosening his reins a little’ (Chapter 458). Yuder tells Kishiar that the first thing they should do is look after Kishiar’s health and that Yuder has no plans to spend his vacation alone (Chapter 459). Although Kishiar is aroused, they don’t do anything yet because Nathan will return soon with medicine/a physician to check on Kishiar’s health (Chapter 458, Chapter 459). Yuder leaves the office to prepare, take a bath, and change his clothes (Chapter 459). [Meanwhile, Kishiar takes antipyretic medicine (Chapter 459). When Kishiar gives Nathan orders to assist Hellem in the capital for the next week and shares with Nathan that he is spending the week together with Yuder, Nathan gives Kishiar an uncertain look (Chapter 459).] Upon returning to Kishiar’s room, Kishiar opens the door and pulls Yuder inside before Yuder can knock again (Chapter 459). They have sex (Chapter 459-Chapter 463).

[Note: Chapter 459 says that it is still before the onset of full-blown winter, meaning that it is still around December, before January.]

The next day, they wake up and have another round before eating a meal (Chapter 464). Yuder examines Kishiar’s internal state after their meal (Chapter 465). After observing that the Awakener energy is more concentrated and abundant, Yuder experimentally tests to see if he can manipulate the energy (Chapter 465). Next, Yuder tries transferring his energy to Kishiar with the help of Kishiar’s ability and they succeed after much desperation though the spots spread to Yuder’s chin (Chapter 465). Kishiar heals Yuder with a holy symbol and some purification stones (Chapter 466). Afterwards, they go on a walk and pass by Gakane and the Cavalry drinking (Chapter 466). Seeing them drink past their limits, Yuder decides to increase their training after the vacation to teach them self-control (Chapter 466). Kishiar takes Yuder to the First Emperor’s Sword Mark (Chapter 467). After explaining the First Emperor’s Sword Mark’s history, Kishiar picks up a broken, abandoned wooden sword, uses aura, and leaves a similarly long mark just above the First Emperor’s (Chapter 467). They run and disappear before people come to investigate the disturbance (Chapter 467). Back in their room, Yuder watches Kishair all night to make sure that there are no issues with Kishiar’s body (Chapter 468). [Meanwhile, Crown Prince Katchian sends Emperor Keilusa his intention to attend the award ceremony (Chapter 471).

The next day, first thing in the morning, Yuder looks at Kishiar’s internal state and untangles one of the tiny streams of energy within Kishiar with Kishiar’s help (Chapter 468). Yuder concludes that it will take a few more tries before he can manipulate and even strengthen the energies on his own (Chapter 468). Meanwhile, many people crowd the First Emperor’s Sword Mark to look at the mark Kishiar made (Chapter 468). Imperial Knight Commander Theorado van Tain also looks at it and confirms that it is a genuine mark left by a real swordmaster (Chapter 468). As Emperor Keilusa reads a report on the Sword Mark, Emperor Keilusa comments that if the former Emperor and former Empress knew about it, they would be both shocked and pleased like him (Chapter 468). Emperor Keilusa writes a letter to Kishiar which Kishiar receives at noon (Chapter 468, Chapter 469). Kishiar shares that Emperor Keilusa had invited him to secretly enter the Sun Palace for dinner and Kishiar asks Yuder to come with him to get to know Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 469). When Yuder agrees, Kishiar announces his intention to participate in Emperor Keilusa’s treatment (Chapter 469). Yuder is worried for Kishiar, but concedes to Kishiar’s reasoning (Chapter 469). Kishiar writes a letter to Emperor Keilusa, informing him of Yuder so his brother can prepare (Chapter 470). A few hours later, Emperor Keilusa sends a carriage that takes them through a secret passage located in the Third District to the Imperial Palace (Chapter 470). Kishiar introduces Yuder to Yuliver and then to Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 470). Kishiar teaches Yuder palace etiquette (Chapter 471). Emperor Keilusa shares the news that unidentified tailors and jewel merchants with a reputation for healing mental ailments have been invited to Crown Prince Katchian’s palace to Kishiar before asking Yuder some questions about his ability and the Western Monster Subjugation (Chapter 471, Chapter 472). When asked about the battle against Pethuamet, Yuder tries to not make it sound like his own solitary accomplishment, but Kishiar interferes, adding many details about Yuder’s major role in making and carrying out the plan, the Western Mage Union’s mistakes, and Yuder’s injuries (Chapter 472). Emperor Keilusa laughs when Yuder, not wanting attention after a lifetime of it, tries to stop Kishiar and praises Yuder for his humbleness (Chapter 472). Kishiar orders another plate of fish for Yuder, making Emperor Keilusa comment on how Kishiar seems quite pleased about his new assistant (Chapter 472). Kishiar responds positively without hesitation, telling Emperor Keilusa that he’s gained confidence in what he’s doing, a reason to live more vividly, an ambition that awakens his forgotten drive for challenges, and everything that he needed to achieve those things in meeting Yuder (Chapter 473). Emperor Keilusa dismisses all the attendants after ordering dessert (Chapter 473). Once they are alone, Emperor Keilusa asks for Kishiar’s purpose, reminding him that he is not alone if a misunderstanding about their relationship spreads, and Kishiar shares his intention to let the rumors keep spreading (Chapter 473). Emperor Keilusa asks if Yuder is aware of this and Yuder confesses that he is not, but he is fine with it (Chapter 473). Emperor Keilusa relents and allows it; he almost asks if the rumors are true but leaves the subject alone to instead ask what Kishiar’s true purpose is (Chapter 473). Kishiar confesses that Yuder knows about the royal family’s secret lineage problem and begins to ask for permission to check Emperor Keilusa’s internal state to treat his vessel with Yuder (Chapter 473, Chapter 474). Yuder explains the process in which he gained control over the Red Stone energy within him and asks for an opportunity to examine Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 474). Kishiar continues to promote the idea, but Emperor Keilusa refuses and discourages them from conducting any more dangerous tests (Chapter 474). Kishiar refuses to give up, reminding Emperor Keilusa who it was to tell him to never give up when he was in Peletta even when Kishiar told Emperor Keilusa to do so (Chapter 474). Emperor Keilusa leaves early, citing fatigue and not wanting to discuss anymore (Chapter 474). Though it is a breach of etiquette, Kishiar suggests that they stay to eat dessert (Chapter 474). Yuder asks if Kishiar is alright, contemplating on how their brotherly affection was another aspect of Kishiar that Yuder had never known before (Chapter 475). Kishiar asks if Yuder is giving up as Emperor Keilusa wanted them to, and Yuder confirms that he has no intention of doing so; he will provide a more definitive solution for Emperor Keilusa next time they meet (Chapter 475). As they leave out the back door, Kishiar and Yuder encounter Empress Rosa Faria and several maids (Chapter 475). Kishiar admits that the Imperial ban on his entry hasn’t been lifted yet, they talk, and Kishiar tells the Empress that he came to tell Emperor Keilusa that though Emperor Keilusa thinks it’s too late, Kishiar doesn’t think it’s too late for him because of Yuder (Chapter 475). Empress Rosa Faria scrutinizes Yuder for a few moments before leaving, her attendants following (Chapter 475). In the carriage, Kishiar tells Yuder that the only person who can bring down Emperor Keilusa is Empress Rosa Faria, just like how the only person who can bring him down is Yuder, while Yuder contemplates how although his perception of the Empress has always been vague in both lives, at the last moment she looked at him, her gaze was clearer and stronger than anyone else’s and her name became vivid to him at that moment (Chapter 475). Despite how the carriage hasn’t left the palace grounds yet, Kishiar caresses Yuder’s cheek and Yuder leans his head against Kishiar’s hand and they kiss (Chapter 475).

[Note: Chapter 468 confirms that it is still within the first year because the tea Emperor Keilusa drinks is made from the last harvested leaves of the year from Empress Rosa Faria’s garden.]

The next day, Yuder follows Kishiar to Karl Lorwick Street in the Fourth District of the capital (Chapter 477, Chapter 472). Meanwhile, Kiolle is standing at the entrance of the Bright Palace as Crown Prince Katchian’s escort knight (Chapter 476). The Sage greets him and waits until Kiolle, who wants to ignore him, gives in and escorts the Sage and his fellow ‘merchants’/’healers’/Star of Nagran subordinates inside to Crown Prince Katchian’s room (Chapter 476). When the Sage finishes the treatment for the day, the Sage walks out to show the knights that Crown Prince Katchian has improved significantly and didn’t even smash a mirror when they showed one to him (Chapter 477). After Kiolle has the ‘healers’ leave, Crown Prince Katchian summons Kiolle and his attendants to apologize for the trouble he caused them, send a message to Duke Diarca to make preparations for the upcoming award ceremony party, and to request to have dinner in the dining room (Chapter 477). After leaving, Kiolle delivers the news that the healers healed Crown Prince Katchian to Duke Diarca at the Diarca estate (Chapter 477). After hearing the news and tempering the elation of the listening nobles around him, Duke Diarca asks about the ‘gift’ they plan to give to the Cavalry at the upcoming award ceremony party (Chapter 477). Kiolle’s oath mark acts up and Kiolle quickly dismisses himself from Duke Diarca’s presence to check on his wrist and review the vows of the contract in his head (Chapter 477). Although Kiolle ordinarily wouldn’t be bothered by Duke Diarca targeting Yuder, Kiolle realizes that he can’t let it slide because of the oath condition that he would, within his means, assist Yuder (Chapter 477). Meanwhile, Duke Diarca sends for Shufiel, master of the Da Fiel tailor shop, to tend to Crown Prince Katchian’s attire for the upcoming party (Chapter 477). Duke Diarca also sends Kiolle to deliver a message to Da Fiel, promising him a better sword in exchange (Chapter 480). Meanwhile, Kishiar orders clothes and subtly gathers information about the upcoming party’s preparations and merchants’ clients in each store on Karl Lorwick Street (Chapter 478). In one store, Kishiar is pleased to learn and see the style of the Cavalry wore at the Harvest Festival Special Award Ceremony beginning to trend (Chapter 478). Kishiar reminds Yuder about his words of how they would trend, buys a gift for Empress Rosa Faria, and buys buttons and pins for Yuder (Chapter 478). Yuder tries to refuse, but Kishiar’s genuine happiness every time he gives him something makes Yuder resign and accept them from Kishiar (Chapter 478). After giving Yuder new buttons and pins, Kishiar takes them to Da Fiel, a tailor shop favored by the Diarca family for generations (Chapter 479). After learning that Shufiel is busy preparing the Crown Prince for the upcoming party, Kishiar feigns weakness and stalls for time in the lounge and orders Yuder to investigate the ‘tailors’/’healers’ that have infiltrated the Bright Palace, thinking that they might be at the shop pretending to be some of the workers (Chapter 479). Kishiar gives Yuder a magic signal ring (Chapter 479). Just as Yuder sneaks around the tailor shop to find the ‘workers’, Kiolle arrives and they see each other (Chapter 479). After teasing Kiolle a little, Yuder asks about the ‘tailors’ and reads the coded paper Kiolle is supposed to deliver (Chapter 480). Yuder forcefully makes a deal with Kiolle to investigate the ‘healers’ and meet up at the party to share the information (Chapter 481). Kiolle tells Yuder that Duke Diarca is planning something against him (Chapter 481). Yuder finds Kishiar telling merchants his heroic tale while waiting (Chapter 482). After the merchants leave, Yuder sits on the sofa and Kishiar changes his position to rest his head on Yuder’s lap (Chapter 482). Yuder shares his meeting with Kiolle, Kishiar doesn’t ask about what method Yuder uses to keep Kiolle silent but does inquire how Yuder knows what is in the coded note (Chapter 482). Yuder feels thrilled when Kishiar accepts Yuder’s confirmation that he does know how to decipher Duke Diarca’s code and neither ask further nor distrust him (Chapter 482). As a result, Yuder shares his method to Kishiar, telling Kishiar about the oath he made with Kiolle (Chapter 482). Kishiar praises Yuder and kisses up Yuder’s hand, making Yuder’s sensitive body respond (Chapter 482). They hastily return home, have at least three rounds of sex, and lie facing each other still connected (Chapter 483). As Kishiar rocks into him, Kishiar asks if it’s okay with Yuder to not suppress the rumors of their relationship in part to inform the public about second genders and Yuder tells Kishiar that he doesn’t mind if Kishiar announces it to everyone because he promised to follow Kishiar wherever he went (Chapter 483). They have another round, their scents mixing together as if it was meant to be (Chapter 483).

Three days later (or four?), the week-long vacation ends and the Cavalry members gather in the training grounds (Chapter 483). Kishiar informs them all of their new temporary members, Pruelle, Nipollen, and Hellem (Chapter 484). Kishiar also announces his intent to set up regional branches and start the second round of recruitment for the Cavalry before winter passes (Chapter 484). Kishiar also announces how they will be the guests of honor at a party in Cantameria Palace, renown to be the most beautiful banquet hall in the Imperial Palace, and how there will a designated period for dancing (Chapter 484). The first dance will be the Cavalry’s, Kishiar doesn’t intend to restrict dance partners solely based on gender as has been the custom, and he announces that his partner will be Yuder (Chapter 484). When the Cavalry members rush to Yuder after Kishiar leaves, Yuder is surprised by how concerned they are for him (Chapter 485). Reflexively disliking the thought of having to hear malicious rumors and insults of their representative figures again, and the thought of the potential dishonor Yuder might have to suffer, the Cavalry members offer to help him convince Kishiar otherwise (Chapter 485). Kanna helps Yuder calm everyone down and convinces them to all participate in the first dance as same primary gender pairs to share the burden of criticism (Chapter 485). Yuder gives Kanna a silent thank you and then becomes aware of her awkwardness around him (Chapter 485). Yuder posts the new training schedule, even more densely packed with times for dance practice and magic and magic tool response training, on the wall (Chapter 485). Yuder returns to Kishiar’s office, Nathan plays the violin, and Kishiar gauges Yuder’s level of dance (Chapter 486). When learning that Avitan has a form for two men, Yuder admits that he hasn’t learned it; Kishiar smiles and suggests that they start dance lessons from the beginning then (Chapter 486). Kishiar shares what he can deduce from dancing with Yuder (Chapter 487). Nathan leaves after finishing the song; Yuder asks if Kishiar told Nathan everything (Chapter 487). Yuder informs Kishiar of his plans of the day, Kishiar updates him on the investigation into the Aeril assassins that targeted Ejain during the escort mission and how they caught the Orr Empire nobles that helped them, and Kishiar shares news of Ejain (Chapter 488). After morning training, Yuder uses the authority to appoint aides to establish an Intelligence Unit within the Cavalry with Hinn, Finn, Gakane, Devran, and Enon (Chapter 487, Chapter 489). Yuder teaches them how to decode Duke Diarca’s message (Chapter 490). After the meeting, Enon examines Yuder privately (Chapter 490). Enon asks what Yuder did over the vacation for his soul to be in a better condition and Yuder can only think of how he had sex with Kishiar (Chapter 490). Enon shares his concern that the attraction might be temporary, caused by their second gender, but Yuder relieves Enon’s worries and shares that he didn’t regret his choice to get together with Kishiar (Chapter 491).

