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Anyone else’s baby bulge out often throughout the day? This little guy does it off and on all throughout the day. My stomach will get super hard and lopsided and it’s starting to get so uncomfortable. I’m 35 weeks. I know they don’t run out of room but it kind of seems like that’s what he’s trying to tell me.

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yup! her little bum likes to stick out from time to time. I just put my hand on her and she'll either stick it out more or wiggle back in. My husband loves to feel her when it happens since her actual kicks are hard for him to catch!

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I’ve started rubbing the hard spot with a flat palm when he does it. I think it shortens how long it lasts.

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lol who told you they don’t run out of room?

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Yup been getting that for a few weeks now but it’s only just started getting uncomfortable in the last couple of days. I’m 35.4 weeks. Now baby has also started sticking bum straight into my ribs which is even more uncomfortable ��

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ha things to look forward to.

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to be fair I’ll take the bum in the ribs over a foot on the ribs. My second used my ribs like a soccer ball. Not pleasant lol

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I'm 32 weeks and this happens to me all the time. Baby loves to stretch and stick their little butt out. Makes my stomach look all wonky. Especially at night when I am relaxing. It not that they run out of room per say but it does become a tighter fit for them in there the bigger they get so you tend to feel and see it more often. I kind of love it to be honest!

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Yes, happens a good bit to me. I think sometimes it’s position but a lot of the time it’s Braxton hicks

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yeppp lol. she likes poking her butt out on the right side lol I love it
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im always so fascinated by how other women's belly can show their baby's movements. Both of my pregnancies my belly never looked like I'm carrying an alien. I had/have anterior placenta with both so not sure if this is why. I get small protrusions from bumps and rolls and kicks that shakes my belly but that's it. Nothing like an elbow sticking waaay out or protrusions that dramatically changes the curvature of my belly.

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I have anterior too! Mine’s kind of low. I haven’t seen the sharp points or distinct feet but the bulge is hard to miss!

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At the recent birthing class, they explained that it can be due to uterus contractions, practice for labor, that tighten his available space so he moves outward. I have these a LOT

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I hope this means we’ll be effaced and dilated going into actual labor so it’s quick and easy! ����

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I feel like my stomach is that scene from Spaceballs when the alien pops out of the guy's stomach and does a song and dance number. Certainly looks like it when the butt or knee or foot are poking out.

Meanwhile, the head's down low spinning around like some Exorcist demon.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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