Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (2024)

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There are countless different versions of khachapuri (the legendary cheese-filled bread) found throughout different regions of Georgia, however, there are three that tend to reign supreme: the iconic Adjaruli khachapuri, simple and satisfying Imeruli khachapuri, and gooey, cheese topped Megruli khachapuri.

The latter is an excellent compromise of the overly indulgent Adjarian version and the simplistic Imeretian version which is why many people are eagerly looking for a great Megruli khachapuri recipe to have in their repertoire.

Megruli khachapuri is essentially like a double-cheese pizza and it is really one of the most decadent types of Georgia cheese bread — especially if you don’t want to go all out with the butter and egg yolk that you find in Adjaruli khachapuri. This khachapuri also looks a bit more impressive on the table than an Imeruli but it is just as simple and straightforward to make.

So if you’re on the hunt for the perfect Megruli khachapuri recipe, then look no further. I’ll show you the best way to make this Georgian classic dish from start to finish! This is another fantastic version of khachapuri to add to your Georgian culinary repertoire and it is just so fun to make (the results aren’t half bad, either!).

What is Megruli Khachapuri?

Wondering what makes Megruli khachapuri different from other forms? You’re not alone. Georgian has dozens of different kinds of khachapuri and they usually hail from a specific Geographic region. For instance, the iconic boat-shaped Adjaruli khachapuri is from the Adjara region on the Black Sea and the common circular Imeruli khachapuri comes from the west-central Imereti region around the city of Kutaisi.

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (1)

Megruli khachapuri comes from the Samegrelo region of northwestern Georgia, which is also home to dishes like Megrelian kharcho, spicy adjika paste and sulguni cheese. It is kind of the best-of-both-worlds khachapuri if you ask me. It’s basically the same thing as an Imeruli khachapuri except for the fact that it is also topped with molten cheese, making it all the more cheesy and gooey, similar to an Adjaruli khachapuri.

It’s just as easy to make as an Imeruli khachapuri and if you happen to have some excess sulguni cheese laying around, you can sprinkle it on top to make your Imeretian khachapuri and Megrelian khachapuri.

All in all, a Megruli khachapuri is easy to make and takes under an hour and a half all in.

How to Make a Megruli Khachapuri

Without further ado, let’s get into the actual Megruli khachapuri recipe! This recipe is easy to make and uses basic ingredients so anyone can undertake it.

You can start off by making your dough, which is just a basic yeasted dough that comes together in about ten minutes. Begin by blooming your active dry yeast in warm milk, heated to about 43°C (110°F). Whisk this together in a small bowl until the yeast is dissolved and set aside for about five to ten minutes, just until the yeast is a bit puffed (it won’t expand like crazy because there is no sugar in it) and it smells distinctively fragrant and yeasty.

Once your yeast has proofed, then whisk in an egg and a tablespoon of neutral oil until well combined. Set aside until needed.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together your flour and your salt. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in your milk, yeast, egg and oil mixture. Using a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula to mix everything together just until all of the wet ingredients are incorporated into the flour and a shaggy dough has formed.

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (2)

Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and knead the dough until it becomes smooth, pliable and very supple. Avoid adding any more flour unless the dough is really sticky (this can happen depending on the brand of flour you’re using or the humidity of the day).

Gather your dough into a taught ball and transfer to a large oiled bowl. Cover with plastic or a damp towel and set in a warm place to rise until it’s doubled in size, about one hour depending on the temperature of your room.

While the dough is rising, take the time to prepare your filling. All you need to do is grate your Imeruli and sulguni cheese (set aside about fifty grams of sulguni cheese for sprinkling on the khachapuri later) and transfer it to a bowl. If you’re not in Georgia or can’t get your hands on either of these cheeses then you can sub in feta cheese for the Imeruli and low-moisture, whole milk mozzarella for the sulguni.

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (3)

Crack one large egg over the grated cheese and stir it until well combined. Move the filling to the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it.