The next day, Duke Tain stands in trial (Chapter 491). Unlike for Duke Apeto’s trial, many people rush in to condemn Duke Tain, adding to the charges that have already been levied against him (Chapter 491). Priscilla van Tain, still busy with handling Duke Tain’s investment ventures and the communications with his business partners, sends words that she cannot attend her father’s trial (Chapter 492). Although Duke Diarca originally sent men to help, Duke Diarca eventually discreetly withdraws his support before Duke Tain’s trial because of Duke Tain’s ungratefulness (Chapter 492). During his trial, Duke Tain tries to blame the Southern merchants to defend himself, but public opinion is not in his favor and the rumors about him and his financial failures grow worse (Chapter 492). Thanks to Emperor Keilusa’s public relations campaign that makes it appear as if only Duke Tain is the problem, not the Tain family, Duke Tain’s supporters, including Baron Willhem, also join in to betray Duke Tain (Chapter 492). Many witnesses like Micalin Punt, Baron Koelt, human trafficking victims, and illegal auction attendees join (Chapter 492). While Duke Tain’s trial goes on and the twelve fountains symbolizing the Sixth Wall of the capital begins their semi-annual water replacement, after lunch, the Intelligence Unit meets at the entrance of the Imperial Knights Headquarters and then go to the secret meeting location between the Diarca and Star of Nagran (Chapter 490, Chapter 492). After the secret transaction is done, the Diarca representatives leave with the Star of Nagran Awakeners’ gratitude (Chapter 492). Yuder recognizes Diemon, who had been the Sage in the first timeline (Chapter 493). When the Star of Nagran members enter the building which has now become their new base, Yuder informs the Intelligence Unit that this is the Star of Nagran (Chapter 493). Enon offers to handle surveillance on the house with people he knew in the capital, Gakane attaches his shadow to the house to detect their movements, and Yuder asks them to investigate in their own ways (Chapter 493). Once they return to Cavalry Headquarters, Hinn, Finn, and Devran join their colleagues in dance practice while Yuder asks Gakane what bothered him so much since yesterday (Chapter 493). Gakane begins to blurt out his worries for Yuder’s future, especially because of Gakane’s former experience with noble social circles (Chapter 493). Gakane offers to talk to Kishiar for Yuder, wanting to discourage Yuder from ruining his reputation, but Yuder tells Gakane that he is not making a sacrifice; this is the future and opportunity he wants and Yuder will show it to Gakane on the day of the party (Chapter 494). After the conversation with Gakane, Yuder tries to find Kanna, but is unable to find her (Chapter 494). Giving up, Yuder goes to talk to Gayle and Doyle in the kitchen alone; Yuder helps them peel potatoes with his ability (Chapter 494). Yuder finds out that Nahan and Hosanna had once snuck into the Cavalry during their absence and lets the two leave, but not after telling them to inform him if something like this happens again (Chapter 494). Next, Yuder checks on Hosanna’s internal state and tries to stimulate the red-hued energy within Hosanna (Chapter 494, Chapter 495). Yuder succeeds in making the previously stagnant energy begin to flow and Hosanna’s breathing grows significantly stronger and warmth returns to his previously cold body (Chapter 495). Hosanna opens his eyes and tries to flee, but is unable to because of the string connecting Hosanna and Yuder (Chapter 495). Yuder feeds Hosanna water with his ability and Hosanna falls asleep after Yuder tells him that they will talk later (Chapter 495). Yuder reports to Kishiar, the number of guards surrounding Hosanna increases from one to two, Lusan visits Hosanna, security around the Cavalry Headquarters increases with the number of guards at the entrance also doubling (Chapter 495).

Some day later, the day of the Cavalry award ceremony party arrives, and the Cavalry prepares themselves for the event that starts around sunset (Chapter 495). As Steiber talks casually with Ever, Steiber remembers that Ever is dancing the first dance with Gakane to help Yuder and Steiber asks if anyone like Pruelle has asked Ever for the second dance (Chapter 496). Ever mentions that she is dancing with Liv Dwayne, a female Omega Jung Cavalry member, and when Steiber asks about her third dance, Ever says that Pruelle’s not interested in her (Chapter 496). Kishiar interrupts all the conversations by announcing his presence and everyone is stunned by Kishiar and Yuder’s appearance (Chapter 496). At the party, Kishiar cautions Yuder to be careful since many schemes, including dangerous magic tools, suspiciously behaving servants, and poisons planted around the site, have already been found (Chapter 497). Kishiar brushes Yuder’s disheveled hair with his fingers, styling it to his satisfaction (Chapter 497). After the Cavalry take their seats, the herald announces the arrival of the royal family, everyone stands, places their hands over their chests, and bow their heads, and Emperor Keilusa, Empress Rosa Faria, and Crown Prince Katchian enter (Chapter 497). Emperor Keilusa commends the Cavalry and bestows rewards, starting from Kishiar and Yuder (Chapter 497). Everyone present, finally able to see Yuder’s appearance, is shocked by Yuder’s youth and yet dignified and enigmatic presence (Chapter 498). Emperor Keilusa bestows a monetary reward, a mansion, a monument to be erected in the Great Sarain Forst to commemorate his deeds, and the title of Single Victory Baron (Chapter 498). Yuder tries to refuse the formal title, thinking it to be too much, but Emperor Keilusa rejects his refusal (Chapter 498). After becoming Baron Ail, Yuder dedicates Pethuamet’s head to the Sun Palace, presenting the preserved monster’s head to Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 498). Since Yuder refuses the monetary reward and mansion, Emperor Keilusa gives it to the Cavalry and charges Kishiar to make sure that they are appropriately used (Chapter 498). Emperor Keilusa continues to give rewards to Cavalry members (Chapter 498). When the time for dancing arrives, Emperor Keilusa retires with Empress Rosa Faria in Conde’s room (Chapter 498). Kishiar asks Yuder to a dance and Yuder accepts (Chapter 498). The shocked nobles begin to realize why there was a sudden rule change about not limiting attendees by gender while the party was being prepared (Chapter 499). People began to divide between those who claim that such behavior should never be tolerated and those who speculate about dual genders based on what they had heard during the Apeto family trials (Chapter 499). Duke Diarca dismisses it all as ‘absurd’ by not reacting besides declaring his intention to not dance (Chapter 499). While other nobles join him and deliberately ignore the Cavalry, however, some like Pruelle and Priscilla, Revlin and Dandenion, and a small number of Emperor Keilusa’s noble supporters join the Cavalry to dance (Chapter 499). Some nobles want to decry Avitan and the two men’s dance as shameful and inelegant, but they can only fall silent when they watch Kishiar and Yuder’s harmonious dance (Chapter 499). After the first dance, Yuder withdraws to the center of the hall (Chapter 500). Emperor Keilusa summons Kishiar and Kishiar goes (Chapter 500). Baron Durmand approaches Yuder and Yuder signals that he is fine to the Cavalry members shocked and worried at how Yuder is surrounded and attacked by nobles as soon as Kishiar leaves (Chapter 501). Although Jimmy, Ever, and Kanna step back quietly upon meeting Yuder’s gaze, Gakane still moves closer (Chapter 501). When Baron Durmand tries to get Yuder to accept a gift, Gakane interferes and Baron Durmand mocks Gakane for his fallen family (Chapter 502). Other Cavalry members rush in and defend Yuder and Gakane and the hall is filled with commotion (Chapter 502). Yuder ends it by accepting Baron Durmand’s gift (Chapter 502). Yuder drinks the tampered Quelochet he receives and then offers a glass to Baron Durmand to return the favor (Chapter 503). Baron Durmand tries to get out of drinking the poisoned Quelochet, but Priscilla, a family close to the Apeto Duchy, and others support Yuder and/or the Tain family (Chapter 503, Chapter 504). Eventually, Duke Diarca declares enough, silencing everyone but Yuder (Chapter 504). Yuder corners Baron Durmand into drinking the glass he offers, Duke Diarca and his supporters finally agreeing as their suspicions that there may have been a traitor in the Diarca faction grows because of Yuder’s behavior and good health (Chapter 505). Baron Durmand drinks, vomits, and collapses (Chapter 505). Duke Diarca distances himself from Baron Durmand (Chapter 506). Yuder reveals that he ‘had developed’ a resistance to poisoned substances due to his encounter with Pethuamet and that the Cavalry will investigate the clearly poisoned Quelochet (Chapter 506). After hearing that Kishiar is returning back to the hall, Duke Diarca leaves, feigning fatigue (Chapter 506, Chapter 509). Yuder calls Gakane; they dance in silence for a long time before Gakane begins to confess his impoverished family’s situation, the matchmaking and arranged marriage attempts, his loss of reputation leading to a knight order rejecting him, and how Yuder is his first friend (Chapter 506, Chapter 507). Yuder interrupts Gakane before Gakane can fall into more self-depreciation and supports Gakane in his own way (Chapter 508). Yuder welcomes Gakane to try defending him again, sharing that he told Gakane and the others to not intervene not only because he was confident that he can handle it alone, but more because he is used to handling things alone; watching Gakane and the others defend him however made him feel a different sense of responsibility and energy (Chapter 508). Yuder shares his own perspective of his first meeting with Gakane and confirms that he considers Gakane as a friend as well (Chapter 508). Kishiar arrives, Gakane suddenly realizes from the way Yuder and Kishiar look at each other what Yuder meant the other day by ‘the opportunity he is waiting for’, and Gakane leaves, letting Yuder walk to Kishiar (Chapter 509). Yuder asks about Kishiar’s conversation with Emperor Keilusa before asking if they should proceed with the next operation (Chapter 509, Chapter 520). Kishiar says no, asking Yuder about the Quelochet he had heard Yuder drink (Chapter 509). Yuder explains, Kishiar relaxes, and Kishiar has Yuder take a rest in the lounge so that Yuder can talk to Kiolle (Chapter 509, Chapter 510). Yuder reflects on Katchian’s behavior, Enon examines Yuder, Lusan gives Yuder some divine energy, and Yuder asks Enon and Lusan to leave the door open as they leave and to wait in the adjacent lounge (Chapter 510). Yuder and Kiolle talk about the ‘healers’ and Crown Prince Katchian (Chapter 511). Yuder shares that the ‘healers’ are Awakeners and one of them may have an ability akin to brainwashing (Chapter 511, Chapter 512). Kiolle decides to investigate the ‘healers’ more and asks to share information next time they meet (Chapter 512). Yuder gives advice to Kiolle to be upfront about investigating the ‘healers’ because he is not good at hiding things (Chapter 513). As Kiolle leaves, Kiolle’s knight emblem falls off and Yuder picks it up (Chapter 513). When Kiolle snatches it out of Yuder’s hand out of embarrassment, the pin scratches through Yuder’s glove and pricks Yuder’s hand (Chapter 513). Kiolle tries to make excuses, but Yuder tells him that it’s fine and to just go (Chapter 513). When Kiolle leaves, Yuder tries to stand up, but his vision blurs (Chapter 513). Yuder drinks some water, goes to the adjacent lounge to thank Lusan and Enon for waiting, and then gets healed by Enon and Lusan who make a big fuss out of his ‘papercut’ (Chapter 513). As Yuder tries to leave, he gets dizzy again (Chapter 513). Enon catches him, tells him that he has a fever, but Yuder recognizes the sensations and tells them that he’s drunk (Chapter 513). Yuder tells them to go, he’s fine and just needs rest, and Enon gets Lusan to get Kishiar while approaching Yuder, who instinctively uses his ability to block people from approaching him (Chapter 513, Chapter 516). Enon gives Yuder his outer garment to cover his eyes and soothe the threatened beast within Yuder (Chapter 513, Chapter 516). Under the cloak, Yuder stops thinking altogether, simply staring into the darkness (Chapter 514). Meanwhile, Kishiar arrives and asks Yuder if he was suddenly feeling tipsy (Chapter 514). Yuder is finally able to hear things again, Kishiar’s presence feeling very vivid to him amidst his dull senses and mind (Chapter 514). Yuder watches as Kishiar approach him and lift the robe Enon covered Yuder’s head with (Chapter 514). Kishiar takes Yuder’s gloves off and gives them to Kanna (Chapter 514). Kishiar accompanies Yuder on the sofa and asks questions; Yuder tells Kishiar that he has always counted time like this and they fall into silence again (Chapter 514, Chapter 515). When Yuder feels hot and tries to move towards the window, Kishiar helps him to the balcony to see the beautiful view Cantameria Palace had (Chapter 515). Yuder finds himself drawn to Kishiar’s eyes even more and asks why he looks to be in pain (Chapter 515). Kishiar says something Yuder cannot understand because of his dulled senses and then hugs Yuder (Chapter 515). Kishiar and Yuder dance and Kishiar tells Yuder that he didn’t understand that sensation that made him cry on their first night together during the last vacation, but now he realizes that he can feel Yuder’s emotion (Chapter 515). Kanna knocks; Kishiar carries half-asleep Yuder back to the sofa and opens the door (Chapter 515). Kanna reports the information she found in the gloves and Kishiar shares his conjecture on what happened (Chapter 515). Kishiar returns to the party after asking Empress Rosa Faria to secretly send someone to Yuder to cover up his absence as a meeting with the Empress (Chapter 516). When Yuder regains his senses, he wakes up to see Empress Rosa Faria’s chief maid, Countess Algorita Barnez (Chapter 516). Algorita invites Yuder to the Dawn Palace on behalf of Empress Rosa Faria before leaving (Chapter 516). Alone with Kanna, Yuder asks her why she was avoiding him and Kanna admits a little that she saw something with her ability (Chapter 517). Kishiar arrives and Kishiar has Kanna leave to lead the remaining Cavalry members back to Cavalry Headquarters (Chapter 518). Once alone, Kishiar drops his smile and asks Yuder about what had happened (Chapter 518). Kishiar explains that Kiolle’s pin was made from a monster fang and that what Yuder thought was intoxication may really be the state of being poisoned (Chapter 518). Yuder promises that it won’t happen again at Kishiar’s prompting (Chapter 518). Kishiar asks Yuder to come closer and he places Yuder’s gloves back onto Yuder’s hands (Chapter 518). They kiss and Yuder tells him about Empress Rosa Faria’s invitation, to which Kishiar invites himself to accompany him over (Chapter 518). Meanwhile, Kiolle and Katchian head back to the Bright Palace (Chapter 519). Katchian asks Kiolle if the person he met this time was the one he was rumored to have done intimate things in the garden the last party and then informs Kiolle that he finds Kiolle easier to approach now that he knew Kiolle is interested in Yuder (Chapter 519). Meanwhile, Emperor Keilusa asks about Yuder’s condition and then, upon hearing that Yuder is alright, Baron Durmand’s (Chapter 520).

