In-depth Analysis of Unit Types & Combat Statistics (Error found, check my comments plz) (2024)

This is a follow-up to my previous post: In-depth Analysis of Land Combat, Unit Types, and the Viability of Cavalry

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Best Infantry
  3. Best Cavalry
  4. Best Artillery
  5. Infantry vs Cavalry
  6. Combat Stats Comparison
    a. Offensive Pips vs Defensive Pips When Attacking Into Rough Terrain
    b. Low Roll vs Medium Roll vs High Roll
    c. Morale vs Discipline
    d. Discipline vs Combat Ability
    e. Combat Ability vs Damage Dealt/Received
    f. General Pip vs Combat Ability
  7. Conclusion


Upon receiving feedback, I decided that I need a better way to represent game mechanics and need to automate some of the manual work, so I upgraded my EU4 Combat Simulator. This is how it looks.

In-depth Analysis of Unit Types & Combat Statistics (Error found, check my comments plz) (1)

You just have to enter military tech level and the names of the two units that you want to compare. Windows Excel will automatically load rest of the values according to the tech level and the unit names and display the outcome of the battle in the bottom chart. You can change values for other combat modifiers that are in blue if you want. Text in the battle outcome chart will show in color based on unit performance so you can easily tell which unit wins. If you want to check the daily progress of a battle you can switch to 'Combat Sequence' tab and check numbers from there. I'll attach both the simulator and test results, feel free to check them out. I don't want this thread to be too long, so I'll only post data I need for explaining things, but the rest is available in the attached files. Also, since my previous thread has gained a good number of views, I'll assume that people who read this already know the main points I've discussed in the thread. If you haven't read it already and decide to read it first, please bear in mind that some of the things I said or posted there are inaccurate and will be different in this version. However, there are still valid information as well so if you have the time I recommend you a read. Lastly, because artillery in back row continues to fight at zero morale, it's crucial that you fill up the back row with cannons ASAP. At least by tech 16, when artillery fire modifier increases to 2.4, you should have a full stack of artillery for major engagements, and since a skilled player should be more than capable of building strong enough economy to do so even before tech 16, units past tech 15 will be evaluated according to their performance with artillery on both sides. With all of that out of the way, let's get right into it.

Best Infantry


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*red: morale advantage *blue: men advantage *purple: both *(a): supported by artillery *bold: stackwipe
*A-B: positive # for Unit A, negative # for Unit B
*All comparisons should be made using A-B values

I chose units that have morale advantage, i.e. units that win battles, as the best among its counterparts. This is because war is won by war score, war score is earned by sieging down forts, and sieges are completed by winning battles and buying time for siege ticks. Generally, units with more morale pips win battles but lose in terms of manpower, but the the loss in manpower can be easily compensated with tactical advantage gained by winning battles. Unlike common knowledge, the importance of morale does not diminish in the late game, because stronger cannons mean easier stackwipe. To explain this further we need to first understand how combat works in EU4, so let's take it step by step and have a look at the infantry vs infantry match up first.

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These match ups are chosen to demonstrate pip priority for infantry units. Various in-game situations may change the strength disparity among different pips, but, judging by many other cases I've looked into, I doubt that the order of priority itself would ever change.

Pip Priority For Infantry Units

Before tech 14:
Defensive Morale > Offensive Morale > Defensive Shock > Offensive Shock > Defensive Fire > Offensive Fire

Tech 14 and onwards:
Defensive Morale > Offensive Morale > Defensive Fire > Offensive Fire > Defensive Shock > Offensive Shock​

At tech 14, infantry fire modifier catches up with infantry shock modifier. Keep in mind that all conclusions are derived from statistical evidence. You might think that defensive fire becomes more important than offensive morale in the late game, but turns out that that is not the case. In the above chart, tech 19 Incan Guerrilla (a) has one more defensive fire pip than South American Guerrilla (a), which has one more offensive morale pip. And as you can see South American Guerrilla (a) wins. The outcome is the same at tech 30 and with Improved Artillery Range age ability, which increases artillery back row damage to 70% from the default 50%. This is equal to having 40% artillery combat ability, but offensive morale still wins. I haven't checked every single cases so there might be exceptions, but I did choose best infantry units based on battle outcome and not their pip distribution, so I'm quite confident with my picks. Tech levels with no unit choices are omitted.