Once your dough has risen, gently punch it down and turn it out onto a very lightly floured work surface. Again, avoid using too much flour here as it can make it very tricky to properly seal the dough when you add the filling later.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a circle that’s about 20-25 centimetres (8-10 inches) in diameter. Pile your filling into the centre of the dough, leaving about a 5-centimetre (3-inch) perimeter of dough around the filling. Tightly pinch and fold the dough over the cheese to filling encase the filling.

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (4)

Once you’re sure that the cheese is completely sealed into the dough, gently roll it out with a rolling pin until it reaches about 35 centimetres (14 inches) in diameter. Cut a steam vent in the centre of the dough and then sprinkle your reserved sulguni cheese over the top of the khachapuri.

Transfer your khachapuri to a parchment-lined baking sheet and then bake in a 220°C (425°F) oven for about 10-15 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted, bubbling and beginning to brown.

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (5)

Transfer the khachapuri to a wire rack and allow it to cool for about five minutes before cutting into wedges and digging in! Make sure to make this Megruli khachapuri recipe alongside other classics like a Georgian salad, badrijani nigvzit or ajapsandali for a delicious Georgian feast!

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (6)

Megruli Khachapuri

Yield: 4-6

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Additional Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Hailing from the Samegrelo region of western Georgia, this version of khachapuri combines the best of both the Imeruli and Adjaruli varieties into one delicious bread both filled and topped with cheese!



  • 75ml (1/3 cup) warm milk, heated to 43°C or 110°F
  • 2g (1/2 teaspoon) active dry yeast
  • 1 large egg
  • 15ml (1 tablespoon) sunflower oil
  • 200g (7oz or 1 2/3 cup) all-purpose flour
  • 8g (1 teaspoon) salt


  • 200g (7oz) Imeruli cheese,* grated
  • 150g (3.5 oz) Sulguni cheese,* grated
  • 1 large egg



  1. In a small bowl, whisk yeast into milk until dissolved. Set aside until slightly foamy and very fragrant, about 5-10 minutes. Whisk in egg and oil until well combined. Set aside.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and pour in wet ingredients. Using a wooden spoon or silicone spatula, stir until a dry, shaggy dough forms. Turn out onto a clean work surface and knead until the dough become smooth, supple and is just barely tacky, about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic or a damp tea towel and move to a warm place. Let rise until doubled in size, about one hour.

Filling & Assembly

  1. Preheat oven to 220C/425F
  2. In a small bowl, combine the Imeruli cheese, 100 grams of the sulguni cheese and the egg. Mix to combine and set aside.
  3. Gently punch down your dough and turn it out into a lightly floured work surface. Roll the dough in a circular shape until it reaches about 25 centimetres (10 inches) in diameter. Pile the filling into the centre, patting it into a disk and leaving a 5-centimetre (3-inch) perimeter of dough around the edges. Pleat the dough around the filling, pinching it to seal the filling completely.
  4. Gently roll the khachapuri out, ensuring the filling is completely sealed in until it reaches about 35 centimetres (14 inches) in diameter. Cut a small steam vent in the centre of the khachapuri.
  5. Sprinkle remaining 50 grams of sulguni over the khachapuri.
  6. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake until cheese is melted and the khachapuri is puffed and lightly golden brown, about 10-15 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and allow to cool for about five minutes before slicing and serving.


*If you can't find Imeruli or sulguni cheese, substitute an equal amount of feta for the Imeruli and low moisture, whole-milk mozzarella for the sulguni

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 473Total Fat: 23gSaturated Fat: 12gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 9gCholesterol: 159mgSodium: 1438mgCarbohydrates: 43gFiber: 2gSugar: 2gProtein: 22g

Making a delicious Megruli khachapuri isn’t difficult at all and the results are so worth the minimal effort! If you’re looking to impress anyone at your next dinner party, consider serving this up!

Are you looking for a perfect Megruli khachapuri recipe? Have any questions? Let me know in the comments!

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Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (7)

Megruli Khachapuri Recipe: Georgian Double Cheese Bread (2024)


What is the difference between khachapuri Megruli and Imeruli? ›

And then there's Megruli khachapuri, identical to Imeruli khachapuri save for one delicious embellishment: slices of sulguni melted over the top crust. You heard that right—in addition to inventing wine, Georgians may have invented the stuffed-crust pizza.