{Meanwhile, around this time, Alik has a second gender manifestation as omega (Chapter 584). After Alik manifests his second gender, Thais, who used to be an authority on magic plants, creates a medicine that suppresses the scent using improved magic herbs and Alik tests the suppressants (Chapter 584).}

{After this day, Kiolle begins to follow the ‘healers’ around, even to the restroom, and works hard to gather information about the Star of Nagran members (Chapter 586). In order to win the Crown Prince’s favor and finally gain the honor of attending Crown Prince Katchian’s treatment sessions, which he does eventually before getting banned after the one time he is let in to watch, Kiolle also bows his head more deeply than before (Chapter 586). Since Katchian had realized Kiolle is less clever than he appeared and thinks he has Kiolle’s weakness, Katchian begins to ‘trust’ Kiolle, share tea, and play strategic games with Kiolle every other day (Chapter 586). Kiolle also investigates the rumors of rats and ghosts and invisible walls he hears from soldiers on night duty and volunteers for several night shifts (Chapter 586). All rat sightings eventually cease after Kiolle hounds the ‘healers’ after seeing a group of them at night, making people think Kiolle is dreaming (Chapter 586). }

The next day, Baron Durmand wakes up (Chapter 520). Although he manages to shift most of the blame onto the nobles who had helped to prepare the Quelochet in the investigations, unable to shake off the shame, Baron Durmand sends an apology letter to the Cavalry and retires to his domain for recuperation (Chapter 521). Yuder uses the letter as a target in the Cavalry training exercises (Chapter 521). The Cavalry also begin to change the names of their training targets and balls to mock Duke Diarca (Chapter 596). {Meanwhile, Duke Diarca begins to lose several confidants besides Baron Durmand after making sweeping changes among his inner circle to deter any erroneous thinking about the Diarca family (Chapter 549). Duke Diarca begins to replace his men with Awakeners and send people to the Cavalry (Chapter 549). Despite Duke Diarca’s messengers offering money and prestige, however, the Cavalry refuses their proposals to become spies for him and regards the messengers with suspicion and attempt to discern their true identities (Chapter 549). Duke Diarca decides to wait until the second round of recruitments to plant his agents within the Cavalry, and instead plant more eyes and ears around the Emperor, Empress, and Cavalry (Chapter 549). As a result, Duke Diarca hears reports of things he once overlooked, including Kishiar training with the Cavalry, the commoners’ faith in Kishiar as the Divine Sword owner, Emperor Keilusa’s correspondence with Nelarn’s higher ups, and Empress Rosa Faria’s frequent contact with the first and second children of the Herne family (Chapter 549).}

Two days later, Empress Rosa Faria sends an invitation to Yuder (Chapter 521). Although Yuder thought that Kishiar would be too busy to accompany him, Kishiar gets into the carriage before Yuder and they head to the Dawn Palace (Chapter 521). On the way, Kishiar shares that the investigation revealed Baron Durmand as the one who had introduced Crown Prince Katchian’s healers to Duke Diarca (Chapter 521). Both Yuder and Empress Rosa Faria relax from their slight tension at Kishiar’s jesting when they arrive (Chapter 522). Yuder shares his life before joining the Cavalry and life afterwards with Empress Rosa Faria, who he begins to find insightful (Chapter 522). After assessing Yuder, Empress Rosa Faria asks about Yuder’s opinion on Emperor Keilusa’s condition (Chapter 522). After receiving confirmation, Empress Rosa Faria asks Kishiar and Kishiar asks Empress Rosa Faria to trust them and offer her assistance (Chapter 523). Empress Rosa shares Emperor Keilusa’s attempts to search for a way to appoint Kishiar as Crown Prince and asks again if they are willing to do this despite the risks (Chapter 523). Yuder tells her that the regret of not trying would be a far greater regret for him so please give them a chance (Chapter 523). Empress Rosa Faria promises her assistance to provide them an opportunity (Chapter 523). Before leaving, Yuder demonstrates his method to her (Chapter 523). After showing Empress Rosa Faria Kishiar’s internal state, Kishiar feeds Yuder the last snack on the plate and then goes out to fetch another plate of snacks, disguising himself perfectly as a servant (Chapter 524). As Kishiar does that, Empress Rosa Faria tells Yuder of her background as Duke Herne’s second child and asks if Yuder has the confidence to stand by Kishiar’s side even if it is a difficult path like hers (Chapter 524). Yuder tells her that he wants to be part of Kishiar’s future and without Kishiar, there is no future that he desires (Chapter 524). Before they go, Empress Rosa Faria gives Kishiar a note with information from the Herne Family’s intelligence network and they share fresh tea and snacks (Chapter 524, Chapter 525). Yuder gives Empress Rosa Faria permission to call him by first name (Chapter 525). Kishiar shares a little more of Empress Rosa Faria’s story, of how she endured being considered a thorn in the Herne Family and remained at Emperor Keilusa’s side (Chapter 525). Kishiar mentions that he used to wonder about emotions that he believed he would never understand in his life, but has now realized he already knows; Kishair kisses him and draws Yuder into his arms (Chapter 525). Kishiar opens the Empress’s note and shares news of Duke Diarca’s search for Awakener mercenaries to replace his current ones and for the knight who left the new Sword Mark (Chapter 525). Yuder frowns at the possibility of the current Cavalry members being bought out by Duke Diarca and tells Kishiar that he will ask Kanna to prepare for any eventuality (Chapter 525). Kishiar tells Yuder that the ones trying to take Yuder away are the real problem and he sorted all the requests and invitations to meet Yuder before Yuder could even see them (Chapter 525). Kishiar also warns Yuder of those who try to meet him in person (Chapter 525). After destroying the note, Kishiar adds that a fight happened among the princes in Nelarn a few days ago (Chapter 525). Kishiar and Yuder keep in contact, sharing warmth until they reach the Cavalry Headquarters (Chapter 526). When they let go of their entwined arms, Yuder realizes that he misses the warmth, now finding cold as a source of discomfort despite having lived alone for a long time (Chapter 526). Meanwhile, Hosanna wakes up and requests a meeting with Gayle and Doyle (Chapter 527).

The next day, while training, Yuder takes an injured member to the medical division (Chapter 528). While Lusan heals the injured person, Enon asks Yuder to meet him soon; Enon had finished reading the First Duke Tain’s journal (Chapter 528). Later, Yuder meets with Kanna and asks Kanna to keep an eye on those around the Cavalry members for Duke Diarca or any noble’s influences or attempts (Chapter 526). Yuder asks again what Kanna saw of him, but Kanna postpones the matter again, changing the subject to talk about the Empress (Chapter 526). Kanna asks about Gakane and Devran and as Yuder confirms that they are secretly investigating something, Yuder realizes that the Intelligence Unit would need to work on ensuring even people like Kanna wouldn’t notice any of their activity (Chapter 527). Kanna tells Yuder about Hosanna’s request and they go to meet Hosanna with Gayle and Doyle (Chapter 527). Afterwards, Kanna tells Yuder about how it seems that Nahan and Hosanna knew each other since they were kids (Chapter 528). When Yuder returns to his room after training, Yuder reads the translated First Duke Tain’s research journal (Chapter 528). After skimming through archaic jargon and complex magical terminology to the end, Yuder reads the last page, contemplates the connection between these ancient figures and events, and then notices the imprints of his name that Kishiar leaves on the blank back page of the journal (Chapter 529). Yuder goes to visit Enon and Enon tells him where the mentioned Gyllandr Hill is, how Enon is planning to go there some day, and then decodes the illusion magic at the end of the journal to reveal new text hidden about the First Emperor being similar to Yuder in the previously empty pages (Chapter 529). Yuder asks Enon to write a translation for him, wanting to read the pages for himself (Chapter 530). Yuder gives Enon words of gratitude, saying that this is something Kishiar would like to hear, and Enon tells Yuder that he didn’t research this for Kishiar’s sake, but for Yuder’s and Yuder should just say ‘thank you’ (Chapter 530). Yuder does, responding ‘Thank you, brother’ to make Enon’s rage subside (Chapter 530).

The next day, Kishiar receives a message from Dawn Palace, the Empress sharing that they have been granted permission to check on Emperor Keilusa’s condition (Chapter 530). Kishiar shares the news with Yuder while Yuder is sorting out letters (Chapter 530). Yuder thinks about the warmth he felt in Kishiar’s arms two days ago and unintentionally emits a strong scent towards Kishiar in his desire (Chapter 530). Yuder apologizes when Kishiar mentions it, but Kishiar shares that he had also been struggling to hold back and releases his own scent to mingle with Yuder’s before Yuder can restrain his (Chapter 531). Kishiar asks if he should go to Yuder or Yuder to him and they kiss and have sex on the sofa for hours (Chapter 531, Chapter 532). When Kishiar asks about Yuder being more sensitive than usual and Yuder has no answer, Kishiar suggests that his heat cycle might be coming soon (Chapter 532). Yuder realizes he had never seriously thought of his heat because of his past heatless state and promises Kishiar to keep it in mind (Chapter 532). Yuder unknowingly dozes off again (Chapter 533). By the time he jolts awake, Kishiar had already cleaned Yuder’s body (Chapter 533). Kishiar tells Yuder not to worry about the sofa, he’ll get it replaced later, and gives Yuder a fresh uniform and gloves (Chapter 533). Kishiar and Yuder meet Empress Rosa Faria at the Sun Palace before seeing Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 533). Before they examine Emperor Keilusa, Emperor Keilusa comments on the hickey Yuder left on Kishiar’s neck (Chapter 533). It takes a long time for Yuder to draw out Emperor Keilusa’s internal state, so long that Emperor Keilusa asks why Yuder is going to such lengths and Yuder whispers that it is because he knows what will happen if they give up and stop there (Chapter 534). The overwhelming conviction in Yuder’s prophetic words moves Emperor Keilusa, affording Yuder an opportunity to infiltrate Emperor Keilusa’s body and reveal Emperor Keilusa’s internal state (Chapter 534). Yuder explains Emperor Keilusa’s internal state (Chapter 535). Emperor Keilusa agrees to the treatment, Empress Rosa Faria thanks Yuder when they share the news, and Kishiar hugs Yuder (Chapter 536). Yuder feels deep pride and satisfaction again, having long just considered things as things to be done (Chapter 537). After taking a shower in the Eternal Place and while waiting for Kishiar to finish his, a servant shows Yuder a portrait of the young Kishiar before he became Duke Peletta (Chapter 537). Kishiar arrives to see Yuder admiring his portrait (Chapter 538). Kishiar infuses Yuder with divine power and mentions how he wasn’t able to see the red light Yuder spoke of, making Yuder realize that it might have been because of his Eye of Magic (Chapter 538). Kishiar suggests that they intentionally try activating the connection between them, making Yuder realize how Kishiar had attempted to sever their bond in the past (Chapter 538, Chapter 539). Kishiar and Yuder try and the attempt is successful (Chapter 539). Yuder has a dream of the first conversation he has with Kishiar, the late night training he did with the sword in his early Cavalry days, and Kishiar’s presence and advice throughout it all (Chapter 540).

The next day, remembering how much he likes the sword and how training is as close to his true calling as anything can be, Yuder looks for the small training ground he once saw the first time he had stayed in the Eternal Palace (Chapter 541). Upon finding it, Yuder finds Kishiar swinging his sword there already (Chapter 541). Yuder recognizes Kishiar’s movements as those in the basic sword manual he had practiced in his dreams (Chapter 541). Yuder practices after Kishiar finishes, does ten repetitions as he had in his dreams, and Kishiar tells him about the dream he had (Chapter 541). Kishiar asks if his dream is prophetic, but Yuder tells him that it isn’t because Yuder had the same dream (Chapter 541). Kishiar asks if he should make more of an effort to dream of Yuder to match Yuder, and Yuder tells him that he doesn’t need to make an effort (Chapter 541). They discuss ways to treat Emperor Keilusa at breakfast (Chapter 542). Emperor Keilusa sends a note that their side will need three days to prepare for the treatment (Chapter 542). [Meanwhile, Micalin meets Thais while Thais returns from picking up items from Pearl Tower (Chapter 542). According to Thais, Micalin gets so mad when Thais offers to guide him that he trips and falls unconscious (Chapter 542). According to Micalin, Thais tripped him because he couldn’t match him in magic (Chapter 544).] Meanwhile, Yuder visits Alik after returning to the Cavalry grounds (Chapter 542). Thais enters with an unconscious Micalin; Yuder shares his experience with using and absorbing the power within the Red Stone Medium in the Great Sarain Forest (Chapter 542). Thais shares Alik’s experiments to increase his ability using the Red Stone Medium and how Awakener ability may be a measure of one’s physical condition, innate talent, and will/desire/measure of one’s self (Chapter 543). Micalin regains consciousness, yells at Thais, and walks with Yuder out of the research lab to Kishiar’s office (Chapter 544). Micalin reports that Baron Willhem has been stripped of his title and exiled to a southern island and Duke Tain, though his verdict has not been reached yet, will likely also be exiled (Chapter 544). Micalin also shares the mages’ reactions to Yuder No. 1, their interest in both the spell and in Yuder who had been healed (Chapter 545). Micalin also reveals that the Great Sarain Forest’s expansion has finally stopped and that half of the pure magic energy underneath had been expelled; animals have begun to enter the forest, monster occurrences have decreased, and logging is currently underway (Chapter 545). Micalin also shares that the dense flow of magic energy from the Great Sarain Forest is now spreading throughout the entire West and they are currently tracking the spread and concentration (Chapter 545). Yuder asks about Yuder No. 2; Micalin tells Yuder of how they are developing a simpler magic spell to help those who have been poisoned by monsters (Chapter 545). Yuder escorts Micalin to Lusan’s (Chapter 545). Micalin tells Yuder that the reason why he named the spells after Yuder is to lessen mages’ hostility of Awakeners; Yuder later asks Kishiar how and Kishiar explains (Chapter 545). Yuder also reports Thais’s theory of how intense will and desires can increase chances of Awakener power acquisition (Chapter 546). Kishiar and Yuder discuss more on Emperor Keilusa’s treatment and Kishiar decides to practice and master his ability (Chapter 546). [Meanwhile, Duke Diarca gets a report that Kishiar and Yuder had sneaked into the Sun Palace last night, causing Duke Diarca to worry that Kishiar had finally found a way to cure Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 549). Duke Diarca considers the possibility that the Red Stone wasn’t useless and sends his men to contact Thais, but finds out that Thais had disappeared months ago (Chapter 549).]

[Meanwhile, around this day, Nahan arrives at the Southern Star of Nagran Base and learns news of the Sage meeting people in the capital (Chapter 547). As soon as Nahan recovers a bit after a few days, Nahan leaves the Southern Star of Nagran Base with a few followers (Chapter 563). Sera, the Southern Star of Nagran Base Leader, sends a letter of these news to the Star of Nagran members in the capital (Chapter 563).