Best Western Infantry

Tech 1 - Latin Medieval Infantry
Tech 5 - Men at Arms
Tech 9 - Landsknechten Infantry
Tech 12 - Tercio Infantry
Tech 15 - Maurician Infantry
Tech 19 - Reformed Tercio
Tech 23 - Line Infantry
Tech 26 - Blue Coat Infantry
Tech 28 - Square Infantry
Tech 30 - Drill Infantry​

Best Eastern Infantry

Tech 1 - Bardiche Infantry
Tech 12 - Offensive Eastern Musketeers
Tech 15 - Eastern Tercio​

Best Anatolian Infantry

Best Muslim Infantry

Tech 1 - Muslim Footsoldier​

Best Nomad Infantry

Best Indian Infantry

Tech 9 - Toofangchis
Tech 12 - South Indian Infantry
Tech 18 - North Indian Musket Infantry​

Best Chinese Infantry (Why not East Asian? Samurai Cavalry, for one, isn't Chinese)

Tech 1 - Asian Longspear
Tech 5 - Offensive Asian Footsoldier​

Best African Infantry

Tech 1 - African Spearmen
Tech 5 - Central African Warrior
Tech 12 - African Forest Warriors
Tech 15 - East African Musketeers
Tech 23 - East African Guerrillas
Tech 26 - Westernized East African Infantry​

Best Mesoamerican Infantry

Tech 5 - American Plains Warriors
Tech 10 - Reformed American Plains Warriors
Tech 14 - Offensive American Musketeers
Tech 19 - Central American Guerrillas
Tech 26 - Westernized American Hill Infantry​

Best North American Infantry

Tech 1 - Native American Archer
Tech 5 - Algonkin Tomahawk Warriors
Tech 14 - Native American Arquebusier​

Best South American Infantry

Tech 1 - American Mountain Warriors
Tech 5 - Incan Axemen
Tech 10 - South American Arquebusier*
Tech 19 - South American Guerrilla
Tech 26 - Westernized South American Infantry​

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Tech 10 South American infantry is an interesting one. Looking at the pip distribution, I want to pick Defensive American Musketeers, but the test results tell me South American Arquebusier just barely wins in a pure infantry vs infantry fight. Since they're tech 10, I'll go with South American Arquebusier, but both are equally viable imo.

*For Eastern, Indian, Mesoamerican, and South American infantry units, tech 26 is better than tech 30.

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Best Cavalry

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For cavs I had to create imaginary units because there weren't sufficient real case examples. Latin Dragoons (a) vs Latin Hussars (a) shows that defensive fire tops defensive shock at tech 23 with artillery on both sides, but bottom most example shows the opposite result at tech 7. Therefore we can conclude the following pip priorities for cavalry.

Pip Priority For Cavalry Units

Early - Mid game:
Defensive Morale > Offensive Morale > Defensive Shock > Offensive Shock > Defensive Fire > Offensive Fire

Mid - Late game:
Defensive Morale > Offensive Morale > Defensive Fire > Defensive Shock > Offensive Shock > Offensive Fire​

*Against infantry that has weaker shock damage, Offensive Shock is likely better than Defensive Shock since the two show very little difference.

Best Western Cavalry

Tech 1 - Western Medieval Knights
Tech 23 - Latin Hussars
Tech 26 - Reformed Latin Hussars
Tech 28 - Latin Chasseur​

Best Eastern Cavalry

Tech 1 - Druzhina Cavalry
Tech 14 - Eastern Caracole
Tech 22 - Cossack Cavalry
Tech 26 - Lancers
Tech 28 - Advanced Cossack Cavalry​

Best Anatolian Cavalry

Tech 26 - Eastern Skirmisher
Tech 28 - Toprakli Dragoons​

Best Muslim Cavalry

Tech 1 - Muslim Cavalry
Tech 18 - Afsharid Reformed Cavalry
Tech 23 - Muslim Dragoon
Tech 28 - Durrani Cavalry​

Best Nomad Cavalry

Tech 1 - Eastern Steppe Cavalry​

Best Indian Cavalry

Tech 1 - Indian Cavalry
Tech 28 - Mysorean Light Cavalry​

Best Chinese Cavalry

Tech 1 - Archer Cavalry
Tech 6 - Samurai Cavalry
Tech 28 - Green Standard Cavalry​

Best African Cavalry

Tech 1 - Mandekalu Cavalry
Tech 6 - Somali Light Cavalry
Tech 10 - Mossi Horsem*n​

Best Native American Cavalry

There is no need to check for infantry match ups when evaluating cavalry, because artillery support is enough to sort out better anti-fire cav and also because if you're min-maxing and using cavalry only when they're strong, you should expect the opponent to do the same which means your cavs will be fighting enemy cavs. If you're playing a nomad or Poland, you'll need to do some more testing on your own using my combat simulator to determine when to switch to infantry based army comp.

edit: turns out you don't need to switch to infantry as Poland.