Is khachapuri Georgian or Armenian? ›

Khachapuri translates from the Georgian (as in the Caucasus near Russia, not the one with Atlanta) to something like curds (cheese) and bread. Other cultures also lay claims to khachapuri. It's popular as a street food in Armenia, and post-Soviet satellite countries have their versions.

Which is the best form of khachapuri? ›

Imeretian (Imeruli) khachapuri is the most popular form, made with a yeast dough filled with white Imeretian salted cheese. Adjarian (Acharuli/Adjaruli/Lazi), named for Adjara, a region of Georgia on the Black Sea, is a boat-shaped khachapuri, with cheese, butter, and an egg yolk in the middle.

Why is Georgian bread so good? ›

That unique aroma produced by Georgian bread is thanks to the firewood put in the oven, as well as the wheat flour. In cities, bread is most often baked using factory-produced flour and consequently the bread is softer than in the countryside, when dough is kneaded from flour ground in local mills.

Is khachapuri breakfast or dinner? ›

Georgians typically serve khachapuri for breakfast or enjoy it at lunch; either way, it's a traditional way to welcome friends and family to the table.

What is Georgian cheese called? ›

Georgia has around 60 types of unique cheeses that are unlike one another, such as Imeruli, Sulguni, Narchvi, Chogi, Kalti, Kobi, Chechili, Guda, Dambalkhacho, Meskhetian Tenili, Kazla, and more. They are all a significant part of the Georgian way of life.

What do Georgians call Armenians? ›

The name 'Sokhmi',[...] applied to tribes living along the upper Euphrates, seems to be perpetuated in the medieval and modern Georgian texts as a name for the Armenians in general – 'Somekhi', meaning 'an Armenian' and 'Somkheti' for 'Armenia'.

What race is Georgian? ›

Georgians are the only Caucasian people who have their own undisputedly independent state—Georgia.

Is Georgian harder than Armenian? ›

Georgian and Korean are both agglutinative , but you already speak one language in the same family as Armenian: English and Armenian are both Indo-European . And Georgian has even more difficult consonant sounds than Armenian, and less learning material for non-native speakers.

What is khachapuri in English? ›

Khachapuri is a combination of two Georgian words: khacho, meaning cheese curds, and puri, meaning bread.

What do you eat khachapuri with? ›

With this dish, women greeted sailors from the long trip and traditionally served it with an egg and slices of butter. They ate it with their hands, breaking off pieces and dipping them into cheese. In Batumi people eat khachapuri for breakfast, as this dish is very satisfying.

Is the egg in khachapuri raw? ›

Bake approximately 15 minutes until dough is brown, and cheese is hot and melted. Remove from oven. Add raw egg on top of hot cheese and return to oven 3 to 4 minutes until eggs are just set. Remove and add one tablespoon of butter to each loaf.

What are the different types of khachapuri? ›

Two of the most common varieties include the Imeretian khachapuri, shaped into a circular form, and Adjarian khachapuri, the open-faced version topped with butter and a raw egg on top”, says TasteAtlas.

What is the difference between khachapuri and pide? ›

Are khachapuri and Pide the same dish from different countries? Khachapuri is traditionally from Georgia, whereas Pide is Turkish. Pide often includes savory toppings, whereas khachapuri is strictly cheese, bread, and sometimes an egg.

What are the different types of hachapuri? ›

It is baked in an oven or earthenware bread-baking dish. There are more than 50 types of Khachapuri from different regions of Georgia. For example Adjarian, Gurian, Megrelian, Meskhetian, Tushetian and etc. With their technology and essence, they belong to the Khachapuri group and represent the diversity of the dish.

What is the difference between pide and khachapuri? ›

Turkish pide can be made with lots of savory toppings, where Khachapuri is strictly a cheese and a thicker crust thing. Some variations can be made with the addition of an egg. Since it is only a two part dish (cheese and crust) both are important in making khachapuri a success.

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