Meanwhile, the Southern merchants, who had accompanied Nahan to the South, discreetly follow Nahan, who they consider an unsettling beast, from a distance after dropping him off and start spending days of surveillance around the area that he disappears in the desert (Chapter 575).]

The next day, Kishiar, after having thought about Thais’s theory, sends a message to Emperor Keilusa of the conditions for the treatment (Chapter 548). From then on, Yuliver attempts to persuade Emperor Keilusa to agree to let Empress Rosa Faria be present at the treatment (Chapter 548). At night, Emperor Keilusa’s people find out that recent events within the Sun Palace has been leaked (Chapter 548). Emperor Keilusa sends an order to bring suitable personnel from the Cavalry for palace security to Kishiar (Chapter 548). [Meanwhile, as Duke Diarca tries to figure out Thais’s whereabouts among other things, Duke Diarca receives a report that the Sun Palace is preparing to host guests again (Chapter 549). Determined to find out what is happening the next day, Duke Diarca orders his people to get in touch with the ‘healers’ of the Bright Palace (Chapter 549). The Sage and Star of Nagran agree to cooperate (Chapter 549).]

The next day, the night of Emperor Keilusa’s treatment, Kishiar and Nathan head to the palace (Chapter 542, Chapter 548). An hour later, Yuder, Kanna, and Gakane sneak into the Sun Palace under the guise of a secret mission to assist in palace security (Chapter 548). Yuliver takes Kanna and Gakane to the place that they were to guard and then brings Yuder to Emperor Keilusa’s office (Chapter 548). Emperor Keilusa and Empress Rosa Faria, wearing a dress unmarried noble young women wear, greet them (Chapter 548). Because of Empress Rosa Faria’s presence, it is easier and faster to access Emperor Keilusa’s internal state (Chapter 550). After Kishiar tells Emperor Keilusa that a strong desire and will is important to Awakening, Kishiar asks Emperor Keilusa to focus only on one thing and Kishiar helps Yuder collect the Red Stone energy scattered within Emperor Keilusa’s body (Chapter 550). As Kishiar and Yuder gather the red energy within, the Star of Nagran makes their move (Chapter 550). Outside, a mind-controlled servant approach Gakane and Kanna, saying that the knights have been attacked by intruders, he must see Yuliver now (Chapter 551). Kanna, however, detects something wrong with him, Gakane knocks the servant out, and a red blob tries to enter Gakane’s mouth (Chapter 551). More mind-controlled servants try to enter, Kanna tries to gather more information, Gakane directs his shadow clones and sword to defend, and Nathan appears to help them after having temporarily sealed off the Second Palace where a similar problem had happened (Chapter 551, Chapter 552). Kanna’s ability evolves to read the entire palace and she reads that the perpetrators’ goal is to use a bird to determine Emperor Keilusa’s location and figure out what is happening; Nathan leads them up (Chapter 552, Chapter 553). As the noise and tremors grow, Emperor Keilusa’s internal state begins to destabilize and Yuder panics (Chapter 553). Kishiar calms Yuder however, causing Yuder to realize that his eyes are dripping blood, and Kishiar orders Empress Rosa Faria to hold Emperor Keilusa’s hand (Chapter 553). Emperor Keilusa tries to get her to abandon him and leave, but with Kishiar’s encouragement, Empress Rosa Faria kisses Emperor Keilusa’s hands and declares that she will not abandon him like last time; she will stay here: Didn’t he promise? That they will never face the dawn alone again, they will lie side by side holding hands and watching countless days break together. That is the family they will create (Chapter 553). Meanwhile, Kanna, Gakane, and Nathan search for rats and dispatch them (Chapter 553, Chapter 554). Meanwhile, the Star of Nagran sit in a guest room, pretending to be staying overnight because the Crown Prince’s treatment is taking longer than expected (Chapter 554). After locating Emperor Keilusa’s room, Diemon uses the copied ability to control monsters (Chapter 554). Meanwhile, Emperor Keilusa finds himself in a faint darkness and imagines that he is dead, but as the bitterness swells within him, Emperor Keilusa finds himself thinking of those dear to him (Chapter 555). Emperor Keilusa remembers his first meeting with Empress Rosa Faria and begins to long to see her face just one more time rather than to bask in the quiet painless peace (Chapter 555). Emperor Keilusa awakens as he sees her face and calls her by her birth name Faria (Chapter 555). As Emperor Keilusa undergoes Awakening, Kishiar and Yuder work together to protect Emperor Keilusa’s vessel; since the red energy within Emperor Keilusa is too resistant to Kishiar’s ability, Yuder has Kishiar stop forcing Emperor Keilusa’s energy and instead infuses Emperor Keilusa with Yuder’s own pure energy (Chapter 556). When Yuder is running out of energy, Yuder senses the Red Stone mediums Kishiar once gave the Emperor and uses them (Chapter 556). Emperor Keilusa opens his eyes and hugs Empress Rosa Faria (Chapter 556). Meanwhile, one of the rats that Nathan and Gakane eliminate bursts out with monster blood, allowing Diemon to find them with a monster bird (Chapter 557). Nathan kills the monster, revealing that he is a Swordmaster to Kanna and Gakane (Chapter 557). [Sometime before Yuder regains consciousness, Keilusa sees a distressed Kishiar holding Yuder and wiping the blood from Yuder’s eyes and nose before losing consciousness again (Chapter 560).] Meanwhile, Yuder regains consciousness after dreaming of what happened after the bond was severed that day he killed Kishiar (Chapter 558). Kishiar tells him what happened after he fainted and they return to the Cavalry (Chapter 558). Meanwhile, Duke Diarca gets a report of what happened: the information-gathering mission was a failure that even provided the Emperor’s side with an excuse to investigate because of the monster allowed into the Imperial Palace (Chapter 558). Baron Renbow, the one in charge of communications between the ‘healers’ and Duke Diarca after Baron Durmand retired, gets Duke Diarca to agree to a meeting with the Sage who has some information important to tell him (Chapter 558). Having been brainwashed, Baron Renbow reports everything to the Sage after Duke Diarca agrees to a meeting (Chapter 558).

The next day, Kishiar and Yuder focus on recovering (Chapter 561). Yuder requests Enon to diagnose Kishiar’s condition and Kishiar mostly stays by Yuder’s side, diligently and attentively taking care of Yuder for the next few days, when he isn’t taking medicine or sleeping in his own room (Chapter 561). Because of how others might have perceived it, Yuder declines Enon’s offer to rest in the room next to Kishiar’s, opting to rest in his own room instead (Chapter 561). At night, Kishiar has his first dream about Yuder’s execution (Chapter 562). Kishiar barely remembers it when he wakes up and thus forgets about it (Chapter 562). Meanwhile, throughout the day and for the upcoming days, many people hear news of the monster that had appeared in Sun Palace and begin to gossip, seeing the incident as an attack filled with symbolism (Chapter 559). Meanwhile, when Empress Rosa Faria leaves Emperor Keilusa’s side to return to her own palace, Emperor Keilusa finds himself missing her as usual and accidentally uses his ability to hear and see her (Chapter 559). After several more tries, Emperor Keilusa realizes what his ability is and begins to use it on the people around him, especially his enemies (Chapter 559).

{Meanwhile, some day after the Sun Palace incident, Langbarton, a Star of Nagran member, receives a letter from the Southern Star of Nagran Base leader, Sera, and reports to the Sage that Nahan is heading to the capital to find the Sage (Chapter 563). When the Sage isn’t worried, Langbarton complains to Nezo and Nezo tells him the history of the Star of Nagran and how Nahan has been pestering the Sage to keep his promise of establishing a new outpost outside the Orr Empire among other things and may ruin everything if Nahan thinks the Sage isn’t going to keep his promises (Chapter 564). Langbarton and Nezo share the situation to the rest of the Star of Nagran members and they agree to stop Nahan from meeting the Sage (Chapter 564).

The next day, the Sage and Diemon have a meeting with Duke Diarca concerning the Sun Palace incident (Chapter 563). Kiolle, who belatedly hears about the Sun Palace incident and that the ‘healers’ would be coming to their house, decides to take charge and bring them over himself (Chapter 587). After Kiolle escorts the ‘healers’ from the Bright Palace to the Diarca Estate, Kiolle watches the Sage, who introduces himself as Ajihen Toom, talk with his father before the gathering of Diarca faction nobles (Chapter 587). Duke Diarca dismisses Kiolle after the Sage introduces Diemon and asks if Diemon can perform a trick (Chapter 587). Kiolle later hears that the ‘healers’ return to the Bright Palace unharmed after speaking for several hours with his father and the other nobles (Chapter 587). After the meeting wherein Duke Diarca learns about Nathan being a Swordmaster, Duke Diarca asks about Kiolle’s training, if it was possible for Kiolle to become a Swordmaster, and indirectly if Imperial Knight Commander Theorado was one (Chapter 587).}

The next day, Kishiar dreams the same dream about Yuder’s execution and things within the dream become a bit clearer (Chapter 562).

The next day, Emperor Keilusa sends a letter to Kishiar, asking him to ask a question only he can answer, and then sends a letter with a response that makes it seem as he had been watching them in the room despite having not been physically present (Chapter 559). At night, Kishiar dreams the same dream about Yuder’s execution and finally realizes who the condemned person under the guillotine is (Chapter 562). Kishiar is unable to sleep as he wonders what the dream means and if it is prophetic like he has speculated his shared dreams with Yuder might be since the dream where he had called Yuder’s past name (Chapter 562).

The next day, in the morning, Kishiar looks for Lusan and asks for divine energy for rejuvenation before visiting his brother (Chapter 561). Later, Emperor Keilusa and Kishiar talk privately about Keilusa’s ability and the Star of Nagran members that appeared last night (Chapter 559). Emperor Keilusa shares his plan to act indisposed for the time being and orders Kishiar to behave accordingly (Chapter 559). Keilusa asks if Kishiar is feeling unwell despite how Kishiar would have looked normal to anyone other than his brother and Kishiar drops the mask and admits that he had a strange nightmare-like dream (Chapter 559). Keilusa returns Kishiar’s words of how he has gained certainty about his plans, the reasons for them, and his desires and orders Kishiar to return back to rest (Chapter 560). Before Kishiar goes, Keilusa gives Kishiar the promised artifact and a letter from Prince Ejain to Yuder (Chapter 560). Kishiar asks if Prince Ejain manifested his second gender as alpha, and Emperor Keilusa confirms, asking how Kishiar knew before remembering how much Kishiar seemed to treasure Yuder (Chapter 560). Meanwhile, Enon gives Yuder watery soup before checking on Yuder’s eye (Chapter 560). Enon shares information his contacts in the Intelligence Guild give him: that the Sage used to be Karl Enfile, a manager in the capital who was responsible for library management and temple communications in the Blue Crown (Chapter 561). Once realizing that an Awakener must have used some sort of mental ability to cause people to forget about Karl Enfile’s existence, Yuder asks for a list of people who claimed to not remember Karl Enfile (Chapter 561). Once Enon leaves, the Intelligence Unit minus Enon visit Yuder (Chapter 562). Devran shares how the first timeline Sage is being ostracized by the other Star of Nagran Awakeners because of his ability (Chapter 562). Since the Star of Nagran Awakeners are still staying at the Bright Palace, Yuder agrees to let Hinn and Finn teleport into their current capital base to investigate and bring back small items for Kanna (Chapter 562). Once Hinn, Finn, and Devran leave, Gakane asks Yuder to help him ask Nathan if he’d be willing to teach him swordsmanship (Chapter 562). Kishiar returns and Yuder feels Kishiar’s intense emotions through the connection (Chapter 562). Yuder asks about Kishiar and upon hearing the answer, worries that Kishiar saw Yuder’s dream of the aftermath of killing Kishiar (Chapter 563). Kishiar, however, shares that what he saw for the past few nights was a dream of Yuder standing under a guillotine condemned (Chapter 563). When Yuder is unable to respond to Kishiar’s words, Kishiar leaves the room, whispering that Yuder should get some rest (Chapter 564). Yuder is unable to sleep all night (Chapter 564). [Meanwhile, Kanna finishes recovering from the backlash of overusing her powers and begins resuming her daily life (Chapter 565). When she visits Hosanna at night, Hosanna asks her how she is doing (Chapter 565). Because of how her ability had significantly improved, Kanna is able to read Hosanna’s opinion of the Sage (Chapter 565). Kanna realizes from Hosanna and later Gayle and Doyle that the Sage is a mental Awakener that can alter people’s thoughts and feelings (Chapter 565).] Meanwhile, Kishiar asks Nathan for sleeping pills, headache medicine, and old, restricted historical books based on scriptures and grimoires written in ancient script (Chapter 567).

[Note: Chapter 564 says nearly a year has passed since the Cavalry has been established.]