Best Artillery

There's an important characteristic of artillery that you should understand. Artillery gives half of its defensive fire and defensive shock pips (rounded down) to the unit in front but not its defensive morale pip. If you consider this with the fact that most artillery units have equal offensive fire and offensive morale pips and the fact that physical damage and morale damage are calculated in pretty much the same way (except morale damage isn't affect by damage dealt and received modifiers which I'll talk about later), you can now understand why, with artillery, battles end quicker and with more men surviving; artillery breaks the enemy faster than it kills. This is the main reason why morale becomes even more important in the late game; late game morale advantage gives you a better chance of mass stack-wiping the enemy than in the mid game when artillery isn't at its full potential and when combat modifiers give you less edge over your enemy compared to early game due to diminishing return. The latter can also be said for the late game, but cannons become so powerful (especially with the Improved Artillery Range age ability that I think is an absolute first pick if you're in a tight situation) that it doesn't even matter.

*My choice of best artillery units is the only part that I have no statistics to back it up. I already knew about this when improving the combat simulator that I included artillery as tech modifiers rather than units you can choose. If you want you can still manually enter values to test different artillery units. If you find anything that goes against my analysis, please let me know.

Best Artillery

Tech 7 - Large Cast Bronze Mortar
Tech 10 - Pedrero
Tech 13 - Small Cast Iron Cannon​

Infantry vs Cavalry

In my previous post, I've explained how cavalry doesn't have to be 2.5 times better than infantry to be worth the cost, it just has to be able to win against infantry. This is even more so with the upcoming update on mercenary. Now you won't be able to buy manpower with money, which makes efficient use of your manpower more important than ever. Given that cavalry beats infantry, it's a better use of your force limit, combat width, and manpower at the expense of money, which is one resource that you can guarantee that you'll end up with more than you can spend (granted, until that point money is still a limiting factor). Only thing we have to check, then, is whether cavalry actually beats infantry. One thing I've noticed while testing is that even when dice rolls on both sides are identical, cavalry performs better against infantry when in low rolls and vice versa. I figured beating infantry under the same condition is the least you could expect from a unit 2.5 times the cost, so I decided to see if cavalry can beat infantry with 9 average dice roll, artillery on both sides starting tech 16, and Improved Artillery Range starting tech 24 (fastest you can unlock the ability). I'll post a chart for western units as an example, for other tech groups please see 'EU4 Combat Test Results 1' attached to this thread.

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What's noticeable is how often cavalry beats infantry. This is because cavalry usually have more morale pips than infantry even when they're behind in pip totals. This is yet another example of how strong morale is compared to fire and shock. Another notable phenomenon is that due to the morale advantage cavalry usually has over infantry, they often stack-wipe the enemy entirely. Of-course, high roll and other factors I've mentioned also contribute to the frequent stack-wipes we observe, but in my opinion this indicates that cavalry is totally viable and perhaps even optimal, since it could be the difference between stack-wiping a, say, 50k army and just barely missing the opportunity.

Cavalry > Infantry Tech Levels

Western: 3~5, 10~13, 17~20, 23~32

Eastern: 4~5, 10~27, 30~32

Anatolian: 3~4, 8, 10~13, 15, 17~29

Muslim: 3~5, 8, 10~13, 15, 17~29

Nomad: 3~5, 8~25 (shock damage 25% applied)

Indian: 4~5, 8, 10~13, 15, 17~19, 22~26, 30

Chinese: 3~4, 8~32 (their infantry is garbage)

African: 4, 10~20, 23~27

Native Americans: not tested

Western, Eastern, and Chinese have cavalry viable until the end game. Tech 28 western cavalry has whopping 5/5 morale pips, the best in the game. Tech 28 Eastern cavalry has 5/4, the second best, and also receive strong bonuses to cavalry from national ideas, estates, etc. Chinese end game infantry is utter trash with only 3/3 morale, worst in the game along with South American infantry. For them, cavalry is the lesser evil.

Best army comp: When infantry is stronger than cavalry, 100% infantry with back row filled with cannons. When cavalry is stronger than infantry, mix in as many cavs as you can without exceeding cavalry to infantry ratio. Make sure to leave some room for infantry casualties during battles. If you don't bother to care just get twice the rounded down number of you current flanking range, e.g. 4 cavs at 2.5 flanking range.

Edit: Now that I review it, tech 31 and 32 western cavs do lose heavily in manpower. I wouldn't disagree if anyone were to argue that western cav loses viability past tech 30.

Combat Statistics

Offensive Pips vs Defensive Pips When Attacking Into Rough Terrain

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In-depth Analysis of Unit Types & Combat Statistics (Error found, check my comments plz) (9)

There's been a counter-argument about how offensive oriented units could be better for attacking into terrain penalty because of the way casualties calculation works. While that is true, as you can see in the above chart, the difference is minuscule. Moreover, even a tech 7 artillery flips the advantage back to defensive oriented units, making the argument mostly negligible.

Low Roll vs Medium Roll vs High Roll

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In-depth Analysis of Unit Types & Combat Statistics (Error found, check my comments plz) (11)

Rolls hardly make a difference in same unit type match ups, but in infantry vs cavalry it does have quite an impact. High roll mostly favors infantry but there are some exceptions. These irregularities occur because there are two counteracting factors at play. The main factor is the advantage of fire over shock. Higher rolls means higher fire phase casualties which weakens cavalry significantly by the time it enters shock phase. However, cavalry does benefit more per dice pip due to having higher total modifier value, but not so much as to change the overall tendency. This means cavalry is systematically less likely to perform since it needs two consecutive favorable rolls unlike infantry that only needs one. This is why I tested infantry vs cavalry with dice roll 9 in order to be on the safe side.

Morale vs Discipline

In-depth Analysis of Unit Types & Combat Statistics (Error found, check my comments plz) (12)

*ingame#: 20% morale or 10% discipline on top of 52.5% morale, 10% discipline, 10% fire/shock dealt, 5% fire/shock received

One common knowledge in EU4 community is that morale is better early game and discipline is better late game. As you would know by now, this is a myth. If you take a closer look at what each modifier does you can understand why (aside from all the other reasons I've shown you so far).

Morale 20% = 20% morale damage, 20% morale health
Discipline 10% = 10% morale damage, 10% physical damage, 9% morale damage reduction, 9% physical damage reduction

9% damage reduction is about the same as 11% more health, so discipline itself doesn't seem all that bad in terms of numbers. It's just that morale is too important to sacrifice for 2% more physical damage reduction. Even 15% morale beats 10% discipline in most cases I've tested, but since morale is easier to stack, it might seem arguable that morale stacking becomes less effect as the game goes on. While that is correct in its own right, as you can see from the test result with in-game numbers, morale is just too powerful for that to be a consideration as for now.

Edit: I may have over-emphasized the importance of morale. While I still maintain that morale is king, I'm certainly not saying that it is the only determining factor of a battle. Also, discipline might have an edge over morale in a late game attrition warfare situation in which each side has plenty of time and space to fall back and regroup. So in that sense I guess the consensus 'morale early game, discipline late game' still stands. However, that doesn't change the fact that even in late game morale dictates the outcome of battles. The real question is whether it can connect to winning the war if you're bleeding more men to win those engagements. I assume if you're big enough and careful enough, you might succeed in draining the enemy's manpower before you lose too much warscore, but you have to be careful that your smaller stacks don't get caught out of position because if you're behind in morale it's highly likely that those armies get stack-wiped, which would completely defeat the purpose of taking discipline over morale. This is why I think against the AI you want morale all the way but in MP things might be different. And of-course this is all just theory-crafting so I'll need actual in-game examples to know for sure, because it could very much turn out that the little manpower you save from taking discipline instead of morale isn't enough to change the tide of the war, in which case you're better off maximizing your chance of winning battles and stopping enemy sieges.

Discipline vs Combat Ability

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Not much to talk about. Discipline is slightly better because it multiplies tactics. Combat ability includes both infantry CA and artillery CA.

Combat Ability vs Fire/Shock Damage Dealt/Received

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All four fire/shock damage dealt/received modifiers included. Combat ability also affects morale while damage modifiers only affect fire and shock. It shows how weak individual damage bonuses are. Fire damage dealt 10% national ideas are weak.

General Pip vs Combat Ability

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Each general fire pip advantage has roughly the same effect as 8% infantry and artillery combat abilities. General shock pip a bit less than that. This is by no means an accurate measure, but it at least gives you a rough understanding of the effects of a leader pip.


  • Morale is king
  • Defensive stats > offensive stats for front-line units
  • Cavalry is generally viable
  • Morale > Discipline > Combat Ability > Fire/shock damage dealt/received
    (not enough data on general pip to make direct comparison, better than CA at least)


  1. The way unit targeting works in the game may lead to different results.
  2. Accounting for all variables is impossible. You'll have to constantly re-evaluate values based on this thread and your in-game settings
  3. Wonky cav deployment may work against cav heavy armies.
  4. RNG is not taken into account.
  5. Because of the obvious limitations, I'm only able to compare 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 if you count the artillery, but actual combat consists of multiple units that flank and switch targets and so on. However, in a full combat width battle each unit typically targets units right in front of them so 1 vs 1 tests can still serve as a hint at predicting those battles.
In-depth Analysis of Unit Types & Combat Statistics (Error found, check my comments plz) (2024)
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