The next day, in the morning, Kanna goes to report to Kishiar her return to duty and notices that he looks tired (Chapter 565). Meanwhile, the Sage meets Duke Diarca alone with Diemon (Chapter 563). Meanwhile, Yuder is distracted and unable to stop thinking about Kishiar’s dream, even as Kanna tries to share news of Hosanna getting better (Chapter 564). At her prompting however, Yuder focuses and Kanna repeats the news of Hosanna’s health and also shares new information regarding the Sage that she has found out (Chapter 565). To find out more information about Karl Enfile, Kanna shares her plan to visit Count Gallon, who had been trying to contact her since the Cavalry award ceremony party, and read the documents in the Blue Crown (Chapter 565). Kanna asks what’s wrong and Yuder asks Kanna if he can know what Kanna saw from him before (Chapter 565). After getting Yuder’s confirmation that he won’t treat Kanna differently after this, Kanna blurts out that she saw Kishiar using his mouth to take off Yuder’s glove and Yuder touching Kishiar’s face while wearing the glove (Chapter 566). Reminded of the moment before Kishiar did that to his glove, Kishiar had silently retreated, willing to be tormented with agony as he waited for Yuder’s answer regarding the name ‘Yudrein’ he uttered in his dream, Yuder feels a part of himself stir (Chapter 566). Yuder shakes off his thoughts when Kanna asks if Yuder is mad at her (Chapter 566). Thinking of the first timeline, Yuder points out that she should be the one uncomfortable with him, but Kanna shakes her head, sharing that she felt that Kishiar was being sincere when Kishiar announced that he was going to dance with Yuder and Kanna felt that Yuder was deeply infatuated with Kishiar (Chapter 566). Kanna vows to not reveal Kishiar and Yuder’s relationship to anyone (Chapter 566). When Yuder shares how he appreciates her and wants to be at her side regardless of what she may read from him, Kanna is touched and shares that finding out something you didn’t want to know isn’t always good, but living in ignorance isn’t entirely happy either (Chapter 566). After much reflecting, Yuder decides to tell the truth and trust the Kishiar he had observed so far (Chapter 567). Yuder knocks on Kishiar’s door only to find Kishiar and the Divine Sword gone (Chapter 567). Nathan appears to tell Yuder that the Pope had requested a meeting with Kishiar about the Divine Sword and Kishiar had gone with some of the other Cavalry members (Chapter 567). Yuder is about to leave, but Nathan prepares tea and snacks for Yuder, having something he wanted to discuss with Yuder (Chapter 567). Nathan shares that Kishiar had asked him for sleeping pills, headache medicine, and old restricted books and asks Yuder to look at the books Nathan placed under the table to examine Kishiar’s intentions (Chapter 567). Yuder scans through the book titles to realize that they were all about healing, death, protection, and time (Chapter 568). Yuder also realizes the reason why they were restricted and Yuder finds his resolve to talk to Kishiar firm (Chapter 568). Nathan leaves, Yuder pulls out a strategy game board from Kishiar’s desk, and Kishiar returns to his office (Chapter 568). Kishiar and Yuder play Imuran Yute Mesis, a strategy game consisting of eight types, twenty-four in total (Chapter 569). Yuder wins though Kishiar takes one of his king pieces (Chapter 569). In the second round, they use special pieces (Chapter 569). Kishiar speaks up, saying that Yuder knew exactly how Kishiar plays the game (Chapter 569). Yuder confirms and adds that the dream is similar to how for Yuder; Yuder tells Kishiar that the dream he sees is the end of a game that Yuder lost (Chapter 569). Yuder continues to play the game as a mirror image of Kishiar’s own style and Kishiar finally concludes that the person who taught Yuder how to play this game was himself (Chapter 570). Kishiar concedes defeat and forfeits in the second game after Yuder completes the Formation of Wings (Chapter 570). Kishiar tells Yuder that he was Yuder but not Yuder in his dream and when the darkness gradually lightened, Kishiar saw in the reflections of the eyes of those leading the way who he was (Chapter 570). All Kishiar could think of is stopping it if it were to happen later, but what scared Kishiar the most was that it had already happened and there was nothing Kishiar could do to save Yuder (Chapter 570). They talk more, Kishiar thanks him for enduring and standing in front of him alive, and Kishiar asks if he can hold Yuder (Chapter 570). Yuder and Kishiar hug and Yuder asks Kishiar to return the forbidden books (Chapter 570). Kishiar and Yuder start a third game, answering each other’s questions for each fallen piece (Chapter 570). Kishiar’s first question is about Yuder’s age when he died (Chapter 571). Kishiar’s second question is if one of their king pieces passed away (Chapter 571). Kishiar’s third question is about why Yuder joined the Cavalry again (Chapter 571). Kishiar compares Yuder to the highest ranking among the general pieces and then asks if Yuder was interested in revenge to which Yuder says he isn’t (Chapter 571). Kishiar asks if he had already passed away too and Yuder confirms (Chapter 571). Yuder tells Kishiar that the lost game was his fault, but all he needs to do now is learn and not repeat past mistakes (Chapter 572). Kishiar agrees and tenderly presses his lips against Yuder (Chapter 572). Yuder feels an intoxicating connection of emotions (Chapter 572). They continue playing with Kishiar winning with a new style of play that has his king dominating the board and his red general acting as if it were a third king (Chapter 572). Kishiar’s last question is about Yuder’s ultimate goal and the conditions Yuder believes is necessary to win in this new game (Chapter 572). Yuder realizes then that he had never said his goal, too deeply rooted in the belief that no one would trust him (Chapter 572). When Yuder tells Kishiar however, Kishiar says even if his goal is world domination, Kishiar would still support him (Chapter 572). Yuder asks if Kishiar believes him because it’s him and Kishiar answers that there’s that, but he also believes because Yuder’s behavior is that of a military leader preparing for war (Chapter 573). Yuder speaks of the future (Chapter 573). Yuder shares his meeting with Kanna earlier and how he feels relieved to share this secret with Kishiar (Chapter 574). Yuder shares Enon knows a bit, Kishiar tells Yuder that they all owe Yuder a great deal even if Yuder doesn’t agree with it, and Yuder sleeps in Kishiar’s room, intending to make sure Kishiar falls asleep this time (Chapter 574). Yuder watches Kishiar sleep (Chapter 574). After Yuder falls asleep, Kishiar opens his eyes and quietly steps out of the bedroom to return back to his study and replay the games with Yuder that he had memorized, starting with the first one (Chapter 574). Kishiar keeps replaying their games until he can’t anymore, tears blurring his eyes (Chapter 574).

[Meanwhile, the Southern merchants find traces of Nahan’s reappearance, but although Nahan had already left the desert with his comrades, the Southern merchants do not chase after him because the direct order they have received from Aton is to locate his base (Chapter 575). The Southern merchants thoroughly investigate where Nahan had gone and from where he had reappeared to find the Southern Star of Nagran Base which had been hidden by an ability (Chapter 575). After spending some more days to find the entrance, the Southern merchants break through the Southern Star of Nagran Base (Chapter 575). Onakwei lies to Sera, the Southern Star of Nagran Base’s leader, that Nahan helped them learn of the base and has a meeting with her (Chapter 575). After learning of the political situation within the Star of Nagran and sensing an opportunity for collaboration, Onakwei asks to meet the Sage (Chapter 575). Sera writes a letter for the Southern merchants’ request to meet the Sage to the capital (Chapter 575).]

The next day, Yuder wakes up and sees Kishiar shining like never before (Chapter 575). Although he is glad for the strategy game they played yesterday, Yuder feels like something is off (Chapter 575). Kishiar writes letters and tells Yuder, who is sitting on his lap, about what he’s planning to do for the day (Chapter 575). With permission, Yuder reads Kishiar’s letter to Emperor Keilusa (Chapter 575). Through the letter, Yuder learns of Kishiar’s intention to have Yuder teach Emperor Keilusa, to assess Crown Prince Katchian’s stance in a family dinner at night, to accept Emperor Keilusa’s offer to take over Kishair’s duties in the capital, and to move up the second Cavalry Recruitment and Branch Establishment Announcement to tomorrow and personally help with the establishment of the branches (Chapter 575). [After receiving Kishiar’s letter, Empress Rosa Faria sends an invitation to an imperial family dinner at the Sun Palace to Emperor Keilusa and Crown Prince Katchian (Chapter 580). Crown Prince Katchian decides to attend to assess Emperor Keilusa’s health and he makes Kiolle his companion to use the Diarca name as a shield (Chapter 580).] [Meanwhile, Sera’s letter about the Southern merchants reaches the Sage’s residence in the capital, but the residence is empty because the Sage’s companions are all busy trying to locate Nahan who may have also arrived in the capital (Chapter 576). Instead, Gakane, Hinn, and Finn, who infiltrate the base, find and read it (Chapter 576). They take it along with some personal items and a piece of a noble’s leather cord that Gakane found and snipped off (Chapter 576). Before they can look for hidden spaces, Nahan’s group breaks in; they leave after finding evidence that the Sage lives there and the guards come (Chapter 576). Gakane, Hinn, and Finn leave immediately (Chapter 576).] Meanwhile, as Yuder and Kishiar meet with the legal scholars and ministers on the upper floors of the Black Pigeon, Nathan returns the forbidden books back to the Imperial Library (Chapter 576). Kishiar gives Marchio and the other legal scholars a legislation draft he had prepared, asking them to help him to integrate some Cavalry regulations regarding the treatment of Awakeners, into imperial law (Chapter 576, Chapter 577). As Marchio and the legal scholars work on creating new legal categories for the Awakeners, Hebreyina Reiflang, the current High Minister of the Orr Empire, meets with Yuder and Kishiar (Chapter 577). She thanks Yuder and asks if he happened to receive her gift, making Yuder secretly think that he should find it as soon as he returned to his room (Chapter 577). Hebreyina tells Kishiar that she’s received his letter in the morning and she’ll start to notify the local administrators of the locations Kishiar wants to set up Cavalry branches in advance (Chapter 577). Hebreyina and Kishiar talk about the new law regarding Awakeners (Chapter 577). After the meeting, they take a carriage to the Shuden Trading Company to meet Lady Justin (Chapter 578). Yuder realizes that the perfume Yuder smelled on Kishiar a long time ago comes from here (Chapter 578). Lady Justin gives Kishiar the Mirror of Truth Kishiar requested and the Radamantium sword sheath Kishiar ordered for Yuder (Chapter 578). Yuder thinks about the imperial family dinner at the First Palace he will attend with Nathan as Kishiar’s companions, Kishiar mentions that Crown Prince Katchian would attend with Kiolle and asks what Kiolle was in the first timeline, and Yuder says that he is a card that never came into play (Chapter 579). When Yuder says that he only saved Kiolle because he had no reason to follow Nahan’s order to kill him since there is only one person who can command him, Kishiar kisses Yuder (Chapter 579). At the imperial family dinner, Yuder feels uncomfortable by Yuliver, Emperor Keilusa, and Empress Rosa Faria’s sincere smiles and words towards him (Chapter 579). Crown Prince Katchian arrives late without apology; he even condescendingly criticizes them for abruptly summoning him (Chapter 579). Crown Prince Katchian covertly examines the Emperor’s health during dinner, which he finds himself unable to be certain of due to the Emperor eating more than usual but also taking medicine after (fake) choking on a chicken dish Kishiar recommended to him (Chapter 579, Chapter 580). When Katchian feels Yuder’s gaze and turns to look at Yuder, wondering what it would be like to have Yuder as his own, Kishiar interrupts Katchian’s thoughts and brings him back to the conversation (Chapter 580). Crown Prince Katchian is a little wary of Kishiar and doubtful of the imperial family dinner, but the Sage’s voice he hears in his head eases Katchian’s shaken mind and he attempts to speak up, but Kishiar and the others deliberately ignore him (Chapter 580). Later, the imperial family have a long conversation wherein Kishiar first treats Katchian in the same manner as Katchian treats others and then extracts information about Katchian’s health while testing Katchian’s limits of endurance (Chapter 581). After dessert is served, Emperor Keilusa tells Katchian that the reason why he wanted to hear about Katchian’s health is because Keilusa is thinking of gradually delegating his tasks to Katchian, but since Katchian says that his health is still not optimal, he is thinking of passing these tasks to Kishiar instead (Chapter 581). Thinking that the conversation was actually a ploy to give Kishiar more power, Katchian says he’ll do the tasks regardless of his health and Keilusa traps Katchian into investigating the culprits behind the recent monster attack on the palace, which everyone knew was done by the Diarca (Chapter 581). Yuder slips a note into Kiolle’s pocket using wind before Crown Prince Katchian excuses himself and leaves (Chapter 583). Keilusa reflects on how Katchian is unworthy of his title, on how his previous attempt to frame Kishiar with murder cannot be erased no matter how swiftly Duke Diarca covered up the attempt with subordinates he sacrificed and had confessed to the crime in Katchian’s stead, and on how Katchian and Duke Diarca is still looking down on Keilusa and Kishiar (Chapter 581). After Katchian leaves the table, the second part of the imperial family dinner begins and the atmosphere becomes more laidback and intimate (Chapter 582). Yuder, Nathan, Yuliver, and Algorita join the imperial family at the table and a mountain of dishes brought over by others for Yuder begin to pile up in front of Yuder (Chapter 582). Emperor Keilusa and Empress Rosa Faria compete with Kishiar in bringing dishes to Yuder (Chapter 582). After dinner is over, Empress Rosa Faria retires to her chambers (Chapter 582). Emperor Keilusa asks Kishiar about his meetings with the legal scholars and high minister, asks for and reads Kishiar’s detailed plan for Awakener legislation, and after commenting on his plan, gives Kishiar permission to do whatever he wants; Keilusa is resolute in his intention to support anything Kishiar aims to accomplish (Chapter 582). Kishiar recommends Yuder as Emperor Keilusa’s teacher and Keilusa swiftly accepts (Chapter 582).

The next day, news of the second recruitment round for the Cavalry and establishment of branches spread throughout the entire empire (Chapter 582). [Sometime today, Emperor Keilusa makes a brief appearance in person at a meeting for the first time in years, making nobles speculate that Emperor Keilusa is dying and rushing Cavalry second recruitment and that the Emperor has made a deal with Crown Prince Katchian who is doing the security mission for him (Chapter 583).] Meanwhile, Nathan reports to Kishiar that the Cavalry and Peletta Knights have disseminated announcements for recruitment in various regions (Chapter 583). Kanna reports that the Jung Division is assigning administrative work to the members from other Divisions that want to do administrative work instead of combat to help with the numerous recruitment-related inquiries they have received (Chapter 583). Ever reports that there is news that nobles plan to show resistance to the Cavalry branches, but less than anticipated so first-phase deployment can proceed (Chapter 583). After Steiber reports something, Yuder proposes that they create a power control device for Awakeners to help Cavalry members control their power if they go berserk and to prevent inhumane treatment of Awakeners being judged as the current situation has Awakeners either killed or mutilated if they are not under 24 hour surveillance in the Cavalry (Chapter 584). After the meeting, Yuder and Kishiar has Alik develop a control device for Awakeners (Chapter 584). When they hear about Alik’s second gender manifestation and the suppressants Thais made for him, Yuder and Kishiar request Thais to produce more of the suppressants, develop a way to mass produce it for the future, and also to continue to improve it (Chapter 585). Kishiar asks about the first timeline’s method of dealing with heats and about Yuder’s experience, Yuder asks about Kishiar’s plan for mass production and distribution and Kishiar mentions contracting with Shuden Trading Company to do it (Chapter 585). {Enon begins supervising the medicines made by Thais (Chapter 597). Enon begins to take inspiration from the ingredients in the second gender stabilizer to make a stamina restorer (Chapter 597).}

Meanwhile, the same day or some unknown day later, Yuder meets with Kiolle and learns that Duke Diarca learned about Nathan’s hidden identity as a Swordmaster; Yuder warns Kiolle to keep an eye on Duke Diarca because he might have been manipulated by the Sage’s mental ability (Chapter 587). Yuder reports to Kishiar and also shares some information on the Star of Nagran of the first timeline; Kishiar shares his plan to use the former Star of Nagran members in the Cavalry to help recruit current Star of Nagran members and offer them jobs, money, and freedom to make the Star of Nagran’s causes null and lessen the followers behind the Sage and Nahan (Chapter 588). Kishiar sends a letter to the Western Cavalry Branch to help any Star of Nagran member that wants to leave and join the Cavalry instead (Chapter 588).

{At some point in time, Yuder asks Kishiar and Nathan if Gakane can learn swordsmanship from Nathan (Chapter 591). Kishiar permits it if Nathan wants to and Nathan agrees to try it out to repay a debt to Yuder (Chapter 591). Gakane and Nathan meet after both of them finish their daily tasks (Chapter 591). Nathan privately concludes to himself that if Gakane can last for more than a month, then it would be alright to spend a bit more time and teach him properly (Chapter 591).}

Some unknown day later for some unknown days, the Second Cavalry Recruitment officially begins (Chapter 588). Revlin and Pruelle are the first to submit their application for full-time membership (Chapter 588). People, from those with physical transformations who had been in the hiding to Awakened children with their parents, and even perfectly healthy nobles, line up in all the regional administrative offices of the Orr Empire since dawn (Chapter 588). There are even people from other countries (Chapter 589). First Round Cavalry members sort out the applications and eliminate those who lied about being an Awakener or those with ill intentions (Chapter 588). Those who passed the first round of the Cavalry entry test are gathered at a designated location for the second round of tests wherein First Round Cavalry members conduct interviews to test the applicants’ abilities and suitability to the Cavalry (Chapter 588).

At the same time, Marty and Robel receive a letter from Robel’s Star of Nagran colleague in the Southern Star of Nagran Base regarding the Second Cavalry Recruitment; they tell Emun (Chapter 588).

{On some unknown day, possibly days before Emun receives news from Marty and Robel, Yuder speculates about the Sage’s ability from the information Kanna and Emun, the Western Cavalry Branch leader, tells him about the Star of Nagran Awakeners’ inability to see the Sage as anything but a good person and how they are unable to recall the Sage’s ability even long after their initial meeting with the Sage (Chapter 591). Yuder surmises that the Sage must have implanted a command to believe that the Sage is someone to be trusted unconditionally (Chapter 591). Yuder and Kishiar devise a plan to uncover the Sage’s ability and neutralizing methods through Hosanna and Yuder suggests using Nathan as an object of fear to help break Hosanna’s mind controlled state (Chapter 590, Chapter 591).}

On some unknown day, Hosanna is teaching Lusan how to knit and purl stitches (Chapter 589). Lusan leaves when Gayle and Doyle visit Hosanna; Gayle and Doyle tell Hosanna of how they had been helping with the Second Cavalry Recruitment on Yuder’s request (Chapter 589). Gayle and Doyle share how former Star of Nagran members are helping out the Western Cavalry Branch and the imprisoned Star of Nagran members are doing city reconstruction (Chapter 589). Gayle and Doyle share that they have signed contracts to do regular jobs, not wanting to train as hard as Cavalry members (Chapter 589). They also mention how the Sage is in the capital (Chapter 589). After Gayle and Doyle leave and Hosanna reflects on what life would be like if Nahan and Hosanna had joined the Cavalry first, Kishiar and Nathan visit Hosanna for the first time to see Hosanna’s reaction to the Sage being the Crown Prince’s healer and Nahan being in the capital (Chapter 589, Chapter 590). Kishiar talks about the conflict between Nahan and the Sage and then asks Hosanna something that he’s been having everyone ask all the Star of Nagran Awakeners since he’s learned of the Sage’s ability: ‘Do you remember what the Sage’s power is?’ (Chapter 590). Usually, no one is able to hear or answer, but because of the chaos Kishiar arranged in Hosanna’s day and Hosanna’s fear of Nathan, Hosanna is able to remember the question and realize the oddness of how he can’t remember or speak on something he should know very well (Chapter 590). Kishiar shares Emun’s report of a significant number of Star of Nagran members being interested in the Second Cavalry Recruitment (Chapter 591).

[It is still winter (Chapter 592).]

The next day, Emperor Keilusa and Yuliver covertly visits the Cavalry as an ‘unimportant guest’ with his butler using a magic tool for disguise (Chapter 591, Chapter 592). As they wait in a long line of carriages, Emperor Keilusa and Yuliver watch the Cavalry members’ morning training wherein they play a game wherein they attempt to take control of a single red ball (Chapter 592). Yuder greets ‘Count Elliot’, Emperor Keilusa’s alias, and gives Emperor Keilusa a tour (Chapter 592). When they greet Nipollen, Ever and Kanna give Nipollen a new red cushion that Ever made (Chapter 592). When they are in the indoor training room that Yuder reserved, Yuder asks for Yuliver and the Emperor’s five hidden knights to stay out (Chapter 592). For the next three hours, Yuder and Emperor Keilusa gauge Emperor Keilusa’s current level and limitations (Chapter 592, Chapter 593).

Meanwhile, the same day or some unknown day later, Crown Prince Katchian sends Duke Diarca another letter, but Duke Diarca ignores it in front of the other nobles of his faction (Chapter 592). When the nobles talk about planting spies within the Cavalry, Duke Diarca tells them that he prefers waiting for the recruitment to be over and winning the new recruits over because it takes at least five years to trust someone with a long term mission, but Baron Renbow suggests the ‘healers’ and Duke Diarca allows him to go through with it (Chapter 593).

Meanwhile, the same day or some unknown day later, Yuder finishes his daily tasks and cleans up his room which is filled with dried flowers, unsorted gifts that Kishiar looked through and approved, and Kishiar’s own gifts (Chapter 594). Yuder finally looks through and organizes the unsorted gifts, setting aside the yellow magic stone brooch Micalin gave him and an enchanted pen engraved with the Baron’s initials and family crest from the High Minister (Chapter 594). Yuder finally reads the letter from Ejain, learns about Ejain’s second gender manifestation as alpha, and pens a reply back (Chapter 594).

The next day, Yuder gives his letter to Ejain to Kishiar to send with the other letters going to Nelarn and Kishiar cheerfully responds that he will deliver Yuder’s letter well (Chapter 594). Utterly entranced by Kishiar’s face and lingering over his tea, Yuder loses track of time and arrives last to his meeting with the Intelligence Unit (Chapter 596). The Intelligence Unit and Kanna meet up again to share information on the Star of Nagran and Sage (Chapter 594). Gakane shares about how he had recently interacted with some people from the South and received a book from them (Chapter 594). After reading the book, Gakane finds out that the tribal symbol Yuder sketched belongs to the Ansuma Mehet (Wolf’s Eye) tribe which is the largest tribe in the South and is considered by the author as the most dangerous tribe for how they lure trading companies with politeness and wealth, only to cut them off after taking all their trade foundations and technologies (Chapter 594, Chapter 595). Next, Devran reports how he has been skipping training sessions to work in stores near the Star of Nagran’s residence and has found suspected Awakeners (Chapter 595). Next, the Eldore siblings report how they invaded the Star of Nagran’s residence to bring back items for Kanna (Chapter 595). Finally, Kanna reports the abilities of the Star of Nagran Awakeners that she has read from the items the Eldore siblings gave her (Chapter 595). Yuder finds out about Diemon’s ability (Chapter 596). Yuder shares information about the culprits behind the Sun Palace incident (Chapter 596). Later, Kanna tells Yuder that Count Gallon, who wants to play the role of Kanna’s father, might take her bait and find information about the Sage for them (Chapter 596). At some point in time, Kishiar sends the letter with the goods to be delivered to Nelarn (Chapter 597).

The next day, Yuder increases training intensity for the Cavalry and personally supervises their condition (Chapter 597). Yuder also checks on Thais’s progress in suppressant research and considers how to use the mansions and lands that the Cavarly had been rewarded because of the Western Subjugation Mission (Chapter 597). {One mansion is already being used by Hellem and Penpen, another by Steiber and his family, and another is soon to be formally allocated to Thais and Alik for their research (Chapter 597).} Yuder patrols the land, now construction site, near Cavalry Headquarters that Emperor Keilusa gave to them and that Kishiar has already brought in engineers to build the buildings Kishiar wanted; Yuder drives away bored and idle Imperial Knights wanting to cause trouble (Chapter 597). Yuder visits Enon afterwards to update him on the Intelligence Unit meeting he missed (Chapter 597). Before Yuder can leave, Enon makes Yuder take a bitter energy stabilizer and shoves a large piece of sweet lemon hard candy into Yuder’s mouth (Chapter 597). When Yuder goes to the training room for Emperor Keilusa’s final training session with him, Emperor Keilusa and Yuliver take in the sight of Yuder’s bulging cheek with composure (Chapter 597). Yuder trains Emperor Keilusa for seven hours and gives him final pieces of advice (Chapter 597). When Emperor Keilusa sees that Empress Rosa Faria has just returned to the Dawn Palace through a medium he never stopped connecting to even during Yuder’s hellish training, Emperor Keilusa leaves to have dinner with her (Chapter 597). Emperor Keilusa gifts Nipollen a few balls made of fur and a plush velvet cushion before he goes (Chapter 597). Yuder walks in on Kishiar examining Dream’s Voice, Nelarn’s magic artifact, with Mirror of Truth (Chapter 597). Kishiar mentions the letter Yuder sent to Ejain and take advantage of Yuder’s comment to subtly ask about what he wrote in the letter (Chapter 597). Kishiar asks if Yuder met Ejain in the past and Yuder shares that Ejain tried to save his life once so Yuder wanted to repay the debt (Chapter 597). Kishiar asks if there have been many moments when his life had been in danger or if it’s the time he is thinking of, and Yuder says there haven’t been many moments when someone from another country would try to save his life so it is that time (Chapter 598). Yuder asks if there’s anything else Kishiar wants to know, Kishiar is about to say something but hesitates and backs off, Yuder tells him to just say what’s on his mind, and Kishiar warns Yuder against saying that he’s willing to answer anything because then Kishiar doesn’t know what he’ll end up doing (Chapter 598). Yuder says he’ll change the topic then and asks what Kishiar is thinking; he’d like to know (Chapter 598). Kishiar surrenders with a laugh and tells Yuder that he is thinking how nice it would be if Yuder was sitting besides him instead of across from him (Chapter 598). Yuder moves to sit next to him and asks what else, Kishiar’s expression changes and he continues that he thinks he wants to hold Yuder, and as soon as Yuder touches Kishiar, Kishiar drops the precious magic artifacts to pull him into a tight hug (Chapter 598). As they kiss, Yuder realizes that his heat isn’t far off; their scents interwine and they touch on the sofa (Chapter 598).

A few days later, at dawn, Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan set out on horses to directly participate in the second round of the Second Cavalry Recruitment (Chapter 598). To avoid attracting attention, only the three Deputy Commanders and Alik see them off (Chapter 598). Alik gives Yuder suppressants and four prototypes of the Awakener control device he is making (Chapter 598). Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan depart for the Eastern Cavalry Branch in Hartan, which isn’t far from Odequia, the East’s central city and Diarca Family’s stronghold, or other fairly developed cities (Chapter 598). At the Hartan Castle, Zachlis happily has his own room surrendered to Kishiar so that he can be in Dermilla’s room on another floor (Chapter 599). Jimmy excitedly reports and catches Yuder up on events (Chapter 599). Yuder gives Dermilla a letter and gift from her brother Devran (Chapter 599). After unloading and unpacking their luggage into their rooms, Kishiar and Yuder inspect the Eastern Cavalry Branch’s construction project and site and discreetly observe some of the first round of tests taking place for new recruits (Chapter 599). At the time that they check, 284 people have passed so far (Chapter 599). When Yuder and Kishiar return, Zachlis asks about their visits and then praises and thanks Kishiar for all his guidance and help in making Hartan progress as much as it had (Chapter 599). After talking to Zachlis, Kishiar and Yuder begin looking through the applications to filter in useful individuals and filter out detrimental people and spies (Chapter 599). Kishiar and Yuder pull an all-nighter with the help of Nathan who delivers them 16 trays of snacks and 23 cups of tea (Chapter 599).

The next day, Kishiar massages Yuder’s neck and suggests that Yuder catch some sleep while he can (Chapter 599). Yuder falls asleep next to Kishiar on the bed in the attached bedroom, but wakes up shortly to find himself feeling chilly and the other side of the bed empty (Chapter 599, Chapter 600). Yuder walks out and finds Kishiar staring at a strategy game board (Chapter 600). Kishiar tells Yuder that it reminds him of his first beginner set and they go out to observe the second test (Chapter 600). Yuder awes the Cavalry members by catching many cheaters and spies during the second test and stops them from gossiping when Jimmy starts to believe in it (Chapter 600). Yuder provokes the Eastern Branch Cavalry members into accepting the new training schedule before leaving Hartan quietly with Kishiar and Nathan to head West (Chapter 600).

Some days later, Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan arrive in Tainu to visit the Western Cavalry Branch (Chapter 600). After assessing the situation and listening to the former Star of Nagran Awakeners among other things, Yuder goes to sleep (Chapter 600). Yuder wakes up to an unidentifiable sudden chill and steps out of his room to find Kishiar’s room light on (Chapter 600). Yuder knocks to ask Kishiar why Kishiar isn’t sleeping and then sees the strategy game (Chapter 600). Although everything seems alright and Kishiar says that he is just drinking while sorting his thoughts with the game board, Yuder has a bad feeling (Chapter 600). Kishiar asks if Yuder would like to come in and have a drink; they have a late-night conversation which manages to even coax a faint smile out of Yuder (Chapter 600). [At some point in time today, Robel receives a letter from his colleague in the Southern Star of Nagran Base informing Robel of the unrest at the Southern Base and how 23 of the Star of Nagran Awakeners are going to apply for the Cavalry (Chapter 601).]

The next day, in the morning, Yuder tries to see if there’s anything different with Kishiar but Kishiar skillfully interrupts or makes light of the situation thrice whenever he sees Yuder looking at him for too long (Chapter 602). Yuder talks with Robel and Marty regarding the Star of Nagran Awakeners that want to become part of the Cavalry (Chapter 601). Afterwards, Robel asks Yuder for training advice, Yuder hears Marty’s resolve to learn to control her ability, and Yuder agrees to share some training techniques and an Awakener control device (Chapter 601). When Yuder meets Nathan and tells him he has a question about Kishiar, Nathan follows Yuder and Yuder shares his strange feeling that something is off about Kishiar (Chapter 601). Nathan and Yuder talk and eventually move into Nathan’s room to talk more (Chapter 602). Nathan shares a little on his past, shares how he thinks Yuder should just do as he sees fit, and offers his help because he owes Yuder a great debt (Chapter 602). Nathan patiently waits as Yuder quietly gathers all his thoughts (Chapter 602). Finally, Yuder thanks Nathan for his advice and tells him he’ll handle it from here (Chapter 602). Before Yuder leaves, Yuder asks Nathan what is the most likely reason for Kishiar acting normal, even hiding his true intentions from both of them, and Nathan answers that from what he knows, Kishiar tends to hide something while maintaining an appearance of calm when he finds it difficult to control himself (Chapter 602). Kishiar and Yuder evaluate the Western Cavalry Branch’s Second Cavalry Recruitment applicants (Chapter 602). Yuder fails Seeker, who is a spy from the aristocratic faction that would have stolen a year’s worth of information and run away (Chapter 602). When Seeker tries to argue, Yuder sends a gust of wind full of dirt at Seeker’s face, tells Seeker to pass a message to the applicant spies after him, and sends him flying away (Chapter 602). After the day’s testing is over, many people try to talk with the Great Sarain Forest hero, but Kishiar uses his ability to send both him and Yuder into the sky (Chapter 603). As they walk away in the sky, Kishiar informs Yuder of two locations he wants to visit before going South: the place where the First Duke Tain stored his collection of monster corpses that they have discovered with the help of Baron Koelt’s continuous investigation of the fourth floor documents and the place where Katchian had his servant collect poisonous mushrooms (Chapter 603). When they talk about resting, Yuder asks if he can sleep in Kishiar’s room from then on (Chapter 603). Kishiar brings up Yuder’s upcoming heat, but surrenders and allows Yuder to keep a close eye on him (Chapter 604). Yuder moves his belongings into Kishiar’s room, they talk, Kishiar falls asleep, and Yuder stays awake until dawn to make sure (Chapter 604).

[It is still winter (Chapter 603).]

The next day, while Nathan feeds Yuder pies, Nathan and Yuder have a discreet meeting to exchange information related to Kishiar’s activities (Chapter 604). Nathan mentions sensing a slight change in energy flow similar to that when using magic tools, but he isn’t certain (Chapter 604). After they finish discussing, Nathan gives Yuder recovery medicine that alleviates sleep deprivation (Chapter 604).

[Over three days, Yuder vigilantly watches Kishiar, even cutting back on sleep to make sure Kishiar went to sleep (Chapter 604). Although Yuder sacrifices sleep, Yuder considers it a small inconvenience when compared to some missions of the first timeline and finds the nights peaceful without the experience of waking up to sudden cold (Chapter 604).]

Three days later, Yuder meticulously watches Awakeners take their tests and evaluates their potential, abilities, and information (Chapter 604). Among the Western Cavalry Branch recruits are those who were rescued with Marty and were originally non-Awakeners but have Awakened after coming to their senses under the care of the Western Cavalry Branch with powerful defensive abilities due to their difficult pasts (Chapter 604). Yuder continues to catch spies, most of which are mercenaries sent by Western nobles (Chapter 604). Yuder recognizes the last applicant that needed to be tested as Gloe, his Jung Deputy Commander of the first timeline (Chapter 604). When Gloe asks if anyone would like a reading from her to demonstrate her ability for the test, Yuder volunteers and picks the middle card of the five Gloe draws (Chapter 604). Gloe says the card’s name, Festival of the Trumpeting Jester, and casts a blessing which will protect Yuder from one impending danger (Chapter 604). While everyone doubts her ability, Yuder thanks her for applying and lets her know that they can arrange a place for Gloe in the capital if she ever thinks of coming (Chapter 604). Yuder asks Gloe how strong the blessing is and Gloe answers that it is the strongest her cards can currently bestow, meaning that their trip to the South wouldn’t be so smooth (Chapter 604). When Kishiar hears this, Kishiar decides to delay their departure for a day (Chapter 604).

The next day, in early hours of the day, Yuder suddenly wakes up to bone-chilling cold and he goes through great lengths to mask his presence to see what Kishiar is doing (Chapter 604, Chapter 605). Yuder finds Kishiar recreating their second game, reviewing each move and reenacting even the momentary hesitation that Yuder had felt during the game (Chapter 605). Once Kishiar completes the second game, Kishiar reviews the first game and Yuder realizes that Kishiar is not only recreating the game’s circ*mstances but also the entire flow of words and emotions that had been exchanged between them (Chapter 605). Yuder realizes that the chill he senses is anxiety, nerves tensed up to their limits and frozen tension pounding inside (Chapter 605). Yuder reflects and watches until Yuder sees Kishiar use a magic tool with an effect similar to receiving vitality-enhancing divine power (Chapter 605). Yuder wants to say something when he approaches Kishiar, but doesn’t want to interrogate Kishiar or sound accusatory (Chapter 606). Eventually, Kishiar breaks the silence and tells Yuder to just say what he wants to say; Kishiar will listen (Chapter 606). Yuder tells Kishiar that what Yuder says matters to Yuder and then impulsively asks what Kishiar would say in a situation like this (Chapter 606). Kishiar tells him, Yuder takes the advice and lights up the furnace and makes tea (Chapter 606). As he calms a little from the tea, Yuder remembers that Kishiar is human and had limits (Chapter 606). Yuder tells Kishiar about the first timeline Kishiar, how Yuder killed him, and the kind of person Kishiar was in the first timeline: their story and relationship as objectively recounted as possible (Chapter 606). [Meanwhile, a second letter from Sera arrives in the Star of Nagran’s capital residence, which is empty as the Sage spends all night trying to reach out to the contacts he and Baron Renbow tries to use to infiltrate the Western Cavalry Branch after hearing of how Yuder managed to filter out all the spies they had planned to plant there (Chapter 608). The Sage advises the Awakeners who tried to infiltrate the Western Cavalry Branch to wait as long as possible without being detected, follow Yuder and his group carefully after sunset, and attack at an opportune moment (Chapter 610).]

The next day, the darkness is already giving way to light when Yuder is finished retelling the first timeline (Chapter 607). Finally, Yuder shares that the reason why he can speak this despite having been unable to trust Kishiar for a long time in the beginning of this new game is because of Kishiar’s unwavering trust and faith (Chapter 607). Because Kishiar showed his honesty and desire first, Yuder feels like he can reciprocate (Chapter 607). The story of the first timeline was the secret Yuder intended to keep until the very end, his final barrier, and since Kishiar broke down all of Yuder’s wall, Yuder wants to do the same and see Kishiar’s ‘real’ self (Chapter 607). Yuder will do the same as Kishiar had and wait until Yuder has broken down all of Kishiar’s walls to get what Yuder wants (Chapter 607). Kishiar wishes that Yuder had just scolded him, but Yuder asks for the opposite of the most beautiful and perfect parts of him, Kishiar’s flaws, instead (Chapter 607). Kishiar sighs (Chapter 607). Yuder says that he has finished what he wanted to say and if Kishiar feels like punishing him, Yuder will accept it (Chapter 607). Kishiar tells him that if someone should take responsibility, it should be the person killed, but even if that person was here now, he wouldn’t punish Yuder (Chapter 607). Yuder feels a weight lift from his tense shoulders when Kishiar implies that he won’t hold Yuder responsible for his death in the first timeline (Chapter 607). Yuder asks isn’t Kishiar upset though and Kishiar says he is upset, but not because of the first timeline he doesn’t even remember; wasn’t it hard for Yuder? (Chapter 607). Although Yuder doesn’t understand, having never thought it was hard, Kishiar derides himself, saying that had he been Yuder, he wouldn’t have given someone like him a second chance, not even a fraction of kindness or a laugh, and yet even as he says this, he is relieved that he has been given a second chance, holding onto the hand he has grabbed and coveting it to the point where his head feels like it’s on fire (Chapter 607). When Yuder assures him, Kishiar says it’s because Yuder doesn’t know the look on his own face (Chapter 607). Yuder asks what is wrong with his face and Kishiar reaches out to touch his face and says there’s nothing wrong with a smile (Chapter 607). Kishiar asks if he can come over, Yuder nods, and Kishiar hugs him tightly (Chapter 607). Yuder finally feels properly reconnected with Kishiar and Kishiar confesses how he didn’t like the thought of sleeping because it felt like Yuder would disappear and he would be useless, a dull blade (Chapter 607). Kishiar admits that he was afraid, Yuder returns his words that it means that Kishiar grew fond of Yuder, and as dawn breaks, Yuder leads Kishiar to the bed and pulls the blanket over Kishiar, watching as Kishiar falls asleep (Chapter 607). Staying to make sure Kishiar stays asleep, Yuder looks at his own face in the window and sees himself wearing an expression of profound exhaustion, one he does not recognize (Chapter 607). [Meanwhile, Langbarton retrieves Sera’s letter from their capital residence and rushes back to the Bright Palace to tell Nezo that it seems like Nahan must have stolen a letter the Southern Base previously sent to them, reminding Nezo of the news and signs of intrusion at their residence a few days ago (Chapter 608). Langbarton shows Nezo Sera’s letter filled with anxieties because of the increasingly bad atmosphere in the Southern Base and daily conflicts caused by Nahan’s followers and because of the high rate of defections from not just the Southern Base but also their Central Base (Chapter 608). Sera’s letter tells them that the Southern Base might accept the Southern merchants’ offer to protect the Southern Base, making Nezo wonder who the hell are the Southern merchant (Chapter 608). Nezo decides to send a letter for the Sage because the Sage would be too tired to deal with this after having spent all last night on figuring out the mess in the West and deciding the people he’ll plant in the Southern Cavalry Branch and half a day today tending to the emotional needs of Crown Prince Katchian (Chapter 608). Nezo moves the conversation inside, but it’s too late as Kiolle has already overheard it (Chapter 608). Kiolle worries over Duke Diarca, beginning to believe Yuder’s words that the Sage is a mental Awakener (Chapter 608). Kiolle’s oath mark also acts up, forcing Kiolle to be unable to ignore the information that would be useful to Yuder (Chapter 608).] Meanwhile, Yuder reminds Emun and the Western Cavalry Branch to follow the new training schedule (Chapter 608). When Yuder looks for Marty and Robel, Yuder finds out that two of the Star of Nagran prisoners working on the prison reconstruction project, Onel and Marsun, had a second gender manifestation incident (Chapter 608, Chapter 609). Yuder gives them advice based on his experience, but as they go to the unconscious alpha Awakener Marsun, Yuder stops halfway, deciding not to proceed any further because Marsun is about to enter his heat (Chapter 609). Robel and the prisoners check Marsun’s state, confirming Yuder’s suspicions (Chapter 609). Yuder orders them to separate all the omega Awakeners to another building, give the affected second gender Awakeners medicine, and Ershi helps (Chapter 609). When normal sedatives don’t work on Marsun, Yuder gives Robel his energy stabilizer suppressants to give to Marsun (Chapter 609). [Meanwhile, Kishiar wakes up, realizes that Nathan had been collaborating with Yuder to assess Kishiar’s condition, and summons Nathan to ask him about it (Chapter 615).] While Yuder waits, Kishiar and some Western Cavalry Branch members arrive (Chapter 609). Kishiar pulls Yuder closer to him and pushes away the other scents, particularly Marsun’s, and envelops Yuder with his own scent (Chapter 409). When the situation is finally over, the sun is setting and Nathan is waiting for them with the horses (Chapter 609). Before Yuder leaves, Ershi repays Marsun’s debt by telling Yuder that Jim saw a black tail attached to his back (Chapter 609). From Marty and Robel’s explanation of Jim’s ability, Kishiar and Yuder deduce that someone is using tracking abilities to target them (Chapter 610). Kishiar asks Robel and Marty to deliver a message to Emun to find the current location of those who ran away without notice just before the second test and those Yuder filtered out and to chase after any suspicious individuals (Chapter 610). 18 Awakeners, including Seeker, follow Yuder, Kishiar, and Nathan (Chapter 610). Kishiar leads them through a dark forest to Pofuan, the village when Katchian had the mushrooms refined (Chapter 610). As they enter the Guanamar Mountains, they plan how to deal with their enemies and Kishiar stops Yuder from volunteering himself as decoy, telling Yuder that his scent has intensified (Chapter 610). Instead, Kishiar volunteers himself to act as decoy if it’s necessary so he can prove to his worried adjutant and assistant that he is alright (Chapter 610). Yuder realizes that Nathan told Kishiar everything and that Kishiar wants Yuder to know that there’s no need to worry about him after what happened last night (Chapter 610). As they make a plan, Yuder advises Nathan, giving him several strategies to counter different types of Awakeners as if Yuder already knows Nathan’s combat style (Chapter 615). After the enemies reach them and give their villain monologue, Yuder asks if anyone wants to surrender and say something nice; if they kneel within three seconds, Yuder will spare that person (Chapter 610). Yuder uses the earth to force 17 Awakeners to kneel; the tracker to get buried (Chapter 611). After letting the 17 Awakeners go so that Nathan and Kishiar can lure them away and deal with them, Yuder brings the tracking Awakener back out of the ground, interrogates them about their client and ability, and kills them (Chapter 611). Meanwhile, Seeker is killed by Kishiar who observes someone else who unknowingly had the opportunity to change because of the new timeline but makes the same choice despite it; Kishiar doesn’t know why such differences occur but Kishiar knows he doesn’t want to be like Seeker (Chapter 611). Meanwhile Yuder interrogates the mercenary Awakeners captured so far and learn that not all the mercenaries targeted Yuder but rather genuinely wanted to join the Cavalry (Chapter 612). When they realized that there would be intense competition and their rough backgrounds as mercenaries would do them no favors however, they encounter Baron Renbow, their client who offers to help erase their pasts as long as they work for him (Chapter 612). When they still failed or had fled, the Sage gives them a mission to track down or kill Yuder and instills them with faith that they can do it (Chapter 612). Yuder realizes the Sage’s plan to use this as a test and to prepare better Awakeners against Yuder in the South (Chapter 612). While Yuder looks for the next enemy to interrogate, an alpha mercenary, lured by Yuder’s in-heat scent, releases his scent and Yuder loses control of his scent and strength as his scent tries to push away the other’s scent (Chapter 612). Yuder’s abilities fail to work, falling dormant, as Yuder enters his heat (Chapter 612). Yuder kills the mercenary, but collapses and tumbles down the hill (Chapter 612). As Yuder rolls down, Yuder remembers his two second gender manifestations, his two heats which were completely different and yet involved a person who felt like despair to him in one and yet a silent wall of protection in another (Chapter 614). [Meanwhile, Nathan finds his elusive lord and they observe the traces of Yuder they found, commenting on how efficient Yuder is in fulfilling his part of the mission, burying people, and hiding his traces (Chapter 615). As they walk to Yuder’s direction, Nathan reports the information he extracted and how dealing with the Awakeners isn’t too difficult after having lured the teleporter and wind manipulator into a cabin Nathan found (Chapter 615). Kishiar and Nathan talk about Yuder, Nathan and Yuder’s closer relationship, and what Nathan would do if Kishiar commands Nathan to not trust Yuder but Yuder says Kishiar is strange and proposes to work together (Chapter 615). Nathan answers that because of the incident, he will think it is alright to trust Yuder in matters concerning Kishiar and verify both claims before making his judgment, making Kishiar laugh at how even Nathan, who has never changed, is changing (Chapter 615). Kishiar reflects on himself aloud and how Kishiar wants to change and Kishiar wants Nathan to continue to change too (Chapter 615). Before they can say or think more, Kishiar senses Yuder’s scent and then rushes towards Yuder, Nathan following, until they see the dead mercenary besides the cliff (Chapter 615). Kishiar gives Nathan orders before diving down the cliff (Chapter 615).] Yuder regains consciousness when he hears Kishiar’s call and Yuder opens his eyes to see them standing in mid-air, a gentle light from Gloe’s blessing protecting him and Kishiar supporting his body (Chapter 614). Kishiar tells Yuder that Kishiar’s sorry for being late and Nathan’s gone to bring common sedatives Kishiar brought (Chapter 614). Yuder interrupts him with a hug, his scent enveloping Kishiar, and Yuder reminds Kishiar that Kishiar promised to not hold back (Chapter 614). Kishiar barely manages to hold himself back (Chapter 616). When Nathan returns with the medicine, Nathan finds Kishiar holding Yuder in a hollow Kishiar crafts beneath the eroded cliff (Chapter 616). Kishiar personally administers medicine to Yuder, telling Yuder to try it first and if it doesn’t work, they’ll go with Yuder’s idea (Chapter 616). Kishiar tells Nathan the revised orders/plan (Chapter 616). Although it is unthinkable for an adjutant to leave his lord behind, especially because Nathan cannot personally verify Kishiar and Yuder’s safety in another place, Nathan acquiesces, recalling how Kishiar wants to change and wants him to change too (Chapter 616). Nathan watches for the first time Kishiar give up endurance and do what he wants (Chapter 616). When the medicine proves ineffective, Nathan leads Kishiar who carries Yuder to the cabin, sorts out the surroundings, and heads to Pofuan first (Chapter 616). Yuder and Kishiar have sex (Chapter 617, Chapter 618, Chapter 619).

[Yuder and Kishiar continue to have sex for five days (Chapter 619). Meanwhile, Nathan reaches Pofuan and secretly investigates for any traces of Diarca or Katchian (Chapter 621). Meanwhile, the Western Cavalry Branch comes and takes the beaten and buried mercenary Awakeners to detain them and extract more information (Chapter 627).]

Five days later, Yuder regains the ability to form coherent thoughts and feels hunger for the first time (Chapter 619). Kishiar and Yuder talk, they do it one more time, Yuder finally rises up to clean the cabin, and Kishiar goes out and returns with a mountain of fish and fruit, their luggage, and a courier bird from Nathan (Chapter 620). Yuder grills fish for Kishiar and talks about his childhood to Kishiar who asks (Chapter 621). As Yuder organizes the assorted items in the cabin and is about to burn them, Yuder spots a dirty sack with blood stains and processed Dudureli mushrooms inside (Chapter 621, Chapter 622). Reminded of their investigation goal, Yuder clenches his fist hard to force himself to lose the remaining lethargy from the heat, but Kishiar unfolds Yuder’s fingers and asks Yuder to rest and wait until he is fully recovered (Chapter 622). Kishiar tells Yuder to leave investigating Katchian ‘s misdeeds to Nathan and Kishiar, purposely using ‘Katchian’ instead of ‘Crown Prince Katchian’ because of Yuder now that Kishiar knows about Yuder’s previous life and death at Katchian’s orders (Chapter 622). Yuder realizes that he has cold, heavy emotions he hadn’t realized he had been feeling (the exhausted man in the reflection of the window) and that for him to tell Kishiar not to hold back anymore, Yuder himself must also learn to let go of the things that he had always endured (Chapter 622). Yuder remains in the cabin the rest of the day cradled in Kishiar’s embrace (Chapter 622). Yuder dreams of the day he became the new Cavalry Commander and Kishiar appears in his dream to tell him that it’s time to wake up (Chapter 622, Chapter 623, Chapter 624). As the dream collapses, Yuder grabs Kishiar and they hug as they fall into a chasm (Chapter 624). Yuder and Kishiar wake up and Kishiar shares his realization of why Yuder once recoiled from Kishiar’s kiss on the back of his hand (Chapter 624). As Yuder realizes Kishiar had entered Yuder’s dream with a clear consciousness, Kishiar pulls him into a stronger embrace, tells Yuder that he feels relieved, and tells Yuder of his impressions of the first timeline, including the time Kishiar saw Yuder wearing the Commander’s uniform in Nahan’s illusion and his thoughts on how ‘his fear’ was not his, but the Kishiar’s of the first timeline (Chapter 624, Chapter 625). Kishiar speculates that traces of the first timeline Kishiar might exist in him; while Yuder is shaken by the thought, Yuder stays by his vow to remain by Kishiar’s side and asks if Kishair resents being entangled in strange events with him (Chapter 626). Kishiar doesn’t, whispering that he only has one thought right now: to survive well into the future and see the precious laugh of the one he loves for a long time (Chapter 626). Yuder wants to ask why the first timeline Kishiar appointed him as Commander, but finds it strange to ask someone who is the same yet different and goes to sleep (Chapter 626). As Kishiar strokes Yuder’s hair, Kishiar whispers that when making new clothes, the maker hopes that the person will wear them and think of the maker (Chapter 626).

The next day, Yuder feels the aftereffects of his heat completely faded and his body feels light and overflowing with energy (Chapter 626). Kishiar goes out to contact Nathan and then returns to pack (Chapter 627). Yuder finishes erasing the traces of their presence in the cabin (Chapter 627).

Meanwhile, the Sage and Baron Renbow talk about the mercenary Awakeners that disappeared on the day of the mission; Baron Renbow thinks that they ran away (Chapter 627). Langbarton interrupts their meeting with news that the Cavalry has announced their intention to conduct a major investigation on those interfering with the Second Cavalry Recruitment and the Star of Nagran is on their list of external personnel that they are planning to collaborate with (Chapter 628). Suspecting that Nahan is behind the collaboration between the Cavalry and Star of Nagran, the Sage and his followers begin to focus almost entirely on tracking down Nahan, setting aside their other matters (Chapter 628).

Meanwhile, as they head to Pofuan, Kishiar tells Yuder not to feel sorry or ashamed by Nathan seeing his heat state; Nathan knew that Yuder’s heat was coming even before leaving the capital and would prefer Yuder’s gratitude not apology (Chapter 629). Following Kishiar’s advice, when Yuder and Kishiar arrive in Pofuan and reunite with Nathan, Yuder thanks Nathan for taking care of everything (Chapter 629). Nathan shares the information he’s found so far: how Duke Diarca’s relatives spent the summer there for sightseeing despite the peak season being winter, how a herbalist had been found murdered around the time before the Harvest Festival, and how the dead herbalist is related to one of the guides that helped the Diarca relatives sightsee years ago (Chapter 629). Nathan confirms Yuder and Kishiar’s suspicions that the cabin that they used was where the dead herbalist was found (Chapter 630). Meanwhile, Marin, who has just returned to Pofuan from the village at the base of Mount Guanamar in search for the culprit behind her brother’s death and to clear the bad rumors that Mikey was killed for selling something bad, finds ‘mercenary travelers’ looking for Perdy grass waiting at her house (Chapter 630). Marin refuses to sell the Perdy grass her dead brother had gathered before he died and tries to make them leave, but Yuder recognizes Marin and asks if she is an Awakener with the ability to grow thorny bushes (Chapter 630). Yuder gets straight to the point: that they don’t actually want the herbs, they are looking for information regarding the person who met her dead brother, Mikey (Chapter 630). Marin lets them in the house and confirms that Mikey was gathering Dudureli mushrooms before he died (Chapter 631). Kishiar asks questions, Marin answers, and Marin tells the story of Katchian’s childhood (Chapter 631, Chapter 632). Kishiar tells Marin about Katchian and his use of Dudureli mushrooms to poison someone (Chapter 633). When Marin asks who they are, Kishiar deactivates his magic disguise and introduces himself to recruit her as he knows Yuder had wanted to do (Chapter 633). Kishiar gives Marin a note with his signature to give to Emun to use when she makes up her mind about joining the Cavalry (Chapter 634). Yuder shows Marin Mikey’s herb sack and Marin gives it back to Yuder to use as evidence against Katchian (Chapter 634). After looking at Katchian’s childhood home, they leave Pofuan (Chapter 634). Later, Yuder privately tells Kishiar about Marin and the Red Field Rebellion (Chapter 635). [Meanwhile, Nahan makes a decision to meet the Sage and his followers (Chapter 635).]

[It is early winter (Chapter 629).]

The next day, Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan arrive in Tyckenspail, a small village between the West and the South (Chapter 635, Chapter 636). Yuder reads the report from his Intelligence Unit on Nahan and the Sage and both of their followers’ whereabouts after the Cavalry’s public announcement (Chapter 636). Gakane includes in his letter how Kiolle wants to know how to contact Yuder and Yuder tells Gakane to let Kiolle send a letter if he wants (Chapter 636). Gakane also asks Yuder to tell Nathan that Gakane’s doing well with his training tasks, which Yuder does (Chapter 636). Both Nathan and Yuder include a long list of training tasks and a special training menu in the reply to Gakane (Chapter 636). A local resident, Anne, shows Kishiar, Yuder, and Nathan around three ruins; Yuder, who is using his Eye of Magic, deduces that the third ruin is the First Duke Tain’s monster research by-product storage place (Chapter 636, Chapter 637). Meanwhile, Kishiar thinks it is the third ruin too because of an ancient script of an eight herringbone mark pattern that signifies the place is a communal graveyard (Chapter 637). Kishiar asks Anne if she knows any stories about the third ruin and Anne tells them about the many skeletons found in the ruins when the local Lord tried to dig up the land; they think it’s a graveyard (Chapter 637). Nathan gives Anne a coin and tells her that she can leave since they’ll be in this ruin for a long time; Yuder learns that Nathan is quite good with children (Chapter 637). Kishiar uses his ability to reconstruct the ruins, fitting the stones together like a puzzle as if reversing time (Chapter 637). Inside, Yuder uses his ability to scan the ground and unearth the buried entrance (Chapter 638). Kishiar shares Baron Koelt’s recent findings after investigating the First Duke Tain’s journal and other records (Chapter 638). After Yuder uses a barrier so that no one but Kishiar can hear, with Nathan’s agreement, Yuder shares how Enon had found hidden pages within the journal and according to Enon, the First Emperor might have been a regressor like Yuder (Chapter 638). Yuder shares that Luma was researching a method to reverse time (Chapter 639). Kishiar decides to investigate the First Emperor in the diaries and records written by the First Empress and court ladies in the imperial library when Kishiar returns (Chapter 639). When they reach a dead end, Kishiar uses magic and the Mirror of Truth to open a passage (Chapter 640). When Nathan expresses concern, Kishiar shares that his vessel’s stability has been increasing since discovering that the power to stabilize the cracked vessel comes from his own abilities; Kishiar has become a lot stronger and is able to use his powers more (Chapter 640). Kishiar, Nathan, and Yuder enter a large room filled with hundreds of monster bones laid out in an orderly fashion; they split up to look for traces of the First Duke Tain (Chapter 640). Yuder realizes from the arrangement that the First Duke Tain placed beast and monster carcasses that shared at least one physical commonality side by side (Chapter 640, Chapter 641). Nathan looks for physical traces on the walls and they find Archmage Luma’s brooch of mourning (Chapter 642). Kishiar finds that the layout is like that of an ancient ‘Sword Formation’ tactical setup (Chapter 642). Based on the formation, Kishiar and Yuder find pages torn from the First Duke Tain’s journal hidden under a carcass (Chapter 642). Having retrieved the papers, they head up before Anne returns to look for them (Chapter 642). Yuder closes the entrance to the graveyard and Kishiar disassembles the ruin to erase traces of their activity (Chapter 642). Kishiar translates the five retrieved papers, reading them to Yuder while Nathan goes to help Anne chop wood and let his liege be alone with Yuder (Chapter 642, Chapter 643). Within the papers, the First Duke Tain questions the Word of God (Chapter 643, Chapter 644). Kishiar also shares his thoughts on the verity of religious doctrine and legends with Yuder (Chapter 644). Kishiar and Yuder discuss the First Duke Tain’s conclusion regarding the South holding a clue to his research on the origin of monsters to find a way to manipulate time (Chapter 645). As Kishiar suggests that they ask Nathan when Nathan returns, Kishiar shares more of Nathan’s past to Yuder (Chapter 645). Nathan shares what he knows of the Southern Lands and Kishiar ponders on the commonality between the origins of magic, divinity, and aura: in each story, there is a figure that has returned from death (Chapter 645).

The next day, at dawn, Kishiar, Nathan, and Yuder depart from Tyckenspail and head towards Charloin, the largest maritime trading city of the South (Chapter 646).

Meanwhile, some unknown days later, Dagon, Jack, and some other Southern Star of Nagran Base members hear of the success of the first group of Southern Star of Nagran Base members that had left the Star of Nagran to enlist in the Cavalry (Chapter 646). Upon reaching the Southern Cavalry Branch, however, they see many mages and officials protesting the establishment of the Southern Cavalry Branch in Charloin at the main entrance of the building (Chapter 646). A Cavalry member helps them enter the Southern Cavalry Branch through a secret side door (Chapter 646). As Dagon, Jack, and the others enter through the secret entryway, Yuder, Kishiar, and Nathan arrive at the Southern Cavalry Branch (Chapter 646). Kurga greets them and Yuder has Kurga pick out three important people from the crowd of protestors (Chapter 647). Yuder causes a mini earthquake as he crushes a centipede, introduces himself, and invites the three people Kurga pointed out inside (Chapter 649). On the way of leading the three protest leaders inside, Yuder sees the Star of Nagran members at the registration table and encourages them to register (Chapter 648). Yuder has Kishiar sit first and then takes a seat next to Kishiar before asking the three protestors to introduce themselves (Chapter 649). The seventh-rank Charloin official, mage of the Sapphire Mage Union, and merchant from the merchants’ association try to intimidate Yuder, but fail (Chapter 649). After hearing their complaints, Yuder asks Kurga for paper and pulls out the pen gifted to him by the High Minister and simultaneously shows the magic stone brooch from Micalin inside his coat (Chapter 649, Chapter 650). The official, mage, and merchant fall silent as they study Yuder and their surroundings with renewed interest as they notice Yuder’s pen, brooch, and expensive articles of clothing (Chapter 650). When Yuder finishes writing and gives the paper to the petitioners to review, the official learns that the building they accused was suspiciously bought originally belongs to the High Minister, the mage retracts his statements too, and the merchant retracts everything he said earlier (Chapter 651, Chapter 652). The merchant quickly excuses himself and leaves the room, causing the official and mage to be desperate to leave as well and, in their desperate, complete a vow with Yuder to never repeat the same protest in front of the Cavalry again (Chapter 652). Yuder invites Kishiar to explore Charloin and have dinner, Kishiar agrees with more implications and winks at Nathan, and Yuder asks Kurga for the list of the lodgings Cavalry applicants were staying in before leaving (Chapter 653). At an inn, Kishiar gets close to some card players, even brings Yuder into the friendly conversation, and asks if there are any high stakes gambling games around (Chapter 653, Chapter 654). Before they go to the Nukijo Arena recommended by the card players, Kishiar asks Yuder to address him as something other than Commander (Chapter 654). Kishiar shares his childhood nickname ‘Akit’ and Emperor Keilusa’s nickname ‘Lukel’; Yuder shares how his grandfather used to call him a ‘mud-caked puppy’ (Chapter 655). They decide to use Akit and Yudrein for their pseudonyms (Chapter 655). Kishiar and Yuder enter the Black Orca, a tavern sign a red dice sign (Chapter 656).

[Note: It is winter (Chapter 647).]

Rough Draft Timeline - Anonymous - Turning - 쿠유 (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.